Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
18 Aug 2018 / #541
I would volunteer today to help built that wall and shoot the climbers
Same. I'll even supply all my own weapons and uniforms. Hell ill even paint my escalade in camo and put a turret in the back seat. Why not protect borders in style?
Man if Bulgaria still had the 80 eu per migrant caught program id make that a full time job. I don't know why more countries don't do this. Oh ya... the liberals and pro migrant NGOs screaming human rights. Well sorry when you enter a country illegally you don't have those rights.
Maybe destroying the Berlin wall wasn't such a good idea. They should've just moved it. I still don't understand why the navies patrolling the Mediterranean wouldn't just sink the boats coming in. The way the migrants land on European shores is the same way Americans landed on d day in France. They are undoubtedly terrorists, rapists and people with no legit asylum claim anyway. Once a few boats sink people would stop coming. But no instead European taxpayers shell out million a month saving these people. Atleast there's hope though as more and more countries are saying no more.