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Poles - go home make your country better

21 Aug 2010 /  #1
can all the polish that are in my country please go home and stop , making it hard for brittish children too find work, you are gutless parasites who cant stand up too your own goverment
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
21 Aug 2010 /  #2
Don't disturb them to refurbish that old worn carpet ;)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
21 Aug 2010 /  #3
Its people like this that make me glad i left the UK where i was born...and moved to Poland...

Probably some council estate moron that could not get a job if there was a 50% reduction in the whole population...!
Ironside  50 | 12333  
21 Aug 2010 /  #4
Don't make me yell but Just go straight to blazin' Hell!
Ajb  6 | 231  
21 Aug 2010 /  #5
Its people like this that make me glad i left the UK where i was born...and moved to Poland...

Couldn't have said it better myself

Close mindedness ruins countries........
siarnaq  - | 5  
21 Aug 2010 /  #6
Excuse the moron above (who incidentally cannot even spell the word 'British' - one t not two you tw*t)
They certainly do not speak for everyone here
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Aug 2010 /  #7
I wouldn't use 'go home' as an imperative and they have the right to choose. However, my wife, who is Polish btw, thinks that they should go to the UK for a stint, pick up some invaluable exp and transfer their learning back to Polish life. She dislikes those that stay away for too long because she maintains that such people just need to get more creative here. In a roundabout way, she agrees with the OP.

I see the logic and there are so many here that have voiced the opinion, Polska dla Polaków (Poland for Poles). They can't have it both ways. Either you strive to bring that about or you become grateful for new opportunities which invariably come with a healthy dose of luck.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
21 Aug 2010 /  #8
you are gutless parasites who cant stand up too your own goverment

rewolucjonista się znalazł....
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
21 Aug 2010 /  #9
they should go to the UK for a stint, pick up some invaluable exp and transfer their learning back to Polish life.

In order to stop the brain-drain and collect some foreign wealth and return it to the homeland, would indeed help Poland.
As Poland's economy seems to be doing better than the rest of the EU anyway, one can reason that the flight will slow on its own soon as more opportunities avail in P-Land.

Would you agree?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Aug 2010 /  #10
It's a little deeper than that but I agree. Although I don't want to delve into the arguments put forward that GB owes Poland after WWII (it was the government and not the people that decided Tehran/Yalta, they shouldn't suffer), I like the fact that GB is getting a wake-up call as globalists are causing huge problems for them. Besides, Poles are really helping the economy through their work. They could take those skills home and do sth useful. Poles are determined people.

Ryan Stiles doing it in style :)
siarnaq  - | 5  
21 Aug 2010 /  #11
its the determination that makes them welcome here, a very strong work ethic goes a long way! english people (aka brittish children) can also learn a lot from that.

the English these days seem far to focused on what benefits are available...

A lapse attitude verses a determined one
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Aug 2010 /  #12
A lax attitude is indeed not their style abroad, I've heard. Still, other than money, I wonder what keeps them in the UK away from their families.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
21 Aug 2010 /  #13
other than money, I wonder what keeps them in the UK away from their families.

Quest for international adventure or to immerse themselves in the new culture? Buying power and variety they can't get at home?
Maybe they just like it there better than in P-Land? Ask Justy.

the English these days seem far to focused on what benefits are available...

Same goes for lazy Americans.
Polish people who come here for summer work have run into resistance -even hostility- from the natives for this very reason. Lazy Americans resent their Polish hard work making us look bad. This has only gotten worse as there are fewer jobs during this recession.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Aug 2010 /  #14
can all the polish that are in my country please go home and stop , making it hard for brittish children too find work, you are gutless parasites who cant stand up too your own goverment

Congratulations sir, you have just won a place in the shortlist for the "Golden Dcikhead"-awards 2010 for the person who makes the most retarded remark. Further nominees will be selected in the next coming months and the election and announcement of the winner will take place on the 20th of December 2010.


M-G (polesandmops must be delighted. M-G thinks though that it's a standard poster under a different nick)
Skrymcz  - | 30  
21 Aug 2010 /  #15
British children? Shouldn't they be in school?
21 Aug 2010 /  #16
No according to OP they should work in coal mines...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Aug 2010 /  #18
can all the polish that are in my country please go home and stop , making it hard for brittish children too find work

Can all the Polish that are in my country, please go home and stop making it hard for British children to find work?
You are gutless parasites who can't stand up to your own government.
21 Aug 2010 /  #19
Oh that's better. Actually those too tipped me up a lil'bit... ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Aug 2010 /  #20
Oh that's better.

I just think making basic mistakes like that is very impolite.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
21 Aug 2010 /  #21
Mophead is probably pssst off that Poles can spell better than he can...
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
22 Aug 2010 /  #22
its the determination that makes them welcome here,

BS, it's cheap labor that makes them welcome here.

Same goes for lazy Americans.

No such thing as a lazy American. American's are smart enough not to work for what amounts to is a slave wage. Corporate America is addicted to slave labor. Unfortunately when an American says No, there is a Pole or a Mexican willing to work on the cheap with ridiculous working conditions.

BTW the English aren't lazy either, there is no incentive in England whatsoever. In those conditions they're not going to work. When the English are abroad they work.

Same in Poland. Iam sure a lot of Poles have figured it out, that's why you have an unemployment rate of what 10%?

You want people to work? You have to pay'em, and quit thinking that you can increase profitability by cutting wages.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Aug 2010 /  #23
Close mindedness ruins countries........

I've got this pub that you might like......

(something tells me that I'm never going to be trusted again)
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
22 Aug 2010 /  #24
No such thing as a lazy American.

I've been working with them and trying to manage them my entire life. So don't tell me. Add union protection to the mix which makes firing even the slackers impossible to fire and we've got a lazy epidemic.

that's why you have an unemployment rate of what 10%?

So do we. And that's not counting the lazy who do show up for work only to do little actual work. Or those who sit on their butts sucking unemployment benefits as long as they can rather than seeking a job.

I'm telling you, I've witnessed all this up close and personal, from both sides -as a worker and as a manager. Foreigners come here and work circles around the lazy Americans... then the lazy Americans resent the competition of the foreign work ethic.

We've gone soft and expect something for nothing. And get pissed when someone comes along and threatens that.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
23 Aug 2010 /  #25
trener zolwia

So don't tell me.

You must be from Chicago. I haven't heard that phrase since I left Chi-Town.

I've worked for large and small companies, the Feds and now I own my own business and to motivate people you have to pay'em and give them an incentive to work no matter where they are.

I read on this Board how the English complain how lazy the English working man is but the ones that come to the States work like hell. Same with the Poles in Poland. Poles complain about the Polish workers, but they come to the States and are model citizens. And what's next? An American complaining about American workers, gee what else is new? If the worker has an incentive to work, they'll work. Treat 'em like crap and they won't produce.
George8600  10 | 630  
23 Aug 2010 /  #26
I own my own business

What kind if you don't mind me asking?
nott  3 | 592  
24 Aug 2010 /  #27
I wonder what keeps them in the UK away from their families.

Families can be brought along :)

I, for one, like it here. Somehow.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
24 Aug 2010 /  #28
What kind if you don't mind me asking?

4 Oct 2011 /  #29
Hush up and eat your crumptets old brittish geezer

or i'll slap you with my kielbasa !

Tell your good for nothing british chaps to stop coming over to Poland to drink all the beer and run around drunk
22 May 2016 /  #30
Go home Poles

Merged: Poles go home

And take all the Romanians Bulgarians and whatever else with you. We the British people do not want you we never wanted you and you were brought here by traitors, now go back to your own country.

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