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Poles living in the UK returning home or not?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jun 2010 /  #31
OK, Matyjasz, I just want to throw sth into the mix without taking any sides on the matter. There is a widespread belief that those Poles who went to the UK and stayed there for, say, 5 years, have no right to vote here in Poland because they are out of touch with the realities here. I've heard this many times.

Plk123 has been out of Poland for a considerable period of time and also doesn't use Polish as often as a Pole living in Poland. On the other hand, I'm no less Scottish for being here in Poland so it cuts both ways.

Anyway, the Poles in the UK? Britain loves a social dilemma :)
scottie1113  6 | 896  
16 Jun 2010 /  #32
Seanus is more Polish than you are: he speaks Polish, lives, works and pays taxes in Poland and married a Polish girl.

Yes, I pay taxes in Poland. My kids are grown and have their own families in California, so no. My Polish improves every day, and I'm going to get married to a Polish woman next year. And yes, I do something every day to make Poland a better place. It's my home.

But back to the original topic. Why are there so many unemployed in the UK. Don't people want to work there? It's no wonder that Poles, and other ethnic grioups, can go there abd fine meaningful employment.
16 Jun 2010 /  #33
There is a widespread belief that those Poles who went to the UK and stayed there for, say, 5 years, have no right to vote here in Poland because they are out of touch with the realities here. I've heard this many times.

Brits currently lose the right to vote after 15 years outside the UK.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jun 2010 /  #34
Well, I'm half way there :)
16 Jun 2010 /  #35
I lose it this year. Which is seriously annoying given that I saw a newspaper article in 2010 which said that the government planned to take away the right after just five years and, having missed the follow-up that the plan was defeated, didn't vote in any British election from 2001 onwards.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jun 2010 /  #36
It's all a nonsense. It should be about being in touch which I feel that you are. You can read many papers online and be more informed than most Brits that live in Britain. The same principle applies to access courses. There are people that should be doing them but don't. Then we see people in courses that blatantly shouldn't be.
Matowy  - | 293  
16 Jun 2010 /  #37
Why are there so many unemployed in the UK. Don't people want to work there?

Quite simply... yes. There are entire towns where people just don't have, want, nor seek employment or education. They are mistakenly referred to as the working class, even though they don't work. They live their lives by leeching from the government in benefit money, which is ridiculously high. It's been shown that you can make more money unemployed than you can in low-tier employment. I even knew one unbelievably lazy middle-class moron who got 500 GBP a month (living with his parents) for having aspergers. That's more than I made when I was working 25 hours a week.

Immigration is also a factor, but it's by no means the main one.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Jun 2010 /  #38
Why are there so many unemployed in the UK. Don't people want to work there? It's no wonder that Poles, and other ethnic grioups, can go there abd fine meaningful employment.

WTF do you know about Britain? Whats meaningful about earning money that affords you to live on the bread-line with a load of other people living on the bread-line! Maybe these "ethnic" groups dont mind sharing a room with 5 other people..Most Brits want a better standard of life!

Quite simply... yes. There are entire towns where people just don't have, want, nor seek employment or education. They are mistakenly referred to as the working class, even though they don't work.

Quite simply a lying cnut..entire towns my ar$e?

They live their lives by leeching from the government in benefit money, which is ridiculously high

£55 per week to live off? to pay bills to buy food to pay for transport to go to interviews?

It's been shown that you can make more money unemployed than you can in low-tier employment.

Prove to me that a single person living on their own can make more money than someone on low teir employment? Or is that person working about 10 hours a week? Which is not really working now is it?

I even knew one unbelievably lazy middle-class moron who got 500 GBP a month (living with his parents) for having aspergers.

Do you know what Aspergers is and what does his class have to do with it? First you have issues with the "working" class now its the middle class!

That's more than I made when I was working 25 hours a week.

I had no idea cleaning public toilets paid so much.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
16 Jun 2010 /  #39
Four million unemployed people in the UK? That reminds me of a Mrs. Tharcher's "party political broadcast" in the satirical Weekending programme on BBC4 in 1981:

- "We never said things would be easy. Of course, we never said we'd cause a recession and three million unemployed! [...] But look, let's not kid ourselves; we're all in the same boat - the Titanic!"

And it seems the record has been improved of one million by now! So let's not kid ourselves. The Polish should leave the sinking boat of Britain - the Titanic, as the Weekending Mrs T. bluntly put it some 30 years ago... and go back home!

[- "We in the Conservative Party may be wrong... but we are wrong with so much more courage that any other party. Bravery is a great attribute and thank God my ministers don't have it!"]
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
16 Jun 2010 /  #40
Go home

but I'm at home. I can not be more at home :)

ps: By the way guys. My five sons an I are looking for job in Greater Manchester area. They are qualified plumbers like me. Additionally I'm cert electrician (domestic, industrial, under 1000V), 3 phase wireman, electronics technician, vw car electrician, cisco guy, 3.5 tonne driver, tiler ... We are honest, solid and hard working guys and we are going to eat any local competitors ;)
frd  7 | 1379  
16 Jun 2010 /  #41
eat any local competitors ;)

and some swans as the side dish!!!!
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
16 Jun 2010 /  #42
and some swans as the side dish!!!!

swans are the best with mayonnaise :)
Sick0  - | 11  
25 Jun 2010 /  #43
The message is clear. Go home

The message to you is we're not going anywhere . Kiss my butt
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jun 2010 /  #44
I met some tonight that had returned, though only for a week. I don't like the arrogance of those that think they can speak English really well. Deflation tactics are called for.

David Cameron is considering introducing compulsory language tests for those thinking about coming across and, apparently, those that are in the country now. If you are not taking active steps towards procuring a job and don't have the appropriate language skills, it could be the road to the big heave ho.
demonsqueaker  - | 8  
25 Jun 2010 /  #45
I knew a lot of Poles in the UK - most of whom have now left because they got fed up with being ripped off by employers,but, some whom will never return because they have a much better standard of life and freedom (and enjoy a lot more respect) in the UK than they would here. That said, of those who've left only 3 have come back, the rest have gone to Holland or Sweden,etc because their 'stint' in the UK has allowed them enough professional acknowledgment to get the jobs they're qualified to do - instead of working as cleaners, as a lot ended up doing in the UK... the sad thing is I still get mates from Warsaw asking me if I can get them decent jobs in the UK, even though they have no qualifications and no work history (in their late-20's).

I moved here because of my husband... he had far more opportunities here, than the UK, but he wanted to see if the Polish press reports were true or not.
Wolverine85  - | 1  
12 Jan 2011 /  #46
Its time the polish went home we don't have enough jobs to go around and if they left less people would be on benefits.

grubas  12 | 1382  
12 Jan 2011 /  #47
Yea that's a problem!YOUR problem sucker!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Jan 2011 /  #48
The Polish should leave the sinking boat of Britain - the Titanic, as the Weekending Mrs T. bluntly put it some 30 years ago... and go back home!

isnt that what rats do?. Im guessing the irony of contributing to the sinking by flooding the jobs market is lost on a brain size such as you demonstrate?
Krynski  - | 82  
13 Jan 2011 /  #49
When the Poles stay in Britain, it's bad, and when they get the hell out of Britain it's also bad with isthate, right?

The Poles are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.

So the Poles allegedly flood "the jobs market" in Britain? When and where?

Ziemowit is right: all the Poles should get the hell out of Britain.

I think they should never return there, not even as tourists.

How many Poles have been beaten up and killed in Britain as a result of hate propaganda carried out by the psychopaths from the Daily Mail, Daily Express, the Sun, and similar filth?

This should not be forgotten and forgiven.
OP jonni  16 | 2475  
13 Jan 2011 /  #50
How many Poles have been beaten up and killed in Britain as a result of hate propaganda carried out by the psychopaths from the Daily Mail, Daily Express, the Sun, and similar filth?

Go on then, how many?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Jan 2011 /  #51
Go on then, how many?

lol, dont worry, true facts wont get in the way of a Polish pity party.......friggin hell,the heros of cassino must be spinning in their graves at such as bunch of soft skinned ,feeling sorry for themsleves and blaming the world bunch of p u ssies.....

When the Poles stay in Britain, it's bad, and when they get the hell out of Britain it's also bad with isthate, right?

Nope,nothing close to what I said or implied....get a life kid.

So the Poles allegedly flood "the jobs market" in Britain? When and where?

Yes,20,000 extra working age adults in one town is flooding by anyones definition.....our governments fault or the fault of dodgy employment agencies here and in Poland? Who really cares when wages have halfed?
13 Jan 2011 /  #52
Go on then, how many?

I'd love to know that too.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Jan 2011 /  #53
i heard that there is a millon CHINESE ready to take all the jobs in poland .

I'd 10x rather see a million Eastern Europeans than some Asians in Poland, I'm sure most Poles are with me on that one. I was actually having a a discussion with a Varsovian who came here to visit his elderly mother two days ago about how he don't like seeing too many Asians on the street in Warsaw.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
13 Jan 2011 /  #54
I saw Griffin the Nazi on UK telly yesterday saying that no-one wanted 20,000 Poles in the Oldham area.
The problem is that many Brits have been encouraged not to work - and Nu Labour was quite happy to cover up its failings by allowing sudden mass Polish immigration.

I'm very happy the new education minister in the UK has decided to put an end to some of the statistical lies by making the new benchmark of educational success 5 "traditional" academic subjects instead of any old 5 subjects (with low-level vocational GNVQs counting twice!). The schools are up in arms as their stats plummet!! This will make Polish kids look even better long-term.
13 Jan 2011 /  #55
I'm sure most Poles are with me on that one. I was actually having a a discussion with a Varsovian who came here to visit his elderly mother two days ago about how he don't like seeing too many Asians on the street in Warsaw.

There you go again! Telling the people who live here what it's like in a country which you haven't lived in for more than two decades. Unlike you, I do live in Warsaw and I do know Asian people here: they all say that the city is far less racist than it was in years gone by.

Clearly you are a bigot. Luckily for us, Poles tend not to be bigots. I guess that this is just another way in which you are proving that you aren't a Pole. Go back to watching FoxNews child.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Jan 2011 /  #56
This will make Polish kids look even better long-term.

How exactly do you figure this one out?

I saw Griffin the Nazi on UK telly yesterday saying that no-one wanted 20,000 Poles in the Oldham area.

This man speaks for very few people,his attitudes are quite strange to the majority of english people,in point of fact,Id say his chauvanisim is far more Polish style than traditionaly english....
Varsovian  91 | 634  
13 Jan 2011 /  #57
The number is wrong - the Polish govt signed 2 migrant labout deals allowing (i) 100,000 Chinese workers in and (ii) 100,000 Indian workers in.

It's not a good idea having mass immigration of culturally dissimilar people with a bad track record of integration, whatever the reason. The UK is a prime example of how it can all go horribly wrong.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
13 Jan 2011 /  #58

My DNA proves that I am and you obviously still can't read, I said a Varsovian one who was born there and still lives there said that, no no one in Warsaw doesn't dislike them that's why their Vietnamese trade center was set on fire that's why they don't go to football matches or walk around at night in other neighborhoods. Poles don't like non whites and that's a fact.
13 Jan 2011 /  #59
How many Poles have been beaten up and killed in Britain as a result of hate propaganda carried out by the psychopaths from the Daily Mail, Daily Express, the Sun, and similar filth?

Even one is too many. BUT set against the background of the comparative murder rate per 1,000 people in the UK and Poland, you cannot draw the statistical inference you want to - let alone make the connection with the Mail, Express or Sun (all of which I despise, but I have to stop short of calling them rallying cries for race-related homicides).

Murder rates / 1,000 people [source: nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_percap-crime-murders-per-capita

Poland: 0.056
UK: 0.014

By way of balance - how many non-Poles have been killed in Poland for racial reasons (irrespective of any role the media may have had)? If the figure is non-zero, then it follows we all have a problem with recidivist morons - one of whom, as you may know, has been posting here of late.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
13 Jan 2011 /  #60
It's not a good idea having mass immigration of culturally dissimilar people with a bad track record of integration, whatever the reason. The UK is a prime example of how it can all go horribly wrong.

How is a country with well over a thousand years of integration of peoples from all over europe,then the last couple of hundred years,all over the world a prime example of anything?

But yes,I agree,mass migration is never a "good idea" especially when this comes for purely financial reasons and within weeks the locals see shops springing up everywhere to cater for the special dietry needs of Poles obviously showing no interest in integration....

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