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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #511
By the respective institutions which are responsible for such things?
mafketis  38 | 11277  
17 Aug 2018 /  #512
By the respective institutions

This is starting to sound like a German project to interfere in other EU states internal budgets. No thanks.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #513
Yeah...building EU camps on the greek islands or northern Africa to handle these people BEFORE they gain entry into the EU will probably be easier to achieve.

No thanks

Well...Britain is out anyhow... ;)
Tacitus  2 | 1272  
17 Aug 2018 /  #514
@Bratwurst Boy

14 out of 16 supreme court justices are loyal to Merkel


I can only assume that he was counting the number of judges which were appointed by the SPD and CDU. Which not only betrays his ignorance about the nature of their coalition (believing that e.g. SPD judges will be loyal to a CDU chancellor) along for his ignorance for their selection process. Every candidate is a consensus candidate because no government can appoint them with their votes alone since 2/3 majority is needes (especially in the Bundesrat where the CDU/SPD government does not even have a normal majority). Coicidently abolishing the 2/3 requirement and thus the need for consensus is one of the things PiS is guilty of doing, which will no doubt cause great damage to the political culture in Poland, but that is another topic.

Yeah...building EU camps on the greek islands or northern Africa to handle these people BEFORE they gain entry into the EU will probably be easier to achieve.

Well, we shall see whether or not we can make those camps work. So far no country has been willing to act as an host country. No doubt it will require a lot of money as incentive for them to change their minds.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #515
So far no country has been willing to act as an host country.

Yeah...Merkel is responsible for alot of things, not all of them good, but she is no "wonder woman".

To better the immigration issue will need alot of time and diplomacy and money...to vomit verbally from across the Atlantic into the general direction of Europe is definitely not helping.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #516
Merkel is responsible for alot of things, not all of them good, but she is no "wonder woman".

She could be Jesus and Mary and still a poster girl for term limits. Waaaaay too long.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #518
building EU camps on the greek islands or northern Africa to handle these people BEFORE they gain entry into the EU will probably be easier to achieve.

The question is why bother? Let them rebuild their own sh1tholes instead of demanding to enter a more advanced society. Blacks are confiscating white farms in South Africa but Europeans are suppose to just share their continent with them, which has been built over a thousand years to be among the most advanced in the world? **** that...

So far no country has been willing to act as an host country.

That's because they've finally wised up and realized what damage a deluge of third worlders on an advanced modern society does.

Atleast I can rest assured Poland won't be any such host country nor will it take in literally boatloads of migrants. It's a shame though that other European countries I've been to and have fond memories of will despite the clear damage it's already caused. It's like a battered woman that refuses to leave her abusive husband.... yeah bring in more rapefugees and terrorists and benefits leeches they'll enrich our culture
17 Aug 2018 /  #519
they've finally wised up and realized what damage a deluge of third worlders on an advanced modern society does.

Like the Irish and Polaks that flooded into America? Seem to remember their countries weren't too developed during the mass emigrations of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

I hate this brown piece of Kenyan s***

You really are a despicable lowlife. You focus on colour and heritage, rather than the person. The true mark of a bigot, a white trash immigrant, not realising that you're the 'other'. Obama was born int the USA. He was there before you, he's got more claim than you have. You're a mid-Atlantic rootless tumbleweed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #520
You focus on colour and heritage, rather than the person. The true mark of a bigot,

Are you talking about Obongo? This pos saw blackness in everything, racism in every cop, and wholesome goodness in every black thug. He invited the racists pigs known as BLM to the White House. He lied to us more times than I farted during those miserable 8 years.

No, this pos was not born in the US and his birth certificate is a primitive forgery. A decent person like me would need 15 seconds to produce that document. This sob did it in 2011, or two years after being sworn in and a lot money spend on lawyers.

How much time would you need to show your birth certificate and how much money would spend fighting it, a-hole?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Aug 2018 /  #521
Like the Irish and Polaks that flooded into America?

You mean the people who arrived in the us and actusllt worked and contributed? There were no handouts at ellis island. No welfare or disability offices. If you didnt work, you starved. That's when the USA was at its best. And ever since liberals pushed for welfare and disability we've had generations leeching benefits and the lost force participation has been going down since. That's what happens when you reward laziness and leeching. The Soviets even made that a crime - parasitism and quite aptly named as the people who engage in such behavior are parasites.

Even when Poland or Ireland were at their most backwards they were still centuries ahead of sub saharans Africa and the middle East. If it wasn't for Europeans finding oil, even emirates would be living in tents and clay huts diving for pearls as they had as recently as the 1950s and 60s..
18 Aug 2018 /  #522
If you didnt work, you starved

Or formed a mafia and murdered people for a living, like the 3rd world Italians? The Irish immigrants were loathed in the USA, and brought a crimewave with them:


Even when Poland or Ireland were at their most backwards they were still centuries ahead of sub saharans Africa and the middle East.

What has Poland and Ireland contributed to European civilisation? What major inventions have come out of Poland and Ireland? Don't give me Marie Sklodowska-Curie - she had to leave Poland and go to France to do her research. That's not to denigrate them, but just to point out that Poland and Ireland were hardly torches of civilisation, whereas the Arabs re-introduced science and medicine back into Europe after the Dark Ages, because they were way ahead of a backwards Europe.

Modern civilisation and farming began between the Tigris and Euphrates, in modern day Iraq, when Europeans where still living in mud huts and chasing wild animals with bows and arrows. So the arabs of the time were not just centuries, but millennia, ahead of white Europeans. The arabs taught the Europeans how to farm, when Ireland and Poland were running around in animals skins. So you're talking garbage, yet again.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Aug 2018 /  #523
Or formed a mafia and murdered people for a living, like the 3rd world Italians? The Irish immigrants were loathed in the USA, and brought a crimewave with them:

So? That was a small portion of the population. Unlike the third world migrants in western Europe of whom there are hordes living in tents, raping women, committing violent acts, stealing, torching cars, causing years long states of emergency, leaving trash everywhere, etc. One merely needs to go on youtube and watch any of the hundreds if not thousands of videos showing how third world migrants behave in w Europe. Now compare that to European migrants like Ukranians in Poland who do none of the above - no they work and assimilate, there are not hundreds of thousands of them collecting benefits, there aren't any ukranians committing terrorist attacks against Europeans, they're not driving cars into crowds, they aren't walking around with flags saying Orthodoxy 4 Poland - no that's because they came to WORK and contribute to the society and not have poles support them and their kids for decades.

What has Poland and Ireland contributed to European civilisation?

Oh where to begin... how about with Curie - considering she is a POLE regardless of where she did her research... Pope John Paul II, Pulaski, Pilsudzki, Chopin - here's a whole list... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Polish_people

Major inventions? Sure how about the first moon rover, walkie-talkie, sound film, kerosene lamp, first welded bridge, q-tips, the integraph, pneumatic shock absorbers...

How many inventions are coming out of Somalia? How about Kenya or Afghanistan?

Well I tried to look it up on Wiki but nothing was found.... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Somali_inventions

Not surprising in the least....

and Afghanistan?


Far, FAR smaller list than Poles - and NO CATEGORY FOR INVENTORS ROFL...

So the arabs of the time were not just centuries, but millennia, ahead of white Europeans.

So what happened? Why did they lose their giant leap ahead of us? Why are most Arab countries third world sh1tholes today? Oh wait I know the answer to that... ISLAM!

All the more reason they should be centuries ahead of Europeans, not behind. Europeans should be migrating by the millions then to the Arab world. But that's obviously not the case.... That's because European society is superior and everyone knows it and that's why every third world wants to come there.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #524
Well I tried to look it up on Wiki but nothing was found....

You can't find them because white racists like me removed all information about the life-altering and earth shattering black achievements. The list of the black Nobel Prize winners - especially in science - was deleted as well.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Aug 2018 /  #525
Modern civilisation and farming began between the Tigris and Euphrates

Also, you realize that Europeans came from those lands? Aryans are Indo-Iranians.

Early Europeans were already building multi story buildings and chariots while other races still hadn't even invented the wheel or built anything more complex than a dirt burial mount or mud hut.


And actually Poland has possibly the earliest depiction of the wheel:

The earliest well-dated depiction of a wheeled vehicle (here a wagon - four wheels, two axles) is on the Bronocice pot, a c. 3500 - 3350 BCE clay pot excavated in a Funnelbeaker culture settlement in southern Poland


The wheel was barely used, with the exception of Ethiopia and Somalia, in Sub-Saharan Africa well into the 19th century but this changed with the arrival of the Europeans.[

Yeah so advanced and ahead of everyone rofl.... they didn't even have the wheel in sub Saharan Africa till EUROPEANS showed it to them. That's pretty pathetic. I'm sure more than one sub Saharan saw a rock roll down a hill. Yet they were too dumb to put two and two together lol. Well the modern average iq of a sub Saharan is 70 so I'm not too surprised...
mafketis  38 | 11277  
18 Aug 2018 /  #526
Like the Irish and Polaks that flooded into America?

Well the flood of culturally alien Southern and Eastern Europeans helped bring the era of mass immigration to an end around 1920... and Southern and Eastern immigrants had mixed feelings about their cultures and often felt they were backward and were eager to assimilate to more advanced American norms.

How many middle eastern or african migrants in Europe think of their own cultures as backward and want to assimilate to European norms? Some do think that and try to assimilate but many more....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
18 Aug 2018 /  #527
You're a mid-Atlantic rootless tumbleweed.

Whoever you may think he is, Rich Mazur is definitely not a son of Marian Mazur.

his birth certificate is a primitive forgery. A decent person like me would need 15 seconds to produce that document

Like you did with that birth certificate of yours you produced and posted on this forum some time ago?
18 Aug 2018 /  #528
So what happened? Why did they lose their giant leap ahead of us?

Irrelevant. What is relevant is that you said:

Even when Poland or Ireland were at their most backwards they were still centuries ahead of sub saharans Africa and the middle East.

Which you have now casually reversed as if you never said it. In other words, your style of debate is to say whatever is in your head at the moment, without making a coherent argument, and are happy to contradict yourself, making aything you say...well, pretty pointless. Because nobody can know if you really think it, or are just talking cr@p for the sake of it.

It's a form of gaslighting, and you're caught red-handed here, dude. You have about as much depth as a puddle.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #529
Like you did with that birth certificate of yours you produced and posted on this forum some time ago?

I was never required to produce it to meet the qualifications for the presidency.
How much time would you need to show your birth certificate to get a passport? How many lawyers would you hire not to do it?
Crow  155 | 9722  
18 Aug 2018 /  #530
I actually asking myself how is possible that Poles didn`t already lose their nerves and gave up from humiliations in UK. No amount of money can`t compensate for horror Poles revives on that malevolent Island of Doctor Moreau.

What has Poland ...... contributed to European civilisation?

What about `Sarmatism` at a time when German nobility used hands and fingers to eat?
18 Aug 2018 /  #531
Also, you realize that Europeans came from those lands? Aryans are Indo-Iranians

I reject your idea of 'Aryans', but in case case, the migration of peoples into Europe happened many thousands of years before the brown-skinned Arabians were farming and building cities. At the same time, the white Europeans were dragging stones into circles.

When Babylon was flourishing, Europe was still in the Bronze Age, and people like Otzi were wearing animals skins.

sub Saharan Africa

No, no, no, old chap. Let's hold you to your argument and not sweep over the Middle East shall we, seeing as you clearly said:

they were still centuries ahead of sub saharans Africa ****and the middle East.***

So, don't try and shift your goalposts just because you've been caught talking cr@p but are too dumb-proud to admit it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #532
When Babylon was flourishing, Europe was still in the Bronze Age, and people like Otzi were wearing animals skins.

So f***** what?
What is the relevance of that to anything that's happening now?
Why am I getting lessons from some idiot on fossils while Western Euro women are afraid to go out for a walk where just ten years ago they were not?
18 Aug 2018 /  #533
Oh where to begin...

No, all the people you list are 'derivatives' who either made small steps in otherwise established fields (often outside of Poland), such as Curie or Chopin (Physics and music already being well established for thousands of years), or they had to leave Poland to do it - because although Poland (like anywhere) can breed talented people, the Polish culture in its many guises does not breed talent and creativity *within* its culture - talented Poles generally have to travel to other cultures to realise their talent.

Meanwhile, the Middle East people invented actual *farming*, y'know, the thing that European civilisation is built upon, once Europeans stopped chasing wild aurochsen with spears. That's a bit bigger than yet another piano concerto (hundreds of years after Mozart) or yet another chemical element (hundreds of years after most other elements had been discovered).

Middle East peoples also invented centralised cities, of the kind Europeans live in today, at a time when Europeans back then were living in small tribal groups in thatched huts with their animals, and didn't know how to lay a sewer pipe or dig a canal.

So that's where I begin, with the big stuff. Not the minute details. None of Poland's achievements could have happened if it wasn't for brown-skinned Middle Easterners doing the major inventions that later Polish civilisation was based upon.

Chew on that, Gumby.

What is the relevance of that to anything that's happening now?

So it f**** directly contradicts the point that Dick Diggler was making, which was that white Europe had 'always' been ahead of the Middle East. So the relevance to "now" is that much of the 'civilisation' you think is threatened by Middle Eastern immigration is based upon earlier Middle Eastern exports of people and skills. So you and he have a misplaced sense of timeless superiority.

You know what you both sound like, with your intolerance and your ethno-religious delusions of superiority? You sounds like the mirror image of an Isis moron, raising his finger at a camera and ranting about his his guys are 'the best' and everyone else is a scumbag sub-human cockroach. You've got the same mentality and the same way of looking at the world and at people, just from a slightly different angle. It's all just the same hogwash.

while Western Euro women are afraid to go out for a walk where just ten years ago they were not?

Indeed, western Euro women are now at risk from eastern rapists, aren't they? Like this guy from the distant eastern land of Poland, who came west to do more raping:

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #534
You've got the same mentality

My mentality is: He who enters my house forcibly and without my permission will be shot. Got it?

Everything else in my 'mentality' is a consequence that basic attitude of mine. You want to see how it works? I will pm you my address.

And I don't give a s*** which ape used a stone to crush another ape's head and f***** his woman first.

The US border should be a kill zone. The first two imbeciles who would ignore the sign would be shot and killed. That would be the end of 'immigration'. Problem solved.

Let's keep simple things simple.
18 Aug 2018 /  #535
He who enters my house forcibly and without my permission will be shot. Got it?

Yeah, I got that, but the US immigration system is by consent, i.e. the US govt ALLOWS ENTRY to muslim or African immigrants. They aint walking across the Atlantic and up through Mexico. They're arriving at the border on a plane or boat and given entry legally, the same way you did. Have you 'Got It'?

The US border should be a kill zone. The first two imbeciles who would ignore the sign would be shot and killed.

Let's just say 'fair enough' for sake of argument, so long as you realise that such a policy wont stop a single African or Middle East immigrant, as they generally enter the same way you did (unless your Polish-born persona is a fake, as seems likely).

So it's not really clear how your 'shoot to kill' policy would have any effect at all on US immigration from most of the World, including Africa and the Middle East.

Is that "simple" enough for you? I'm suspecting not, seeing as your solution seems to be 'shoot first, think later'. If only you'd use the gun to think with and 'clear your mind'!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Aug 2018 /  #536
When Babylon was flourishing, Europe was still in the Bronze Age,

Well someone clearly doesn't understand what the bronze age was.... Babylon at the time would have also been in the bronze age as it was a natural progression from the stone age, except for sub saharans and indians in the new world who were stuck in it till Europeans showed up

No, no, no, old chap. Let's hold you to your argument and not sweep over the Middle East shall we, seeing as you clearly said

I'm talking about third world migrants in general.

But so be it....

List of Afghani inventors? Non existent. List of famous Afghanis that contributed to the world? A fraction of poles....

Middle East peoples also invented centralised cities, of the kind Europeans live in today

So again... WTF happened!?!?!? If they were sooooo advanced why is it that they are so behind Europeans today? They should've been conquering and colonizing us if they were so far ahead, not the other way around. Europeans.

And actually if we're going to talk about the ancient world let's discuss rome, Greece, macedonia, scythia, etc. Aqueducts, democracy, colliseums, temples, canals, and armies that conquered most of the Arab world all the way to Afghanistan namely under Alexander the great. If they were so far ahead of the Europeans then they wouldn't of been conquered then and they wouldn't of been colonized again millennia later again by Europeans.

Besides who gives a sh1t about 6000 years ago. What is relevant is the here and now. And the way I see it Europe is far, far ahead of the middle East, save for maybe Dubai which only became wealthy in the past 50.60 years because EUROPEANS namely brits found oil on their land. If it weren't for Europeans finding oil for tjem they'd still be riding camels, living in clay huts and diving for pearls like they did in the UAE in the 1950s and 60s.

And that's why they flood europe. Somehow they lost their supposed giant leap ahead of the world and know their countries are sh1tholes so they come to Europe to leech off the advancement of a superior society that's foolish enough to reward them for sitting idle all day and even allows them to have courts based on 7th century islam.

Middle East peoples also invented centralised cities

Then the Arabs should have wonderful flourishing cities today like london or paris or warsaw yet they don't even have proper paved roads, including in Babylon aka modern Iraq.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
18 Aug 2018 /  #537
My mentality is: He who enters my house forcibly and without my permission will be shot. Got it?

An interesting thought....is it really YOUR house? You are not the lone inhabitant...

If a country is seen as one house...who makes YOU the owner? What of the other "flatmate" which has a different opinion and wants much rather invite that shoot?

Isn't that the reason why the fight between the Dems and the Reps is such a bitter one?

Then the Arabs should have wonderful flourishing cities today like london or paris or warsaw

Maybe they will one day...and the high time of European/Western civilization will be nothing more anymore than an interesting chapter in the history books.

Make no mistake Dirk, this our high time has been a short one, compared with the high civilizations of old and it is very fragile. Don't take it for granted, a short look into the history books should show you. The developments don't move straight upwards, they take loops and are crossing like nothing else!

In a century from now on, it can all already be well and truly over and we are all "has beens".
mafketis  38 | 11277  
18 Aug 2018 /  #538
Isn't that the reason why the fight between the Dems and the Reps is such a bitter one?

No. Both the democratic and republican elite want never-ending large scaled low skilled immigration (for different reasons - the republicans like cheap workers who don't have many rights and the democrats like low information voters they can bribe with welfare goodies).

In this case the will of the majority of citizens (as in most of Europe) is completely irrelevant to the government. A highly dysfunctional situation which will probably lead to large scale trouble within a few years...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Aug 2018 /  #539
Make no mistake Dirk, this our high time has been a short one,

Actually it's been nonstop for over 2000 years. Even under the ancient Romans and Greeks Europeans were far ahead of anyone else in the world. Even during the dark middle ages europeans built huge castles, palaces, churches and were the best armed people in the world. Thats why europeans despite outnumbered in many battles repelled the Muslim invaded who showed up with wicker shields. And that trend of having the best socities in the world that third woeldwes want to live in continues to today. But their too lazy stupid backward to create it themselves and even in the rare cases lime Dubai that they do they still need Europeans to prop them up and find oil for them. The only thing that could **** it all up is importing a bunch of third worlders as they replicate their countries wherever they go and create poverty, violence, terror, rape, lack of civilization, etc. Poles have a word for them - dzicz or wild ones.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Aug 2018 /  #540
They're arriving at the border on a plane or boat and given entry legally, the same way you did. Have you 'Got It'?

Yes, they are because the US government is a corrupt clique of globalists who, just like their Euro equivalents, don't give a s*** what the people who elected these m-f***** and pay their salaries want. Just like in the commie Poland way back with the commie thugs had the power. Except for the gulags, not one bit of difference.

Don't ever confuse the uneducated scum from Africa with the immigrants like me. Because of my education, I was viewed by the US as an asset at the time I applied. My name is on over 40 US patents. I never took a dime in welfare benefits. I speak English everywhere, including at home, and so does my wife who came from Poland at 16. I never once used 'they' in reference to the Americans. It's always 'we'.

I would volunteer today to help built that wall and shoot the climbers. Importing blacks from Africa is as stupid as it gets. The new justification of pity is just a replacement for 'cotton'. That 'cotton' argument didn't work out very well, did it? Whitey never learns.

In this case the will of the majority of citizens (as in most of Europe) is completely irrelevant to the government.


Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived