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Why are Poles in the UK complaining of racism when you are racist?

27 Jun 2016 /  #1
General question.

I have met many British blacks and asians even immigrants who aren't white who have been abused by Polish (other ee) saying "europe is for europeans"

Not only that you abuse English people as well.

Your problem is you came here and got to big for your boots now you are complaining about racism/xenophobia against yourselves? Its not nice is it.

This is your Karma.

Blacks and asians could never step foot in your country without being abused and you know it plus your hate for Muslims.
This is a wake up call that nobody cares if you're a white immigrant you're still an immigrant.
ender  5 | 394  
27 Jun 2016 /  #2
plus your hate for Muslims

nah not all of them we've got on our territory Muslim Tartars for 600 years and we are proud of them. For rest of them we had special gift for newly open mosque can't put the whole fault on us, tip READ YOUR POST
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 Jun 2016 /  #3
General question.

what the question again?you stupid?just asking
Paulina  17 | 4537  
27 Jun 2016 /  #4
Why are Poles in the UK complaining of racism when you are racist

From my experience majority of Poles in Poland aren't racist so I suspect it's similar in the UK.
So I'm not sure what you're asking about... Do you mean that some normal non-racist Polish family living in the UK, for example, should suffer some kind of anti-Polish abuse in silence because there are some racist Poles who abuse others? What kind of logic is that?

Not only that you abuse English people as well.

And you think Poles aren't abused by the English? They are. So maybe that's your "Karma", yes? :)

This is your Karma.

Whose Karma? Of Poles in general? Are serious? You know, the Nazis had all kinds of "justifications" and "explanations" for the discrimination and persecution of Jews, Slavs and others, so I'd advise you to be careful with such attitude - there still probably are people who believe that what happened to Jews was "Karma" for "killing Jesus" or sth of this sort.

Blacks and asians could never step foot in your country without being abused and you know it plus your hate for Muslims.

According to BBC in 2015 alone there were about 1,000 attacks on refugee shelters in Germany and in the UK Islamophobic crimes have also increased. I've seen a documentary on BBC about attacks on Muslim women in the UK, even girls are abused at school (one was called "a Taliban child", for example).


Some fragments from the article:

"The incident took place in a shopping centre in Bristol but no-one helped and it was only after Ms Khan made a public appeal in the media for help to track down the perpetrator that witnesses came forward."

"Ms Begum remembers several people witnessed the incident but, rather than help, some laughed while others turned their backs."

So what now, am I supposed to say that because of all of that and because of what my female Polish friends and acquaintances experienced in the UK - if some British or German will face some kind of xenophobic abuse it's their "Karma"?

And it's those Muslim women's "Karma" to be attacked both verbally and physically, spat at, be thrown things at them and have their veils torn off because other Muslims are killing people of other faiths and world views and abusing and raping women and girls?

Muslims and Indians and Africans also can have pretty dreadful attitude towards women, other castes, different religions so maybe I, as a woman and a Christian, should say that whatever happens to Muslims or Indians or Africans in Poland or in Europe or in the US or wherever is their "Karma"?

You see where it can lead to?

Of course, those Poles who are racists and complain about racism are hypocrites, that's plain and simple and believe me, I really detest hypocrisy. But Poles aren't the only nation on this planet who have hypocrites among them, trust me :)

This is a wake up call that nobody cares if you're a white immigrant you're still an immigrant.

So let's all of us treat all immigrants with respect, shall we :)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Jun 2016 /  #5
I have met many British blacks and asians even immigrants who aren't white who have been abused by Polish

Fact. Sometimes. Sorry to state the truth again , but Poles are oft ignorant as regards other races. It's changing slowly though, even if the Polish government regularly come out with racist comments themselves.

After all, Juncker is right about dictators, even if he was tired and emotional:) And Poles have bad role models, akin to Orban. Sadly the EU seem powerless to impose Article 7 on these crims. (apologies to everyone who has seen this before)

Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Jun 2016 /  #6
I have met many British blacks and asians even immigrants who aren't white who have been abused by Polish (other ee) saying "europe is for europeans"

We don't believe you.

you are complaining about racism/xenophobia against yourselves

We have learnt how to play race card from blacks and asians. Status of victim is a valuable commodity these days.
27 Jun 2016 /  #7
Hahaha .your own racism is going to backfire on you.how are going to now convince us that you poles don't have rascist DNA huh ?we voted for brexit coz yourkind showed us exactly that rascist poles need to stay where racism is tolerated .
Szalawa  2 | 239  
27 Jun 2016 /  #8
Suppose that also applies to Africans and Asians, can't be an exclusive trait unless of course you are racist yourself ;.). I doubt your intuition reflects the vast masses that happened to vote leave, and that you did not.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Jun 2016 /  #9
we voted for brexit coz yourkind showed us exactly that rascist poles need to stay where racism is tolerated .

I am Polish and I voted for brexit just like other Polish friends of mine, how does that work with your chimpanzee like logic?

  • voting
jon357  72 | 23518  
27 Jun 2016 /  #10
Turkeys voting for Christmas...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Jun 2016 /  #11
Turkeys voting for Christmas

Thanks for another example of chimpanzee like logic jon, always around when needed.
jon357  72 | 23518  
27 Jun 2016 /  #12
There you go again, Wulky, the gift that keeps on giving. A turkey voting for Christmas.
smurf  38 | 1940  
27 Jun 2016 /  #13
I am Polish and I voted for brexit



You're an immigrant in Engerland and you voted for Brexit???

Wulky, the gift that keeps on giving

PF's greatest (unwilling) comedian
Szalawa  2 | 239  
27 Jun 2016 /  #14
PF's greatest (unwilling) comedian

Perhaps he is just not a paranoid shrill like many others on here
smurf  38 | 1940  
27 Jun 2016 /  #15
He's definitely not a shrill, becasue a shrill is defined as:

1. high-pitched and piercing in sound quality:
a shrill cry.
producing such a sound.
full of or characterized by such a sound:
shrill music.
betraying some strong emotion or attitude in an exaggerated amount, as antagonism or defensiveness.
marked by great intensity; keen:

Maybe you meant shill?
He's also not one of them, nobody is that stupid to pay him
Szalawa  2 | 239  
27 Jun 2016 /  #16
vocal paranoid person if I have to dumb it down for you
smurf  38 | 1940  
27 Jun 2016 /  #17
Errr I just showed you want you wanted to say, you should be saying thanks.

But, OK, OK, gratitude isn't you thing that's cool.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Jun 2016 /  #18
Errr I just showed you want you wanted to say,

Unlike you, he doesn't need dictionary to understand English.
27 Jun 2016 /  #19
Can I just ask you as a English northerner from a Labour heart land why you as a Pole voted Brexit Wulkan.
27 Jun 2016 /  #20
Turkeys voting for Christmas...

So as hispanic against uncontrolled immigration in US, I am the in this category? Horsefeathers! (BTW Christmas is not as big a Turkey holocaust as Thanksgiving.)

But this is kinda racist by making the huge presumption that W is not able to acquire a normal visa to stay. Maybe he doesn't need an open border or edict from Brussels to be accepted?

Maybe he is a person not on the doles, who was or is in the viable workforce instead of cheap labor or language instruction?
Maybe he already is citizen in the proper way or has a national spouse?
(I don't remember from his past posts when I was frequent his given "relationship status" but I think he was a younger generation that I)
Atch  22 | 4299  
27 Jun 2016 /  #21
but usage of archaic English makes you look more backwards.

No, it actually makes him look more articulate. That's one of those weird aspects of the English language that the old foreigners can never quite their heads round:)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Jun 2016 /  #22
No, it actually makes him look more articulate.

Does it? that's good then, he clearly needs something that improves his image.

as a Pole voted Brexit Wulkan.

What difference does it make that I'm a Pole? I live in the UK so I care about this country too.
27 Jun 2016 /  #23
Fair enough !

Brexit !!!!!!!!
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Jun 2016 /  #24
That's the spirit!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Jun 2016 /  #25
What difference does it make that I'm a Pole? I live in the UK so I care about this country too.

Fair enough. Why is it then that expats in Poland are vehemently opposed by a certain group of people here on PF when they say exactly the same about your country?
jon357  72 | 23518  
27 Jun 2016 /  #26
So as hispanic against uncontrolled immigration in US

This is about the Brexit vote, not about local issues in other parts of the world.

opposed by a certain group of people here on PF when they say exactly the same about your country

Right-wing whingers.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Jun 2016 /  #27
Why is it then that expats in Poland are vehemently opposed by a certain group of people here on PF when they say exactly the same about your country?

What he's doing is what I've been saying all along. Immigrants to the UK are the biggest racists of all. They are absolutely mortified when some of their countrymen are inclined to join them, and they will do everything in their power to stop them:))

A notable exception were the West Indians in the 1950s:)

Brexit spells Dumbo - and it wont prevent freedom of movement, which I think was the main NeoCon and "working man's" viewpoint.
27 Jun 2016 /  #28
I am mixed race black/white and I have never had an issue with polish people.
Czech republic I have had issues with.
Romanians can be rude and lack manners.
Lithuania arent bad but I know black male friends had issues with them.
Russians are the WORSE

But poles nope.

Actually I think the worse incident I have had was with an Austrian group of guys, I work in a bar/club they came in and we were trying to sell them to the VIP area.

They said they didnt want one of my friends because she was black.
They asked if I was asian (because if i was it would of been okay) but no I said mixed then they didnt want me either.

And they said our other friend who was from Iran was "borderline" but okay lol

Funny incident because the Iranian girl and the two white girls they took in their ended up ripping them off because they were racist lol
Atch  22 | 4299  
28 Jun 2016 /  #29
we were trying to sell them

You were trying to sell them?? I'm not surprised they didn't want to be friends with you!
nothanks  - | 626  
28 Jun 2016 /  #30
There is some hypocrisy in play. But not all Poles think the exact same or have the same exact experiences. But I will always back the Native population

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