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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Aug 2018 /  #541
I would volunteer today to help built that wall and shoot the climbers

Same. I'll even supply all my own weapons and uniforms. Hell ill even paint my escalade in camo and put a turret in the back seat. Why not protect borders in style?

Man if Bulgaria still had the 80 eu per migrant caught program id make that a full time job. I don't know why more countries don't do this. Oh ya... the liberals and pro migrant NGOs screaming human rights. Well sorry when you enter a country illegally you don't have those rights.

Maybe destroying the Berlin wall wasn't such a good idea. They should've just moved it. I still don't understand why the navies patrolling the Mediterranean wouldn't just sink the boats coming in. The way the migrants land on European shores is the same way Americans landed on d day in France. They are undoubtedly terrorists, rapists and people with no legit asylum claim anyway. Once a few boats sink people would stop coming. But no instead European taxpayers shell out million a month saving these people. Atleast there's hope though as more and more countries are saying no more.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
18 Aug 2018 /  #542
Actually it's been nonstop for over 2000 years.

Hmmm...it may be when you really claim the achievements of old Greeks and Romans for us central European Germanics and Slavs. They called us not for nothing "Barbarians", you know...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #543
I still don't understand why the navies patrolling the Mediterranean wouldn't just sink the boats coming in.

That will not win you Mister Congeniality contest anywhere any day soon. I, on the other hand, would give you the Humanitarian of the Year Award because your idea actually saves lives.

I know that liberal heads usually explode reading such things but only for lack of a logical and fact-based counter argument. Being a liberal moron is a b*****h.

BTW, here is one symptom when you are a liberal moron: you fish out a bunch of useless Africans (all young men) 10 miles from Libya and take them 500 miles to Italy so that they can have the pleasure of sampling white women - consent or not. The other symptom is telling white women that it's their fault because they made themselves available by leaving for work.
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Aug 2018 /  #544
What has Poland and Ireland contributed to European civilisation?

We brough Christianity, literacy and scholarship to much of Europe .
Britian, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy:
Iona, Lindisfarne
Annegray, Luxeuil, and Fontaines in France,
St. Gall in Switzerland, Disibodenberg in the Rhine Palatinate,
St. Paul's at Besancon, Lure and Cusance in the Dicoese of Besancon, Beze in the Diocese of Langres, Remiremont Abbey and Moyenmoutier Abbey in the Diocese of Toul, Fosses-la-Ville in the Diocese of Liege, Mont-St-Michel at Peronne,

Ebersmunster in Lower Alsace, St. Martin's at Cologne, Regensberg, Vienna, Erfurt and Wurzburg.

To name but a few :)

"Irish scholars who arrived in Continental Europe in the early Middle Ages are often credited with making some of the most important contributions to European culture and learning of the time".

Of course being overrun by Vikings rather put a damper on our activities and after that we were a bit preoccupied fighting off the English and the lowland Scots (a pox on them!). Nonetheless because of our adoption of the English language we were able to make a significant contribution to English literature blah, blah.

What major inventions have come out of Poland and Ireland?

Now you do know our history don't you?? However, be that as it may:

The guided missile (Louis Brennan)
The submarine ditto
I think he designed the first helicopter that actually flew as well.
Cure for leprosy (Dr Vincent Barry)
Boyle's Law (Dr Richard Boyle) chemistry
George Francis Fitzgerald whose work was incorporated into Einstein's theory of relativity.

There's actually a load more but does it really matter? You know how it is with 'inventions'. They come about over a period of time by drawing on the work of those who have gone before and are often responsible for a single element of the invention that makes all the difference.

Oh and Marconi's mother was one of the Jameson family, you know the Irish whiskey people, so he was halfIrish anyway :)

Only an ignorant idiot would deny or detract form the fact that Britain has a superb history of engineering and innovation and in fact Scotland played a large part in that.

As for crime, wherever they went, the Irish and the Poles were far more of an asset to their adopted homelands than a burden or a threat.
Tacitus  2 | 1272  
18 Aug 2018 /  #545
Actually it's been nonstop for over 2000 years. Even under the ancient Romans and Greeks Europeans were far ahead of anyone else in the world

This is utterly ridiculous and completely ahistorical.

The Persian Empire for example was head and shoulders above anything during its' time in terms of power and sophistication. The Greeks were just a bunch of pitiful citiystates compared to it, and not more of an annoyance for most of its' time. The Greeks had sone great philosophers, but the Persians were the ones making great inventions et al (e.g. the calendar).

