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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
21 Dec 2017 /  #61

Let's get this straight, you know nothing about me beyond your deep seated prejudices and wild assumptions.

Regarding America it started out as a British colony and is still inextricably linked with your British homeland - genetically, linguistically, culturally, politically, economically and militarily.

You and your fellow LBH/TFL/In-Cel British cohorts personally have far more in common with the average American than any Pole does. After all, you are the one who was born in and still belongs to the 51st state.

And yes, your British police have racially profiled and shot and killed non-whites.

As a minority group generations of Poles have faced bullying and discrimination in both America and Britain simply for being Polish.

No surprise then that as an Anglocentric Brit you are trying to drive this thread off-topic so you don't have to own up and apologize for how your people treat Poles.
Taxpaying voter  
21 Dec 2017 /  #62
In June 2016 the Polish Social and Cultural Association in London (POSK) was spray painted with obscene Polonophobic graffiti. Over a year later no arrest has been made

Given that the graffiti was clearly written by somebody who learned how to write in a Polish school and not a British school, it's almost certainly good for at least one member of the Polish community in the UK that no arrest has been made.

If you ever do set foot in Poland, it is sure not to be long before you hear "Polska dla Polakow". Does that mean there's a problem with anti-American racism in Poland? No, it just means that some Poles are, as are some of all racial groups are, morons; just as it does not mean there's a problem with anti-Polish racism in the UK, just that some Brits are, as are some of all racial groups are, morons.

Let's get this straight. You live in America, yet you have the temerity to accuse the British of racial intolerance?

If we are getting things straight, let's get it straight that Bieggers is American, not Polish. He's never even set foot in Europe.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #63
so you don't have to own up and apologize for how your people treat Poles.

why should someone apologize for what some other people are/were doing - I don't see a point
Taxpaying voter  
21 Dec 2017 /  #64
you don't have to own up and apologize for how your people treat Poles.

Seeing as you think apologising for the actions of one's own people, why don't you start with a full and formal apology to the indigenous peoples of the land that your countrymen stole and turned into the USA? After that you can hand back the proceeds of that crime so your people don't profit from their disgusting treatment of others. Once you have done that I will be happy to apologise for each and every negative act which my people have directed towards Poles.

And yes, your British police have racially profiled and shot and killed non-whites.

So, somewhat surprisingly given the rather low number of non-white people to shoot, have Polish police. Did you have a point?

I don't see a point

There isn't one to what he says. Just as there isn't one to this thread. All we have here is a person who isn't a Pole pretending to be outrages about a sign which doesn't say "No Poles Allowed!", isn't a Polonophobic outrage and doesn't represent any even slightly widespread feeling in the UK; the reality is that most racists in the UK like Poles and invited Poles to take part in their neo-Nazis circle-jerks, but that doesn't fit into the OP's preferred view of the nation he incorrectly claims membership of.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #65
doesn't represent any even slightly widespread feeling in the UK;

i don't live in the UK so I can't judge - but there are incidents reported than paint a bit grimmer reality than you would like me to believe in
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #66
well I live in the UK Gumishu and I am not seeing any 'bit grimmer reality' tbh.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Dec 2017 /  #67
not seeing any 'bit grimmer reality

Maybe 'grimmer reality' reigns in the capital only?
WaWa homie  - | 6  
21 Dec 2017 /  #68
outrages about a sign which doesn't say "No Poles Allowed!",

If the sign had read, "No Poles Allowed" then no one could go fishing. It thus would not discriminate against anyone, but Polish people were banned from fishing with a hand line, which is clearly not equal treatment.

racists in the UK like Poles and invited Poles to take part in their neo-Nazis circle-jerks

Erm, How do you know this? Did you attend these events and participate? Are you coming out of the closet now?
21 Dec 2017 /  #69
It's not racist at all. You buy fishery or lease it from the local authoritie. Fill it will expensive fish and have rules that say ' ONLY 1 fish can be killed and taken per session ' on a catch and release fishery and then experience this,

A group of Eastern European anglers come to your reservoir. Totally ignored the rules and kill every fish they catch. Including 30 year old carp. Leave litter everywhere.

You can have signs placed in every eastern European language and then the response is ' I no see sign, I no understand English' yet they understood the prices for the day and watch others around them.

I know people who gave up their tenancy of fisheries because of eastern Europeans bankrupting them, killing all the fish that cost into the thousands.

They're not free !!

Learn the language, follow the rules or F'off it's that simple.

As for the fishery in this case, if they're is forced to accept eastern Europeans, then it will be less of a hit just to go under.

This vitcim status of Poles !! Move on its boring.
Taxpaying voter  
21 Dec 2017 /  #70
but there are incidents reported than paint a bit grimmer reality than you would like me to believe in

There are numerous incidents reported of Poles who live in the UK murdering, trying to murder and raping people in the UK, just look at the example this month of that Polish scumbag who tried to murder a muslim and said he was "doing this for Britain". Does that mean that we should paint all Poles in the UK as would-be murderers and/or rapists? Or does it just reflect the fact that some people from every race are scumbags? I'd say that it reflects the fact that some people from every race are scumbags, just as the disgraceful actions some British people aim towards Poles in the UK reflects the fact that some people from every race are scumbags.

How do you know this?

Perhaps you should pick up a newspaper from time to time.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Dec 2017 /  #71
I know people who gave up their tenancy of fisheries because of eastern Europeans bankrupting them, killing all the fish that cost into the thousands.

Yes yes, we know that people have been taking fish. So, if you have a fishery, you keep an eye on things, or appoint someone who will. All you need is a geezer with a good pair of binos. And if this owner was really bothered he could employ a Pole to explain the rules. As it is, peer pressure means that anglers don't go willy-nilly flouting the rules. On canals and river banks maybe, but not at fisheries. It would all kick off.

There is no excuse for the bloke, as he will find out when he's summoned.
spiritus  69 | 643  
21 Dec 2017 /  #72
A lot of Brits like the Poles but I find that generally it is the uneducated masses who have an axe to grind with Polish people. The sign in question is discriminatory and in my opinion makes it illegal. Whether Poles are guilty of the offence is irrelevant you cannot target a single nationality and expect to get away with it.

Chances are the lake management team have no idea whether someone is Polish or not other than the fact they might hear them speaking a foreign language.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #73
Maybe 'grimmer reality' reigns in the capital only?

have you any idea how multi racial London is? really?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #74
and quite honestly, I cannot blame any lake fishery for putting up a sign in Polish.
There is a funny story in our house about the Polish brother in law fishing right next to a 'no fishing' sign, complete with camping gaz stove and little frying pan.

For us it is funny, but for a fishery owner it could be really annoying...

hope they put the signs up in Romanian and Bulgarian as well though
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #75
OK I have looked at that sign, and I think it might be a fake.
If not, it will have been taken down by now.
there are laws against that sort of thing ya know
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #76
It's not racist at all. You buy fishery or lease it from the local authoritie. Fill it will expensive fish and have rules ',

while I do understand the reason the owner of the fishery put up this sing (and I sympathise with them) I can't help but to remind you that such signs (and business attitudes) are against the British anti-discrimation laws (which if you ask me don't make sense at all - I believe a private business should be able to deny service to anyone they want to) - you have in a sense only yourself to blame for allowing such laws to be passed by electing the parties who promote them
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #77
you have in a sense only yourself to blame for allowing such laws to be passed by electing the parties who promote them

do you really think that?
How quaint.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #78
well I live in the UK Gumishu and I am not seeing any 'bit grimmer reality' tbh.

have you really never heard of Polish students in British schools being bullied (including with grave physical violance) - to the point that one of such bullied students committed suicide on the school premises? -
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #79
no Gumi I haven't heard of that, how dreadful. Bullying in schools is indeed a problem though, generally.
tbh I have only lived in London and Wales, both of which are quite civilised to new people. I mean I have never lived in the grim North or other cultural deserts. I have no idea what life is like there, thank God..:():)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #80
do you really think that?

yes I really do think businesses should be able to deny services to anyone they deem undesirable - it doesn't lead to such logic against law paradoxes as in this case - and I really do believe people should reconsider supporting parties who are keen to establish the so called 'anti-discrimination' laws - it is just simple reality that often the discrimination is well based on real actions and attitudes and 'anti-discrimination' laws generate real losses for businesses
Taxpaying voter  
21 Dec 2017 /  #81
have you really never heard of

Have you really never of the countless murders, attempted murders, rapes, beating, etc carried out by Poles in the UK? Would those mean mean that we can conclude that all Poles in the UK as would-be murderers, rapists, etc?

My stance is that it reflects the fact that some people from every race are scumbags, just as the disgraceful actions some British people aim towards Poles in the UK reflects the fact that some people from every race are scumbags.

I wonder why you refuse to address these facts.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #82
got a link to the many Polish school students committing suicide after being so sorely bullied Gumi?...
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #83
I mentioned precisely one - don't put your words in my mouth - independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/dagmara-przybysz-death-suicide-redruth-school-toilets-bullying-racism-inquest-a7846216.html
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #84
yes I really do think businesses should be able to deny services to anyone they deem undesirable

that wasn't my question.

Also, you did say 'students' eg plural, now you say it was just one...OK..

ye gumi it happens to teenage kids all the time, nationality not really an issue.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #85
countless murders

are you sure you are justified to use the term countless here? as of 2014 there were 1000 Polish inmates in British prisons - that hardly makes them countless - let's assume (very generously) 10 per cent of them were murderers - that makes it 100 Polish murderers - do you still claim they are countless - with this very generous assumption you got less then 1 in 10000 Poles in Britain commited murder

this is a recent case from what I can gather - dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/bullied-teen-terrified-school-peers-11681195

Also, you did say 'students' eg plural, now you say it was just one...OK..

please read without carefully and without assumptions - I clearly stated that :

students in British schools being bullied (including with grave physical violance) - to the point that one of such bullied students

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Dec 2017 /  #86
well you did say 'students' eg plural, now you say it was just one...OK..

Don't try to patronise me, sweetheart.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #87
ok, I guess you have trouble understanding English - it's either this or that my English is below communicative - let others judge that
Taxpaying voter  
21 Dec 2017 /  #88
are you sure you are justified to use the term countless here?

How nice of you to selective edit my words. There used to be a rule against that but even if there still is, you're editing my words and so the moderator who bans people for mentioning his name will let you get away with that. Interesting though, given that I'm pretty much Polish and given where he's from, would you count that as the Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain?

as of 2014 there were 1000 Polish inmates in British prisons

How quaint that you think all Poles who have committed murder, rape, GBH, etc in the UK are in British prisons. The reality is that even Poles who killed people in Britain are unlikely to be in a British prison. There was a case recently where a Pole killed a Scottish man in a completely unprovoked attack and served a total of ten months in a British prison before being deported. Is that proof that all Poles in the UK are murderous villains or proof that some people from every nation are scumbags? I'd say it's very much the latter but you appear to think it's the former.

Oh, sorry, do you mean to claim that vile acts being directed by some Brits at Poles is proof that all Brits are Polonophobic scum while the murderous crimes of some Poles in the UK are a reflection that even a nation as marvelous as the Poles will have a couple of bad apples?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
21 Dec 2017 /  #89
How nice of you to selective edit my words.

next time please simply be responsible with the use of words - nothing justifies using the term countless for the crimes committed by Poles in the UK - and no i was hardly selective

I have never said Polish people are a nation of angels - in fact Poland exported most of its scum and lowlife to Britain after joining the EU - the crime rates in Poland fell sharply in the years following 2004 - and I never said Poles are a marvellous nation - you see/hear your own assumptions in what I say - still anti-polonism in Britain is almost instutitionallised by some newspapers (Daily Mail comes to mind)
Taxpaying voter  
21 Dec 2017 /  #90
nothing justifies using the term countless for the crimes committed by Poles in the UK

Really? OK then, tell us the number of crimes which have been committed by Poles in the UK. Go ahead, count them for us: you must be able to do that seeing as you claim that nothing justifies using the term countless for the crimes committed by Poles in the UK.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived