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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Atch  22 | 4299  
20 Aug 2018 /  #601
reland as undrsand today didn't exist before Christanity it had been forget in long years after Christian revolution.

Gaelic Ireland already existed when Christianity arrived. At that time the people were already speaking an early form of the Irish language, Primitive Irish. That's why literature in the Irish language (Old Irish, the next stage) written in the Latin alphabet was so quick to appear and why Ireland has the oldest tradition of vernacular literature in Western Europe. Most countries in Europe began by writing in Latin and Greek and then moved on to writing in their own language.

The fact is that it was Christianity that lead directly to the founding of the Polish state and that without it, Poland as a nation might never have come into being. The Polans were merely one of many tribes in the vicinity at that time as you know and they managed to unite with those other tribes under the umbrella of Christianity. You can't compare the ancient history of Ireland and Poland because Ireland was an island and that makes all the difference. We can trace the gradual development of 'Irish' culture over many thousands of year, much more systematically than one can the West Slavic tribes who combined to form what we now know as Poland and the roots of Irish culture go much further back than Christianity.

People from those times wouldn't recognise you as being part of them

According to the most recent genetic mapping of Ireland done by Trinity College, most of the genes present in Ireland today come from the people who were living at the time of Newgrange, more than 5,000 years ago. So whether they would recognize us or not, we are closely related.
Crow  154 | 9531  
20 Aug 2018 /  #602
But who will the USA trade with on favourable terms without Europe's massive market?

you lack vision. You heard for Huntington`s theory/book on `Clash of civilizations`? See, it would be something like that. Great conglomerate unions, great civilizations will dominate Earth. Its the pre-text for human conquest on our solar system and space. Huntington only mistaken in shaping exact division of the world among civilizations but that`s the principle.

What is now European Union would crumble but instead will appear Intermarium or name it alternatively- Central European Union (why not tell it, obviously around Serbia) and something that can be named as Mediterranean Union and that will consists of western and southern Europe and also Muslim countries of Mediterranean basin that gravitate to Spain and France. What we see with this migrant crisis is actually merging of western Europe with great deal of Semitic world what was actually whole idea of Romans and later of Napoleon and Hitler (lover of Islam).

So, speaking of massive markets, that`s it, they would be created. In fact, Mediterranean Union would in few decades from emerging have much much bigger potential then today`s European Union. Same goes for Intermarium.

Let`s face it people. We, people from Central Europe, Slavs and non-Slavs that gravitate around Slavic countries are different kind of people then western and southern Europeans.

Only if it let's itself be divided.

You mean, in other words, if just bigger powers (in now Multi-Polar world) then Germany, make it happen.
20 Aug 2018 /  #603
According to todays money exchange $1.00 USD equals $.87 Euro.

Friend, I think you're not understanding how that works. It means that if I have 1 Euro then I can buy 1.13 dollars - in other words a dollar is worth less than a Euro (because one dollar can't even buy 1 Euro, but only 0.87). The currency with the higher value is the weaker one (because the smaller values buys more of the bigger one).

Euro sinks to 12-year low in value against the dollar

That story is from 3.5 years ago, nearly 2 full years before Trumps inauguration. Since Trump was in office, the dollar has fallen about 7% (it was even lower, but has recovered a bit). You can check that on any currency exchange tracking website.
20 Aug 2018 /  #604
Great conglomerate unions, great civilizations will dominate Earth.

And what happens when we have big unions? Like Soviet Union, EU, even USA? Parts want to break away. They're generally unstable, because of identity politics.

Your fantasy of an intermarium is just that - you first have to get past the hurdle that Central Europe has nothing that anybody wants, except territory. What can Serbia sell? Except genocide tourism: "come and see the mass graves of the Bosnians we murdered!" No thanks... Poland, Czechia, their main export product is people.

You really imagine that small parts of Europe (smaller than current EU) will individually be large enough to counter an economy like China? It's dreamland.
20 Aug 2018 /  #605
Gaelic Ireland already existed when Christianity arrived.

Well pretty much everywhere had *something* before Christianity, so Ireland's not special in that respect.

Most countries in Europe began by writing in Latin and Greek and then moved on to writing in their own language.

Are you sure about that? I think people were using runes before Latin. Certainly the Anglo-Saxons were. So again I don't see how Ireland is exceptional in this respect.
Atch  22 | 4299  
20 Aug 2018 /  #606
Well pretty much everywhere had *something* before Christianity

Well of course they did, even England :)) although let's face it, where would you have been without our kindly intervention which makes subsequent events all the more bitter - 'how much sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child' or to quote Billy Bunter 'talk about the thankless tooth of a serpent's child'.

I think people were using runes before Latin. Certainly the Anglo-Saxons were.

Indeed they were, just as the Irish used ogham but those alphabets were used, as far as we know only for inscriptions in pre-Christian times. Literature comes later. The Anglo-Saxons produced some literature using runes but quite late, I think around the 8th or 9th century.

The Latin alphabet was introduced to Britain by Christian missionaries in the 9th and 10th centuries after which England began producing literature in English using the Latin alphabet. Literature written in the English language really begins with Beofwulf in the 10th century. The earliest example of literature written in the Irish language dates from the eighth century so not that much of a difference. Of course there were a few snippets here and there in both cultures in the years preceding that and possibly a lot more that has been lost.

However as far as religious manuscripts go, Ireland's earliest surviving manuscript in Latin, The Codex Usserianus Primus dates back to the sixth century whereas the oldest in England is another Codex thing-a-mu-jiggy, cant' remember the Latin bit, it's a complete Bible and it dates from the beginning of the eigth century.

Obviously the cultures of the two countries developed in very close alignment with each other for a long time until we made complete eejits of ourselves by inviting you over to help out in yet another internal conflict and then spent the next 800 years trying to get rid of you. However that's all in the past, we're best of friends again and no need whatsoever to mention the war :))

The oldest Latin manuscript in Poland is about 800 years old. The earliest pieces of writing in Old Polish, a single line in an otherwise Latin chronicle, dates to around the 13th century which is what I mean about Poland being a 'young' country. That's only 700 years ago.

What's sad for Poland is that the early Christian monks didn't write down the mythology and legends of the land at a time when they were still vivid in the oral tradition. Ireland was lucky that the Irish monks recorded the great mythological cycles which went on to become part of every child's education. This is what I mean about the continuity of the culture that is a peculiarity of Ireland, the sense of connection to our ancient past. We know the stories that our ancestors listened to thousands of years ago, even the game of hurling is part of the legend of Cú Chulainn. The game has survived for several thousand years - how many places in modern Europe do you find that?

I think that Poland suffered because the early monks were not Poles or even Slavs and didn't care about preserving the ancient myths, legends and folklore of the Polans and other tribes that formed the nation of Poland. The Irish monks were Irish and wanted to record their heritage which is why they wrote all the stories of the Pagan Gods of the ancient Irish. So when Ironside says that 'Irish' culture began with Christianity he's completely wrong - as usual. It's clear that a sense of Irish identity already existed in the fifth century whereas Polish identity begins with the orchestrated and symbolic unification of many tribes under a Christian king.
Crow  154 | 9531  
20 Aug 2018 /  #607
And what happens when we have big unions? Like Soviet Union, EU, even USA? Parts want to break away.

Now in period of turmoils, at a time when global civilizations just consolidate, break away is and will be possible. Later, forget it. You are where you are. Simple, economy would go gigantic. Gigantic economy needs stability. No major turmoils and break ways would be tolerated.

What can Serbia sell? Except genocide tourism: "come and see the mass graves of the Bosnians we murdered!" No thanks...

Facts are opposite. Serbs were/are victims of genocide that started in WWII and was finished (by same program, by same players on terrain, by same outside sponsors), during dissolution of Yugoslavia.

But this image about Serbia in you was/is instilled by Goebbels kind of propaganda of certain centers of power within EU (western European magnates) and USA (Clinton kind of elite). See, among else, exactly thanks to this- because being possible to use worse possible media propaganda as tool for justification of its military involvement, EU proved to be historical failure. Such evil can`t be allowed to exist and organize world as it suits to it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
20 Aug 2018 /  #608
Crowie, Serbs hadn't even been able to hold their first union, Yugoslavia, together....it ended in blood and tears. Try it again, make it work this time and then come back and maybe you have something to tell.

Till then...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Aug 2018 /  #609
are different kind of people then western and southern Europeans.

Most definitely. In thought, worldview, attitude, etc. Slavs like the west culture don't get me wrong but at the end of the day Russia, Poland, Serbia whatever is their home and culture. Even the polish youth here some of whom never even been to Poland study the language and history in polish Saturday schools, they observe wigilia and other holidays. That difference between east european Slavs and British is probably why there was much strife between the two as over a million east europeans flooded in after 2004. For a while the brits were against the east europeans esp poles. There were many outlets like express, telegraph, daily caller, etc talking about how there's so many polish criminals, how they're taking jobs from brits, how immigration from e Europe must be halted, etc. Lot of people from ukip ans the mpre right wing parties werent too keen on poles and other e euro migranrs. But now their attitudes habe changed quite a bit. Now maby of those native brits who before werent too happy eith the e euro migration dont express their sentiment like before. It's noe shifted more to Muslims. They see the terrorism, sharia courts, the child grooming, the rapes, the rotterham scandal, the jihadi beatles and even local isis anf al qaeda cells, mailboxes, areas like east London and Birmingham totally transformed, and then you have cooks like choudary who wants to bring sharia for all of Britain and march with his fellow Muslims yelling UK go to hell... oh but don't even think about criticizing that. You talk about how Muslims are doing this or that and you'll get a fine or arrested by the thought crime police. Yet a guy like chourdry can lead hundreds of neckbeards and ninjas on a march yelling uk go to hell, democracy is evil - we want sharia, etc. Thanks to all that the British right wingers especially ukip now see poles aeent that bad afterall - were not pulling the type of **** the Muslims have been. You wont see poles grooming kids or blowing up buses or beheading British soldiers. In fact those same Ukip types, farage, Tommy Robinson and all sorts of other right wing figures have gone to Poland and praise the people for being wise enough not to fall victim.to the same bs multiculturalism and pc that's befallen them

@Bratwurst Boy

Well now were seeing a sort of economic intermarium with v4 and plans to expand it to include Austria and Italy. Meanwhile Merkel and Macron want Poland to be a part of their Weimar triangle. Poland ought to play both sides
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
20 Aug 2018 /  #610
Poland ought to play both sides

Poland ought to take a good long look in his history book..."playing both sides" had left Poland always isolated and alone in it's hour of need. It was dismantled, occupied and destroyed again and again by it's neighbours as it waited for help from far away "allies".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
20 Aug 2018 /  #611
Meanwhile Merkel and Macron want Poland to be a part of their Weimar triangle.

Merkel wants that, Merkel always had a soft spot for Poland and wants it to include, to become a strong part of the EU.

Macron couldn't give less of a **** about Poland...
Crow  154 | 9531  
20 Aug 2018 /  #612
Crowie, Serbs hadn't even been able to hold their first union, Yugoslavia, together....it ended in blood and tears.

Foreign factor. Foreign factor wanted blood and tears and end of Yugoslavia.

Think about it. Its entire new universe behind all that propaganda that was pumped in you.

So real question is- are we capable to limit power of foreign factor? This lesson is very important for future Intermarium.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
20 Aug 2018 /  #613
Foreign factor. Foreign factor wanted blood and tears and end of Yugoslavia.

Even if that was so, what makes you think you could rebuild your slavic union without and against that "foreign factor"? What makes you think you would be more successful next time?
Crow  154 | 9531  
20 Aug 2018 /  #614
Its old game. Or show, as somebody said. The Show Must Go On.
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
20 Aug 2018 /  #616
Since Trump was in office, the dollar has fallen about 7%

I thought we were talking about the fall of he Euro.
Go back to my post #592 and re read my source were the Euro has sunk to a 12 year low against the dollar.
Seems you re-direct just to split hairs to argue.
20 Aug 2018 /  #617
re read my source were the Euro has sunk to a 12 year low against the dollar.

Yes, it did, in 2015, two years before Trump. My earlier post, the one you commented on, was about the decline of the USA under Trump. Since Trump took office, the dollar has fallen 7% against the Euro (in other words, Trump helped the Euro by devaluing the his own currency)

and then spent the next 800 years trying to get rid of you

Ah, so we're getting down to that. Doesn't take long with you lot! Ok, then let's briefly focus on the despicable outrages that came out of Ireland. The people nurtured by Ireland and then sent over the water to target British civilians - women and children in their own homes and places of entertainment, innocent people just going about their business. Countless victims, countless outrages, the fear, the indiscriminate nature of it, for decade after decade.

You know what I'm talking about, I don't have to spell it out, but the for the sake of other readers I will: I am of course talking about The Nolans.

Bleedin' war crime.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Aug 2018 /  #618
The Nolans

I'm in the Mood For Dancing......:) :) There were a lot - even the Cranberries and that girl group, with their accentuated Irish vocals/U2 etc etc. are just so terrible.

Thin Lizzy/Van Morrison/ Rory Gallagher/ et al get an exemption for being just massive, but Irish pop sucks.
20 Aug 2018 /  #619
are just so terrible

...and then you deployed Jimmy Cricket on us! Oh the humanity!

There was a period in about the 1990s when kitsch 'Oirishness' was very popular in Britain. There was a deluge of Boyzone and Ballykissangel and all that guff, although we did get Father Ted, Dylan Moran, and I didn't even mind the Cranberries. But the endless bad stout (Murphy's, Beamish etc) and awful Irish theme pubs (Durty Nelly's etc), and it was hard to go into any pub at all without being served by a spotty lad from Galway.

U2 are a bit like Geldoff - not many people realise that they're even Irish. A bit like that neighbour who you've always called 'Auntie' until you realise in your 20s that you're not actually related...
G (undercover)  
20 Aug 2018 /  #620
the number of foreign residents in Japan has steadily increased in the post Second World War period....

LOL ! Yeah, from 0.00% to 0.25% over a couple of decades. If you come up with such things, It clearly shows that you have nothing to prove your point.

I hate this brown piece of Kenyan s***

Shut up, damn troll.

These laws have their foundation in the civilizatory catastrophy the Third Reich has been.

so using bad language on Merkel, Germany and Europe generally is not helping at all...

So trying to improve your image after 3rd R. you actually brought another plague upon Europe... and now expect some kind of... understanding ? Hey I vomitted all over your floor and actually set it on fire trying to clean it ! But don't you dare to criticize me, damn fascist ! I wanted to do something good !

Don't give me Marie Sklodowska-Curie - she had to leave Poland and go to France to do her research.

Harry, old coont, Skłodowska didn't leave Poland as there was no Poland back then - one of the reasons why indeed not that many major inventions came out of Poland or Ireland - the age of inventions was mainly from late 18th to early 20th century and both nations were a bit busy with other things back then. However even semi-literate Irish or Polish peasants were commonly making it into US middle class within 1-2 generations. Folks from Somalia, Congo or Pakistan won't do the same in Europe. They will be a constant source of troubles and future generations will have to pay the price for that.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Aug 2018 /  #621
the endless bad stout (Murphy's, Beamish etc) and awful Irish theme pubs (Durty Nelly's etc),

Oh yes, and we had to suffer the same, here in Poland, 10/15 years ago. By the saints! Be gone with ye, awful pseudo pubs ( my local is such a beastie, and it is oh so crap with that fiddle music stuff - but they let the dog take me there...)
20 Aug 2018 /  #622
Folks from Somalia, Congo or Pakistan won't do the same in Europe.

Oh really? The Mayor of London is a 2nd generation Pakistani. The UK Home Secretary is a 2nd generation Pakistani. Maya Jama is a 2nd generation Somali at the BBC....I could go on. There are quite a lot of successful Pakistanis especially - not everyone, of course, but then not all Polaks in the USA (or indeed western Europe) have made a success of life (Ted Kaczynski springs to mind...).

I heard tell that a 2nd generation African became President of the USA once.
20 Aug 2018 /  #624
awful pseudo pubs

Very bizarrely, I was in a bar in Mielec once which appeared to be an English theme pub. Except for the beer (only Lomza). I think I was the only English person who'd ever been there. Of cpurse it was completely inauthentic - for one thing the toilets were very nice! (everyone knows that true English pub toilets are a health hazard).
G (undercover)  
20 Aug 2018 /  #625
The Mayor of London is a 2nd generation Pakistani.

If you keep importing them, some day even the queen will be a *****. What does it prove ? Nothing ! Muslims and Africans in general are not doing well in Europe and next generations are oftern even less integrated than thier parents. These are facts and lefties denying it, are simply totally out of touch with reality.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
20 Aug 2018 /  #626
Muslims and Africans in general are not doing well in Europe

How do you know?

Germany's first experience of Muslims in the population started in the 60s with some imported Turks...with Africans we barely have any experience at all even now. ...so...how do you know about this "generally"?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Aug 2018 /  #627
Muslims and Africans in general are not doing well in Europe

Yeah..... there were muslim Asians in my class in the 1980s. They became doctors and engineers. I (eventually) graduated in geology and after screwing around in geological servicing for ten years became an erstwhile English teacher. Obviously, I deserved to be lower tier, as I did the clubs and the football, while they studied.

My story might be just about moi - but yours is even more pathetic. It's called sweeping generalisation, ergo - racist.
20 Aug 2018 /  #628
What does it prove ?

That what you stated was demonstrably incorrect?

and next generations are oftern even less integrated than thier parents.

Except for the ones who have become Mayor of London and Home Secretary in the UK?

Or Professors at Cambridge and other universities, or Chief Executives of traditional British multinationals? Or politicians (there are 17 British MPs of Pakistani origin, and 9 Lords)?

Besides all of those people, and many more I could mention, just from Pakistan alone? Not a good idea to making sweeping statements about somerthing you have little knowledge of, especially it's all on wikipedia.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121  
20 Aug 2018 /  #629
It's true that there are huge ghettos of Muslims in The UK that just don't integrate at all.....that can also be said of Hindu's....

But many,from both groups,integrate well.
There needs to be a greater effort from both Brits and immigrants to change this.
I know many Asians and some Poles and other East Europeans who don't integrate,learn English or have English friends.
They don't need to....they have TV in their own language,their own internet,their own shops......it is a problem we need to solve now rather than later.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Aug 2018 /  #630
The difference is though that the small percentage of poles, Chinese, Hindus, whatever that doesn't assimilate at least doesn't cause a ton of problems, demand to be housed fed and given money, don't tell their host nation to adopt to their culture and religion instead of the other way around. However a fairly significant portion of the Muslim migrants don't want to integrate, want to keep collecting benefits and not work and demand the host nation adopt to their culture even going as far as some of tjem asking for sharia law, like in UK.

I just can't fathom how choudry can organize a march with maybe a hundred or so people and walk down the street chanting UK go to hell, we want sharia, we hate democracy and saying really bad things about Jews, Hindus, etc and yet face no problems from the cops yet Robinson gets arrested merely for standing with 1 other person on the sidewalk in front of a court house and he's charged with disturbing the peace and all the msm in UK call him a hater, islamaphobe racist etc while choudry can say all this sh1t in a march and openly support and even encourage jihad, take over of uk laws with sharia etc

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived