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Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism

OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #31
Many Polish people are racist, not so much the women but the men are.

I don't think that in Polish shops someone would cut the fabric for you unevenly just to show you you were and immigrant. Or I may get things wrong because of how the newspapers steam the situation up. I actually read that British wome were sent away from hospitals or made to go in labour on the steps of the hospital. If that happened to me, I would wonder if that was racist, but since that happened to a local, that might just show how disrespectful everyone is.

We have names for everyone, for ourselves as well. You are Angol, I am Polaczek, etc. Czarnuch is a name for Africans, sure. It's constructed with the same as mal-uch (little one), piec-uch (cosy one), smol-uch (soiled one), mieszcz-uch (city one). So it's not as bad as your version anyway. I can call that my favourite friend, or cat etc. Chapati is the name for Indians, a simple crib from their own language.

I may call you names, but do I tell you to get the f out? Or that you are lying? Or that you are worse? Or that I don't care what you think?

And yes, between the Indians and Poles in the UK it's really hard to communicate. The expectations are just too completely different.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
6 Oct 2009 /  #32
Was her name Kasia, Basia, Magda, Asia or Agnieszka? :)

I would be quite worried if the persons name was that, maybe you should read my post again, i did say he ;-).
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Oct 2009 /  #33

Yeah, you got me, I edited but not quickly enough :)
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
6 Oct 2009 /  #34
scotland throughout history has never had high levels of immigration

Celts, Norse, latterly Irish in the 19century and English in the 20th century.

If scotland was suddenly flooded with migrants then iam sure they would be as angry as english people are right now.

The largest city in the Highlands has just over 5% of its population as Polish alone (Polish ambassador visited two days ago ). This populastion is set to increase as the recession comes to an end.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
6 Oct 2009 /  #35
Czarnuch is a name for Africans

No it means n****r, don't take me as a fool

Chapati is the name for Indians

yes that is used as well as chabak (or however it is spelt) but they are both deemed to be derogatory or racist.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
6 Oct 2009 /  #36
My friend 'Sandra' from Shanghai have tried working for them, too, and quit, too. She bought a house to live as a landlord, because she just couldn't stand the everyday attitude.

Evidently she likes the money they pay, or how else would she have afforded a house?

My friend from last work, Damola, wanted to transfer her bank manager job to Britain. She came, and found that all the work she can get was cleaning.

Then she should have stayed in Africa.

Why are you still here? ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ get the f*ck out of my country! We dont want or need you! (is that racist enough for you, you thick slavic sl*t?)

Huh ? They aren't white, they are pink.

She's talking bollox Doggie...

I actually read that British wome were sent away from hospitals or made to go in labour on the steps of the hospital.

Where? proof or it didnt happen..(which it didnt)

I will be amazed if anyone said that and they weren't joking.

Just another lie she made up...blimey her nose must be HUGE! even for a Pole :D
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #37

You may translate it as you wish the fact remains that it's constructed to mean blackie, and that if you call somebody black it's definitely to show the 'black' that you are better. I don't think I'm better and that excludes guilt. It's the same as to call Japanese people 'skośni' because of their eyes, while being dead envious of their cars and samurai. Racist is when you think you are better and others are worse.

Ciapati is when I spell it, and Ciapak is when I abbreviate it.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
6 Oct 2009 /  #38
Celts, Norse, latterly Irish in the 19century and English in the 20th century.

Infact DNA would show otherwise, yes there has been immigration but its inpact as been very low as the numbers that settled were very small.

The largest city in the Highlands has just over 5% of its population as Polish alone (Polish ambassador visited two days ago ). This populastion is set to increase as the recession comes to an end.

Not to bad, i know of areas in england that have over 40% asian and over 10% polish.
Even so the difference is for scotland this has never happened for them before on such a scale so for the moment they are riding the wave, we in england already know whats its like and we don't want it.

Yeah, you got me, I edited but not quickly enough :)


You may translate it as you wish the fact remains that it's constructed to mean blackie

Czarnuch noun ni**er and this is what everyone tells me it means

Why are you still here? ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ get the f*ck out of my country! We dont want or need you! (is that racist enough for you, you thick slavic sl*t?)

I suppose thats one way of getting the message across :-/
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #39
My friend 'Sandra' from Shanghai have tried working for them, too, and quit, too. She bought a house to live as a landlord, because she just couldn't stand the everyday attitude.

Evidently she likes the money they pay, or how else would she have afforded a house?

No, they tried not to pay. Evidently you think that all foreigner are poorer than the English? Or that one has to be starving to come to a country like yours? No, she asked Daddy for the money.

My friend from last work, Damola, wanted to transfer her bank manager job to Britain. She came, and found that all the work she can get was cleaning.

Then she should have stayed in Africa.

That's all you have to say. you should have stayed out of Africa.

Why are you still here? £££ get the f*ck out of my country! We dont want or need you! (is that racist enough for you, you thick slavic sl*t?)

just go on and prove my point.

I actually read that British wome were sent away from hospitals or made to go in labour on the steps of the hospital.

Where? proof or it didnt happen..(which it didnt)


And McCains hadn't killed their Maddie?

I will be amazed if anyone said that and they weren't joking.

Just another lie she made up...blimey her nose must be HUGE! even for a Pole :D

Pull your head our of your hole, as advised by your countryman.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Oct 2009 /  #40
You may translate it as you wish the fact remains that it's constructed to mean blackie

Ah come on now, Czarnuch is a derogatory term, it is not a matter of translation.

But this thread is about racism in the U.K. and not about racism in Poland.
So the argument that some Poles are racist so therefore it is "okay" or "justified" for some to be racist in the U.K. is not a good one.

But as I stated before it is not comparable as there are so few foreign nationalities here in Poland and so many in England and especially London.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
6 Oct 2009 /  #41

I have to say Ksysia that i have noticed and read a few parts of your 5 chapter tale, to be honest with you i feel you are rather a sad person, there is talking about your experiences and criticising but you have taken it a little further than is probably considered 'the norm'

I don't know exactly what point your trying to make, 'the UK is a horrible place' 'the people in the UK are horrible' 'don't bother with the UK' 'i don't want to be in the UK'...................... It could be a number of things and none of the ones i have suggested. What concerns me is this over the top publication on a public forum of five seperate issues about the same thing 'UK' either your a little obsessive or you just don't like it, if so then my only advice to you is:

Do not enter the UK again if you have left
Leave the UK if you are currently here
Do not associate/speak to/have any contact with the people you so obviously dislike/ give you displeasure

I have sen plenty of threads that say 'what is bad about the UK' 'what is bad about Poland' but never to this extent, i think you need to take a look at yourself and have a word!!!!


OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #42
uhm - as usual, 'get out'.

racism in the UK is definitely my personal invention to cause you pain in exchange for the hospitality shown to my countrymen in your warehouses. Wake up.

SeanBM - OK, do you have a term that is derogatory to mean white people? Because we do - Białasy.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Oct 2009 /  #43
I have to say Torny, I disagree with you in that last post.
There are so many threads about negative aspects of Poland publicised on this public forum.
Why is it not allowed for a Polish person to criticise (in a very light manner IMO) the U.K?

If nothing else it makes for interesting debates.

OK, do you have a term that is derogatory to mean white people? Because we do - Białasy.

Cracker, snowball, snow flake, whitey, honky etc.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
6 Oct 2009 /  #44
But as I stated before it is not comparable as there are so few foreign nationalities here in Poland and so many in England and especially London.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou sean. Its nice to see another person that understands the reason england is like it is. I wonder what will happen when poland has to take its fair share of african migrants the EU has planned for them.

SeanBM - OK, do you have a term that is derogatory to mean white people? Because we do - Białasy.

white boy, honkey, milky bar kid, white trash, need i go on?.
markcooper  4 | 80  
6 Oct 2009 /  #45
white boy, honkey, milky bar kid, white trash, need i go on?.

" white coon"
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #46
white boy, honkey, milky bar kid, white trash, need i go on?

really? so if we have a rude name too, that makes us worse than the english? You shot your own foot, hunter.

And - look, it made through to the press!
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
6 Oct 2009 /  #47
A popular one in the Highlands...

  • The white settler
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
6 Oct 2009 /  #48
You shot your own foot, hunter

Not at all, many of them are slang and they came about because of the large immigrant population that we have blacks, asians e.t.c.. So i shall rightly take my arrow and stuff it up your knob box.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Oct 2009 /  #49
I am sure that there is racism in the UK, however the question is: since you are white Ksysia - you are not a a victim of racism, but xenophobia I would say.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Oct 2009 /  #50
Not at all, many of them are slang and they came about because of the large immigrant population that we have blacks, asians e.t.c..

? I wouldn't say so.
I would just say that in every language there are derogatory names for other people.
Most of them are American words and lets face it if someone called me any of those names I would not take offence.

I am sure that there is racism in the UK, however the question is: since you are white Ksysia - you are not a a victim of racism, but xenophobia I would say.

Slavic race?

Although admittedly the word race itself means very little to begin with.
sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Oct 2009 /  #51
Today I got thrown out of a bank for example, by a bank manager

Im not from the UK but this sounds like BS

you could never take someone to court over they're rude behaviour no matter how rude they are being.

Ya shes making this up

That's why I don't work for any Briton.

You know what I tell immigrants that complain about America??

I tell them if you dont like it here, go back home if its so much better back in your country and that usually shuts them the f_ck up!
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 Oct 2009 /  #52
but xenophobia I would say.

yes, you are right. I agree.

I don't really consider myself a victim in fact - less and less when I see how the English treat other English.

But everyday acts of evil will are definitely getting on my nerve.

Sledz, fix your damn F16s, bazzar trader.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Oct 2009 /  #53
You know what I tell immigrants that complain about America??

I didn't know you were native American ;)
santander  1 | 68  
6 Oct 2009 /  #54
I wonder what will happen when poland has to take its fair share of african migrants the EU has planned for them.

It is never going to happen is it! because they will put in place a great "infrastructure" to combat it. Anyone tried taking back a faulty product in a major M1 store in Poland, and asking for a refund? It is like "hello I am from planet earth, I come in peace"!
sledz  23 | 2247  
6 Oct 2009 /  #55
bazzar trader.

No I aint no bazzar trader biaotch, thats quite a racist thing to say

Its not the Brits ,,,youre the racist here
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Oct 2009 /  #56
Slavic race?

not really. I think that an old division is very much in place all around the world, despite new 'ideology" about race, which states that there is only one: human race;).

I think that people go for the visible marker ( I know I do), such as skin colour and the face features

But everyday acts of evil will are definitely getting on my nerve.

well, act f evil you are talking about are most likely cultural differences. There are acts of evil in every country, we just have a tendency to take our domestic "acts if evil" for granted and are more tolerant to our own shortcomings.

When it comes to other nationalities, well, it is a different story.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
6 Oct 2009 /  #57
It seems to me that this thread is being deflected, as always, to racism in Poland, it is not about that.
None of us can say there is a country without racists or xenophobes but it is to what degree it exists that counts.
Combat 18, white wolves (Wiki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_18)
is an example of a minority group that are violently racist.
Shameful really, especially when considering how much Britain lost fighting this in WWII.
And that, I think is the point, the U.K has it's problems but the majority try to get along with others and they have had a lot of practice.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Oct 2009 /  #58
you are most gracious - I can't match you today. But thank you.

well, I might be just objective;)
time means  5 | 1309  
6 Oct 2009 /  #59
no, selling us malfunctioning F16s

Even the US is getting it now, another day another fcuking moan. I really feel for the poor guy that lives with you maybe he came to the UK to escape your incessant whinning.

Ema is just up the road and i beleive Ryan air now flys to Lodz if life here is so bad login,check in and fcuk off!
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
6 Oct 2009 /  #60
This is getting confusing !


Lives in Engerland and isn't happy about it. Their Prozac doesn't work.


Nice American woman that helped me out with translations and used to do dodgy drawings.

OK got it now.

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