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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

21 Aug 2018 /  #631
the small percentage of poles, Chinese, Hindus...........a fairly significant portion of the Muslim migrants

Notice how Dirk pretends he's using stats and numbers, when really he isn't, he's just making up 'quantities' without any numbers to back them up at all.

choudry can organize a march...............yet Robinson gets arrested merely for standing

Notice here how Dirk inflates one event (a "march", wow, sounds heavy!) while downplaying the other ("merely standing"? Oh, that sounds ok), while missing out the crucial details that one is an example of freedom of speech (however repugnant) while the other is an example of contempt of court.

That's what tinpot populists and bigots do. They try to sound authoritative and reasonable, when really they're using loaded words and empty 'numbers' to try and sway your opinion.

Be wary of how these people use language to manipulate and lie.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Aug 2018 /  #632
I just cited dw and university of zurich study showing that migrants were 90% responsible for the 10% increase in crime. Also I cited how Poland took in over a million ukranian migrants and ZERO terror attacks and no events where 1000 women are sexually assaulted, germany also took in a million but from the third world, and we'll we all know they can't match Polands record for having zero Islamic terror attacks and no no go zones and no nye parties where 1000 women are sexually assaulted

Notice here how Dirk inflates one event (a "march", wow, sounds heavy!)

How is using the word 'march' inflating anything? That's exactly what it was. Choudry and some hundred others marched while holding signs saying Sharia 4 UK and chanting London go to hell....

and yes he was standing on a sidewalk with a court house in back with 1 other person... but according to crazy UK laws that's somehow contempt but shouting UK go to hell and promoting jihad and the replacement of democracy with sharia is totally fine....

funny you should tlak about freedom of speech considering UK has no first amendment. What it does have though is a thought crime police force that fines and arrests people merely for writing unfavorable posts about things the leftists don't like - for example commenting how muslim migrants caused terror attacks in UK and rest of Europe and criticizing UK's immigration policies with regards to north Africa and middle east....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Aug 2018 /  #633
study showing that migrants were 90% responsible for the 10% increase in crime.

I have no doubt that these numbers are accurate. I also have no doubt that I don't want any foreigners near me even if they were pure angels. I don't want them in my house and I don't want them in the US. If want to mingle with foreigners I can hop on a plane, go where they are and mingle. When I am done mingling, back on the plane and home.

The 'how dare you' open border nuts feel the same way or they would be openly clamoring to invite 500,000,000 Chinese who are peaceful, well educated, and allegedly more advanced than we could ever be.
21 Aug 2018 /  #634
How is using the word 'march' inflating anything? That's exactly what it was.

Nope, they were walking. Actually walking, not goose-stepping or walking with matched steps. 'March' is a loaded word. Robinson wasn't 'merely standing', he was filming witnesses and defendents ina court case, outside a court building.

So, you overplayed one, and downplayed the other, in order to mislead. Naughty Dirkie!

but shouting UK go to hell and promoting jihad and the replacement of democracy with sharia is totally fine....

Dude, people demonstrate and criticise the country and govt every day of the week. Anti-capitalists, Scottish Nationalists, socialists, fascists, take your pick. That's the price of a free society, the freedom to offend grunts like you.

What it does have though is a thought crime police force that fines and arrests people merely for writing unfavorable posts

No, deary, it doesn't. You're "merely" making stuff up again, and bending the truth till it snaps.

If want to mingle with foreigners

I thought you were supposed to be Polish-born (though others think you're making this up)?

Doesn't that make you a foreigner in the USA? And a hypocrite on the internet?

Hey Dirk, he's saying he doesn't want to mix with your dad, and that he should have stayed in Poland. Kick his ass!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Aug 2018 /  #635
@Rich Mazur

Anyone can go on Google and type in migrant crime eu, migrant crime germany, migrant rape statistics, etc and find tons of sources on this. But naturally leftists won't admit that their are problems in the socialist multikulti utopia.

The 'how dare you' open border nuts feel the same way or they would be openly clamoring to invite 500,000,000 Chinese who are peaceful, well educated

Of course not. Only young uneducated able bodied males from the third world are allowed to fully rape and pillage Europe. Merkel said in an interview that 'due to our history we must help them'

I'll never forget when she said that tons of doctors and engineers are just waiting to come in lololol

he was filming witnesses and defendents ina court case, outside a court building.

There was no one in that shot but him and later a cop or two!!!! All the defendants, yet another paki rape squad, were inside the court, he was outside.... whatever us laws are different. Here and in Poland media is allowed to have a reporter stand in front of a court house and talk about a particular case.
21 Aug 2018 /  #636
Only young uneducated able bodied males from the third world are allowed to fully rape and pillage Europe

And Catholic priests...don't cut them out of the action.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Aug 2018 /  #637
No, deary, it doesn't. You're "merely" making stuff up again, and bending the truth till it snaps.

Oh it absolutely does...



Feel free to Google more about UK thought crime, UK thought police, etc...

Also it is FACT that numerous right wing speakers were denied entry into uk for fear of 'provoking' or inciting hatred. Us doesn't do that because we habe true free speech unlike uk

And Catholic priests...don't cut them out of the action.

I can't recall any Catholic priests in Europe sexually assaulting a thousand people in one night. But middle East migrants on the other hand....
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
21 Aug 2018 /  #638
And Catholic priests...don't cut them out of the action.

A good therapist could help a person get over such a traumatizing experience when they attended a Catholic boys boarding school in England when they were a young lad.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Aug 2018 /  #639
I thought you were supposed to be Polish-born (though others think you're making this up)?

I was declared by some morons here not to be Polish. So, I am going to enjoy this status.
You bet your rear end I am a hypocrite. And so are you, and everybody else. Anybody who says he is not is a liar.

Of all the foreigners, I avoid Polish people the most. Listening to and speaking Polish gives me headache. Twenty-four years of this torture was enough.
Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Aug 2018 /  #640
I am of course talking about The Nolans.

I'm not having that! What about Val Doonican??

A bit like that neighbour who you've always called 'Auntie' until you realise in your 20s

Being more intelligent than the English I figured that out when I was five, by the simple method of asking 'Is Auntie Jean your sister Mummy?' and being terribly disappointed to find that she wasn't really my Auntie. Then I realized that even though we weren't related I'd still get birthday and Christmas presents from Auntie Jean and Uncle Joe so that was a small consolation :)

funny you should tlak about freedom of speech considering UK has no first amendment.

It has Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. You're allowed to say anything you want there as long as it doesn't cause violence and the police won't get involved unless they receive a direct complaint. The UK doesn't have a first amendment as it doesn't have a single document like the USA. Its constitution is a complex network of laws and precedents which has evolved over a thousand years and more.
21 Aug 2018 /  #641
Feel free to Google more about UK thought crime, UK thought police, etc...

So you quote right-wing websites using the term "thought police" and then somehow imagine that this is a mainstream 'thing'? Not exactly balanced in your sources, are you, Duck? You're creating a self-fulfilling loop: right-wing Dirk reads 'thought police' on right-wing website, right-wing website bolsters Dirk's ideas of 'thought police'. You're way out of the mainstream, pal. Would you take anything anyone said seriously if they used The Socialist Worker as supporting evidence?

Isn't there a current US bill being pushed about desecration of the flag? Making it illegal to insult a piece of coloured fabric? Yeah, land of the free - where kids are forced to pledge an oath to that piece of fabric every day, like good little North Koreans!

I'm not having that! What about Val Doonican??

He's one of yours, another bloody insurgent! The Irish crimes against the British are endless: Wogan, Daniel O'Donnell, Enya, Hozier. It's cultural terrorism, asymmetric warfare. Dave Allen and Graham Linehan are little reparation.

Being more intelligent than the English I figured that out when I was five,

Ah, well it's easier in Ireland, I guess, when it's necessary to establish early exactly which half of the village are your aunties and uncles, and which half are just siblings!

I guess nobody wants to take responsibility for Geldoff and Bono then...

I can't recall any Catholic priests in Europe sexually assaulting a thousand people in one night. But middle East migrants on the other hand....

Nah, they move to Pennsylvania and spread it across seven decades. A thousand kids raped there, I hear, by men of a warped religious cult.

Or they get sent from Poland to South America, by the Polish Catholic bishops, so they can carry on bugger1ng little boys there in peace with the protection of the church (Jozef Wesolowski).
Ironside  50 | 12941  
21 Aug 2018 /  #642

So what? I'm not saying that there was void there before, there was some fodder on which a new christian nation grew. The some is true for Poland. The only diffrence is that some monks from the time put some of the stories and legend into writting.

The way you connect to those distant tirbal, clanish people is just a modern nationalistic interpretation of the past not really valid due to its bias and agenda.

Irish nationalist had to go so far back casue they had nothing else to latch onto. 800 years of being a colony - not really glorius.

I have no issue with it. Just to let to know you don't really have a call or a ground to patronise anyone.

the only reason pagan traditions, songs, stories and cultures in Polnad wasn't put in writting is due to the fact anone who could write was a christian and that pagan culture was too strong even 500 years after christanity became dominat.

By the way Poland was a large state long before became christian - strong but tribal.
Crow  154 | 9531  
21 Aug 2018 /  #643
Most definitely. In thought, worldview, attitude, etc.

Yes, and on the contrary to situation in Britain, in Serbia, Poles are welcome. So no wonder that Poles have more love for Serbians then for English.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Aug 2018 /  #644
Yeah, land of the free - where kids are forced to pledge an oath to that piece of fabric every day, like good little North Koreans!

Are you stupid or just pretending? No kid was ever forced or charged criminally for refusing to recite the pledge. In Europe, you will be charged criminally for saying what the rulers deem offensive. Got it or do you want me to rephrase it using simpler words?
Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Aug 2018 /  #645
Irish nationalist had to go so far back casue they had nothing else to latch onto. 800 years of being a colony - not really glorius.

I know quite well that despite your protests to the contrary, you have an interest in Ireland and have read a certain amount about it so you're referring to the Celtic Revival and the appropriation by the Anglo-Irish ascendancy of all things Gaelic. However as you're not actually Irish yourself and don't have any real connection to Ireland outside of Dublin and the Pale, you don't know the culture intimately. I do. Also if you had read enough Irish history you would know that the Gaelic culture co-existed alongside the English culture for many centuries and really only began to go into decline the 1700s. But even as late as that for example a man called Edward Bunting managed to collect the songs and music of the last of the Irish harpers before it was lost.

The way you connect to those distant tirbal, clanish people is just a modern nationalistic interpretation of the past not really valid

In my own family I was fortunate to have a very elderly grandmother, (she was in her mid seventies when I was born and lived to be ninety) who was brought up in rural Ireland and she was raised, steeped in the folklore and culture which you believe existed only in books. That was her normal everyday life during her childhood.

I remember things like seeing her doing the 'keening' after someone had died. That had already largely died out as a practice in Ireland by the 1950s but my grandmother was still doing it in Dublin in the 1970s :) When she heard of a death of one of her old friends or relations in her home county, she would keen the dead person, (actually she also keened De Valera! ),wrap herself in a rug, go to the fireside, begin to rock back and forth, beat her breast with her fist and then start the recitation of their life, their character, any misfortune they had suffered etc. The keening is a very ancient practice going well back to pre-Christian Ireland when it was much more elaborate with complex songs, rectiations etc, and went on for days. She put chairs in front of the fire on the night of Hallowe'en before going to bed to welcome the souls of the dead. She explained all about the fairies to us and warned us about offending them etc.

The healthy fear and respect with which the rural Irish regarded the fairies and the remnants of which still remain, is certainly not found in Poland. But Christianity was never able to wipe out the Irish belief in fairies because it was so deeply rooted. If the concept of the 'fairy tree' for example existed in modern Poland, could you imagine the planners of a motorway halting works until the coordinates of a bush were established and thereafter fencing it in to protect it.It's partly to do with the length of the tradtions and belief systems that can flourish on a small island.

Poland was a large state long before became christian - strong but tribal.

The tribes that later formed the Polish nation state certainly seem to have shared a common culture and belief system although we're sadly short of details and it can hardly be said to have much importance to most modern Poles.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Aug 2018 /  #646
In the land of the free speech, we, unfortunately, allowed an incompatible Euro scum like Soros to come here and undermine the 2nd Amendment. Since that pos can't change the US Constitution, he does this: MEMO REVEALS SOROS-FUNDED SOCIAL-MEDIA CENSORSHIP PLAN.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Aug 2018 /  #647
right-wing websites

Ah I knew you were going to say that lol. Once you have been proven wrong you're only retort is well it's a right wing source so it must be wrong. Same old lame response. Well chief right wing or left wing those sources are nonetheless based on fact. Funny though how you didnt say anything sbout dw a left leaning source proving thst migrants are 90% resp9nsible for the increase in crime, which you said earlier wasn't backed up by any numbers.

Nah, they move to Pennsylvania and spread it across seven decades. A thousand kids raped there, I hear, by men of a warped religious cult

You hear? Now do you have stats or sources to back it up? Yet no amount of raping or fondling by priests can even come close to the amount of sexual assault by migrants. Thousand sexual assaults by migrants in just one night in one city alone that's gotta be Some kind of record.

