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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Crow  154 | 9525  
23 Mar 2018 /  #151
Moment when Poles abandon Britain, United Kingdom would change its name into United Muslimia.

Can you imagine Theresa May introduce law on vaginal mutilation? Or promote some new style of naked bald vagina?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Mar 2018 /  #152
oh Crow do stop blithering nonsense for a short while, there's a dear..
Crow  154 | 9525  
23 Mar 2018 /  #153
Oh, I will. I will. But tell it to Theresa.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
23 Mar 2018 /  #154
I remember reading about signs in Poland during WW2. Only for Germans (or something more nasty)
I would suggest all Poles leave Britain. It's a hostile country
Crow  154 | 9525  
27 Apr 2018 /  #155
Britain seams to have something against Slavs. Let us all be aware of malevolent UK`s behavior >

Daily: Dacic was referring to France - "UK also meddling"

"Our sources are saying that London is officially demanding the canceling of UN Security Council sessions on Kosovo, or reducing them to the level of consultations closed to the public," Vecernje Novosti said.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Apr 2018 /  #156
Crow dont forget back in 2006 several eurocrats debated a way to 'democratically introduce sharia law.' Naturally that has since changed as more and more of the populace see the failures of multikulti.

Slavs especially poles can never trust the UK government. Whether it was refusing the polish legions to leave haiti and trying to force them to help the brits put down Jamaican slave revolts, their refusal to help poland during the nazi invasion despite a mutual defense treaty, or the anti slavs stuff calling poles Lithuanian Romanians criminals fraudsters and welfare leeches. I say good - were just evening out the playing field. Let the UK government think of all the money and benefits polish people stole as reparations for breaking a mutual defense treaty.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
27 Apr 2018 /  #157
Britain seams to have something against Slavs.

Britain doesn't like ANY other country besides Britain.
Joker  2 | 2363  
27 Apr 2018 /  #158
Are you kidding me? They dont even like themselves lol
Crow  154 | 9525  
28 Apr 2018 /  #159
True. Brits have that sado-mazo trait in themselves. So they transform their country into something else.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
2 May 2018 /  #160
You guys have no real knowledge about British people's attitudes to Poles.
Just as in Poland there are a few idiots who hate foreigners but they are very much in the minority.
In general Poles are well liked and respected by The British.
Mainly because of their hard work ethic but also because many British people are aware of the Polish military contribution in WW2.
We even have a Polish war memorial in Northolt next to the airfield that 302 and 303 squadrons were based.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
2 May 2018 /  #161
It's because of some British bullies here.
Luckily, I haven't met such Brits in reality.
Crow  154 | 9525  
2 May 2018 /  #162
Mainly because of their hard work ethic but also because many British people are aware of the Polish military contribution in WW2.

Being aware of it won`t prevent them to feel superior to Poles, while memorials like that one would only remind them how Poles are usable. Simple, antagonism is deep within British society, in culture, in language, politics. All there focusing on final result- there can be only one who may win Slavic resources and, by them, that is Britain or more particularly, England and of course, few God given magnates.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #163
In general Poles are well liked and respected by The British.

They are now - that wasn't the case 10+ years ago. Poles were regarded by many brits as backwards and cheap labor especially as they flooded the construction trade. Then as Poles started realizing how easy it is to scam the benefits system and commit fraud in the UK they got a bad rep for that.

All the time I still see UK publications talking about the 'Polish crime wave' and the huge amount of 'Polish criminals' which yes is based on fact. Nonetheless, it shows that people in the UK like to stoke fears and depict Poles as criminals.

Take this article from 2012 for example - dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2102895/Immigrant-crimewave-warning-Foreign-nationals-accused-QUARTER-crimes-London.html

Personally, I applaud these Poles. I look at it as karma, as reparations.

In general Poles are well liked and respected by The British. Mainly because of their hard work ethic

That's because British people got a taste of more and more Muslims coming in. So now, naturally, a Polish guy working in construction or factory and Polish girl working as a cleaning lady or home care and even the Poles who do commit fraud are tolerated much more than the thousands of Pakistanis that are raping and trafficking small children, not to mention those who march with signs saying UK Go To Hell, Sharia4UK, etc. Poles don't do that kind of stuff. We're not beheading soldiers, we're not blowing people up, we're not driving vans into crowds so naturally the more xenophobic Brits' focus has changed from hating Eastern Europeans to hating Muslims. We just want to be left alone to work, make our money one way or another, and retire - even if it's on UK taxpayers' dime. Many Poles even joke that their retirement plan is UK's benefits system.

And atually you'd be surprised how few British people - especially the youth - are aware of Polish contribution in WW2. That stuff simply isn't taught in schools, and even if it is it may be a sentence or two. Most British youth are retarded anyway - I remember watching BBC and a reporter was asking a remainer what the best part of the EU is and she answered 'the NHS'..... smdh.... and you think a person like this is going to be aware of the Kosciuszko squadron's contribution and how we basically saved London from the Luftwaffe? The British pilots were awful compared to the Polish mainly because of their tactics - Polish pilots were taught to fly extremely close to their target and then fire as opposed to firing from afar. That's what made the Poles so deadly. I honestly believe that if it wasn't for the Polish pilots the battle of Britain would've turned out way different - at the very least I doubt they would've repelled the Luftwaffe.

Simple, antagonism is deep within British society, in culture, in language, politics.

Like my cousin, a UK citizen was recently reminded 'You may be British, but you'll never be an Englishmen.'
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #164
Looks like Poles run the UK prisons:

This one is more recent - 2016


Another one from 2012 -
Police have complained about an invasion of Eastern European criminals to Sussex after a Polish jail put up posters advising them: "Come to Bognor Regis".


Insp Bowman said: "Some of these individuals who are criminals in their home countries come over here and develop organised crime groups where they are making a huge amount of money.

"When they get what they think is sufficient they'll go back to their own country and build a big house.

And indeed most Poles are like that - work abroad - granted most choose legit jobs, take the savings back to PL, build a big house, retire....

UK's Polish community targeted in hate crimes - just look at the anti polish comments btw - this is why I don't feel bad at all that polish people take UK jobs, benefits and whatever else they want - **** em
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 May 2018 /  #165
you are obsessed with the UK arent you dd?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #166
Not at all, simply commenting to an another member's post. Seeing as the title of this thread is about Poles and the UK, it's relevant to write about it... Nonetheless, I am happy to see my countrymen doing well in the UK.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 May 2018 /  #167
you go on and on about it....

If you dont like the place, get over it, you dont need to come here.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #168
I've been to UK numerous times... I worked for a company that had its HQ in London and had to travel there every few months. While I can't stand London I found Newcastle and some of the smaller towns and countryside amazing.

What bothers me is that there was so much anti-Polish sentiment in the British press. Although immediately after Brexit Poles felt that they were no longer welcome. Granted it's gone down, but the main reason why is they've focused their attention on Muslims.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 May 2018 /  #169
What bothers me is that there was so much anti-Polish sentiment in the British press

everyone goes on about that, but i dont see it. Other than a link to the Daily Mule of 7 years ago, could you provide any links?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #170
I posted one above from 2016

Like I said, when Poles flooded UK it was at its highest - which honestly I can kind of understand the Brits as if hundreds of thousands of people from a poorer country started flooding in I'd be pissed too because there's a lot of uncertainty - will they assimilate? will they learn English? will they work and be a net benefit to society? will they simply leech off the benefits system? even if only 1-2% of the migrants become involved in crime, when you let in a million people well that's 10k-20k new criminals you just let in.

Then it went down as the Brits saw that Poles were assimilating, taking jobs that Brits didn't want, etc. Nonetheless, there were a ton of Poles who scammed the benefits system, NHS, committed a lot of fraud, etc. After the brexit vote, the old sentiments back from 2004 and onward came back... And as such a lot of Poles left the UK. Thousands upon thousands of Poles left the UK for Poland due to uncertainty and also the Polish economy was doing much better than when many of them arrived years before.

Yes you won't see it as much anymore now in the media or amongst the more right wing types - the reason why is because they're focusing on the Muslims because there's so much to criticize them for - beheading soldiers, driving crowds into people, blowing people up, abusing and trafficking children, etc. The most they had against the Poles was that they ripped off the benefits system and committed fraud and some burglaries. But at least they weren't killing people and raping kids nor were they all out in the public demanding sharia law and setting up their own court systems.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 May 2018 /  #171
The most they had against the Poles was that they ripped off the benefits system and committed fraud and some burglaries

that is not even true tbh. It was the swans...:D

Listen Polish are 'top of the pile' , above Romanians , Bulgarians, Albanians, Moldovans and goodness knows who else etc. Stop being so egotistical about it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #172
Stop being so egotistical about it.

How am I being egotistical? Again, like I said - the anti-polish sentiment has largely faded and today it is a fraction of what it was the 2 waves before it - the anti polish sentiment following EU entry when hundreds of thousands of poles flooded in and then right after the brexit vote when a significant amount of brits couldn't wait for those aforementioned people to be kicked out or at least no new ones would come. It's the British who have historically had a superiority complex - not the Poles.

Listen Polish are 'top of the pile' , above Romanians , Bulgarians, Albanians, Moldovans and goodness knows who else etc

Well yea, but many brits and british media just lump us with the rest of the 'east European invader' pile.

When I was travelling in London I'll never forget seeing newspapers with headlines like Polish Invaders flood UK, xx% say we should ban Eastern Europeans, Migrants given 100000L for children living in Poland, etc. so obviously those things aren't going to just disappear from memory... and as a Pole I find it quite sad considering my countrymen basically saved London from the Luftwaffe - even after their betrayal and refusal to help us during the invasion of 1939
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 May 2018 /  #173
the anti-polish sentiment has largely faded and today it is a fraction of what it was the 2 waves before

right thank you, so why are you still banging on about it? Unless you wish to fan the flames ?
Any situation where over a million people arrive from one country into another, is going to raise issues isnt it?

many brits and british media just lump us with the rest of the 'east European invader' pile.

and 'many' dont.

And no, you didnt see those headlines, you made them up.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #174
Any situation where over a million people arrive from one country into another, is going to raise issues isnt it?

like I said:

right thank you, so why are you still banging on about it? Unless you wish to fan the flames ?

Again, I was replying to miroslaw's post....

Literally the first thing I wrote was:

In general Poles are well liked and respected by The British. - Miroslaw
They are now - that wasn't the case 10+ years ago. Poles were regarded by many brits as backwards and cheap labor especially as they flooded the construction trade... - DD

I believe in forgive,.... but don't forget ... so while yes I know British attitude has changed towards Poles, but I won't forget how they treated Poles very recently.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 May 2018 /  #175
Again, I was replying to miroslaw's post....

oh was i not supposed to reply...? I thought it was a public forum.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #176
oh was i not supposed to reply...?

And where did you get that idea? No one said you can't reply....
Crow  154 | 9525  
2 May 2018 /  #177
English logic is clear- use Poles, erect them monument, invest in Polish education, be nice to Polish politicians, control movements of Poles.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
2 May 2018 /  #178
Dirk and Crow please stop making up stories.
Its all BS.
Dirk,you claim to have spent time here.
I have lived here most of my life and know what you say about Britain is b******s.
Crow,you have probably never been here.
I have never seen the newspaper articles Dirk claims to have read and I read the press daily.
You are both just trying to stir things up.
All lies and untruths.(There is a difference).
Crow  154 | 9525  
2 May 2018 /  #179
Don`t blame me. English malevolence, presented on all meridians, precede them.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116  
2 May 2018 /  #180
Crow,The Poles in The UK know the history.
They don't like the fact that Britain gave up on Poland after the war.
But they also understand that Britain declared war on Germany because of their invasion of Poland.
And are intelligent enough to understand that after the war there was nothing Britain could do to save Poland from your Russian friends.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived