Due to the amount of crap I got off my peers I thought ***** you all, you're gonna slag me for something? I'm gonna be it 100%
Sorry, I struggle to accept that you took crap for being Polish in Huddersfield. Perhaps the new wave of Poles can lay claim to that but not the old and bold and I object to you trying to infer that an area like Huddersfield has had some sort of long standing anti Polish sentiment because that couldn't be further from the truth.
Without being rude, perhaps there was something else which made you a target, kids can be cruel but being Polish descent wouldn't have been one of them in the Huddersfield I grew up in. Indeed, all through my youth I heard nothing but good things about the Polish especially from my Grandfather who fought alongside them. My best friend was called Robert Szostak whose grandfather fought at Arnhem.
Huddersfield had a large Polish and Ukranian community long before the new wave arrived. The Polish and Ukranian communities were highly regarded and formed an essential part of the Huddersfield community. Both the Ukranian club and the Polish club long established venues for the respective communities.
All Saints High in Bradley was the school of choice for the Irish and Polish communities (Catholic School) which I attended and there were NEVER any problems for the Polish kids. Why would there be? All Saints had one of the best reputations of all the schools in Huddersfield.
Following the war the Polish became part of the fabric of Huddersfield. Crowthers Mill were a big employer of the Polish when they arrived in Huddersfield.
I don't dispute that there may be some issues now with the new wave but not those that arrived after the war........Sorry, I'm not buying it.