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Why are Poles in the UK complaining of racism when you are racist?

Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Jun 2016 /  #31
Why is it then that expats in Poland are vehemently opposed by a certain group of people here on PF

Which expats? Please point out which individuals you talk about because I don't know any expats on this forum and therefore can't answer your question.

They are absolutely mortified when some of their countrymen are inclined to join them, and they will do everything in their power to stop them

You what? Please learn how to make sense so maybe people will start respecting you and talk to you on an adult level.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
28 Jun 2016 /  #32
Which expats?

Nice to be in agreement with you. There are none here. An expat is somebody who...well, you know that.

As for the immigrant in Britain being a right voter, this is more a fact than an opinion.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Jun 2016 /  #33
It's nice that an immigrant in Poland with no rights to vote agrees with me.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
28 Jun 2016 /  #34
I could have the vote with a click of my fingers Wulkan, but your "politicians" and their hopeless vision aren't worth my time and expense to travel to Warsaw for the day to swear my allegiance to them.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Jun 2016 /  #35
So go and run for office, you would be finally useful in some way, to give people a laugh, Kononowicz 2.0.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Jun 2016 /  #36
but your "politicians" and their hopeless vision aren't worth my time and expense to travel to Warsaw for the day to swear my allegiance to them.

You could vote against them but you're too dull to figure that out but don't worry, I'm always ready to vote against anything you would like to vote for, either here in the UK or back in Poland.
28 Jun 2016 /  #37
Only retards want to be friends with racist and nobody was trying to be their friend
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
28 Jun 2016 /  #38
Tut Tut roz retards have an excuse, better word would be bell end.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Jun 2016 /  #39
MixedJade is not me dolno.....:D
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
28 Jun 2016 /  #40
"MixedJade is not me dolno.....:D" oh i get it anatomy bit wrong thing to say, sorry me an old boy.
iwonadem  - | 14  
28 Jun 2016 /  #41
I could have the vote with a click of my fingers Wulkan, but your "politicians" and their hopeless vision aren't worth my time and expense to travel to Warsaw for the day to swear my allegiance to them.

British superiority and arrogance in full bloom :-(
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
28 Jun 2016 /  #42
Why would that be? It looks as if this racist government are here for the duration with their petty bribes, until they bankrupt the country. It is not my fight, much as I despise them.
29 Jun 2016 /  #43
If the Brits were sincere they would be making comments against all foreigners, not just Poles or Eastern Europeans.
But bashing Poles is easier since they are white too. Media wont make a big deal about it.

Anyways Poles should return home unless they are willing to integrate.
The same with the British clowns in Poland, go home :)
Paulina  19 | 4451  
29 Jun 2016 /  #44
Fact. Sometimes. Sorry to state the truth again , but Poles are oft ignorant as regards other races.

Yes, Doug, it does seem that you like to repeat this but does this justify anti-Polish abuse directed at some random Poles?
I remember that you wrote on PF at some point during the refugee crisis that your Polish family is being ostracised for being Polish because of Polish government's stance on refugee quotas. Did you mean that they were being ostracised in the UK?

You were trying to sell them?? I'm not surprised they didn't want to be friends with you!

Not very funny considering the circumstances...

If the Brits were sincere they would be making comments against all foreigners, not just Poles or Eastern Europeans.

Oh, but they are. They seem to be very sincere now... It looks like you don't know what's going on in the UK after Brexit... Apparently it's as if someone opened Pandora's box.

I've watched CNN yesterday evening and Hala Gorani interviewed a very upset Alastair Campbell telling about people telling him all the time about the abuse directed at them after the Brexit vote, taxi drivers told to get out of the UK because they're not British (only because they're not white), despite the fact they're born British, etc.

Here's more:


Kirsty Allan
Italian person I was w/ last night was assaulted for asking how someone voted. Knocked out w/ a bottle, lost a tooth, stitches. I'm scared.


"The normally primordial murmur from the racist swamp has now being released, and people feel empowered to say things they wouldn't have said before last week," he said. "I have never heard so many people tell me to go back to Africa as I have heard in the past few days."


"Sebastien, a 26-year-old Frenchman, was walking in the Kensington district on Friday with a friend and her mother, who was visiting from Paris. Hearing them speaking French, a man walking his dog began shouting at them to "Leave, Leave!," said Sebastien, who declined to provide his surname for fear of retaliation."

"Schoolchildren were racially abused in a west London district this week, Seema Malhotra, one of Labour's team of Treasury spokespeople, said on Saturday. "Someone shouted: 'Why are there only 10 white faces in this class? Why aren't we educating the English?'" she said, citing a letter from a teacher in her constituency about an incident on Wednesday. "Another went close up to the children and said: 'You lot are taking all our jobs. You're the problem."'

"A professor at Coventry University, Heaven Crawley, said on Twitter on Friday that "This evening my daughter left work in Birmingham and saw group of lads corner a Muslim girl shouting 'Get out, we voted leave'.""

A lot of examples here:


I must say I didn't expect this... The British people on this forum led me to believe that the UK is some kind of super tolerant country. How much of this tolerance was just superficial, I'm wondering now?

Although I must admit that what surprised and shocked me the most was not the anti-Polish hate, not even the racism and Islamophobia but... the "ordinary" xenophobia o_O

German mothers considering it "too risky" to speak with their children in German in the streets now or that Nazi-like British woman telling a French woman living in the UK for 10 years: "I should be served first as I'm British, go home" O_O That's just bewildering...

Other articles:

"UN urges UK to end xenophobic attacks after Brexit vote":

"Violence, intimidation and calls of "Go home" directed at minorities - from Europeans in England to non-white Britons - have surged since the referendum last Friday."
29 Jun 2016 /  #46
I'm black british born and myself, my mother, my brother, niece and son all voted out due to the racism we have experienced from incumbent Polish migrants. Speaking to other black and Asian friends they seem to have voted in the same vein. Why an earth would we vote to import more racism?
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Jun 2016 /  #47
The British people on this forum led me to believe that the UK is some kind of super tolerant country. How much of this tolerance was just superficial, I'm wondering now?

Paulina, do bear in mind that this kind of behaviour is from a minority of ignorant yobs. They exist in every country and society. There was an incident of racial abuse towards a black man in Manchester yesterday. The perpetrators were aged 20,18 and 16 and were guzzling beer........according to the report, other commuters came to the support of the gentleman under attack, informing the youths that they were 'disgusting' and 'a disgrace to England'.
10iwonka10  - | 359  
29 Jun 2016 /  #48
From my experience of living here it is not super tolerant country. It is like any others...

That is true this is small minority of ignorant yobs plus small group of 'little Englanders' with big 'chips on their shoulder'. Unfortunately these racists behaviours are picked by local/national press and brings very negative feelings.

I think in Poland racists behaviour is often effect of ignorance. Let's be honest except big cities there are not may foreigners in Poland ( don't count Ukrainians as they are very assimilated)

In UK it is sometimes just pure nastiness of some people.

It also does not help that for the last few months British press was banging on and on all the time how Polish /emigrants work for minimum wages ( drag them down) use NHS, schools..... Daily Mail or rather Daily Hate was a master at it. So we can partly thank press for these anti immigration feelings here.

Plus as I said before - with 1 million Ukrainians in Poland do we attack them? Does Polish press bangs on how they take our jobs, their children go to our schools, doctors,.... NO.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2016 /  #49
The British people on this forum led me to believe that the UK is some kind of super tolerant country. How much of this tolerance was just superficial, I'm wondering now?

it was fragile tbh and this referendum has given people the idea that they can start to air their racist views.
Referenda are stupid - there is no history of them in the UK - why did they do it?

Besides those going on about the 'tolerance' of the UK are privileged white men aren't they? So how would they know anyway?
29 Jun 2016 /  #50
@ who cares
Brits do make comments to other people, I am mixed race and born in london I had some white english woman abuse me for 9 months by leaving bananas outside my door and calling me a black ***** and she did it because I wouldnt join in on her making fun of some mentally ill african man and cursed her out for it, then I became the "enemy"

And Poles do integrate from what I have seen, You need to remember its easier to talk your native lanugauge to someone you is also from that country rather than english.
2 Jul 2016 /  #51
Merged: New Website to Report post-BRexit Racism and Xenaphopbia

Content plagiarized = removed.
jon357  72 | 23482  
2 Jul 2016 /  #52

This is a good website and worth using. There is also an equivalent here in Poland.
2 Jul 2016 /  #53
Well who ever set this website up, watch you are not prosecuted by local councils. You need these incidents to have a crime number and be reported to the police first and it not just be based on here say, it is dangerous.

Looking at this site, it actually has a common gmail account as contact and not a domain name account which signifies to me inexperience.

Becareful with what you are doing here.
Dreamergirl  4 | 273  
2 Jul 2016 /  #54
My polish ex voted leave and was also extremely racist about other poles when we were out and about in London
London Guy  
31 Jul 2016 /  #55
As a black British person I voted leave. White eastern europeans have shown what trash they are.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
31 Jul 2016 /  #56
"London Guy "

"As a black British person I voted leave." Your democratic right as a British citizen.

"White eastern Europeans have shown what trash they are", Was there any need for a racial slur. Are Black eastern Europeans different in your mind
Golden truth  
31 Jul 2016 /  #57
I am a Polish black lived and worked in Poland and moved to London for a couple of years now. I didn't vote in the referandum because I don't believe in politics.

Talking about racism /tribalism. ...I have experienced it in Poland from some hopeless few but have been accepted by many in Poland as well when I was still there. ..In the UK I have been discriminated against by some Black folk because I have a white wife (pole) and go some racist comments from a English fellar.

And back in Africa tribes discriminate against each other even from the same country.
In summary we are living in a world were there is no love by most people but there are few who are loving,tolerant,understanding and caring.

In my family in have a Russian sister -in- law and Australia brother-in-law...sort of multi national approach. ..I see things in a different perspective. ..

Not everyone is racist ....Is all about individual personality..

Have a mice one folks

Well we have Black here in Poland living well here for donkey years with no issues. .irrespective of a few but is normal. ..All my summer vacation is spent in Poland with my family. .We loving it here. .nice people ...nice food. ..nice weather. ..nice sea....The list goes one and one...my wife family is wonderful and planning to invest here. ..definately retired here. ...on summer vacation right now and loving it....
25 Aug 2016 /  #58
I think Polish people can be quite reserved which I don't mind at all. The thing that people should realise is that the person or people who are most likely to cause you harm will come from the same race. I don't agree with mindless racism and I think it's always the right thing to judge everyone on their merits. However, if a person said they've met hundreds of Indian people and always had a bad experience then I couldn't argue with that. In my opinion the best places in England are the towns and cities with the lowest ethnic minority populations. Strangely, in my experience those are also the places where people treat you well ad are kind. I believe that this is because immigrants tended to congregate in the most deprived areas because they were restricted to areas where they could find work and afford to live. In my experience Asian and Black people have the least compassion, empathy and I would never describe them as thoughtful. So, yes I dislike my own race because every single one I've met in my life has been snide conniving and dishonest. In fact, I think the world be a better place without them and I fail to see how they've made this country a better place.
nothanks  - | 626  
25 Aug 2016 /  #59
Polonia =/= Poles currently in Poland

Furthermore Poland is average in terms of Global racism. Possibly even better considering the racism by non-Native nationals in Western Europe.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
8 Oct 2016 /  #60
We have learnt how to play race card from blacks and asians. Status of victim is a valuable commodity these days.

I used to think I was just a regular person, butÂ… I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.

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