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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Dec 2017 /  #31
a business owner can refuse to serve a customer for any reason.

I'm with you on that one (and with the Supreme Court)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #32
refusing to serve people due to what they are is simply wrong.

Wrong, perhaps, depending on your beliefs, but not illegal. If it's your business you can refuse service for lack of shoes, shirt, or because you don't like a guy's tie. It's your right as a business owner to refuse service. This has been affirmed by the Supreme Court and is now legal precedent.

So would it be wrong for a Jewish or Muslim butcher to refuse service to a Pole who insists on kotlety schabowe because of his religious beliefs?

People in the west are just babies. That gay couple could've gone to the hundreds of other bakers that would've gladly taken their money and had no problem with baking a cake for them. But nooooo being the snowflakes that they are, they made a huge fuss about it, got the whole country to focus on their so called 'plight' and a few liberals shed some crocodile tears - but they lost in the end and common sense prevailed.

I've turned down plenty of customers because I didn't like their attitude. I don't need the commissions from their little deal. I'd rather do without the stress. It's always the little customers making the biggest problems.
Ktos  15 | 432  
20 Dec 2017 /  #33
To the posters who love our country:

Don't let this thread go further, do not comment here and the thread will die natural death. Since moderators are biased against us and favour the Jews then lets take into our own hands!
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
20 Dec 2017 /  #34
You are absolutely wrong here, Johnny. Fish as coldblooded as they may seem have feelings

No, I am not wrong here.
Most fish are cold blooded, but a few are not.
Several species of tuna, for example, are able to maintain their body temperature within large range but above the temperature of the water around them.

Most fish are cold blooded, don't have souls that go to heaven and have omga that is good for the human body when eaten.

That is why God put them on this earth is food for man.
Remember when Jesus took the fishes and loaves.

The guy that put the sign up may have a sick sense of humor and just put it up to be funny too.

And no, 'sport' fishing is not a major component of any EU economy.

Are saying that 8 billion is not a major component to the EU economy ?
Perhaps you have sources to back your silly statement up because I do to the contrary.

Recreational sea fishing (RSF) is a high-value leisure activity in Europe, with more than 8 million anglers spending over €8 billion on the pursuit each year.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Dec 2017 /  #35
posters who love our country

Ktosiu, why don't you post from Poland if you say you love 'our country'?

Jeśli nie grzeszysz, jako mi powiadasz
czemu się miły tak często spowiadasz?
(Jan Kochanowski, Fraszki)

gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Dec 2017 /  #36
Ktosiu, why don't you post from Poland if you say you love 'our country'?

that's actually a very cheap shot, Ziemowit - according to this logic those who scammed billion out of the budget in VAT frauds love Poland because they stayed here

also according to this logic colonel Kukliński and John Paul the Second didn't love Poland cause they lived abroad for a very long time - not to mention Adam Mickiewicz :P
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #37
Are saying that 8 billion is not a major component to the EU economy ?

Clearly you have no idea about the European economy. EUR 8 billion is chump change. 20% more than that is spent in a single country on cosmetics in a year. Are you saying that the German cosmetics market is a major component to the EU economy?

But then it's no surprise you know so little about the European economy, given that you know so little about what people here think about discrimination.

Wrong, perhaps, depending on your beliefs, but not illegal. ... This has been affirmed by the Supreme Court and is now legal precedent.

Europe has a supreme court now? Do give us details.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Dec 2017 /  #38
don't play dumbass whoever you are - Dirk clearly means the United States and the case was world famous (though I haven't heard of the finale in the Supreme Court - apparently the mainstream media didn't care to inform us about it)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2017 /  #39
a business owner can refuse to serve a customer for any reason.

Not in Britain Dirk. Business can't discriminate and if it persists, it pays. Please give it a rest acting like SmartAlec one hundred percent of the bleedin' time. You are the acknowledged forum expert on all things Stateside and Wroclaw, but seemingly know sweet FA about UK law:))
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #40
EUR 8 billion is chump change. 20

8 billion is not chump change. That's more than the annual GDP of microstates like Andorra, Monaco, or even a significant chunk of a country like Slovkia's GDP.

Then again it's understandable as you

have no idea about the European economy

The real figure is far higher anyway -

A major market for seafood

EU consumers spent 54 billion euro for buying fisheries and aquaculture products in 2015, reaching the highest amount ever recorded. A general positive trend was recorded in almost all Member States.


but seemingly know sweet FA about UK law:))

Not in Britain Dirk

No shyt, we're talking about US - not the Islamic Republic of England or United Caliphate. Also, in Poland a person can refuse service to anyone - including gays and no one would care.

I've been to UK several times, specifically London. I care little for UK....
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2017 /  #41
Anyway, we shouldn't take America as a veritable example. Who wants a hate filled society like theirs'? Kaczynski maybe..
We all know about the Stevie Wonder song based on his experience, about being refused rental because of his colour. Well, that's scum America for you. Some conservative couple in Britain turned a gay couple away from their hotel, because they wanted to share a room just like any couple. The hotel owners were busted for that, and by the same token somebody was busted for telling a gypsy to leave his shop because he wasn't serving him.

Notices are especially vile, and are a breach of the peace if nothing else, which can also be applied under UK law.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Dec 2017 /  #42
Who wants a hate filled society like theirs'

Britain is free of hate - just look at all those suicide bombers and other terrorists - such peaceful people
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #43
EU consumers spent 54 billion euro for buying fisheries and aquaculture products in 2015

That's nice, Dirk, but this thread is about a sign at a sport fishing establishment. The claim has been made that recreational fishing is a key component of the EU economy and I'd much like to know if the people who believe it is also think that the market for make-up in a single EU nation is also a key component of the EU economy.

Also, in Poland a person can refuse service to anyone - including gays and no one would care.

Have you heard of the Polish constitution? Have a look at Art. 32. You appear to have much to learn about the EU and Poland.

Notices are especially vile

As is the man who put up this notice. I'm wondering how hard it would be to convict the ONR that he's a gay muslim communist and that they need to send whatever is closest to their finest round to give him a physical warning.
jon357  72 | 23483  
20 Dec 2017 /  #44
As is the man who put up this notice.

he's actually an anti-discrimination activist, everything that the 'ONR' hate...
gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Dec 2017 /  #45
just look at all those suicide bombers and other terrorists - such peaceful people

also just look at those who killed a Polish man in Harlow for speaking Polish - and at those bullied Polish students in English schools (of which one eventually committed suicide) - this is how implemented laws prevent hate in Britain
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #46
he's actually an anti-discrimination activist

Hmm, aren't the ONR duty bound to support other people who are horrifically hypocritical?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #47
Have you heard of the Polish constitution? Have a look at Art. 32. You appear to have much to learn about the EU and Poland.

I'm well aware of what the constitution says. What some law or article says and the reality are sometimes two different things. The best example is the current situation with the courts... or even the prompt burning of a kebab stand by Poles since the owner stabbed a young pole. The police watched and stood a block away while the crowd cheered on

And no, in Poland no one would care if a person refused service to another for any reason. If a Christian baker refused to bake a cake for a gay couple, no one would care and there wouldn't be a bunch of snowflakes to detract the society from more serious concerns. Even gypsy kids are told to enter small stores 1-2 at a time for fear that they're going to steal...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2017 /  #48
In my area Polish schoolkids are only allowed in 1-2 at a time. That's fair enough, same rule for all, irrespective of creed. Just because you were clearly brought up to differentiate between peoples, doesn't mean the rest of us should put up with it.
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #49
the prompt burning of a kebab stand by Poles since the owner stabbed a young pole. The police watched and stood a block away while the crowd cheered on

That certainly is a cracking example of your utter lack of knowledge of Poland. Assuming that you're talking about the tragic events in Elk, the reality is that the shop was not burned, just a couple of window broken, and the police moved in promptly to protect the building. When the local scumbags had a pop at the police 28 of them were arrested.

Anyway, would you support kebab shops in the UK saying that because the attack on a kebab shop in Poland they would refuse service to all Poles?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
20 Dec 2017 /  #50
@Dirk diggler
Where do you live?

In MY area there are only 'no dogs allowed' signs in shops ...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2017 /  #51
those who killed a Polish man in Harlow for speaking Polish

Drunks unfortunately will fight. It's still less dangerous than the victims' home town, because Poles traditionally have the disgusting habit of getting leathered on the street and on waste ground.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #52
This video shows otherwise:

Polish destroy kebab after the murder of a polish young boy there

Polish Lives Matter - Riot After Migrant Kills Polish Man
Polish man being interviewed: 'I would be happy if there wasn't a single arab in our country..... those Muslims, they shouldn't be in our country'

During the riots in Elk - yes, cops stopped some 28 people. In the above video you can clearly see the police standing aside while the kebab is destroyed.

Anyway, would you support kebab shops in the UK saying that because the attack on a kebab shop in Poland they would refuse service to all Poles?

Sure why not. The less kebab the better. Poles shouldn't be supporting kebab in the first place.

Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #53
And here's a photo of the unburned kebab shop being protected by riot police:

Sure why not.

Because people should never be discriminated against on the basis of who or what they are, that being done is the outrage which this thread is supposed to be about.

Poles shouldn't be supporting kebab in the first place.

Whatever you think, Poles clearly like kebabs.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #54
Whatever you think, Poles clearly like kebabs.

Perhaps, but they dislike migrants - hence why CBOS shows 3/4 of Poles reject migration from ME and Africa and our government and people are fighting tooth and nail to reject migrant quotas to preserve our perfect record of 0 Islamic terror attacks.

And here's a photo of the unburned kebab shop being protected by riot police:

LOL yea the police came in AFTER the people broke the windows and vandalized it - as can be evidenced in the above video where the police stood by a block away while mob justice was served. To my understanding, that shop has since been closed.

The same photo appears here - express.co.uk/news/world/749189/Polish-rioters-smash-kebab-shop-arab-men-stab-young-local-Elk-male

Note that during the video the police can clearly be seen a block away doing NOTHING and in the picture above the shop has already been vandalized - so clearly they moved in AFTER the vandalism.
cms  9 | 1253  
20 Dec 2017 /  #55
Poles can eat whatever they want - that is freedom :) rarely touch them myself as they are normally foul
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #56
clearly they moved in AFTER the vandalism.

Nobody is denying that a couple of windows got put in. Your claim was that the shop was burned out, but the reality is that that's just a fantasy, just as it's a fantasy that there is widespread Polonophobia in the UK and the reality is that Poles have things much better than most minorities in the UK. Of course, in the US Poles are widely portrayed as idiots and are the butts of many jokes, but this thread is about alleged Polonophobia in the UK rather than alleged Polonophobia in the USA.

Poles can eat whatever they want

Indeed, and it would be an outrage if Poles were banned from every kebab shop in the UK even if some of their countrymen had burned out a kebab shop in Poland, which hasn't happened.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #57
just as it's a fantasy that there is widespread Polonophobia in the UK

Agreed. Hence my comments above stating that Poles are perceived perhaps by some Brits as 2nd class laborers from Eastern Europe, but they don't have nearly the same 'Polonophobia' as they did in the years following 2004 when Poles flooded in. Due to the terror attacks, child grooming by Pakis, beheading of British soldiers, the more patriotic, conservative leaning Brit and brexit supporters have focused their attention less on Poles and more on the radical Muslims that are raping, murdering and pillaging the United Caliphate. Brits see Poles now as poorer Eastern Europeans who came to take blue collar jobs that most Brits don't want anyway. Now, to cope with the loss of such labor, Poland has brought in Ukrainians to fill such jobs.

Of course, in the US Poles are widely portrayed as idiots and are the butts of many jokes

Back in the 60's yes, thanks to Jewish owned Hollywood (source: LA Times: Do Jews Own Hollywood? You Bet They Do!) have always hated Poles. Today it's rather different - average Americans tend to be jealous of the McMansions and German cars that FOB and 1st gen Poles have. They may not speak English but they sure as hell figured out how to write out a deposit slip. They can talk all the crap they want that Poles are all contractors and cleaning ladies yet they had the entrepreneurial skills and drive to become financially successful. Most FOB/1st gen Poles around Chicago (which has around 1 mil Poles) own their homes while more and more Americans do not and have resorted to renting.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
20 Dec 2017 /  #58
Geez that dude is clearly a moron. WTF? is eastern bloc. If anything - former eastern bloc. Why mention both eastern bloc and Polish as if those were mutually exclusive? Why not just say from eastern bloc?

Anyway Polish people should just move out and leave Brits in bed with all the Asia and half the India and who knows what.
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
21 Dec 2017 /  #59
I hope this guy is just acting hysterical to get the better results out of the case, rather than really speaking his mind.

The concerns are legitimate.

There have been numerous, offensive, violent, and even deadly incidents targeting Poles residing in the UK.

What's most troubling about all this is that Poles have been in the UK for generations but with larger numbers arriving since 2004. Poles are integrated, law-abiding and productive members of society in Britain.

However, Polonophobic incidents against Poles have been worsening in recent years.

Here is just a handful of examples which have made it into the media and have been discussed here on PF previously:

- In June 2016 the Polish Social and Cultural Association in London (POSK) was spray painted with obscene Polonophobic graffiti. Over a year later no arrest has been made despite surveillance images of a suspect being provided to the public.

- In August 2016 a Polish man was fatally attacked in Harlow for speaking in Polish and accented English. Hours after a vigil was held for him by the Polish community two Poles were assaulted in the same town.

- In January 2017 a Polish mother was shopping with her child in Stevenage and filmed being confronted by a British male who yelled at her to "start speaking English" and then told her to "go back home".

- In December 2017 this thread highlighted reports of a Polish man having to resort to finding funding in order to sue to have the offensive and illegal "No Poles allowed" signage removed after the owners refused following a request sent to them months ago.

Sure the sign included the term "Eastern Bloc" but that came after Poles were singled out by name.

All of these incidents are chronic, pervasive and unjustified hate crimes perpetrated by the British against Poles.

Others pointed out Poles will take fish they have caught home and there was this guy from the Netherlands claiming Poles have caught all the fish from certain lakes in his country - lol!

If that was the real motive behind it then the owners could have put up a multilingual sign (in all EU languages and predominant Asian and African languages spoken in the UK) saying that fishing is for catch and release only and any fish caught must not be taken off the premises.

But no, that's not what the owners did. They have a personal hatred towards Poles in particular, want them excluded, and literally spelled it out for all to see.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Dec 2017 /  #60
All of these incidents are chronic, pervasive and unjustified hate crimes perpetrated by the British against Poles.

Let's get this straight. You live in America, yet you have the temerity to accuse the British of racial intolerance?
Lol. Our police don't often shoot a man in the back simply because they don't like the colour of his skin. When you've actually been to the UK and lived there like Wulkan and the rest, then you can comment. Now run along, there's a good chap.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived