Many Polish people are racist, not so much the women but the men are.
I don't think that in Polish shops someone would cut the fabric for you unevenly just to show you you were and immigrant. Or I may get things wrong because of how the newspapers steam the situation up. I actually read that British wome were sent away from hospitals or made to go in labour on the steps of the hospital. If that happened to me, I would wonder if that was racist, but since that happened to a local, that might just show how disrespectful everyone is.
We have names for everyone, for ourselves as well. You are Angol, I am Polaczek, etc. Czarnuch is a name for Africans, sure. It's constructed with the same as mal-uch (little one), piec-uch (cosy one), smol-uch (soiled one), mieszcz-uch (city one). So it's not as bad as your version anyway. I can call that my favourite friend, or cat etc. Chapati is the name for Indians, a simple crib from their own language.
I may call you names, but do I tell you to get the f out? Or that you are lying? Or that you are worse? Or that I don't care what you think?
And yes, between the Indians and Poles in the UK it's really hard to communicate. The expectations are just too completely different.