The Romans had a more than worthy opponent with tge Sassanids, and their successor were the one opponent they could never beat. The Middle Ages were a truly backwarda time, when Europeans were living in the ruins of the Romans. Meanwhile the Arabs experiwnced an golden age. We know from travel locks that Europeans who visited the ME felt embarassed about their inferiority. The Ottoman Empire was ahead of all Europeans for centuries. The Mongols were basically unstoppable, and only the timely death of the Khan saved central Europe from them. Indeed, many scholars contribute the rise of the West partly to the weakening of the East by the Mongols, who destroyed cities like Bagdad that dwarved anything in Europe.

And all of that leaves out China, that was more prosperous for most of its' hostory. It leaves out the people in Southern America that build large cities in the oth century when you could only find ruins in Europe. I could go on, but your point is simply ludicrous. This is not up for debate, but accepted by historians. In any book written about the rise of the West, it is acknowledged that the West was until perhaps the late 18th century not very special. Their are studies showing that until the Industriam revolution, Europe's trade output was awfully small compared to the rest if the world.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
18 Aug 2018 /  #546
...and now that China is overcoming it's ideology founded backwardness the next century doesn't seems to become another european/western centric one.
Tacitus  2 | 1272  
18 Aug 2018 /  #547
Indeed. And the Chinese government likes to remind their people of the time of humiliation inflicted by the Europeans. Europe is at the crossroad and the EU is the only chance we have to stay relevant and prosperous. Or the small European countries will become pawns in the game of the large giants from Asia. United we stand. Or divided we fall.
18 Aug 2018 /  #548
We brough Christianity, literacy and scholarship to much of Europe .

Not really. Ireland was a haven for those things while much of Europe went dark, but they weren't Irish 'ideas'. They were brought to Ireland from eslewhere. Same with the incremental inventions and discoveries you mention, many of which weren't actually a product of ireland anyway, just of people who happened to be born in Ireland but worked elsewhere (which is kinda worse, as Ireland wasn't able to foster their talent, ditto Sklodowska-Curie). Not denigrating, just making the distinction between Europeans that were standing on the shoulders of giants, and the giants themselves (Mesopotamians etc).

Well someone clearly doesn't understand what the bronze age was....

Yeah, you.

You think the European Bronze Age was the same era happening everywhere. It wasn't. Try really hard, until it hurts your little noggin, and see if you can think of any other places where people lived 2500 years ago, who weren't using Bronze.

I'll give you a clue - you're sitting in one, Yankie.

Oh the delicious irony of Dirk Diggler using an Arabic alphabet to tell everyone that Arabs never gave anything to the world...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
18 Aug 2018 /  #549
Christianity itself wasn't even a european invention, but developed in the ME and was more or less forced down the european throats with the sword.

Dirk! Jesus was a brown skinned towelhead...what say you?
18 Aug 2018 /  #550
...and he's King of Poland! ha ha ha!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #551
What does all that historical crap have to do with the suicide by the white race? Because Jesus was brown I have to invite every useless brown retard to the US? Is that the logic here?

The problem today is the pussyfication of the white man. He has been castrated and de-balled by the feminazis and their co-conspirators. The best example is the total lack of push back by the Europussies when confronted by the third-world garbage raping the Europussies' sisters, wives, and mothers. Of the scum that walks on this earth, a Europussy is the lowest form. Defenseless, apologetic, with his pants down and a** up. Eyes covered.
18 Aug 2018 /  #552
Because Jesus was brown I have to invite every useless brown retard to the US? Is that the logic here?

Reductio ad absurdium.

I'm not sure logic is your strong point...seeing as you seem to hate 'brown' people, yet your society worships one.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #553
Reductio ad absurdium.

Why don't you ask the author of that Jesus line what logic was behind mentioning that Jesus was brown. It wasn't me.
My logic is fine. It's the libtards who are deficient or defective.
I wonder if an MRI scan shows a hole there?
Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Aug 2018 /  #554
Not denigrating, just making the distinction between Europeans that were standing on the shoulders of giants, and the giants themselves (Mesopotamians etc).

What about Newgrange? Quite complex maths there. Very ancient Ireland, so ancient Europeans :)

people who happened to be born in Ireland but worked elsewhere (which is kinda worse, as Ireland wasn't able to foster their talent

Well that's not quite true but this isn't the place to argue about it.

Of course Dirk and Rich are talking rubbish though.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #555
Of course Dirk and Rich are talking rubbish though.

Atch is talking rubbish. Are we even now?
That was deep. 2nd grade deep. I apologize to the 2nd graders.
18 Aug 2018 /  #556
What about Newgrange? Quite complex maths there. Very ancient Ireland, so ancient Europeans :)

Oh, go on then, you can have Newgrange - Ireland did indeed lead the world in creating mounds (to loosely paraphrase Dara O'Briain)! Seems to have excelled in deforestation too, but let's not go there ;)

All the Christianity and scholarship though (used as a base to convert Britain), that was due to the likes of St Pigeon (Columba) importing it from Rome in the first place (who got it from further east).

Of course Dirk and Rich are talking rubbish though.

Have you noticed how they really do sound a lot like Isis now? The way they dehumanise others groups, they way they talk about women as if they're chattels, the way they can casually talk about mass murder, and the liking for guns and uniforms. Put them in the same room and they'll probably start drawing a frickin flag...

Must be the generic mindset of the knucklehead: Guns, girls, god and gobsh!ting.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
18 Aug 2018 /  #557
Why don't you ask the author of that Jesus line what logic was behind mentioning that Jesus was brown.

...because Dirk hates them so much. That is not normal anymore...that is not healthy. I'm concerned....
Ironside  51 | 13109  
18 Aug 2018 /  #558
What has Poland and Ireland contributed to European civilisation?

Lots. IF you don't know find out for yourself.
The point is about european civilization, that left other civlization even if they had a better start waay behind. /in all, values, wealth .....and so on .....

In the last 300- 400 years 98% of all inventions came from european civilization.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
18 Aug 2018 /  #559
True...but that wasn't the start of this discussion. Nobody here is doubting that the current high point is that what we call "The West", civilizationally...technologically...economically. The point was about to show that before that there have been high civilizations elsewhere and after our run is through there will be again high civilizations elsewhere.

To believe that we Europeans/USians are the pinnacle of humanity, always have been and always will be, is just...well...let's say abit shortsighted.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
18 Aug 2018 /  #560
By the way Arabs only passed on knowledge From Persians and /Romans whose lands they took.

To believe that we Europeans/USians are the pinnacle of humanity, always

At the moment we're the best. What and IF something change in the future is a moot point. Right now there no one with better values or laws or potencial.

Thing is Dirk and Rich are talking a lot of crap. One cause he doesn't know better and the other casue he is a bitter troll with no life and a racist.
18 Aug 2018 /  #561
At the moment we're the best. What and IF something change in the future is a moot point. Right now there no one with better values or laws or potencial.

As has been pointed out, that is all a bit of an illusion.

I mean, this 'European' civilisation spawned the Nazi and Communist regimes only a matter of decades ago. Before that there was the industrial slave trade, Spanish Inquisition, Belgians in the Congo - not exactly wonderful values or laws of Europe, are they?

A couple of thousand years ago, I imagine some Roman was saying to himself "this is the best!", but in the blink of a historical eye he and his civilisation and values are just archaeology. Nothing remains. It is all very temporary, including us.

It's ironic that what has brought Europe and North America to such powers and enlightenment in values and laws is the system of capitalist liberal democracy, which is right now being kicked down by leaders across Europe and America, cheered on by their foot-soldiers like Dirk and Rich, who seem to want something more authoritarian and religio-ideological, like Iran, Russia, or 1930s Germany.
Atch  22 | 4299  
19 Aug 2018 /  #562
Oh, go on then, you can have Newgrange

All jokes aside, there is significant maths involved in the construction of Newgrange and those maths didn't come from the Babylonians.

All the Christianity and scholarship though (used as a base to convert Britain), that was due to the likes of St Pigeon (Columba) importing it from Rome

Not quite. There was pre-Christian literacy in Ireland. Experts on ancient Ireland agree that the existing literacy which developed independently on the island was the reason we adopted the Latin alphabet etc so quickly and used it to express our spoken language. We had already been writing our spoken language in the ancient Irish alphabet for a couple of centuries so this explains why Irish tradtion of vernacular literature is the oldest in Western Europe.

Of course everything started in the Middle East but it soon spread out and ideas developed independently of each other. Civilizations rise and fall. Who'd associate modern day Italy with the Roman empire - or Greece come to that. I think Ireland on the other hand has done pretty well in maintaining and building on its early civilization and continuing to make progress, partly because it's an island and partly because despite the centuries of war etc it wasn't repeatedly invaded by different tribes and cultures.

I always see Poland as quite a young country that never really got itself established. I mean it's only a thousand years old and it's been been in decline since the 1700s. Not out of the woods yet either with PIS at the helm.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
19 Aug 2018 /  #563
Not out of the woods yet either with PIS at the helm.

Seems Poland is facing the same dilemma that America was.
(Being forced to elect the lesser of two evils.)
Both parties were getting nothing done so we elected an outsider that was obligated to no one.
The career politician's (seat warmers) are dropping like flies.
Trump has accomplished more for America in two years then the last six Presidents put together.
We now have a President that actually keeps his campaign promises doing what is best for the country instead of trying to make everyone happy.

This may be what Poland needs to do if they want to grow at a faster pace.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Aug 2018 /  #564
In the last 300- 400 years 98% of all inventions came from european civilization.

...who and where did what when we all were apes means absolutely nothing. It's actually as boring and relevant as recalling when we were potty trained.
19 Aug 2018 /  #565
I think Ireland on the other hand has done pretty well in maintaining and building on its early civilization

No disrepsect, but to me Ireland looks totally anglicized, but with a current wave of revivalism (in the language etc) that is mostly superficial and nostalgic and a bit artificial. I don't see an uninterrupted line of distinct Irishness, to me it seems as if it was almost completely obliterated and subsumed by the Scottish, Welsh and English, and has been trying to re-establish a distinct identity since 1916 (but that's impossible - you can't wipe out the past). When I'm in Ireland, it feels strangely like one of the diverse regions of Britain. It also has that feeling, similar to Welsh and Scottish nationalists, of primarily defining itself as 'not England', in a way that e.g. France or Iceland doesn't have to. Joining the EU seems the best thing that happened to Irish nationhood, as an outsider looking in, as it kind of freed it from trying to form an identity solely as an ex colony, in opposition to the colonist, and instead it could have an alternative identity as something bigger than itslef and former colonist (pan-European identity).

Dare say you'll have a different take on it, but oddly the Brits and Irish are forever entwined in a shared history, and a shared backstory.

I always see Poland as quite a young country that never really got itself established.

Shallow roots, with borders on all sides so forever suffering from an insecurity of invasion. It's hard to overestimate the more secure mindset that comes with island nations, where much of your identity is very definitively defined by the borders of a coastline, instead of man-made lines on a map (whicha re prone to shifting).

Trump has accomplished more for America in two years then the last six Presidents put together.

I'm not so sure about that. Trump's main accomplishment has been isolationism, where the USA and its global influence are plummetting worldwide. USA has gone from being respected, even feared, to being a bit of a joke, no longer credible, as everyone strongly suspects that Putin is pulling strings somewhere, and Trump is just a puppet for various interests that no longer stand for what America has always been fairly respected for.

America seems finished as an economic and democratic superpower, and it's hard to see how it can ever get it back. After Trump, nobody has respect for America and its values anymore. A bit like when Britain lost its crown and clout during the collapse of Empire, as America rose. It's now China that's rising as America falls - the british example shows how quickly this can happen - just a few decades and it's all over.

Trump's legacy will be in dismantling the civil service structures that underpinned its values (politicising the agencies and judiciaries), which is what all autocrats do, from Stalin to Mao to Hitler to Orban. And this is what Kaczynski has also done. It's very worrying, because these structures take a long time to establish, and for the public to trust them. Once that trust is lost, and the objectivity lost, then the civil service just becomes an extension of party. That's exactly what's happening in the USA and Poland.
19 Aug 2018 /  #566
It's actually as boring and relevant as recalling when we were potty trained.

How's your training going?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Aug 2018 /  #567
Much better than yours.
All my efforts are to get the s*** down and out. You, libs, do your best to hold on to it and dish it out as progressive and enlightened 'thoughts'. That is why you are full of crap most of the time.

You shouldn't have touched it.
19 Aug 2018 /  #568
That's quite rambling and doesn't make a lot of sense. Ask your handler for more instruction.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
19 Aug 2018 /  #569
not exactly wonderful values or laws of Europe?

So, what? I mean nobody claims that we're without faults or as they say - mistakes were made. The point is we learn from our mistakes or same do at least. We can say - hey it was bad it was wrong it was evil. That is due to our Chritian values and our civilzation.

Muslim's invasion of India cost 100 millions lives, Arab slave trade 80 millions. They have no problems with it. Hell they still enslave blacks in Arabia ]. China in Afica today a big jocke. Locals cry for the British to came back.

Japanise killed millions of Chinese during WWII. Asked to apologize they don't know what that means - you see Chinese lost so they could do with them what they wnated - that different values for you.

By the way I would argue that Communist regimes were forced on Europe - after all Russia is not a part of the european civilizaton. Being white and geographical place on a map are not the only requiements.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
19 Aug 2018 /  #570
after all Russia is not a part of the european civilizaton.

I disagree!

Dostojewski, Tschaikowski, Lomonossov, Checkov, Bakunin, Pushkin, Tolstoy...etc.


If you cut out Russia you are stealing from our current civilization just to much!

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived