racist UK, you seem to have somehow missed this one. My local pub when I lived in London
You can't be serious.
You're the one who obviously has been trawling the internet in a desperate attempt to draw attention away from the scourge of Polonophobia with some soppy xmas time "feel good" story.
But is it?
Good deeds are done by millions of Poles each and every day without any fuss or recognition.
But here a British business is making a big production for simply returning money to the rightful owner.
It's a good way to advertise though isn't it? Free and effortless too when turning to twitter and facebook and having their users do all the leg work in tracking someone down.
There's more to this too.
Look how the British featured the generic pay envelope:

Now look at this staged photo and how it is the British gleefully smiling and pointing at the Polish man who is nonplus and holding a wad of notes.

Hmmm, let's see.
£600 in cash; a face now associated to the Polish name and plastered in a newspaper and all over the internet; and look on the pay envelope - NO DEDUCTIONS!
It's clear now why a taxed British business like a pub (which can easily take in £1,000 a day) was so keen in reuniting Mariusz with his "Crimbo wage packet".
After all, 31 January is the deadline to file self assessments in the UK or face fines.