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Are Poles in UK really that big of a deal?

grubas  12 | 1382  
21 May 2011 /  #1
So I been watching lately some debates and other stuff regarding immigration to the UK on YT and I wonder what the f u c k is wrong with Brits.What's about this constant moaning about Eastern Europeans?Funny how in all of their immigration debates sooner on later they talk about Eastern Europeans or specifically Poles not once Indians,Pakistanis or Somalians are mentioned even though according to this guy Sir Andrew Green (who btw talks a lot of sense) only 1 in 5 migrants to UK comes from EE.The whole EE pop is 75 milions how does that compare to say India's 1.2 Bilion.Ok, say there is 1 milion Poles in the UK.How many more can you expect?I can tell you,not many.Even A. Green says it will eventually come to balance like it was in the case of Spain and Portugal.Another thing is that many Poles move to UK temporarily to make some dough and at some point will go back to PL.Can you say the same about say Nigerians?I don't think so.Any Pole can move to UK at any time and "only" 2.5% of pop actually did so.In the meantime you have constant stream of Asians and Africans coming under pretense of attending bogus colleges or as asylum seekers.Even arrested illegals are not deported but are RELEASED only to dissapear again!Hello, you have illegal Somalians who should not even be in the UK but they are being GIVEN counsil houses!

Also,how many Brits moved to PL since 2004 and how many moved to Pakistan or Somalia?I tell you what,once the cashier's wage in PL hit a 1000 Euros a month very few Poles will migrate.You Brits got to stop blaming Eastern Europeans for all of your problems.Sure you have many immigration problems but Eastern Europeans are the least of them so get your s h i t together and tackle the real ones.

Oh, and if I was a Brit I would support Sir Andrew Green because he seems to know what he is talking about.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 May 2011 /  #2
Please stick to Poles, not Eastern Europeans, grubas ;) Thanks!
gumishu  16 | 6182  
21 May 2011 /  #3
?I tell you what,once the cashier's wage in PL hit a 1000 Euros a month very few Poles will migrate.

you won't see it any time soon
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
21 May 2011 /  #4
Please stick to Poles, not Eastern Europeans, grubas ;)

What do you mean?Poles are Eastern Europeans and Brits seem to consider all Eastern Europeans Poles then why should I stick to Poles?Even some Asians pretend to be Eastern Europeans,watch this:


This is super funny,I love when the officer says"I am more Romanian than you".
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
21 May 2011 /  #5
HUNDREDS of Polish criminals who fled to Britain could be freed - because it is too expensive to take them home to face justice.

The villains, including violent offenders, burglars and drug dealers, were arrested in the UK on warrants issued by Polish cops. But now authorities in Poland have admitted they can't afford to have them returned after the backlog grew so long.


Shackled and strapped on to metal benches on a military transport plane, Polish murderers, rapists and drug smugglers arrested in Britain are being flown home to prison on secret flights.


There's a flight that leaves every 2 weeks to take your criminals back, yet as soon as they go on bail in Poland they make their way back to the UK...

So I been watching lately some debates and other stuff regarding immigration to the UK on YT and I wonder what the f u c k is wrong with Brits.

Immigration rules are fastly changing in the UK, but you wouldnt know about this - but we can not stem the flow of those from the EU...As for 1 millon Poles in the UK..do you think thats an acceptable level of migration to my tiny island?

As for how many Brits have moved to Poland...I doubt more that 50,000 and they all probably went with their Polish partners, not some under class who moved there with their 4 kids!

Ive got nothing against controlled immigration but it should be right across the board and not just for non EU!
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
21 May 2011 /  #6
Did you even read what you posted Amathyst?
"The Polish ministry of internal affairs says the number of criminals extradited from the UK to Poland has recently grown 14-fold ? with an average of three wanted Poles arrested in Britain each week".3 (THREE) per week! and they are being deported because Polish authorities asked for them.You, just like your rag newspapers blow that thing out of proportion and clearly have an anti Polish agenda.

Immigration rules are fastly changing in the UK, but you wouldnt know about this - but we can not stem the flow of those from the EU...As for 1 millon Poles in the UK..do you think thats an acceptable level of migration to my tiny island?

What flow?If there was a flow all 38 milions of Poles should be already in the UK,they had 7 years to do that.There was 1 (ONE) pretty big wave of migration from new EU members but that's it,there is no further flow like you are trying to portrait it.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 May 2011 /  #7
I heard a story yesterday from a friend in England (i might add) who said three huge Polish dudes tried to beat him up when he was on the way home from town drunk, he managed to get away but further up the road ran into some other young men who had actually bean beaten up quite badly and had their wallets and mobile phones stolen by the same three Polish guys.

Basically they were waiting for drunk Brits to walk a certain route late at night then beat them up and rob them.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
21 May 2011 /  #8
just like your rag newspapers blow that thing out of proportion and clearly have an anti Polish agenda.

Its not propaganda, its a fact!

What flow?If there was a flow all 38 milions of Poles should be already in the UK,they had 7 years to do that.There was 1 (ONE) pretty big wave of migration from new EU members but that's it,there is no further flow like you are trying to portrait it.

Poles are still arriving...maybe not so many, but they are still arriving same as other Eastern europeans...You didnt answer my question, do you think its right a million extra people come to my country? Do you think these numbers of immigration (one we cant do a damn thing about) are acceptable? Criminals moved from Poland do come and do what the hell they like here...By all accounts a lot were petty criminals, but still criminals notheless, we have enough of our own home grown and the rest of the EUs! Soft touch Britain seems to be the destination of choice for these people!

Im not anti Polish by any means, but I dont like the fact we have ended up with other countries scum.
pawian  219 | 24792  
22 May 2011 /  #9
So I been watching lately some debates and other stuff regarding immigration to the UK on YT and I wonder what the f u c k is wrong with Brits.

They want to use their public toilets at last! :):):):)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
22 May 2011 /  #10
No offence but most Brits are not not intelligent enough to distinguish between Poles and non Poles, I get the feeling that many Brits are starting to use a shorthand for all East European migrants and calling them Poles.

Its not propaganda, its a fact!

It's also a fact that Poles are 4 times less likely to commit a crime than the natives.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
22 May 2011 /  #11
No offence but most Brits are not not intelligent enough to distinguish between Poles and non Poles

Shut up fool, poles stick out as much as Brits do in Poland.

It's also a fact that Poles are 4 times less likely to commit a crime than the natives.

Yeah right, crimes are committed by the individual not the group, you think folk have tea parties to discuss who should commit what or not?
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
22 May 2011 /  #12
No offence but most Brits are not not intelligent enough to distinguish between Poles and non Poles,


I get the feeling that many Brits are starting to use a shorthand for all East European migrants and calling them Poles.

And who really gives a sh1t? Aren't we all referred to as ''Aussies'' by outsiders even though we are all to varying degrees, something else?

And aren't you kind of contradicting your last statement?

It's also a fact that Poles are 4 times less likely to commit a crime than the natives

That's due to circumstance, nothing more. Try again.
KateLouise  - | 50  
22 May 2011 /  #13
My faggy ass country seems quite inviting to a number of europeans....note i did not just say poles. Its people like you that give countries and nationalities a bad name. Screw you, we're all european. And you think brits abroad aren't persecuted by locals? don't be ridiculous and crawl back in your little shell. You have no idea what you are talking about.

PS Amethyst is right. A channel 4 documentary this week showed a polish military aircraft which comes in every two weeks to pick up poles on bail or with outstanding arrest warrants. In fact it said they return every 10 to 14 days and that was the polish police officer who said that. I think there were twenty policemen on eacg flight to escort wanted warrants.

Grow up.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
22 May 2011 /  #14
every intelligent person can see how many illegal immigrants there are in the UK (London must be their Mecca) (I was one once - I overstayed my visa for long and worked illegally back in 2002-2003 - but hell I was not going to stay as often those who come from Africa or Asia do) - a significant percentage of them claim some benefits or even live in council housing as many point out (no I haven't claimed any benefits nor lived in a council appartment) - I wonder how much it costs your country (must be billions each year) - now compare that to the problem Poles cause (before you spurt some nonsense: what is the percantage of Poles who earn their living in the UK paying national and local taxes compared to those who live off some benefits) - yeah it's probably true that Poles put a strain on the system of public services in the UK - but they just move the tip of the scale that is weighed down by millions of illegals - now: you can't hear many voices complaining on the illegal immigrants issue in the UK - for fear of being called racist? you won't be a racist if you bash on Poles constantly cause we're not coloured (but you should have seen me sun-tanned after I came back from my trip to Italy to pick tomatoes - I never shaved in almost two months ;) )
Daisy  3 | 1211  
22 May 2011 /  #15
I heard a story yesterday from a friend in England (i might add) who said three huge Polish dudes tried to beat him up.

Is this the attack you're referring to, three Poles have been arrested, the young man has been left with 'life changing injuries' looks like he has permanent brain damage

Wroclaw Boy  
22 May 2011 /  #16
Is this the attack you're referring to

Nah, its one local to where i am, with all due respect the story teller did say he didnt actually know if they were Polish but definentely Eastern European, having said that the area where the attack happened is a well known Pole area. Many British local's refer to it as little Warsaw.

There are thousands of Polish here.

You know whats really funny they are friggen huge here in the UK, most of them are well over 6 foot and built like brick shite houses, i always assumed that Poland would be full of meat heads judging by the ones ive seen and known in the UK but its just not true, why many of the ones in my area are so mean looking is beyond me.

Something else that's really ammusing is that i can understand what theyre saying, its just a matter of time before i catch one out.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
22 May 2011 /  #17
I'd love to see it when it happens

You know whats really funny they are friggen huge here in the UK, most of them are well over 6 foot and built like brick shite houses, i always assumed that Poland would be full of meat heads judging by the ones ive seen and known in the UK but its just not true, why many of the ones in my area are so mean looking is beyond me.

I think this is the problem, the first flux of Poles that came here, were genuine people looking for work, but it looks like they have now been followed by the scum of the country. Before anyone gets on their high horse, every country has it's scum, and it appears that a disproportionally high number of scum have come here from Poland. this is a rural area where people never locked their doors at night, there was very little crime, Polish 'scum' as opposed to decent hard-working Poles have seen an opportunity in this weakness, turned up in their droves and turned previously safe places to live as unsafe. Where I live we have had a couple of murders and an armed police siege at the house around the corner and I'm sorry to say it has been Poles each time, this sort of thing was unheard of here before.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
22 May 2011 /  #18
in the years 2005-2006 crime rates in Poland fell quite sharply - one thing was stricter policies but the more important thing was chavs and criminals moved to the UK
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
22 May 2011 /  #19
I work with this Pakistani guy here (US). I had never even had a conversation with a Pakistani as they're very rare in the Midwest (esp after 911). This guy is very smart, non judgemental and I like working with him. Anyway, I said one day, hey man you ever been to the UK? He said sure he had family there and had visited often and was complimentary of the white British, etc. I said what about the influx of Poles of the past couple of years? His eyes kind of got wide he's like "oh my God, these people are complete drunks and literally pull down their pants and take pisses (urinate) right in front of store fronts, street corners.. a complete mess over there with them". BAwww Hawww. I just about lost it thinking about this forum.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
22 May 2011 /  #20
Maybe they need more chemical toilets in the UK, Pete?
Wroclaw Boy  
22 May 2011 /  #21
With due respect some of them don't even know were eastern Europe is, let alone being identify someone whose Polish.

This is England mate not America and the guy who told me is a very bright young chap, knowing were Eastern Europe is is irrelivant. Lets take Poland for example you know those dirty looking tanned children you frequently see in Ryneks begging for money, they are Roma Gypsies right? What Poles do not know that? see the connection.

Then lets move onto America i would reckon that 98% of the adult populaiton can spot a mexican from a mile, its similar to the UK and Poles right now.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
22 May 2011 /  #22
Maybe they need more chemical toilets in the UK, Pete?

Could be.. but the British were pretty hospitable to this dude which surprised me because I thought they were racist in general. However , a lot of British on here have incessantly complained about these Poles in GB. Who knows? Maybe they're just a bad lot. I'm a Polack myself but I just thought it was funny.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
22 May 2011 /  #23
one thing was stricter policies but the more important thing was chavs and criminals moved to the UK

and that shows where I live, the EU's open border policy will be it's downfall, people who were pro EU before have now turned anti EU, because of the effects this policy has had where they live
Wroclaw Boy  
22 May 2011 /  #24
I'm a Polack myself but I just thought it was funny.

i always assumed you were a full blown yank.

and that shows where I live, the EU's open border policy will be it's downfall, people who were pro EU before have now turned anti EU, because of the effects this policy has had where they live

Its fine in my opinion, its a step closer to global unity which is exactly where we must head IMO in order for this world to ever combat serious issues. At the end of the day Poles emmigrated to the UK in search of money, nothing more nothiong less. Thats the nature of the monetary game. Anybody would do exaclty that if they had the opportunity.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
22 May 2011 /  #25
Could be.. but the British were pretty hospitable to this dude which surprised me because I thought they were racist in general.

That surprised you, but not me. We often hear people on here, who have never set foot in the UK go on and on about the British Empire blah blah blah. The fact is after India got her independence in 1947, a lot of Indians (Pakistanis were Indian before partition) chose to move to Britain and take British citizenship, our two countries have a shared a long history, many Indian words have made their way into our language and Indian food, not just curry, we wouldn't have chutney with a traditional ploughman's lunch for starters. An Indian work colleague who came here age 8, once said to me "Do you ever wonder what foreigners think of us British?"
gumishu  16 | 6182  
22 May 2011 /  #26
and that shows where I live, the EU's open border policy will be it's downfall, people who were pro EU before have now turned anti EU, because of the effects this policy has had where they live

there should have been stricter ID controls back then for Poles coming in (some were wanted in Poland and just escaped to the UK)- perhaps the police should have been obliged to talk to all new people moving into a vicinity - I guess habitual offenders got sifted away by now
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
22 May 2011 /  #27
"Do you ever wonder what foreigners think of us British?"

Well, that's nice and I mean it not sarcastically.. but what the hell, a lot of us see the skinheads, hooligans, Chubby Brown, etc. Even Eric Clapton had his little "white power" moment.

If anything I would say that Pakistani/Indian the former immigrants are more critical of the new immigrants than the endemic British

Well yes, this crossed my mind as well. As in the the US, who hates the Mexican the most often?.. The negro that's who. Not comparing the Polish to the Mexican mind you.. they're both Catholic , that about the only similarity. I don't know.. Current situation in the UK is a sociologist's dream.. it's a (relatively) small place with many competing groups, conservative govt too. Anybody's guess right now.
22 May 2011 /  #28
oh my God, these people are complete drunks and literally pull down their pants and take pisses (urinate) right in front of store fronts, street corners.. a complete mess over there with them"

Yeah? Where about ?I have never witnessed it. So maybe he have seen a bum, or one of his relatives talk him and then all their bloody clan is talking about it for months.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
22 May 2011 /  #29
Could be dude.. I don't know. Never been to GB. Not taking his side per se, just thought it was unusual. However it does jibe with what a lot of white British on here say. And yeah I know the Pakistani are very clannish.
22 May 2011 /  #30
Some of you are so judgemental , aren`t you ? It is so funny to read some statements that all people in UK can say who the polish is or who is not . How can they know all of this if I can`t say that although I am Polish ? I visited England just once and during that visit my friend ( Spanish ) said to me ,look there are plenty of polish everywhere , " look at those guys" , and he pointed out at some men walking nearby . I asked how can he be so sure about it , he said , they just looked like polish . So I asked him to pull over the car so I could ask them for something . He did and I asked and the guys were all British .

So , don`t be so judgemental , pls.
Poland ranks very far behind UK in crime statistics and yes the only one thing is true , some criminals left Poland for England so they are more visible now in UK .

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