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Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain?

JonnyM  11 | 2608  
14 Apr 2011 /  #31
nope. I understand you're proud of being who you are but you're wrong here (we had a thread about it earlier on PF).

Do the maths - given the C19 population, nobody comes close. Though the Shermans, Frogs, Nips and Krauts are in the top 5.
stinkybugger  - | 56  
14 Apr 2011 /  #32
There's a Deputy Mayor.

He will probably be the mayor there though after a year but as you said.

The reason I mentioned this originally was because whatshisface was confused and said 'an MP'.
Although it doesnt matter BNP will never be voted in.
Midas  1 | 571  
14 Apr 2011 /  #33
1) Until Britain opts out of the EU ( good luck with that, mate ) the Polish have the right to settle in Britain.

You'll just have to live with that, I hope no veins pop in Your head from all that stress.

2) The concerns that You raise about the way some Polish are milking the UK welfare system are genuine. IMO it is also laughable that statistically speaking right now the easiest way to get a Polish woman pregnant is to put her on a Ryanair to Blightey.

Something should be done about the welfare leeches ( not only of the Polish kind ) and saying so does not mean one's the next Adolf Hitler or BNP supporter.
grubas  12 | 1382  
15 Apr 2011 /  #34
Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain?

I am not so much to be honest with you and I am not in Britain either.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
15 Apr 2011 /  #35
If you are, why do you all keep coming to Britain instead of making your own country better?

You must be kidding! How old are you 12?
13 May 2011 /  #36
When we were cavemen we followed the herb.

Nowadays we follow the money.
13 May 2011 /  #37
When we were cavemen we followed the herb.


Was marijuana smoked in the stone age? Interesting...
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
13 May 2011 /  #38
Why would I be jealous of you having to leave your country?

Also living somewhere else is different than going on holiday.

I just don't get why you do not want to make your own country better? I know you get more money here etc but come on, invading other countries will not help your own. No loyalty

A Brit should not really speak about Invading countries.
A much higher amount of Brits live outside of Britain than Poles do outside of Poland.

Brits invaded every continent.

Now today Brits have the biggest amount of race mixing in the world. 1 in 10 Brits in Britain are mixing with non whites.

Yeah Brits are so proud that your nation pretty much wants to commit suicide to your ethnic line by mixing & allowing more muslims in.

I don't know how Brits go from invading & looting & shooting entire continents.

To about a century later being self hating weaklings who let muslims destroy their country while they mix with Nigerians & Pakis in exessive amounts.

Then these dumb Brits would rather love Nigerians while hate Poles when Poles have contributed more to Britain.

I have have really come to the conclusion that British people are semi retarded.

Yet still we created the biggest Empire the world has ever seen. Before or since. And of course invented just about everything.

I am not so sure about it. From dealing with Brits I notice the British Intellect does not match the amount of innovation what so ever.

Most Brits seem to be very dumb.

I think that much of the British Innovations are propaganda. Because generally inventions have to come through the "English speaking" world to be considered Inventions.

That this gives the English speaking world a leg up.

Such cases is with how Polish Michał Sędziwój discovered Oxygen 170 years earlier.

Or how Polish Walery Jaworski discovered 1899 he described bacteria living in the human stomach that he named "Vibrio rugula". He speculated that they were responsible for stomach ulcers, gastric cancer and achylia. It was one of the first observations of Helicobacter pylori. He published those findings in 1899 in a book titled "Podręcznik chorób żołądka" ("Handbook of Gastric Diseases") but it was available only in Polish and went unnoticed

Or how Polish Russian Aleksander Możajski invented the first Airplane 21 years before the Wright brothers.

The Invention of the Internet really starts with Polish Paul Baran
13 May 2011 /  #39
The country are getting fed up with you guys and it will get worse for you in years to come.

It will get worse for the UK in the future, if they don't sort out their soft immigration Policy, Poles have the same rights as you in the UK, Mr Advice, they are part of the EU family. Mr Advice, why do so many British people leave the UK/Broken Britain?

Mr Advice, why are there so many British companies in Poland, repatriating their profits back to the UK.?

The problem is not globalization, not the Poles working in the UK. Before the Poles, it was the Indians, Pakistani's Africans, Irish and the Scottish. There will always be a target for fascists like the BNP.
13 May 2011 /  #40
Such cases is with how Polish Michał Sędziwój discovered Oxygen 170 years earlier.

You may well find that oxygen had been discovered a fair while before then.

But clearly facts are of little important to you, you just want to post your racist rubbish and generally behave in the complete reverse of your username.
13 May 2011 /  #41
That's rich coming from a British citizen whose country benefited financially from invading countries across the world and subjecting them to colonial rule.

Give it a rest will ya!!!

Colonialism wasn't exclusively a British phenomenom. What about France, Holland, Russia, Spain, Portugal etc etc

The majority of South America speaks Spanish by natural evolution does it???

I believe the men/women who marry/have children with polish are as bad as the poles who come here.

You would not say that to my face pal.
13 May 2011 /  #42
colonial rule

The process of globalization is a new form of colonialism, run in the economic interests of big business houses.British business's are entering other markets. So ?
123z  2 | 29  
13 May 2011 /  #43
It is good to go to different region, exposure is a good way of learning things. It is a pity that not many people have the finance and security to go and travel out of the country. Likewise holidaying or working or studying in totally different parts of region do give you the edge in terms of thinking and put you out of the box, be it the comfort zone or whatever. I feel that at some point, we all need to be out of that box to see ourselves and have a better way of thinking.

Another is that we human all want a better life which is why many go to other country or better place to earn a better money, not only the Poles going to Britain,(also developed country do open or search for economy in a much lesser developed country, so an American or even a British do search a business for generating a better income, depending on the potential they found, here the keyword is economy), so Britain is obviously a better economy than Poland, so naturally Poles want to go and earn there, it is not because they are not proud of their homeland, but insearch of a better life. I am sure many Poles send money home, those income from outside doh generate the economy of the homeland which is good for the Poles who are in Poland and may not get the chance to go to Britain or whatever. It is a basic nature that we 'all' human want a better life.

I am not a Polish nor British. Im just putting down my 2 cents of opinion here.
convex  20 | 3928  
13 May 2011 /  #44
Or how Polish Russian Aleksander Możajski invented the first Airplane 21 years before the Wright brothers.

Mozhaysky's plane required a ramp a get airborne, at which point it came back down 30m later. The flat "wing" acted as a parachute, it did not create lift. Still gotta hand it to him for having that spirit. Pearse on the other hand might have a valid claim...

The Invention of the Internet really starts with Polish Paul Baran

Baran was in charge of managing the DARPA project, Kleinrock is the one who came up with the concept of switching. No one took credit for the whole shebang, because all those guys were above it and knew how much work everyone put in (including their predecessors). Palo Alto must have been an awesome place back then.

Back to the topic, I think it's ridiculous to take self-pride of people that you've never met. You often hear terms like "we" when referring to achievements by fellow countrymen...when the truth is that "we" didn't do anything at all.
Gilly  - | 1  
13 May 2011 /  #45
im sorry but i think you completely wrong people whom live within the EU have the right to live and work in what ever country they want , im Scottish and i love my country however i live and work in Poland does that mean im not loyal to my country .... no.

yes i agree there is a lot of polish people in Britain there's also a lot of British people in Australia , America and believe it or not in Poland does this mean they are not loyal to their country ... no.

I think you have a bit of a warped view on things .... but i guess everyone is entitled to an opinion.

And might i add you say "we" you do not speak for the rest of Britain.
13 May 2011 /  #46
I think it's ridiculous to take self-pride of people that you've never met. You often hear terms like "we" when referring to achievements by fellow countrymen...when the truth is that "we" didn't do anything at all.

Agreed 100%. One of the best comments, I have seen on PF in a long time.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 May 2011 /  #47
Convex, I've been saying that all along. Poles often say 'My Polacy' but it is silly to latch onto the achievements of others.

I think we see a difference in character here. There are many people that I like here and I can get along with many Poles no problem. However, that doesn't detract from the fact that I understand what the OP was getting at and I'd really appreciate a few less defensive reactions. Me? I take an issue for what it is without jumping to one side.

He actually makes a great point! If so many Poles are proud and patriotic as I believe many are, then why the exodus and the mass influx into GB? Why can't many Poles work for a bit less so that they can enjoy being with their families, tasting good food and in the company of those that speak their native tongue?? What is so wrong with sacrificing?

Maybe Advice has axes to grind and I don't and that's the way posters perceive it but try to see what he is hitting at before launching into a full-scale attack on him.

Other than money, what is stopping Poles from returning? A lack of empowerment, a better life abroad or some other reason?
David_18  65 | 966  
13 May 2011 /  #48
He actually makes a great point! If so many Poles are proud and patriotic as I believe many are, then why the exodus and the mass influx into GB? Why can't many Poles work for a bit less so that they can enjoy being with their families, tasting good food and in the company of those that speak their native tongue?? What is so wrong with sacrificing?

They want to explore the world? You can find Poles in every corner of the world.

Other than money, what is stopping Poles from returning? A lack of empowerment, a better life abroad or some other reason?

Their wifes and their parents!

They can be a pain in the a**.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 May 2011 /  #49
I don't think that was the main reason and you know it.

Their wives and mothers-in-law, LOL. Yeah, the moaning is quite incredible.
David_18  65 | 966  
13 May 2011 /  #50

Im glad that im not married...

I don't think that was the main reason and you know it.

Imagine yourself being a student in Poland and you KNOW that after you graduate there will not be any job waiting for you with a reasonable salary

Imagine yourself being a father of 3 kids and you cant provide for your family since your income is only 1.500 zl net.

Imagine yourself living in some village in the Polish countryside where there is no job.

So tell me wouldnt you just swallow your pride and move to another country to be able to make a decent living and provide for your family?

Even though i hate the Idea of Poles moving to other countries for a better life, it still makes sence for me.
13 May 2011 /  #51
work for a bit less??? funny. majority of people i know who 've gone to the Uk left Poland because there were NO JOBS for them.i assure you a lot of people wouldn't go to work abroad if they didn't have to. at least half of Polas in the UK earn the minimum wage.when they pay all the bills ,food and visit Poland 2-3 times a year they hardly save any money. or save as much as if they would if they worked for 800zl and lived with parents.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
13 May 2011 /  #52
You are completely right, wwp.
In the sense Polish going to work abroad earn little money and cannot save. They are idiots.
Says one who's proud of his country and who finds numerous opportunities in the home country.
13 May 2011 /  #53
work for a bit less???

The point being people who want to work, should work for their own self worth.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 May 2011 /  #54
David, it was the same in Scotland for so many. You have to have some get-up-and-go, not mere lethargy that comes from humphing and grumphing. It isn't solely a Polish phenomenon.
David_18  65 | 966  
13 May 2011 /  #55
Im just saying.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 May 2011 /  #56
Poles want to spread their pride, that's what it is ;) ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
13 May 2011 /  #57
Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain?

It's your own fault for having a huge gherkin in your capital.
The Poles were drawn to it, like a moth to a flame.


But fear not for I know how you can expel Poles from your country.

As anyone who has ever driven in Poland can testify, Poles appear to be absolutely terrified of flashing orange lights.
So put a flashing orange beacon on top of your gherkin and it'll repel them like water to a cat.

5 Jun 2011 /  #58
BNP have been voted as a mp in a town

Name that town or are you just spouting racist BS as per the rest of your posts?

If you are, why do you all keep coming to Britain instead of making your own country better?

Stop reading the Daily Mail boy, it's full of crap. Hope you're on a Brit Spainish ex-pat forum spouting your xenophobic claptrap and enquiring as to why they all think britain is so ****!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
5 Jun 2011 /  #59
He asks valid questions, huddersfiled. I've heard a lot of criticism of GB from Poles so why do they flock in their droves? For money? That's quite shallow in ways!
grubas  12 | 1382  
5 Jun 2011 /  #60
why do they flock in their droves?

Flock in droves?Can you post some numbers so we can learn what "in droves" means?

For money?

Yeah.What's wrong with that?

That's quite shallow in ways!

How is it shallow?And what else do you have to offer?

I've heard a lot of criticism of GB from Poles

Can't you Brits take a little bit of critisism?

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