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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
16 Aug 2018 /  #451
China ...granted permanent residency to 1,576 foreigners in 2016...

Not really. As you know China is huge and has over a billion people, more than any other country on Earth, surely more than enough laborers for every occasion one might think....but:

Internal migration in the People's Republic of China is one of the most extensive in the world according to the International Labour Organization.[1]....


...Of the 440 million increase, about 340 million was attributable to net migration and urban reclassification.

We are talking about many, many millions of people here, migrating from the land to the building cities for work.

And still, they are starting to import laborers...the numbers of foreign immigrants is rising...astounding, isn't it? And if China, with it's own abundance of people needs to import workers, how do you think ANY country can become and stay successful without them?

China smartly makes a distinction between skilledforeign workers and welfare immigrants.

Well...once you got a skilled foreigner for your company, he want's to get his family to live with him...wife and children...who need an education...and medical care...and he might not always keep his job.

They are people too!
Crow  155 | 9722  
16 Aug 2018 /  #452
Resist to Brits, resist to all off THEM > Lili Marlen (from the movie Balkan Ekspres) > youtube.com/watch?v=xMe9aTkdWRw
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #453
Your hatred of The British needs to be brought to attention of The Mods.....if they care.....it's despicable...
Crow  155 | 9722  
16 Aug 2018 /  #454
Pane Miroslawe pardon. If you sow video, you sow its about Germans. See, I don`t say how are Brits same. Just similar.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #455
The video was crap.
Crow  155 | 9722  
16 Aug 2018 /  #456
Is that your artistic opinion?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #457
Then you will keep your ethnical and cultural uniformity, but for the price of everything else.

Fine with me. Seeing as Poland is a modern cojntry with a gdp growth that's been outpacing most of w Europe, ever lower unemployment with ever rising wages, tons of FDI it seems to me we can continue having a developed economy while continuing to have ZERO Islamic terror. None. Nada. Now why is that? No kebab - it's that simple. If you don't bring in a bunch of Muslims you don't habe Islamic terror, thousands of rapes, no go zones and all the rest. And finally more and more Europeans are realizing what Poland and Hungary already knew before 2015.

Also Poland does take in immigrants - from Ukraine, Belarus, India, Vietnam, Italy, Portugal, Spain, etc. It does not however take in millions of third worlders from middle East and africa. That's precisely why despite taking in millions of immigrants it hasn't been wracked by terror attacks, rapes, no go zones, grenade attacks, etc unlike w Europe. Again clearly the variable is from WHERE you take in migrants. Middle East and africa - lots of problems. Europe India and east Asia - almost no problems.

There is no middle way, that will be proven to be an illusion. So, what is it?

Riiight well Japan Israel s Korea numerous banana repuplblics etc proved they don't need tons of third world migrants to be successful healthy economies.

Besides, this decision is up to polish citizens, 3/4 of whom do not want third world migrants. That's out desire as a sovereign nation. Now if w Europe wishes to commit culture suicide fine, but then don't have the eu and Merkel complain when we don't want the undesirables Merkel invited into Europe only to regret her decision and say she would've handled it differently. And now more and more countries and people are turning to nationalist anti migrant parties. Merkel is the best thing to happen to the european far right lol.

When googling 'uk migrants benefits' it's one of the only articles that pops up. But that's a good point since its based on 2014 data that means it's only gotten worse since everyone knows Muslim and african birth rates are comparable to rats in the nyc sewer system.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
16 Aug 2018 /  #458
Again clearly the variable is from WHERE you take in migrants.

Don't confuse workers with refugees...and they are rarely "taken", they are just coming.

Now if w Europe wishes to commit culture suicide fine,

Many millions of foreigners came to Germany during the last decades. They came for work and
many stayed for life.
So many that in a few years there will be as much as non-native Germans as native Germans.
Over 60 nationalities and ethnies are now the make up of Germany, by fare the most of them are European.
Alot of them Poles. To have a 'ski in your name is abit a necessity for someone from the Ruhr Territory
or Berlin...

Why no talk of "cultural society" here? Why this obsession with the compared few muslims?
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #459
Is that your artistic opinion

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
16 Aug 2018 /  #460
Why no talk of "cultural society" here?

"cultural suicide" of course...dammit edit function!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #461
Muslim and african birth rates are comparable to rats in the nyc sewer system.

You just insulted NY rats. Plus, those rats were born here and never preach death to America.
16 Aug 2018 /  #462
@Dirk diggler wrote: "No kebab - it's that simple".

Today I was in Kraków. There's kebab everywhere, on practically every street corner in the old city centre.

Now I stay with my inlaws in Liszki, a village about 5 miles from Kraków. There are two kebab shops even in this village.

Your dream of a kebab-free Poland is vanished in the air.

BTW it tasted good.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
16 Aug 2018 /  #463
want to immigrate to said countries of the first category.

Nah, there is many ways and many roads. Your claim that there is the only path that leads to prosperity is just ....wrong.

you yourself immigrated into,

He didn't his parents did.


I know. Just because you're stupid and bitter. That is the only reason.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
16 Aug 2018 /  #464
If it's Döner it would had been immigrated from Berlin! :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #465
There's kebab everywhere, on practically every street corner in the old city centre.

Kebab is not a problem. The question is: do the kebab sellers like the kebab consumers, or do the kebab sellers scout the area for the most effective use of their trucks to kill said kebab consumers after hours? Or do you mumble "Death to Poland" while serving kebab?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #466
Your claim that there is the only path that leads to prosperity is just ....wrong.

I did never claim prosperity stems from immigration. It's a consequence!

As you know our economies need to grow to keep and grow the wealth. A non-growing economy is already shrinking = losing wealth.
So, once a capitalist economy is being build up and starts running it needs more and more people to build more and more goods for it's people and customers to buy and consume more and more.

In Germany we called that "Wirtschaftswunder" during the 60ies and started to import Turks like no other...that's how it all begun. And that's the same cycle you can observe with any other up and running economy...now even a "communist" one like China!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
17 Aug 2018 /  #467
Just back from the pub.
Supposedly Poland's nicest area to live in. Still holes in the pavement, and very third world.
A ****-hole. Pretty sick of it to be honest.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #468
needs more and more people to build more and more goods for it's people and customers to buy and consume more and more.

With talk like this I am beginning to admire Greens and tree huggers. That sick 'growth at any cost" is the result of the most primitive of desires to plunder, conquer, and watch the bank accounts add more zeroes. Sick.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #469
That sick 'growth at any cost"

That's the concept that survived...the socialist alternative proved to be unfunctional and lost. So...till there is some other working concept developed we are stuck with it...

Oh and green tree huggers are not necessarly always economical lefties...at least in Germanys.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
17 Aug 2018 /  #470
starts running it needs more and more people to build more and more goods f

Doesn't need that many people. Can find the in a country. The only reason it does is because of a greed. Big businesses find it easier and cheaper to employ immigrants and stupid countries of European culture grant them all kind of rights.

Saudi Arabia where everything is run by foreigners keep them well paid and on short leash and never give them citizenship and so on.

So no, those consequences are consequence of a specific policy not of any natural economical process.

Seems to me that you mixing - some emigration or migration of professionals and a mass immigration. I guess in China that would need some qualified people, ah and women of course.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #471
Saudi Arabia where everything is run by foreigners keep them well paid and on short leash

Saudi Arabia is not comparable to any western economy. Without their oil they would still be a few clans of nomadic bedouins wandering behind their camels across the desert.

All they have depends on them selling oil, and that age is coming to an end. That is not a real economy in any sense. They are not producing anything. Let's see what they become once the green tech countries are losing interest in buying.

Seems to me that you mixing - some emigration or migration of professionals and a mass immigration

I agree, I also have the suspicion that some things are mixed up in this discussion...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #472
Still holes in the pavement, and very third world.
A ****-hole. Pretty sick of it to be honest.

For a moment I thought you are describing America, where even potholes are the world's biggest and the best. Plus, those rusting and unsafe bridges because we spend over 140 billion a year on the illegal Latino scum instead of fixing things.

I sincerely apologize for this deflection.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
17 Aug 2018 /  #473
Poland's nicest area to live in. A ****-hole. Pretty sick of it to be honest.

Train leaves in twenty minutes.

Just back from the pub.

How could we tell.
I have an idea Doug, go back down to the Pub and tell them that you are a Brit and that you think Poland is a ****-hole.

Let's see if you have the same cocktail courage in real life talking smack as you do sitting behind your keyboard. lol
Atch  22 | 4299  
17 Aug 2018 /  #474
Had my cousin been walking around there a Sudanese Muslim crashed his car into a crowd

Your cousin is far more likely to be killed in his homeland by a Polish lunatic driving at excessive speed and it's even more likely it will happen on a pedestrian crossing. Now THAT'S a fact. Read the shocking stats for road deaths in Poland. Still one of the worst in the EU and carnage on the roads every 1 November. I can't recall the exact numbers for last year but it was over a thousand and most of the fatalities of pedestrians occurred on pedestrian crossings and in car parks - car parks for God's sake where people should be driving at a snail's pace. But anyone who lives in Poland doesn't need to read stats to know those facts. Every time I step outside the door I see it for myself.

the proportion fraction ratio percentage whatever you want to call it of migrants that are on benefits exceeds that of brits on benefits.

You're wrong. Here are some accurate figures for you though I know you can't do anything other than speed read a few articles on the net and believe everything.


As Chemikiem points out you don't understand the British benefits system anyway nor do you want to, but the type of Benefit which you're probably thinking of is Jobseekers Allowance, a payment given to unemployed people either on the basis of their social insurance record or if they don't have enough contributions, a means tested payment.

White British people were more likely than than any other ethnicity to claim JSA for the longest time period studied (104 weeks or more)

So basically white British people are more likely to be out of work for more than two years than any other ethnic group - and that's based on the percentage of each community, not on the overall population.

Anwyay I think we've all indulged you enough at this stage. As Maf says it's like having a screaming toddler in the room while the adults try to have a conversation.
17 Aug 2018 /  #475
When googling 'uk migrants benefits' it's one of the only articles that pops up

So you thought you'd try and pass off the data from a 4 year old article as being current hoping that no-one would notice. Any old crap that suits your agenda eh Dirk. LIke your before and after video of Birmingham . All you've succeeded in doing as far as I'm concerned is make yourself look like an idiot. Again.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
17 Aug 2018 /  #476
make yourself look like an idiot

He doesn't need to look like an idiot. He IS an idiot.

Train leaves in twenty minutes.

You certainly don't remember how Dougpol once complained on this forum that an SKM train in Sopot/Gdańsk/Gdynia was unable to stay and wait for him and his dog at the station five minutes beyond the envisaged time of departure because Doug was late for the train and weather conditions were very harsh on that day of winter time.

That was brilliant!
17 Aug 2018 /  #477
I know how much you all love it when I present the facts about migeants and share news articles, videos, stats, etc

You do not present facts, many of your sources are dubious and questionable to say the least. If by some miracle you do give factual information, it is years out of date. You very deliberately mislead people in order to further your agenda.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
17 Aug 2018 /  #478
To be fair to widdle dirky wirky, he's hardly the only the person to do that... the end result has been that no one believes any statistics and so we're right back to talking about and making policy in a state of acute ignorance hoping it will all work out.... somehow....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #479
Misleading? Anyone with an iq above the sub saharan average can see that migrants draw benefits at a greater rate that natives - same as in UK as germany as sweden etc.

You just insulted NY rats. Plus, those rats were born here and never preach death to America.

That's true. I apologize. I think I'd rather live next to rats tho. Although they're equally filthy and diseased at least they wont be blowing people up or raping European women.

But anyone who lives in Poland doesn't need to read stats to know those facts. Every time I step outside the door I see it for myself.

Same as when I go to London and see hoe multiculturalism has allowed the conqueror to now be the conquered... And fully cucked

No kebab - it's that simple".

I don't mean the food, it's a reference to Muslims. Banning kebab = banning Muslim migrants which Poland and Hungary are doing better than anyone else in the eu
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #480
Anyone with an iq above the sub saharan average can see that migrants draw benefits at a greater rate that natives


Yes, the welfare usage of asylumseekers/refugees is above those of the natives. But mainly because they face hurdles to get to work and earn their bread. After all they are not about to be integrated in the first place but to be expected to return to their home countries at one point.

But no, the welfare usage of work immigrants is low, lower and sinking. After all the economies they migrate into are laborer-starved and wait for them with open arms. There is rarely a reason to keep lying in the welfare net. Not to mention that these people rarely have any claim to any but the most minimal support, if at all (if they come from outside the EU that is, the brown skinned muslim kind you surely mean).


That's why there is talk to make it easier for humanitarian migrants to change into the labor market and get them out of their camps...at least in Germany. Even if that means to change their status to economical migrants, which is hotly discussed right now.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived