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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Crow  155 | 9722  
2 May 2018 /  #181
Russians are now friends but back then they were deluded with communism, western European project, that was uploaded into Russia with aim to slow down and stop progress in Russia and, as we all seen, in all Slavic countries that sooner or later were subjugated to the project.

Countries like Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechs, Slovaks,.... all believed that can be trusted to Britain and we made alliance with Brits. Stupid us. Not to speak of British siding with Islamic league against Yugoslavia and Serbia in last 25 years. To fight side by side with worse Arab mujaheedines against Serbians was just too much even from malevolent Brits. Shame on Britain.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
2 May 2018 /  #182
it's all about Serbia with you.....you don't care about Poles or fellow Slavs any more than I care about Serbs.
Russia will never be a friend to Poland.
Russian people yes,Russia no.
BTW,we have had Serbs in The UK for over 20 years now,mostly illegals.
Those that aren't criminals do "hand car wash",for below the minimum wage.
But of course they don't pay taxes or national insurance.
Serbs,unlike Poles,are not highly respected in The UK.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #183
I have lived here most of my life

I'm sorry to hear that = (

I have never seen the newspaper articles Dirk claims to have read and I read the press daily.

Well you can find such articles online now namely from the sun, express, and daily mail seeing as most of these were published years back.

All lies and untruths

So you deny that a good chunk of Brits and several media outlets expressed anti-polish sentiments as Poles flooded into the country after EU ascension and after the brexit referendum? One of the main reasons why Brexit even passed is because the Brits wanted to assert more control over their immigration policies and not let more people in - including Eastern Europeans...

TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 May 2018 /  #184
One of the main reasons why Brexit even passed is because the Brits wanted to assert more control over their immigration policies

There will be a rude awakening for the Brexiters once they find out that it's the immigration from the Commonwealth that is rapidly changing their country. The EU was not the problem.
Crow  155 | 9722  
3 May 2018 /  #185
Serbs,unlike Poles,are not highly respected in The UK.

God forbid respect by UK. And that respect for Poles ended up with ``No Poles Allowed!``

it's the immigration from the Commonwealth that is rapidly changing their country.

Great truth has been said here.

I suppose, Scottish referendum would then finally get positive outcome. Brexit from Britain.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
3 May 2018 /  #186
@Dirk Diggler

You have no understanding of The British people or the media here.
The newspaper articles you talk about were not expressing anti Polish sentiments,just reporting stories of attacks on Poles
and highlighting the fact that these were wrongs committed by a bigoted minority.
"Brits get on well with Poles" is not newsworthy............
The British want immigration to be controlled.
They want to be able to control EU immigration just as they do immigration from outside The EU.
Currently any EU national can come here irrespective of their worth to Britain and even if they have no job to go to.
What is wrong with that?
And I much prefer London to Chicago.........


The EU was/is the problem,as I have explained above.
Crow  155 | 9722  
3 May 2018 /  #187
media here

That`s the good one.
G (undercover)  
3 May 2018 /  #188
just as they do immigration from outside The EU.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 May 2018 /  #189
That's the problem with western europe - anyone can come in regardless of whether hey're going to contribute to the society or not, let alone assimilate and not cause problems. You may not see that as a problem but millions of european taxpayers and stakeholders do. That's why the countries that havent taken in a bunch of turd worlders are doing well while sweden germany france and increasingly uk are racked with terror, nonstop rape, no go zones, etc. When's the last time you heard of a Muslim child sex ring being busted in Poland? Whens the last time a pole beheaded someone and yelled Chwala Bogu?

How about driving a truck into a crowd or cutting off his wife's clit? That's right, never. That's because poles arent turd world savages.

Ateast in chicago we still have free speech and dont arrest people for thought crime. Atleast here you dont get arrested for posting facts about muslims on Facebook or twitter.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 May 2018 /  #190
Currently any EU national can come here irrespective of their worth to Britain

Well, currently any British national can go to Spain irrespective of their worth to the country. Goes both ways, doesn't it?

The EU was/is the problem

How many refugees has the U.K. taken in compared to other EU members? How many legal (im)migrants to the U.K. were born in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria? The only significant group of Europeans in Britain are the Poles.
cms neuf  2 | 1959  
3 May 2018 /  #191
Thats not correct - there are huge numbers of Irish in the UK, long Established communities of Spanish Italian and Portuguese, hundreds of thousands of French and Germans. Cypriots, Maltese and Greeks that have been there since the 60s et cetera

The issue with the poles is that apart from a smallish population that came in the late 40s,they all came at the same time and thus were more visible especially in the effect on the labour market.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 May 2018 /  #192
Guess I better get residency in UK while it's still in the EU. Why bother working when I can get a council house, benefits, health care, if the only thing I have to do to keep that is 'look for a job' ?


Sweeeeet.... I wonder if I can just put on a wig, adopt my own cousins, and become a 'benefits mum' too

or even France since you get more money - 70% of 100k a year to sit at home? Sounds like a good deal to me...


no wonder these welfare states are in the toilet and having GDP growth that's less than inflation
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 May 2018 /  #193
Thats not correct

I said "significant group" (of migrants):


The issue with the poles is ... they all came at the same time

Blair was the one who pushed for the EU expansion in the east. The U.K. was one of the few countries that opened its labor market to Polish workers right after the accession of Poland. Britain was meddling on the behalf of the Americans to get as many countries of the former Warsaw Pact into the EU/ NATO as possible. Why are the Brexiters complaining about the Poles (and others) all of a sudden? Hypocrites much?
cms neuf  2 | 1959  
3 May 2018 /  #194
I think the only place in Europe with gdp less than inflation is Britain - Not really to do with the welfare state, more to do with high inflation following the pounds slide after Brexit And GDP falling due to uncertainty about Brexit ( or the weather which is a government!)
3 May 2018 /  #195
no understanding of The British people or the media here.

He doesn't but he is not the only one. Also bear in mind that people like to troll here.......
As you said, by far the majority of British people like and respect Poles.
The irony is that when polonophobic incidents do occur in the UK, and fortunately these have declined since the Brexit vote, it is usually by nationalist anti-immigration idiots, the like of which can be found in every country, and just the type of people that Dirk praises when he keeps banging on about Poland.

I can get a council house, benefits, health care, if the only thing I have to do to keep that is 'look for a job' ?

That article you linked to is 5 years out of date. The rules on benefits were changed in 2015, and are tougher now.
Crow  155 | 9722  
3 May 2018 /  #196
Working against Serbia, UK cut legs to Poland so that Poland never arise but finish as eternal puppet state to western Europe and British interests. Fact that official Poland never underlined this, represent biggest proof that Polish leadership sold Poland and Poles.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
3 May 2018 /  #197

Nice to see another voice of reason on this forum.
There are a few of you on here.
But we need more to overcome "The Nutters".

As far as The Polish diaspora goes,I think Poles and their descendants in Europe share very similar views to Poles in Poland.
Î would also say that is pretty well true of Poles in Brazil and South Africa too.
Can't comment on our Antipodian brothers and sisters as I have insufficient knowledge.
But being a very early user of the internet,from the days before the WWW,when all we had was e mail,ftp and newsgroups,

I can tell you categorically that Polish Americans are a different breed.
I haven't quite worked out why yet,even after all these years.
But they just don't think like Poles.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
3 May 2018 /  #198
Polish Americans are a different breed.I haven't quite worked out why yet,even after all these years.But they just don't think like Poles.

It's further away and harder to travel back and forth so often. Some time ago a friend spent a year in the US (not too far from the Great Lakes) and said all the Poles had frozen their ideas of Poland based on when they left. Those that left in the 80s thought there were still lines and ration cards, those that left in the 90s thought that it was still the kind of wild west capitalism of the early 1990s...

The UK Polonia is mostly newer and still travels back and forth a lot so they might get a little out of date but are more au courant than American Poles.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
3 May 2018 /  #199

Good to see another sensible poster on this forum,Witam!!

@Dirk Diggler

It's hilarious and sad to see Polish Americans with their distorted views of life in Poland and Europe.
In 2100,none of us will still be alive.
But Britain's first language will still be English.
American's first language will not be English......but you know that but chose to ignore it.
People in glass houses.....
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 May 2018 /  #200
we need more to overcome "The Nutters"

Depends on the definition of "nutter". If you are a Brexiter, half of the British people would probably consider you a nutter. :)

Polish Americans are a different breed. I haven't quite worked out why yet

Here's your answer: they are Americans, not Poles.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
3 May 2018 /  #201
I agree with your second comment.
Your first comment is about a minority that lost the referendum.
So I'm not concerned about them.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 May 2018 /  #202
It will still be an English speaking country - the only difference is that there will be more Hispanics, which personally I don't have a problem with as they're hard working people and I believe are overall a net benefit to society. They do the jobs that Americans - both white and black - don't want. In Chicago all government buildings have 3 languages as it is - English, Spanish and Polish. Most of the Hispanic youth speaks English as their primary language - not Spanish. That is typically limited to older generations who crossed the border and haven't learned English as there is little incentive as they live in communities where they can survive without it - much like the older generation Poles that came over before the 90's.

GDP falling due to uncertainty about Brexit ( or the weather which is a government!)@ cms neuf

That's not what math shows. GDP was NEGATIVE in 2008 and 2009, 1.9% in 2010, 1.5% in 2011, 1.3% in 2012, 1.9% in 2013, 3.1% in 2014 (the only year where it was over 3% since the 90's) 2.2% in 2015 and so on - all BEFORE the Brexit vote... actually UK GDP was 1.9% and 1.8% in 2016 and 2017 (same as 2010 and higher than 2011) so clearly Brexit didn't have much of an impact on GDP.

In fact, the GDP growth in 2016 and 2017 was HIGHER than 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, etc and equal to 2010 and 2013... therefore your assertion that Brexit is the reason for UK's GDP decline is clearly false as it had lower growth years before Brexit. Also, post-Brexit GDP growth is equal to several years like 2010, 2013 (1.8/1.9%) which was before the vote PLUS 2016/2017 GDP was HIGHER than numerous years before Brexit - negative in 2008, 2009, 1.5% in 2011, 1.3% in 2012, etc.

Î would also say that is pretty well true of Poles in Brazil and South Africa too.

Not at all - first off most Poles in Brazil/Argentina don't even speak Polish or care much for their customs as only the older generations that moved there like half a century ago actually spoke Polish and practiced the traditions. Ditto with South Africa - Poles stopped going to S. Africa once apartheid ended and most left due to the white genocide policies of the post apartheid government. Poles went to SA because back in the day you were given a house, a good job with a high salary, etc upon the condition you stayed for several years.

those that left in the 90s thought that it was still the kind of wild west capitalism of the early 1990s...

So not true lol.... there's two flights leaving everyday from Chicago to Warsaw. PolAms (those that actually speak Polish, were born there, keep the traditions and culture alive anyway) are well aware of what's going on in Poland. In the summertime tickets for coach cost $1.3k, $1.5k and up round trip due to all the people going to visit their families and friends over the summer.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 May 2018 /  #203
CNN on the side of Poles???? Wow. Now that I didn't expect.

UK's Polish community targeted in hate crimes

Call it what you want but the numbers show that hate crime against Polish people have increased according to the Polish government.... So bad apparently that Poland had to send two cops to walk the streets in Essex.

Polish hate crimes: Harlow community speak

After Brexit, Polish people starting feeling unwelcome in UK and many faced verbal attacks, some physical and a few even killed! But suuuure let's pretend like nothing is happening. That's typical of UK - there's no problems with terrorism, there's no Pakistani child sex trafficking rings, naaaah its a socialist utopia complete with bans on freedom of speech and fines for thought crime.

Oh and fyi - look at the comments in the vids ... nooo Poles and Brits get along juuuust fine. At least more and more Poles are leaving UK and even the Polish government launched a campaign to bring them back.

Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
3 May 2018 /  #204
Your ignorance is astounding!
My cousin,born and raised in Poland,went to Brazil and met his now wife.
She is Brazilian,but of Polish parents.
Speaks fluent Polish,follows the customs and religion and passed this onto their son too.
They briefly moved back to Poland before settling in Scotland.
Their son is proudly Polish.
Knows all the customs,traditions,cuisine and religion....speaks and writes fluently in Polish,Portuguese and English.
You are wrong and ignorant of reality.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 May 2018 /  #205
They briefly moved back to Poland before settling in Scotland.

So they're no longer in Brazil....

Speaks fluent Polish

That is a RARE exception....


The State of Paraná still retains a strong influence from the Polish culture. Many small towns have a majority of Polish-descendants and the Polish language is spoken by some of them, although nowadays most Polish Brazilians only speak Portuguese. The city of Curitiba has the second largest Polish diaspora in the world (after Chicago) and Polish music, dishes and culture are quite common in the region. Curitiba was largely influenced by a mayor Jaime Lerner.

It's the same thing with the Poles in Haiti - yes, they do have some Polish blood but almost none of them speak Polish anymore...

Authentic Polish Culture in Brazil? It's there but not as much as I had hoped!!

First sentence:

Polish Brazilians remember their culture - but many are forgetting their GRANDPARENTS language
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 May 2018 /  #206
so clearly Brexit didn't have much of an impact on GDP

Of course not. It hasn't happened yet.

I'm not concerned about them

Good luck with that attitude. You will need it. Well, at least you have those £350 million a week in additional NHS funding now that Johnson and Farage promised you... :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 May 2018 /  #207
Of course not. It hasn't happened yet.

Only time will tell. The pound did decline though - that was almost immediate but it's rebounding now. I bet a quite a few people made a hell of a return shorting the pound back in 2016
cms neuf  2 | 1959  
4 May 2018 /  #208
Dirk last weeks GDP numbers fir the UK were shocking - GDP per hsad is now fallling. The pound is also falling. The UK govts lack of planning and uncertainty is now having a major effect. Time will tell indeed but Brexit has paralysed politics and that alone is very costly.

I think the end result will be more educated Poles with no family ties to Britain might either return honw or look to other natkets like Germany
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
4 May 2018 /  #209
@Dirk Diggler

You may well be right about my Polish cousin who lived in Brazil being unusual.
But his Portuguese was not great when he moved there and as his wife's parents were Polish so she was fluent in Polish.
It was natural for them to speak Polish at home so their son learnt that as his first language.
But it is a generational thing.
I get the impression from your posts that not only were your parents Polish but that maybe you were born and grew up in Poland.

If that is the case I'm curious as to how old you were when you went to America.
Some of my cousins were born in Poland but most in The UK.
All the UK born cousins understand and speak Polish.
Some can read Polish and a few can write it too.The older ones are generally the most fluent.
My wife is not Polish,so English is spoken at home.
Therefore my kids can't speak Polish.But they are clued up on Polish history,culture etc and are very interested and proud of their Polish heritage.

My son is football mad and watches every Poland game and knows all about the players,history etc.
Unfortunately,watching Poland play football is just as disappointing as watching England....LOL!
The dilemma comes when Poland play England................
4 May 2018 /  #210
hate crime against Polish people have increased according to the Polish government....

That was in the aftermath of the Brexit vote almost 2 years ago, and as I said in my post #195, fortunately these type of incidents have declined. Dirk, if you don't want to come across as being completely ignorant then at least post current information and not link to articles years out of date as you did before when I pulled you up on it.

In the aftermath of the Brexit vote, yes, there were a few incidents. It brought to the fore bad feeling which had obviously been simmering for a while, but generally Poles and the British get along just fine, but you don't live here so you wouldn't know that, but again you presume to be the font of all knowledge on British - Polish relations. A few Youtube vids does not give the whole story, and neither does sensationalist reporting from the Daily Fail and other low quality rags. As I said before the type of mindless thugs who commit attacks on Poles are the very same type that you call 'Polish Patriots', the ones that ruin the Independence Day parade for others and portray Poland in a bad light on the world stage. Sadly we have 'English Patriots ' too, but fortunately they are a minority.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived