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Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain?

14 Apr 2011 /  #1
If you are, why do you all keep coming to Britain instead of making your own country better?

I read more polish women are having babies in UK than their own country, isn't that sad...
Ironside  50 | 12951  
14 Apr 2011 /  #2
If you are, why do you all keep coming to Britain instead of making your own country better?

Advice, why don't you rise that issue with your own government if you don't like it, instead of blaming Poles?
stinkybugger  - | 56  
14 Apr 2011 /  #3
If you are, why do you all keep coming to Britain instead of making your own country better?

I read more polish women are having babies in UK than their own country, isn't that sad...

Just because people go to other countries does not mean they are not proud of their roots.

Do you go on holiday abroad?
If so, why? Why not stay in Britain and invest in our economy?

Seeing and experiencing the world is enjoyable and educating, maybe you should do it more.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
14 Apr 2011 /  #4
why do you all keep coming to Britain instead of making your own country better?

But we are, read the rest and it all will be crystal clear. Let me give you advice; change your nick it does not reflect your nature. To be perfectly honest our favorite national pastime is to make the life of a worm like you miserable, we also love to see you squirm in anguish, think of us as a Spanish inquisition for your past sins, a test of your national character. You just made my day, watching someone squirm on the net is next best thing to actually watching it live. What a joy, a good day indeed.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Apr 2011 /  #5
isn't that sad...

What is sad is that you sound upset that people have choices now..

thats whats sad.. Jealousy gets you no where in life.
OP Advice  
14 Apr 2011 /  #6
Why would I be jealous of you having to leave your country?

Also living somewhere else is different than going on holiday.

I just don't get why you do not want to make your own country better? I know you get more money here etc but come on, invading other countries will not help your own. No loyalty
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
14 Apr 2011 /  #7
come on, invading other countries will not help your own.

That's rich coming from a British citizen whose country benefited financially from invading countries across the world and subjecting them to colonial rule.
Ironside  50 | 12951  
14 Apr 2011 /  #8
Also living somewhere else is different

listen, either register here, and you can have debate, or you can troll and snipe as much as you can....in case you don't know, Poles are few and between on this forum.

isn't that sad...

I tell you what is sad, some kids with no sense, trolling.

I-S ( not gonna fed the troll, no more)
OP Advice  
14 Apr 2011 /  #9
How am I troll? for saying things a lot of brits believe are true.

I believe the men/women who marry/have children with polish are as bad as the poles who come here.

I will properly register
stinkybugger  - | 56  
14 Apr 2011 /  #10
for saying things a lot of brits believe are true.

Most brits? have you asked most of the brits then? I don't recall this happening, so please don't speak for us or me.

I think your an idiot....I could say most brits believe this to be true (you can pretend it is then).... I havent asked them but it is more likely to be more accurate then your statement.
Leopejo  4 | 120  
14 Apr 2011 /  #11
Also living somewhere else is different than going on holiday.

This is so true. Only living abroad - as opposed to visiting as a tourist - you do learn about other cultures and societies and also about your own country and yourself, you do enrich yourself, and you do understand that many more things are relative than you thought.

By living in one country only it's so easy to take many things as self-evident and true, only after an extended stay in another you come to appreciate that it is not so.

So, Advice, I advise you to go live abroad, for example in Poland.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Apr 2011 /  #12
I believe the men/women who marry/have children with polish are as bad as the poles who come here.

You troll, don't insult me, you know nothing about anything. People are people. I would not like to meet your type in the pub or anywhere else.

You obviously have drug or alchohol or other psychological issues.
Maybe this great song will help you. Maybe we should spend more time sharing videos and less time being spiteful.

guesswho  4 | 1272  
14 Apr 2011 /  #13
Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain?

are you saying that someone who travels can't be proud of his own country?
You have to admit, it doesn't sound right (lol)
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Apr 2011 /  #14
invading countries

Glass houses, stones!

I believe the men/women who marry/have children with polish are as bad as the poles who come here

Why on earth shouldn't a British person marry a Pole? People can marry whoever they like. Many happy marriages exist between people from Britain and Poland.

And Poles in the UK have contributed more economically than they have taken.

I will properly register

Plenty of fora to do it on. Try Stormfront or Stirpes.
OP Advice  
14 Apr 2011 /  #15
Why would I want to live in your country when you don't even want to live there! I heard Germany are letting Poles in this year so I hope you spread out a bit! Look I do not mind you being here but there are too many of you, out of all the eu countires, you are the highest number of people who come here and its double the amount the country below you in the list who come here.

I do find it sad and very frustrating, I just do not get how you have no loyalty to your own country. Make your own country better.

BNP have been voted as a mp in a town. The country are getting fed up with you guys and it will get worse for you in years to come. There are too many of you.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Apr 2011 /  #16
very frustrating,

You are frustrated? I guessed right, you have a problem, now we know what it is..:)
OP Advice  
14 Apr 2011 /  #17
JonnyM I am guessing you are married to a pole? If so why do you not move to Poland and raise your children there? why over populate UK more than it already is. Why not move there to her country?

Sadly this never happens and thats why I find it annoying when brits marry poles. They never go back to Poland with them! sad. I wouldn't care if they did
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Apr 2011 /  #18
BNP have been voted as a mp in a town.

No they haven't. Don't lie. At the last general election they were wiped out. Stop trolling.

I do find it sad and very frustrating, I just do not get how you have no loyalty to your own country. Make your own country better.

Have you ever visited Poland?

The country are getting fed up with you guys and it will get worse for you in years to come. There are too many of you.

Speak for yourself.


JonnyM I am guessing you are married to a pole? If so why do you not move to Poland and raise your children there? why over populate UK more than it already is.

Polish partner, no kids, I live in Poland. So **** off.
stinkybugger  - | 56  
14 Apr 2011 /  #19
You love to stir

You're harmless I don't even think you believe what you type. Attention seeking thats all.

Happy typing!
OP Advice  
14 Apr 2011 /  #20
JonnyM read the news yeah mate, it is there and thats why Cameron spoke about immigration today.

Have I visited Poland? no and never wanted too. They obviously do not like their country so there must be something wrong with it.
stinkybugger  - | 56  
14 Apr 2011 /  #21
BNP have been voted as a mp in a town.
No they haven't. Don't lie. At the last general election they were wiped out.

There is a BNP Mayor
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Apr 2011 /  #22
Have I visited Poland? no and never wanted too. They obviously do not like their country so there must be something wrong with it.

Yes. It's clear you don't know much about the world. Certainly nothing about the hundreds of thousands of Brits living round Europe.

Stop trolling.

There is a bnp mayor

There isn't actually. There's a Deputy Mayor. But not in a city that has an elected Mayor - in a small town. I'm sure you know that Mayors in the UK aren't allowed to vote at council meetings - that's why the other parties' councillors appointed him - so he can't vote on anything. A clever move.
Stu  12 | 515  
14 Apr 2011 /  #23
Hey Advice, do you think we are all too daft to use the internet?!

Try Google and typ in "election results BNP". Guess what ... you get a lot of articles about ...

Yes, you've guessed right ... the election results of the BNP. Frickin' amazin', innit?!

And ... guess what ... ?! On the Election 2010 website of the Beeb, it says ...

The party increased its share of the overall vote by 1.83% to 514,819, but despite fielding more than 300 candidates, has failed to return an MP.

In Barking, east London, a key battle ground for the BNP, the party's leader Nick Griffin slumped to third place.

So you're claim that

BNP have been voted as a mp in a town

is false!

Ohh ... yes ... you can find it here.

My God, I guess you are pretty much the only one ever on PF whose brain has filed for divorce. Now crawl back under your stone. And if you wanna post something moronic again, have the courtesy and get registered on this site, yeah?

Now shooh ... .
gumishu  15 | 6228  
14 Apr 2011 /  #24
the original question is quite sensible actually - I can't say I am proud of my country
OP Advice  
14 Apr 2011 /  #25
Majority of the country want out of the EU, you must read newspapers and watch the news. When we get out of the EU or at least get a cap of the number of eu people coming to the country you guys will be screwed. Your have to stay in your own country and make a life for yourself where you were born and bred!

I dont dislike polish people, there are just too many and we need to put a stop to letting anyone in as people like you guys take advantage of our soft country

Thank for gumishu. My question makes perfect sense
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Apr 2011 /  #26
"........why do you keep coming to Britain?"

Um, for the sunshine?

Why are so many Brits splattered around the world? ""Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rules the waves!..."
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
14 Apr 2011 /  #27
"........why do you keep coming to Britain?"

Um, for the sunshine?

Haha thats a good one. The Eskimos have 100 words for snow but it is only climatically induced apathy that stops the British from naming 100 shades of grey.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Apr 2011 /  #28
but it is only climatically induced apathy that stops the British from naming 100 shades of grey.

Yet still we created the biggest Empire the world has ever seen. Before or since. And of course invented just about everything.
frd  7 | 1379  
14 Apr 2011 /  #29
I'm not proud of my country and I'm not comig to Britain. Up yours.
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Apr 2011 /  #30
we created the biggest Empire the world has ever seen. Before or since.

The biggest maybe the most powerful never.

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