That is, until they open their mouth :)
And the dress sense ;) :D
one of the problems of Polish diaspora in the UK, already spoken about by your Government, is that Poles are highly educated and qualified
That's a lie, just like the "doing jobs the English won't do" spin is a lie. It's all about convincing the country that everyone in the UK is too thick, too badly trained, or too lazy to the jobs which are available - and only foreign-born people can do these jobs properly. This is just what the Government, business leaders, and their mouthpiece - the press - wants everyone to believe.
Some Poles are highly-educated or well-educated. These are the Poles who work in the UK as doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, IT consultants, etc. Many have a good education, and do other, possibly more menial, jobs.
Others - the "
ja ku*wa idę na k*rwa piwko i k*rwa zobacz tego k*rwa czarnucha, zaraz pojeb*my tą k*rwa świnie" brigade and work as labourers, if at all, are clearly not highly-educated. And there are more of them than you think. Try living in a major city and you will soon find out that I speak the truth.