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Poles and Irish, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

A J  4 | 1075  
20 Sep 2010 /  #1
No, really! Interesting.

subaru mad  1 | 8  
20 Sep 2010 /  #2
The Poles and Irish are very similar, whenever they speak it makes no sense, lol
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
20 Sep 2010 /  #3
I think there might be a little bit of animosity between the two nations since the siege of Dublin by king Sobieski in 256 b.c.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
20 Sep 2010 /  #4
I think that opposite sexes are often very friendly.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
20 Sep 2010 /  #5
I think there might be a little bit of animosity between the two nations since the siege of Dublin by king Sobieski in 256 b.c.

LOL - Yeah, we'll never forget that. Etched into the national psyche ; )

OP, I haven't heard many (if any?) Irish people complain about Polish people really if that's what you're saying.

I have some very good Polish friends here. I've heard a lot of positive comments about Poles generally. Frome my experience, the two cultures are similar in a few ways:similar oppressed history; similar sense of humour; similar attitude to what should be important in life.
Semczuk1128  - | 2  
20 Sep 2010 /  #6
Poles and Irish look exactly the same,BOTH have red hair and they border one another.What else can i say.SAME PEOPLES SAME CULTURE.Riverdance was originally Polish but was stolen by celtic tribes.and the poles stole it from the Alemanni and ostrogoth warriors.People think my last name Semczuk is russian,or polish or ukrainian,and one thought it was muslim/middle eastern.I dont know.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
28 Sep 2010 /  #7
Enemies. Invaders out!
Plover  - | 2  
15 Oct 2010 /  #8
Give it five years we will have a great relationship.

Not so long ago well educated Poles came to Ireland to make sandwiches and coffee for the fat celtic-tiger in five years time it will be the other way round.

Empathy! it can break down borders.

Ok who's next for a coffee and a sambo-ski :-)
smurf  38 | 1940  
15 Oct 2010 /  #9
I think there might be a little bit of animosity between the two nations since the siege of Dublin by king Sobieski in 256 b.c.

bah hahaha! good one.

I never seen anything to suggest paddys and poles are enemies
I never seen a poles treated in a racist..(well xenophobic way...we're of the same race aren't we?).... way at home and I've never once been treated like that since I moved here either.
15 Oct 2010 /  #10
Poles came to Ireland to make sandwiches and coffee for the fat celtic-tiger in five years time it will be the other way round.

The way Ireland is going, this may be a reality sooner than you suggest
Teffle  22 | 1318  
15 Oct 2010 /  #11
The national deficit could look a hell of a lot healthier if someone had the cajones to stand up to the public sector and their unions.

Unfortunately, this someone doesn't seem to exist in Irish politics.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
15 Oct 2010 /  #12
AJ I thought you we're a Dutchman
Ironside  51 | 13109  
17 Oct 2010 /  #13

a flying Dutchman
irish1  - | 7  
23 Jan 2011 /  #14
you can vote for me then in the upcoming election...and i love the polish men...sooo handsome..:-)' The national deficit could look a hell of a lot healthier if someone had the cajones to stand up to the public sector and their unions' (QUOTE,,TEFFLE)
guesswho  4 | 1272  
23 Jan 2011 /  #15
and i love the polish men...sooo handsome..:-)

you must be a Polish guy to make this comment :-) (no biggie, matter of taste).
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
24 Jan 2011 /  #16
you must be a Polish guy to make this comment :-)

guesswho there are many handsome Poles, plus maybe the Celtic girl likes the Slavic look.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
24 Jan 2011 /  #17
guesswho there are many handsome Poles.

as you know, I lived in Poland long enough to have an opinion about it. There are not many handsome guys in Poland (you're an exception :-) )

plus maybe the Celtic girl likes the Slavic look.

and that's why I said, it's a matter of taste.
irish1  - | 7  
24 Jan 2011 /  #18
I find the Polish idea of a drinking party quite tame though....
dxx  12 | 108  
25 Jan 2011 /  #19
I find Poles and Irish get along quite well actually, they are not locking themselves up, Poles are actually interacting with the Irish and a lot of friendships are built that way.

From what I experience, Polish here in Ireland get along with all nationalities, something that can not be said from the Poles in Poland...
irish1  - | 7  
30 Jan 2011 /  #20
I find the Polish idea of a drinking party quite tame though....

Where is your sense of humour Polish people??? This comment was meant to be a joke...sorry if it offended...

I live in Galway city where a trial has just concluded , a local young guy was killed by a Polish guy who was handed the murder weapon by his Polish girlfriend...thank goodness we are not narrow minded enough to brand all the Polish here in Galway through the crazy actions of the minority...so yes, we are friends...definitely....in fact it is because of one Polish guy who is soo nice to me at work that it makes my day going in to see him ;-)
Teffle  22 | 1318  
30 Jan 2011 /  #21
sorry if it offended..

Who was offended ?!
irish1  - | 7  
30 Jan 2011 /  #22
The Poles and Irish are very similar, whenever they speak it makes no sense

enkidu  6 | 611  
30 Jan 2011 /  #23
The Irish from the Polish point of view:

- They drink as heavy as we do.
- They are Catholics.
- They sing a sad songs about lost heroes when drunk.
- They care about something that happened 500 years ago and then:
- They pick up a fight to decide who was right 500 years ago.

Polish? Irish? What the difference?
Lets drink, be marry and prise the virgin Mary! ;-)
Andy Rowan  
22 Nov 2011 /  #24
Well. I'm the son of an Irish Catholic mother and Polish Catholic father, so in my case the two nations are pretty tight as some would say. Both Catholic and both traditionally oppressed by their neighbors, Ireland by England and Poland by the Russians and Germans. Proud of both sides. Slainte. Andy
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Nov 2011 /  #25
The national deficit could look a hell of a lot healthier if someone had the cajones to stand up to the public sector and their unions'

And the 50,000 eastern euros on the dole here.


From what I experience, Polish here in Ireland get along with all nationalities, something that can not be said from the Poles in Poland...

Where do you reside> lalalalala land? Ireland for the Irish.

[quote=irish1]I live in Galway city where a trial has just concluded , a local young guy was killed by a Polish guy who was handed the murder weapon by his Polish girlfriend...thank goodness we are not narrow minded enough to brand all the Polish here in Galway through the crazy actions of the minority...so yes, we are friends...definitely....-)[quote]

We are not friends.

That was the 16th Irish person murdered by a Pole since 2005.

They lost their lives due to do-gooders like you. People whom supported the eastern european invasion. If we had background checks and introduced a visa system, only dent poles would get in.

16 Irish killed.

3 poles killed/ All named as racial killings.

Not the 16 Irish killed by poles, but.

The meeja despise the native Irish. In 50 years we will be as rare as a native indian in New York. We are being ethnically cleansed.

Ironside  51 | 13109  
23 Nov 2011 /  #26
In 50 years we will be as rare as a native indian in New York. We are being ethnically cleansed

You have very little confidence in your nation RN.
Do you think that emigration is good for Poland ? Think again, in 20 years they will import young people from Asia to Poland to fill gaps in employment.

You at least are getting Poles which will integrate in no time (unfortunately).
All nations in EU are being socially engineered.
23 Nov 2011 /  #27
Irish men need to take the used up Polish prostitutes of Englands to breed. This will cure them of repressed sexuality and help them to know to dance in good way. A new breed of spirytusowy super builder who are bad with money and not so fat and red!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Nov 2011 /  #28
Irish men need to take the used up Polish prostitutes of Englands to breed.

Revolting comment.

All nations in EU are being socially engineered.

I agree. In a couple hundred of years all whites will cease to exist. The minorities(sic, they are 92% of the global population) will reign supreme. No affirmative action for us, as we "deserve" our belittled position.

You have very little confidence in your nation RN.

True, true. With good reason.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
23 Nov 2011 /  #29
And the 50,000 eastern euros on the dole here.

Typical working class hero response. Are you in a union perchance?

Shower of corrupt self serving hypocrites and they have ruined this country.

The deficit has nothing whatsoever to do with Bertie and his cosying up to unions? vastly inflating the public sector payroll and personnel while they all do as little work as possible? handing out his "socialist" money left right and centre? The man should be jailed.

It seems you're the idiot if can put all our woes down to "de eastern europeans"

Ironic, since I assume you hate the "Brit rag", the Daily Mail, that you sound just like one of their readers.
smurf  38 | 1940  
23 Nov 2011 /  #30
take the used up Polish prostitutes of Englands to breed

I'm not puttin my cock anywhere near where a Sasanach's has been.

And the 50,000 eastern euros on the dole here

got any proof of that figure or are you tellin porkies again Nice?

Sure Jaysus there must be nearly a million paddies on the dole, what'll we do with them, kick them outta the country too?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Poles and Irish, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?Archived