Oh and let's not forget about the rotterham scandal where the UK services were too cucked and feared being called racist so they let a paki rape squad groom and molest somrthing like 1400 kids over the course of a decade. That's what happens when you're in a country that allows third worlders to set up a parallel legal system in the form of sharia courts, refuses to investigate and prosecute the many paki rape squads grooming british kids and then fines and jails people posting about Muslim and migrant crimes and refuses certain speakers from coming into the country. That's the difference the flag burning is a proposal, one which will never pass. UK won't even allow a reporter to stand in front of a court house and report on paki rape squads, wont allow criticism of the muslim migrant population, wont allow speakers that expose cracks in their multikulti socialist utopia, etc.

More on UK thought police... But of course nawww it doesn't exist... All these websites independently invented these stories


This one includes a recording of the thought police coming to a Britons home
Ironside  50 | 12941  
21 Aug 2018 /  #648
And Catholic priests...don't cut them out of the action.

Are you an anti-religous anti-Catholic bigot?
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
21 Aug 2018 /  #649
One may surmise that such a person may have been dramatized by a priest in boyhood to carry such feelings.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
21 Aug 2018 /  #650
Well i have been "dramatised" by a policeman. We had priests around my house nearly every day in the 60's cause our house had a phone and they (priests) kept calling their relatives from our home. Not one ever "dramatised "me. Instead, the best toys in toyshop I had at xmas were from them ( priests) cause they had more money than my parents. Anyway to the topic during my 1st UK interview for an engineering job 1985, chap asked me how I learned electronics so well since accordingto him "transistors were made from beetroot in Poland" . I laughed. Was his test if I had a sense of humour..
Shitonya Brits  
19 Apr 2019 /  #651
From 19 April 2019:

I felt unwelcome and returned to Poland


Polish singer PachYa (who resided in Britain for over a decade) shares her story of an all too familiar experience among Poles and Polonia of British neighbours not being neighbourly.

Not even bothering to say hello.

Can you believe it?

Well, I do.

It's so sad.

Seriously, why is there so much hate in Britain against Poles?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Apr 2019 /  #652
Because there are too many of you?
10iwonka10  - | 359  
20 Apr 2019 /  #653

I don't think it is necessary against polish I think it is against foreigners.

It is xenophobic and narrow minded.
Crow  154 | 9531  
20 Apr 2019 /  #654
Brits hate everything Slavic. Poles are only at hand. Available to absorb British frustration.

That anti-Slavic hysteria has its root in deep complexes. Its state of mind, how Brits, actually English, grow up.
10iwonka10  - | 359  
20 Apr 2019 /  #655
To be honest -from my experience- there are 2 kind of Brits.

Normal, open-minded people ( usually educated and well travelled) and narrow-minded 'little Englanders' who feel superior to to anyone foreign.
jon357  72 | 23482  
20 Apr 2019 /  #656
It is xenophobic and narrow minded.

It is inded. It's also much the same in Polish cities; if anything people seem more distant from their neighbours in Warsaw.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
20 Apr 2019 /  #657
It is xenophobic and narrow minded.

Was the issue of hundreds of thousands of Poles flocking to the British Isles ever put to a vote? What control should a native population have on who comes to live there?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
20 Apr 2019 /  #658
Was the issue of hundreds of thousands of Poles flocking to the British Isles ever put to a vote?

I don't think most British people have a problem with the Polish influx, it's all the others...
Shitonya Brits  
20 Apr 2019 /  #659
I don't think it is necessary against polish I think it is against foreigners.

Brits hate everything Slavic. Poles are only at hand.

Thanks for the replies.

I believe both of your insights were answered in another Polish victim's public testimony of being on the receiving end of anti-Polish sentiment in Britain:

'I want to get rid of my Polish accent'


Stunning and brave Kasha (who has resided in Britain for nearly 30 years) shares her moving and tearful story of how doing everything to integrate into Britain would never be good enough for the British.

Her mistreatment was so bad that she began telling British inquisitioners that she was from South Africa because she noticed they would be "less hostile" towards her than when she said she was from Poland.

Out of desperation (and totally needless personal expense) she then sought out elocution lessons. The British "voice coach" enthusiastically assured Kasha that "We'll get rid of the accent!"

Kasha's sobering story was told in 2017.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
20 Apr 2019 /  #660
Kasha is a drama queen.

Anyway Crow, why are you so anti - Brit? are you jealous because the UK is a country where four nationalities live and mix, with a large immigrant population, and manage to do so without slaughtering their neighbours?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived