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Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism

santander  1 | 68  
6 Oct 2009 /  #61
Ryan air now flys to Lodz if life

OH NO! not Ryan air, that impeccable airline that smiles every time! not to mention free drinks and a barrel of laughs once you are have boarded the plan. Fun everytime.
g60edition  6 | 174  
6 Oct 2009 /  #62
Wow we are now on Ch5.Shall I start a donation pot for a one way bus ticket back to Poland where I guess you will be far happier.I thought my wifes Polish friend who live here in the UK moaned all the time but you are in a league of your own.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Oct 2009 /  #63
Their Prozac doesn't work.

it does not work on everybody;)
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #64
Winni się tłumaczą, uderz w stół a nożyce się odezwą

which reads - the guilty ones explain themselves, hit a table and scissors rattle.

If I leave, where will you get smart people from?
krysia  23 | 3058  
6 Oct 2009 /  #65

You are giving Poles a bad name. People like you inspire those "polak jokes". You have no respect for other countries. While it is good that people travel abroad and bring home to their countries new inspired ideas, you still have to respect the other country. No one forced you to go to England. You are not a prisoner. Go back to Poland if you don't like it so bad, don't look for bad things, don't compare this to that. It's a different country than Poland. Get used to it.
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #66
On the contrary, sweetie. I respect the good things about England, and shun the bad things. I am not a freak on nature to worship the English soil.

Points to ponder - if English are so insecure that any pinch of salt makes them jump up, are they a big and strong country?
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Oct 2009 /  #67
I also noticed that Germans do not like our balkan style.So what?Either you change and become like them or you keep your glory traditions.

Basically the main problem is that in the West everyone has rights,they do not let you fek them so easily.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Oct 2009 /  #68
Either you change and become like them or you keep your glory traditions.

I do not see any reason to do whatever germans like. Ofcourse, we can respect them as neighbours, and maybe as friends. But we have our own stuff...just like they have their own.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Oct 2009 /  #69
any reason to do whatever germans like.

I mean in case you live and work there.You have to become like them and respect their laws and traditions otherwise you are not accepted.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Oct 2009 /  #70
.You have to become like them


respect their laws and traditions

Yes. Respect the legitimate and rightful law and tradition is very important, wether you are in Germany or in Afghanistan. :)
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Oct 2009 /  #71
You don't get it.In Poland you can be a balkan,you are not accepted as non-catholic etc but you still have a great time because the culture is loose.In Germany you have to change to be accepted and live comfortable because the society punishes you hard if you are not accepted.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Oct 2009 /  #72
In Germany you have to change to be accepted and live comfortable because the society punishes you hard if you are not accepted.

Whatever. I have no comments. I am not a German.

.In Poland you can be a balkan,you are not accepted as non-catholic etc but you still have a great time because the culture is loose.

We have a good culture. But we have a tendency to lean towards a more global culture. We are beginning to really like diversity more and more.

What is a Catholic and what is a non-catholic. Catholicism in Poland is wierd. Actually its wierd everywhere. In one word, its less and less to do with the spirit of Religion....more and more with traditionalising with a pinch of superstition.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Oct 2009 /  #73
Scotland has a fair share of idiots the same as any other country but as a whole, I would say Scotland is less racist.

Take the blinkers off, Scotland is one of the most racist countries on the planet. I got chased by half a dozen Scots when they overheard my Dublin accent.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Oct 2009 /  #74
We have a good culture.

I know.Even though a foreigner never gets fully accepted in Poland,he can have a good life because nobody punishes him.And Poles are flexible,they see the obvious.
derek trotter  10 | 203  
6 Oct 2009 /  #75
hi, Ksysia
I'd advise you not to treat these forums so seriously. After couple posts u have a first impression with people here and honeslty i think responces youre getting now are the core of wat you can expect from PF.

Try other forums to talk about your UK problems, this one will not help you
santander  1 | 68  
6 Oct 2009 /  #76
Take the blinkers off, Scotland is one of the most racist countries on the planet. I got chased by half a dozen Scots when they overheard my Dublin accent

Revokenice do you just dream up these senarios when you are making the bacon and egg sandwiches in a morning for the guests, or does it get more adventurous in the afternoon when you have a chicken cannelloni to prepare. Why or why would six people want to chase you down the street in Scotland and waste valuable drinking time I ask myself.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Oct 2009 /  #77
Why or why would six people want to chase you down the street in Scotland and waste valuable drinking time I ask myself.

Maybe he stole a kilt.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Oct 2009 /  #78
Why or why would six people want to chase you down the street in Scotland and waste valuable drinking time I ask myself.

It was late at night in Glasgow, after 3am. I dont know exactly why they chased me, something to do with me being a "fenian bastard", I didnt stop and ask them.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
6 Oct 2009 /  #79
No, they tried not to pay. Evidently you think that all foreigner are poorer than the English? Or that one has to be starving to come to a country like yours? No, she asked Daddy for the money.

So why didnt she do that in the first place instead of complaining and why didnt she open a hotel in her own country which she probably could have done with what it cost for a house over here...again you are talking bollox! (and that nose just gets bigger and bigger)

That's all you have to say. you should have stayed out of Africa.

But she had such a wonderful career in Africa and came here and complained she couldn't get her dream job! Do you know how many English Grads are leaving uni and have no prospects because of the economic climate..she should go back to her own country..Last time I looked Africa were not part of the EU. Or do you think she has some special right, I'm hearing "its because I is black init" How big do you think this Island is?

just go on and prove my point.

You came here for our wonderful climate? Our food? Our wonderful culture that people often slag off? You came here sweet heart for one reason!

And McCains hadn't killed their Maddie?

I have no idea..only they know if they did. But what has that got to do with imaginary English women giving birth on imaginary steps of hospitals? Didnt they give a bribe...whoops.... my bad that would be Poland where you do that kind of thing!

Pull your head our of your hole, as advised by your countryman.

I think wind ya neck in would be the right term, but since Ive not seen that on here, I'd just like to call you a BIG FAT LIAR again...

Blimey...how long does it take for you to think this bollox up?
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
6 Oct 2009 /  #80
I got chased by half a dozen Scots when they overheard my Dublin accent

Nithing to do with your accent. It was probably more to do with you being an ar$e.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Oct 2009 /  #81
The term racist is used way to often. Tell me this Ksysia, how would the Peoples Paradise of Poland react to millions of Brits and Paddy's emigrating there?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
6 Oct 2009 /  #82
In short, most racism is coming forth from unfamiliarity.

This is just a meaningless PC slogan. It has no value whatsoever. In fact a lot of people become racists when they come to know others better and decide the others, their culture, habits and values are undesirable. How would Christians like polygamy accepted by Islam?

So would you say the reason for slavery was that people were unfamiliar with those they enslaved? Were Jews newcomers to Germany just a few days before Kristalnacht? Did Germans kill Jews because they didn't know enough about them?

IMO racism is a natural biological tendency and it has been a part of human evolution. Hence we have... human races. We tend to organize ourselves into various groups, sports teams, hobby clubs, linguistic groups, nations and countries. Sometimes racism will manifest itself as unwillingness to be close to the others, sometimes it will take more drastic forms.

Saying that young children playing together and without regards to racial differences has a meaning for racial debates is like saying that combing one's hair is unnatural because babies are born bald, and speaking should be banned because babies cannot speak either.

A lot of physical and psychological qualities in a human being are a matter of the stage of life. Children are born with some qualities that vanish, and they acquire other qualities as they grow up and age. Anybody who has even a faint idea of human developmental psychology will know that.

Some say that racism is whatever-phobia. Yes it is. One of the most powerful driving forces in biology is fear. Its function is survival. That's why we eat (we don't want to die of hunger) or withdraw out hand when it's exposed to fire (we don't want our hand to be burnt). That survival instinct extends to entire groups of people, with division spanning and crossing various lines. And it is also true when it comes to things such as skin color, family tradition etc. The tendency has been to preserve some of the defining qualities of various groups. That's why white people have been killed by non-white natives around the world, and that's why whites killed even more non-whites.

Btw. do gays fight for sexual rights of the straight people? Such as the right to be free from exposure to homosexual exhibitionism?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Oct 2009 /  #83
How would Christians like polygamy accepted by Islam?

Polygamy is accepted in Christianity too. You need to read the Bible better to understand that. Lets not just hear the words of some priests who like to tell half-boiled truths :D
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Oct 2009 /  #84
In fact a lot of people become racists when they come to know others better and decide the others, their culture, habits and values are undesirable.

I would agree but rather say that racism is the extreme "us" and "them", of course the lines are not always so clear but the extremes are racist.

Saying that young children playing together and without regards to racial differences has a meaning for racial debates

You lost me here, what do you mean?

do gays fight for sexual rights of the straight people? Such as the right to be free from exposure to homosexual exhibitionism?

Again I am not sure what your point is and by the way Lithuania has entered a law about not being able to say positive things about gays in Lithuania.

Bit off topic though.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Oct 2009 /  #85
Lithuania has entered a law about not being able to say positive things about gays in Lithuania.

Gee, these countries get more and more backward. Sorry to say that.

In fact a lot of people become racists when they come to know others better and decide the others, their culture, habits and values are undesirable.

It works the other way around too, you know. If you don't know anything about another culture (what did the Nazis know about Jewish culture? Or better: what did Hitler know about Jewish culture? Virtually nothing as a matter of fact) and you come into their world and you see stuff that you like (food, certain habits for example), then a better understanding can take place. Maybe one even wants to do those things at home. But strange fact is that with racism the bravest words often come from the safest places. Racism is often more rabiate in small villages with hardly or no newcomers at all than in the big cities.

do gays fight for sexual rights of the straight people?

No, because they don't have to. Straight ppl don't get proscecuted for being straight.


M-G (hates racism)
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
6 Oct 2009 /  #86
entered a law about not being able to say positive things about gays in Lithuania.

So what do they say instead "I'm HIV not negative" ?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Oct 2009 /  #87
Or better: what did Hitler know about Jewish culture? Virtually nothing as a matter of fact)

Hitler studied the jews. His hatred, although irrational, didnt come out of the blue. He was obsessed with them, he knew a lot about Jewish culture.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
6 Oct 2009 /  #88
You lost me here, what do you mean?

that's one of the leading arguments some use - that racism is not a natural phenomenon because children do not display it. Well, children grow up and then many do.

If you don't know anything about another culture (what did the Nazis know about Jewish culture?

I think after a few centuries they did know a bit. At least they knew what they didn't like about Jews, whether the dislikes were objectively justified or not. It is not possible to be a racist in relation to a culture you have absolutely no knowledge of.

Maybe one even wants to do those things at home. But strange fact is that with racism the bravest words often come from the safest places. Racism is often more rabiate in small villages with hardly or no newcomers at all than in the big cities.

I take it you're white.
Try to take a trip by subway in Harlem one night.

Heck, go a a DMV in NYC to renew your driver's license and you'll see how racism is doing well in large cities. When in the area visit Whitesone. An Italian neighborhood where houses for sale would be burnt if neighbors saw too many off color people showing interest. Heck, I couldn't rent a place in Astoria, Queens because the hood was Greek/Italian. I had to have a Greek fella help me. It was a very racially defined neighborhood but then, I could go to work and leave the door to the house unlocked.

Racism does not mean people will have necessarily fight in the streets day in day out. But they do try to keep the company of their own. Even in your country which seems (on the surface) to be an interracial nirvana, your country has seen some of the sharpest increases of emigration of white Dutch people. And no, they do not tend to go to live in Zimbabwe or India.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Oct 2009 /  #89
Hitler studied the jews.

No. It's not quite clear where his hatred for Jews came from, but the most plausible 2 reasons are: 1) the speeches of the then-mayor of Vienna (forgot his name, will look that up) from whom he learned how to do speeches as well; and 2) he had a Jewish landlord who somehow f*cked him over once. And it was Hitler's psyche alike to never forget and never forgive that. He didn't study them, he didn't have the means to it. He probably swore back then that he hated ALL the Jews (he had by then already a history of seeing everything black and white) and so he did. Just like the only time he had become drunk: he swore he would never drink again. And he never drank again. Ppl make the mistake often to think that such a deep hatred by Hitler must've come from a deeper study or a series of events, but with Hitler one minor thing was enough to cause a lifelong hatred. And at the basis was he insecure, deep and hardly matched (only by serial killers and psychopaths - in fact Hitler was proof what happens when a psychopatic serial killer comes to power). The thing with psychopaths is that they cannot empathise, not at all. They don't care about other ppl's feelings and are extremely self-centred. Once wronged, they will never forget it and will revenge over and over again, never contemplating the hurt this may cause with others. His hatred, that's for sure, must have come into existence during his stay in Vienna, as before that he even had a Jewish friend and the doctor who treated his mother was also a Jew. And it shows nowhere that he hated the Jews back then. So the above given two reasons seem most feasible as for Hitler's anti-semitism.

think after a few centuries they did know a bit. At least they knew what they didn't like about Jews,

Darius! Shame on you. You know very well that the Nazis just needed a scapegoat to blame all the mishaps of Germany on. If blacks were having the same role as the Jews in Germany, it would've been the blacks.


M-G (bah)
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #90

The term racist is used way to often. Tell me this Ksysia, how would the Peoples Paradise of Poland react to millions of Brits and Paddy's emigrating there?

I am wondering on the same thing - how after all the load of disdain suffered here would I react to and English guy coming to work in my company? And I honestly don't know.

i]Blimey...how long does it take for you to think this bollox up?[/i]

none at all - I just stick my head out of the window, and it comes in rock'n'rolling.

Ok, edited the rest, tired of Shelley

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