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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #391
These people are economic migrants and come to leech off benefits

Actually most Somalians in the UK came at the height of the Somali civil war well over twenty years ago. Hardly any have settled in the UK in the last ten years. Most non-white people claiming state support in Britain are not recent immigrants but part of long established communities. If you don't like the ethnic profile of British cities that's your pregorative but it's not true to say that the UK is full of economic migrants.

It is true to say however that the most overwhelming influx of economic migrants in recent years has come from Poland and that about a quarter of families from Poland receive some sort of state benefits. That's not to say they're unemployed. Their rate of unemployment is about equivalent to native Brits but as the UK has a much more comprehensive and generous welfare system than the USA you might be unaware of the plethora of income supports for lower earners or non-means tested benefits which are part of social policy. The Polish communiity has taken full advantage of that. No reason why they shouldn't.

tower hamlets

Tower Hamlets is a weird place. One of the poorest boroughs of London but also full of white collar 'city' guys and girls who live there for the convenience but it's always been a very 'ethnic' place, used to be a big Jewish community as well. London has always been very mixed socially, unlike American cities where you have good and bad neighbourhoods, black and white neighbourhoods. Even in very posh parts of London there is social housing and I don't mean tower blocks. Apart from a few areas and streets that are owned by the Crown or by the Duke of Westminster or the Tavistocks or whoever, there are many houses in those beautiful old Victorian houses that are owned by the Council or a housing association. You can pay a couple of million for a place and have a council tenant for your neighbour. Notting Hill Gate is a great example of a place where you'll find an old Etonian living next door to a plumber. Generally it works pretty well. It's part of the charm and uniqeuness of London. It's a wonderful city.

Tower Hamlets is ok. A few nutters of course but in general it's quite a safe place. I remember when I'd been living in Hampstead Village which was very white, upper middle class, herbal teas and yoga, you get the vibe. I moved across the Finchley Road to West Hampstead which is a bit more downmarket, went for a stroll up Kilburn High Road and it was like stepping into Calcutta :)) But it was a completely safe place and you soon get used to it. Never had a bit of bother there. London is ethnically and socially mixed and has been particularly so for a good fifty years. Parts of London like Tower Hamlets have been a melting pot for much longer than that.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
16 Aug 2018 /  #392
Actually most Somalians in the UK came at the height of the Somali civil war well over twenty years ago.

Which makes their over 50% unemployment rate all the more inexcusable. Somalis don't do very well in any country (including their own) and even the success stories (like the US) are only relative to other countries with Somalis...

Why do they fail everywhere? Culture? Religion? Genetics? Some horrible combination of all three?

"I'm so glad all these Somalis moved here" said no one, ever.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #393

As a Londoner I have to agree with everything you say.
But the level of immigration in recent years has really gone through the roof.
So much so that it is increasingly rare to hear English being spoken in public.
When I see a white family walking down the road I can be 80% sure they are Polish.
As for The Somalians,most of them seem to be cab drivers,often working for Uber.
As for Kilburn,as I'm sure you are aware,it was once very Irish,so much so that we used to call it County Kilburn(Pronounced with an Irish accent)!
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #394
Somalis don't do very well in any country

Look, I just think one needs to take a balanced attitude about these things. Making false statements about hordes of rampaging Muslims etc as Dirk constantly does is just silly and pointless. First of all it has nothing to do with someone who lives in America and not in the UK, especially as America has vast social problems of its own. Secondly, for the government and people of the UK for whom it is a concern, the actual facts are the starting point, not headlines in a tabloid. Then it's a question of looking at each group, asking as you just did, what is the reason for the situation and then making some plan to tackle it. The Brits are actually quite good at that. But whatever you do, there will always be people who slip through the net, always have been, always will be.

What tends to go unreported by the tabloids is success stories. Speaking of Tower Hamlets, they made huge leaps in the standard of education in their secondary schools in recent years, going from way below average exam results in the state exams to above average. But certain kinds of people don't want to hear about that and when they do hear about it, they prefer to ignore it. Certain kinds of people don't actually want to see those communities improve themselves.

Why do they fail everywhere? Culture? Religion? Genetics?

In the case of the Somalis, most of them are women and yes, their culture plays a role. Women stay at home and look after the kids so their education is not a priority. But then look at the native Brit white chavs who are just the same. What excuse is there for them?? Pig ignorant, lazy and proud of it. What's the reason for their failure Maf?

I think the key with immgirant communities is not to focus on why some fail, but why some succeed. Look at the Somalians in the UK who ARE successful and see how that can be extended to a wider range of the community. The Somalian community is relatively new, only a generation and their profile has the possibilty of changing over the next generation. For example in 2013, nearly half of the Somali students in Leicestershire secondary schools received top marks in their secondary education qualifications, compared to less than one-third in 2008. And remember that many of their parents, the mothers in particular had no formal education at all. So there's two steps forward for that community, firstly access to education and secondly improved educational outcome.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
16 Aug 2018 /  #395
it is increasingly rare to hear English being spoken in public....white family walking down the road I can be 80% sure they are Polish

You're not supposed to notice that, and if, against advice, you notice, you're officially not supposed to care. The UK government sees people as interchangeable widgets and perceives no difference between a predominantly Polish and predominantly Somali neighborhood in terms of education, crime or unemployment.

most of them seem to be cab drivers,often working for Uber.

Most of the ones you see are not most of them, who are unemployed and on benefits (by all statistics available, if you know of statistics that show they aren't an overall drag on the budget then please let me know.
16 Aug 2018 /  #396
You can annoy me like crazy Atch but thank God you are here to actually have the energy to look for facts and debunk all the crazy stories. It's a real pleasure to read normal debating with facts instead of untruthful, hateful slogans. I must say that most immigrant I know work and very rarely it's not full time. However no wonder there as I usually meet them at work :)
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #397

You are right,most Somalis are unemployed but they came here as refugees and most have very poor English.

mafketis  38 | 11277  
16 Aug 2018 /  #398
What excuse is there for them?? Pig ignorant, lazy and proud of it. What's the reason for their failure Maf?

compare the contempt you heap upon native British white failures with your tender approach to Somalis...

Look at the Somalians in the UK who ARE successful and see how that can be extended to a wider range of the community.

Compare and contrast in a 300 word essay, due next Monday. Yes, spelling counts.

they came here as refugees and most have very poor English

Over 20 years isn't enough for them to learn English in an English speaking country? You're really talking about people who are either actively stupid or actively don't care about being a burden (which is worse?)

I agree that Dirk's ill-informed buzzword heavy rantings are tiresome. But issues of collective success and failure should inform immigration policy. You can't do anything once they're citizens, but you can decide that (for example) taking in a bunch of Somalis the next time they wreck their own country is not good policy.
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #399
compare the contempt you heap upon native British white failures with your tender approach to Somalis...

That's an assumption on your part. I differentiate between decent white British working class people who are born into or end up, in challenging socio-economic circumstances and the arrogant, loud-mouthed and bone idle from the same socio-economic grouping, who have had considerable advantages from birth compared to the Somalian refugees and sit around on their fat arses all day watching telly or shuffling between the betting shop, pub and chipper. When you're talking about social ills in the UK you can't just ignore them. They are a significant group. I deeply pity their children because having had the teaching of the Irish equivalent for years, they frequently show a lot of potential in their early years at school and it just dissolves as time goes by.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
16 Aug 2018 /  #400
I differentiate

If I start here... that's only 120 words, the assignment was 300. Try again and remember to indent!

My feeling is that a government should look out after the interests of

1) citizens inside the country
2) citizens outside the country
3) legal non-citizen residents
4) others

in that order. Trying to perform grand humanitarian gestures or conduct large scale immigration policies when a signfiicant percentage of 1) is not doing well is government taking its eye off the ball. It sounds like the UK government took it's eye off the ball a long time ago.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #401
Not at all,they were refugees from war and were taken in by most of the wealthier western nations including The USA.
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #402
3) legal non-citizen residents

The bulk of Somalians in the UK are legal residents and many of the present generation are citizens. They are not recent arrivals and have all been processed if you want to call it that (otherwise they wouldn't be entitled to claim benefits).

Also if a government agrees to allow destitute people into their country, then they have to take some responsibilty for those people rather than allowing them to wander the streets as vagrants and street urchins - unless of course you'd like to see the UK go the way of places like South America where you have children living on rubbish dumps.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #403
Also if a government agrees to allow destitute people into their country, then they have to take some responsibility for those people

Two questions: 1. Why does your government allow destitute people into 'their' country? 2. Do you ,Brits, know the word 'deport', it's proper use and spelling, or it that word 'hate speech' now?

It was a telling slip with that 'their'. It says everything one needs to know about who owns the UK and where its citizens fit in that sick globalist scam of importing every scum, the more Muslim the better, to be able to virtue signal to the subjects and the world. If you know any other purpose, please, let it out.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #404
Two questions:

Why don't you ask the same question of your USA government,you guys actually took in more than we did,because they were refugees.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #405
We did and that is why Trump is president, not the b****.
Now you can answer my questions.
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #406
It was a telling slip with that 'their'. It says everything one needs to know

It says that I'm Irish so it's their country, not mine :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #407
Sorry. That makes sense now. Other than that, what do you think about my two questions above?
Is Ireland as sick as the UK letting every useless scum in?
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #408
We did and that is why Trump is president, not the b****.

We got rid of our Labour govt that let them in too.So it doesn't excuse The States.
The USA were worse for this than The UK and remember we had ties with the region due to British Somaliland.
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #409
what do you think about my two questions above?

I think all civilized countries in the developed world have made their contribution to humanitarian aid, including taking some genuine refugees.

As for deporting, people are deported from the UK you know. Not all applications for asylum are successful.

You can read about Ireland for yourself. I bang on about the Emerald Isle far too much as it is :))
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #410
we had ties with the region due to British Somaliland.

What ties? What the hell is British Somaliland? An alliance or a colony? Either way, the British stupidity clearly has no limits. Now live with the Somali scum.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #411
What ties? What the hell is British Somaliland?

You obviously do not know your stuff.

Anyway,you have 37,000 more than we have to live with..............
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #412
Actually most Somalians in the UK came at the height of the Somali civil war well over twenty years ago.

Lol that's even worse than! All that time and still half of them can't get their **** together and not leech benefits

No matter how you slice it, far more migrants and foreigners draw benefits than native brits.

I'm so glad all these Somalis moved here" said no one, ever.


Again atch this discussion is coming from when Harry said that even after brexit the UK is suppose to keep.importing third world migrants. To which I said what is the point when they could just put all.the existing migrants drawing benefits to work and not import more people that have proven to draw benefits at a far greater percentage than native brits.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
16 Aug 2018 /  #413
Either way, the British stupidity clearly has no limits. Now live with the Somali scum.

But most of the population don't usually look at them as "scum", any more really than there are British scum, Arab scum, Polish scum................unless you happen to be racist of course. Luckily, it is a criminal offence to discriminate against someone because of creed or colour. Most Brits don't notice or care what colour people are. My daughter used to play with a Somali girl when we spent summers in London. Wifey and I agreed that the mother was different and rather strange (her council home was quite large and was a complete and utter mess - but she obviously didn't know how to clean). But we didn't think she was scum. She was a pleasant enough woman. Just very different.

So she (the Somali mum) didn't clean house (she herself was clean and her daughter was well cared for otherwise), but she didn't drink. She didn't smoke. She didn't swear, or act it large. True, she didn't work - the terms of her asylum stated that she was not permitted to work - and I don't think she was employable really......fact is, she was Britain as a bone fide asylum seeker on quotas after Darfur. Lol - I seem to recall now that she was not Somali - she was from Sudan, but was making out that the Darfur civil war had put her and her child in danger. True for all I knew.

There but for the grace of God go we. That's what Sunday school taught me anyway.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #414
Also if a government agrees to allow destitute people into their country, then they have to take some responsibilty for those people

Precisely why they shouldn't allow them into the country in the first place and focus on natives and the foreigners who are there but pay taxes and are a benefit to the country, not a burden. And everytime I go to UK namely London i see a whole lot of burdens all over east London loitering about, no job to go to, just hanging out while the rest of tax paying UK is at work to provide for them. And then they have the gall to demand the society adapt to their customs which the British and many w Europeans are foolish enough to do. But only the brits allowed tjem to have sharia courts? I mean seriously wtf were you guys thinking ******* sharia courts man!?!?

Generally it works pretty well. It's part of the charm and uniqeuness of London.

That's the reason why you have so many people on benefits especially migrants. They're given no incentive to work and face no punishment for drawing benefits their whole lives.

Yeah great a person's spends their whole lives working and life savings to buy a house for a million or eben few million pounds just to live next to Somalis who are able to live next door for free. To most hard working upper middle class people That's the furthest thing from charming.


You think it's okay that your taxes are going towards a Somali living in a big council house and won't even clean the place?

she obviously didn't know how to clean).

How can a person not know how to clean? I know that sub saharans have an average iq of 70 which is borderline retardation yet even the workers with down syndrome at my local store are able to bag groceries and wipe down countertops. So even if she has the same mental capacity as a person with down syndrome she can still figure out how to grab a rag and some spray.

It's not that she can't clean it's she's too lazy to because people who are handed things wont take care of them the same way a person who worked for them will.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #415
Anyway,you have 37,000 more than we have to live with..............

The difference is that Americans hate their ruling class for the horrible things they do to this nation, Somali scum being here included. You adore yours and approve their immigration insanity. At this forum, every single time. That means you are either suicidal, stupid, or scared to say what's on your mind. We are not.

How do I know that? Easy, every American poster here has a very hostile attitude to the foreign welfare scum. If empowered, we would send them home in the next five minutes, kids included. You like your rulers and your foreign parasites your rules happily and proudly shoved down your throats. Every time migrants come up as a subject, you approve and defend this suicidal insanity. We don't.

That's the difference.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
16 Aug 2018 /  #416
How can a person not know how to clean?

My wife had the theory that back home the woman had people to do such things for her........
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #417
whole lot of burdens all over east London loitering about, no job to go to,

Most of them are not 'migrants'as in recently arrived Muslim hordes. They were born in London. And the actual stats don't really bear out what you say about more foreigners claiming benefits than Brits but I couldn't be bothered having a protracted argument about it. There's no point in discussing stats with a person who won't for example accept a black person whose grandparents or great grandparents settled in the UK 60 years ago as British. To you they're 'migrants' so one can't have a discussion based on data which classifies them as British.

To most hard working upper middle class people

You don't understand the British class system. Upper middle class in the UK really means untitled landed gentry and the junior un-landed branches of such families. Many of them now have to work for a living but they come from a background of privilege and trust funds abound which give them a nice chunk of the purchase price for their multi-million pound properties. Anybody else is plain middle class or lower middle class. Then you have the working classes who themselves have their own nuances.

wtf were you guys thinking

When oh when will you register the fact that I am not British. I am Irish. So it's not 'you guys' when addressing me about the perceived ills of Britain.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #418
You've summed it up perfectly rich. I don't know if it's because they're so brainwashed or what that multiculturalism and taking in a bunch of third worlders is a good thing. Even with all the data, all the news stories, videos, even government stats they still wont accept the fact that migrants take in far more benefits than natives, commit far more rapes and terror than Europeans, have far bigger problems with assimilating than European migrants and cause enormous financial burden for the country.

Even the terror attack that just happened - a Muslim migrant drives a car into a crowd. Same thing that's happened numerous times. But no that's not a terror attack... No instead they'll cover it up and sweep it under the rug just like the rotterham scandal where a paki rape squad groomed and raped thousands of kids d or a decade and the authorities knew about it and did nothing because they were scared to be called racist.

Problem too is rich they don't have a first amendment. Even if you present stats and data in public showing Muslims and african migrants cause problems, well there's a good chance the British though crime police division will fine or arrest you. They don't want their citizens to be privy to the fact that their open immigration has caused a lot of problems.

they come from a background of privilege and trust funds abound

Anybody else is plain middle class or lower middle class.

Yeah and I'm sure all of them are overjoyed thay Somalis are able to live in a million pound home for free while the majority British people have to work for their homes .

And I understand the British class system well I've been there several times, know the super high prices for real estate especially in London, and have several family members living there.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
16 Aug 2018 /  #419
@Rich Mazur
@Dirk Diggler

You guys are making far too many assumptions about what people think.
I wouldn't have let all those Somalians into The UK either.
Now go figure!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #420
No assumptions. One in 8 migrants draw benefits in UK vs one in 13 British. Facts. The UK should get rid of those millions of migrants on benefits if they refuse to work, not import more

I wouldn't have let all those Somalians into The UK either.

Of course. Because no sane person would say oh I'm so happy there's a ton of somalis living here - including living in million pound homes for free.

Yeah im sure the english tax payers are saying 'How charming that they live in a home worth way more than mine while i have to toil my whole life to pay for a tiny shoebox... we need more of them!'

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived