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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Crow  155 | 9722  
27 Jul 2018 /  #361
Oh fu**. This madness continuing. Is this some hunt season opened on Poles in Britain? What is the reason for such a hate on Poles in those young English?

Polish teenager seriously injured after racist gang attack in Edinburgh

More than 10 youths set upon 19-year-old and continued assault even after he fell to the ground .......... He was taken to hospital with head and face injuries, and cuts across his arms.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Jul 2018 /  #362
Polish teenager seriously injured after racist gang attack in Edinburgh

By what logic was it 'racist'?

To all the migrants, immigrants, and refugees: once in, don't be an a-hole and keep your national pride and all the attributes, like the flags, in the bottom drawer somewhere.
Crow  155 | 9722  
27 Jul 2018 /  #363
By what logic was it 'racist'?

By logic how Brits aren`t Whites, I presume and that is logical assumption. Its society in dramatic changes.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
28 Jul 2018 /  #364
By logic how Brits aren`t Whites,

Brits are white. The scum they stupidly let in is a different story.
Crow  155 | 9722  
28 Jul 2018 /  #365
Who are we to judge, prijatelju. You sow news article yourself. Its `independent.co.uk`. That journalist knows. He nicely said `racist gang attack`.

I only feel sorry for Scots. They live in hell now. Real hell. No, not that it can`t be worse.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 Jul 2018 /  #366
Brits are white. The scum they stupidly let in is a different story.

Not exactly. Now there's so many foreigners in the UK where being British doesn't mean being a white UK native anymore. Now the term Englishmen is used to describe those natives as any turd worlder or eastern European migrant or gypsy living in the UK legally are now British.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
28 Jul 2018 /  #367
Now there's so many foreigners in the UK where being British doesn't mean being a white UK native anymore.

I don't care about their definitions. That "Brit" nonsense is used by the immigrant lovers and apologists to f*** with our brains when reporting crimes by the Pakistanis, for example. To the British "reporters", a pos from Pakistan who raped or killed instantly morphs into a "Brit". Just like William or Harry. The same is happening in Sweden when a gang rape by foreign Muslim garbage is described as a rape by "Swedish" men. No hyphens. That would be racial, xenophobic, prejudicial and very unkind.
Crow  155 | 9722  
28 Jul 2018 /  #368
But in this last case of violence on Polish person on island, described in above article, seams that White journalist speak about British Whites and their violence committed on a Pole, as of `racist gang attack`. Mind-blowing as it is but we see that British Whites now already started to feel themselves as Negroid when compare with other Whites.
13 Aug 2018 /  #369
What is the reason for such a hate on Poles in those young English?

1. Edinburgh is in SCOTLAND, so the attackers were Scottish, not English.

2. In the UK, the word "racism" is commonly used to refer to attacks on the basis of nationality or ethnicity, not just 'race'. Just as the word 'gay' doesn't necessarily mean 'happy' anymore - words change. So an attack by Scots on a Pole because he is a Pole is a 'racist attack' as defined under the law (think of it as an 'ethnic attack' if you prefer).

3. Nationality, race and ethnicity are not the same thing. A Brit doesn't have to be English, or white, or even speak English (some 'native' Brits don't have English as a first language, as their language was in Britain before the arrival of English - i.e. Gaels and Welsh). In the same manner, a Yank doesn't have to be white or speak English either - I seem to remember some guy called Obama, and another called Geronimo.

4. Don't be a racist white-supremacist moron.
Crow  155 | 9722  
13 Aug 2018 /  #370
reply on 1. Madness on island
reply on 2. UK have strange trend of using words. Its regressing. Much better is to be precise.
reply on 3. Exactly. Different words, different meaning.
reply on 4. I see you portrait your society as ideal. Why Britain had/have interest to destroy Yugoslavia and support Nazis and radical Muslims, mujaheedines and terrorists in parts of former Yugoslavia?

Would Britain tomorrow pledge to take part in destruction of Poland as took part in destruction of Yugoslavia? Is hate of young Brits directed on Poles, in fact, preparation for future stance of official Britain on Poland and Poles?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Aug 2018 /  #371
4. Don't be a racist white-supremacist moron.

I get the 'moron' part. But what is wrong with 'white-supremacist'? Do you know a race that is supreme to the white race?
13 Aug 2018 /  #372

1. Britain has over a thousand islands. Which one are you talking about?
2. As the Brits invented modern English, it's rather up to them how they use it. They are right, you are wrong, as it's their language. When a Brit tries to tell you how to speak Serbian, then you have the moral high ground - until then, shut up.

3. ?
4. Cos the Brits, USA and NATO all prefer those guys to you and your guys. Get used to it, you're widely viewed as being lower than the mujahideen, because everyone thought they'd seen the end of concentration camps and genocide until you guys reinvented it for the modern age. There's a particular hatred for Serbia.

Rich Mazur - besides 'race' being meaningless as a biological concept, the 'white race' is quite inferior in hot climates, like southern USA, hence the term 'redneck'. And anyway, the 'white race' doesn't rule the world anymore - the Asian peoples do. So there's your answer. The wheel has turned, you're a second-class global citizen in the New World Order. Take a look at the South China Sea, which the American military merely 'monitors' as China builds its missile and naval bases, cos even Mad Trump is sh1t-scared to take on China now.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Aug 2018 /  #373
Take a look at the South China Sea, which the American military merely 'monitors' as China builds its missile and naval bases,

Only because the US stupidly let them after Nixon and Carter. But for the US shipping its manufacturing to them and letting them export things to us, China would be India, at best. So, China's achievement is riding on the American voluntary stupidity. Everything they make was invented here and either shipped to them or stolen by them.

But that was not my question. To refresh your memory, the question was: Do you know a race that is supreme to the white race?

...as evidenced by what the individual races have created over time - like arts, medicine, science, etc. Not stolen or given.

Let me help you. Nothing in nature is perfectly equal. Same with the races. This means that one of them is the best. If, on the other hand, your response is going to be that white Europe = black Africa, please, don't even bother.

Please keep to the topic of the thread
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
15 Aug 2018 /  #374
And yet again we see another racially motivated attack in the UK against a pole.... only this time it's 15 people beating up a woman. How low do you have to be to assault a mother of 3? Pathetic. Too bad it didn't list the names of the attackers so we could determine if they're actually British or foreigners. I think the 15 mingers were jealous at the Slavic woman's goods looks.


Ms Podolska added: 'I have been living in Tipton nearly five years and similar situations have been happening all the time - child beatings, name-calling.

'Several weeks ago I was attacked with water-filled bags.'
TheWizard  - | 217  
15 Aug 2018 /  #375
Well most of the non eu migrants voted brexit as they dont want more white people who will take their jobs and in one generation be their bosses. Britains conquests are 100% about beating up more primitive races in every respect, my view has always been they prefer those people there as their migrants as they will always be intellectually inferior as opposed to educated in no time. I always thought these things to be a no brainer. Some Polish mother with 3 kids...those lids wont be living in that area in 10 years or even associating with where they grew up. The vast majority of the other type of people will be there for generations. So there's no way they can win, so all that is left is some beating.

Add to this hideous austerity measures designed to make the rich more wealthy and to screw the poor and a lack of police due to shameful funding failure and you have this exact environment. In Australia those peoples faces would be all over everything and they would be trolled without mercy but its a huge irony that a bunch of convicts and migrants made a far better country to live in than the original motherland. The uk seems to be decaying before my very eyes but lets see how that goes next year.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
15 Aug 2018 /  #376
The whole reason for brexit was to address many things in society that conservative leaning people were upset with - the huge flow of immigrants, paying billions into the eu and getting basically nothing in return, being ruled by germany/Belgium, sacrificing their sovereignty and independence, etc. But even after brexit they'll still have these problems. I still can't fathom how the UK allowed a parallel legal system based on 7th century Islam. And it'll only get worse for native brits and European migrants. The numbers of Muslims will continue to rise faster than any other group because they breed like crazy and are rewarded by the state for having kids, not working and yet are given money, housing, medicine, etc. Eventually they'll have a large enough base where radical Muslims become politicians and rhen they can enact all the crazy laws they want and make brits second class citizens in their own country who only work to provide taxes for benefits for foreigners. Instead of worry about the billions going to the eu, which yes they need to renegotiate, they'd be far better off cutting benefits to all these foreigners. Half of Somalis are on benefits I mean thays just ridiculous.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
15 Aug 2018 /  #377
I cringe when I read your posts because they are so true. My only consolation is that if a society is hell bent on committing suicide, there is nothing anyone can do. That is why I am opposed to counselling suicidal maniacs to stop them from jumping, because they will jump eventually. The ONLY question and concern I have is how many innocent victims these idiots will drag with them. Like that German pilot deliberately flying into a mountain with all the bridges down below to jump from. They wouldn't even need to clean the sidewalk.

In that sense, it hurts to look back and realize how many young Americans died liberating Europe. What a terrible waste.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
15 Aug 2018 /  #378
That's the sad part. Idc if eu wants to import tons of witch doctors and mud hut engineers from the third world, just don't be mad when Poland doesn't want to take them in. Just because merkel hates German culture and the idea of a nation state doesn't mean Poland wants to commit culture suicide and allow the german ruled eu to dictate all our policies especially ones regarding immigration.

In that sense, it hurts to look back and realize how many young Americans died liberating Europe. What a terrible waste.

Indeed. It's not just the ww2 troops and generals that are rolling in their graves but so are people like Charles the hammer Martel who spent thousands of troops preventing a Muslim invasion of France just for a guy who's into cougar teachers to let them in the back door

The ONLY question and concern I have is how many innocent victims these idiots will drag with them.

If you add up all the Europeans killed in terror attacks, murders by migrants and the women raped it's thousands upon thousands and it will only increase as the population of Muslim foreigners increase

As many problems are Poland Hungary Czechy etc have at least sharia courts, cultural enrichment cars and trucks (another one just struck in UK) and thousands of rapes aren't among them
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
15 Aug 2018 /  #379
my view has always been

And my view has been that a significant proportion of Eastern Europeans in Britain mistakingly think that they are in some way superior to other immigrants who came before them.

Maybe we are both guilty of generalising, but you always play the racist card.

I still can't fathom how the UK

And I don't understand why Poland wants to return to its' authoritarianism past. Oh well....
15 Aug 2018 /  #380
For balance, it seems that Poles in UK also commit racially aggravated assaults on Brits, and each other for associating with Brits.


I'd be interested to know if Crow et al thinks this is also an outrage, or if they'll somehow find a justification for it. Let's see...

cultural enrichment cars and trucks (another one just struck in UK)

Not being treated as terrorism, no links to religion or ideology found with the offender, not an islamic terrorist attack - just a crazy guy with mental issues.
15 Aug 2018 /  #381
The whole reason for brexit was to address many things in society that conservative leaning people were upset with

Those who voted for Brexit on the basis of immigration are in for a rude awakening. The UK will still need to import labour, and the plan all along (even during the campaign) was that there would be an increase in cheaper Commonwealth (i.e. brown and black people - Africa, South Asia) immigration to fill the labour shortages, staff the factories and pick the crops.

India has signalled that any trade deal with the UK after Brexit must include greater freedom of movement for its citizens, i.e. greater immigration from India.That's why many non-EU immigrants voted for Brexit - that's how it was sold to them by the Leave campaign.

But that kind of point was drowned for the majority out by the jingoistic slogans on the side of buses, like the imaginary £350million per week for the health service, which wont ever happen.

Brexit was all about deregulation for the wealthy business classes - people like Gove, Rees-Mogg and Johnson they are talking endlessly about scrapping regulations on environmental protection, health & safety, food safety, employment rights and planning. Similar to what Trump is doing (it's part of the same movement). The irony is that the people who will be hit hardest by all this - those who rely on cheap but safe food, in low wage jobs with low security, living in poor housing in sh!thole towns, will the ones to suffer most from these removal of their protections. They're also going to get more brown and black neighbours, to replace the white Christian Poles who are leaving, which they probably wont be very keen on.

The ones to gain will be the multi-millionaire asset managers, property developers and business owners and their shareholders, who see regulation as a hindrance to their profits. They've done an amazing job of convincing turkeys to vote for Christmas, largely because the multi-billionaire foreign-based owners of the major tabloid newspapers (Murdoch, Desmond etc) that these people read have been spouting anti-EU-immigrant garbage for years, because they want the UK to become a nice little tax haven to park their even greater profits.

That's why the tabloid headlines have been full of Poles (personifying the EU), and that's why British meatheads sometimes attack Poles as a result (cos the newspaper billionaires have been telling them that they are the enemy - rather than the rich guy printing the paper who is selling them down the river).

In that sense, it hurts to look back and realize how many young Americans died liberating Europe. What a terrible waste.

Not really, USA did very well out of it, because Europe was paying off loans (with interest) for 50 years, and it opened up vast wealthy markets to USA goods, and acted as a bullwark against Communism. That's what American troops died for - wealth for Americans back home. If it was about 'liberation' and anti-fascism then they'd have joined in in 1939, not two years later when their own powerbase was attacked.

The USA fought for the USA, not for Europe. Nothing wrong with that per se, but let's not kid ourselves that it was for the good of Europe.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #382
The USA fought for the USA, not for Europe.

Your perverse logic is just that - perverse. When the young Americans were volunteering to go to Europe to fight your stupid wars, they were not thinking about how much in interest the US bankers would collect later. To them, it was a noble cause. If the interest on future loans were the primary objective, Churchill should have told them that before they signed up. I am willing to bet he didn't.

Europe ...acted as a bulwark against Communism.

Don't make me laugh. Europe was hiding behind the American behind always and still is. If not for the American army, USSR could have had you for lunch if they started right after breakfast.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #383
And I don't understand why Poland wants to return to its' authoritarianism past. Oh well....

I don't agree with much of what pis does but the fact is many poles feel po sold tjem out to eu elites and globalist. When po kowtowed to the eu and said they'd take in migrants that was in a way the final straw. They felt that pis was the best option to protect the country and gives poles their dignity. Actually there's a pretty good bbc doc on this topic that's quite apt even though its not a polish outlet


The example of when the eu said 60k fascists marched in Warsaw is a good example.

because they want the UK to become a nice little tax haven to park their even greater profits.

There's already numerous tax havens that people and companies use including those under UK like British virgin islands

no links to religion or ideology found with the offender, not an islamic terrorist attack - just a crazy guy with mental issues.

Nope just another third world Muslim migrant bogus asylum seeker culturally enriching Europe



Nope def not a Muslim terrorist...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #384
Not being treated as terrorism, no links to religion or ideology found with the offender, not an islamic terrorist attack

They found no links because they didn't want to find those links.

Me, other hand, right from my man cave and at no cost to anyone, I found the link: this piece of s*** was an immigrant.

Or his parents. Would that be correct?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #385
immigration to fill the labour shortages, staff the factories and pick the crops.

Right because the roughly half of Somali population in UK thats on benefits sure are working hard in factories and fields. Same with all the other foreign benefits drawers. What's the point of importing third worlders if a huge chunk of them are going to just be a burden to UK and draw benefits? But whatever thats the uks deal. They wanted migrants to supposedly address a labor shortage and what they got was a ton of benefits drawers and radical muslims mixed in with the ones that actually do work and contribute.

They should've followed the polish example and limited immigration to Europeans. Poland takes in 2 mil migrants mostly from Ukraine and no problems. Similar amounts in Germany but from the third world - tons of problems. Same thing with France, Belgium, sweden, UK, etc. Clearly the variable is from where migrants are from is what determines whether they're going to drive cars into crowds, groom and rape kids, behead soldiers, set up no go zones with sharia patrols and no whites after 8 pm signs and to top it off draw benefits and demand the country adapts to their customs and culture. Fts!

They found no links because they didn't want to find those links.

Of course dude. It's their pc bullsh1t. Now they're even calling what's clearly an Islamic terrorist attack not one eben though the guy is clearly a Muslim and committed a terror attack. There's no difference between this and the numerous other terror attacks where Muslims drove cars or trucks into crowds.

Yeah they're really enriching Europe....
16 Aug 2018 /  #386
When the young Americans were volunteering to go to Europe to fight your stupid wars

Oh, forgive me, I thought they joined up (or conscripted) after the Pearl Harbour attack in 1941. I didn't realise that they were fighting in France & Belgium in 1939 alongside the BEF and French armies.

US govt policy determined who fought, and where and when, not the volunteers (or conscripts). I say again, if it was about 'liberation', then Europe would have been flooded with American GI's in 1939 and 1940...but that didn't happen until the USA was attacked directly in late 1941. There were not many USA volunteers moving back to Europe to fight the good fight prior to late 1941 (and some of those that did were joining the Wehermacht).

Prior to that, there was great resistance for the USA to join in another European war. This is widely documented, so pack it in with the revisionism.

Europe was hiding behind the American behind always and still is.

Yeah, I agree, but USA was also hiding behind western Europe as a buffer zone. Why else would it deploy the Marshall plan? Though in the Trump era Europe is now waking up to not being able to rely on the USA as a reliable NATO partner. Whatever you opionion of why that might be, the fact is that the NATO alliance is fracturing, and Europe can;t rely on the USA anymore, and Putin is rubbing his hands at that (he's getting what he paid for).

There's already numerous tax havens that people and companies use including those under UK like British virgin islands

Yep, but none quite so large and juicy as the City of London financial sector. It'll be like Switzerland on steroids. A huge opportunity for corruption and dirty money.

They found no links because they didn't want to find those links.

Erm, no, they looked and they aren't there. The security services and the journos. Don't invent your own details between the lines, that's just inventing your own fake news. No evidence of jihadism, or islamic material. Sorry, that's the facts.

roughly half of Somali population in UK thats on benefits sure are working hard in factories and fields.

How the Hell would you know? You're just guessing now, in other words FAKE NEWS. Stick to facts, it helps us have a proper discussion instead of bullsh1t tennis.

They should've followed the polish example and limited immigration to Europeans

Not true though, is it? Poland has allowed immigration of North Koreans to work as slaves in tomato farms. But where does 'European' end for you? Russians and Albanians? You want Poland to allow immigration of Russians and Albanians?

Poland takes in 2 mil migrants mostly from Ukraine and no problems.

You sure about that? Many Poles aren't very happy - they blame Ukrainians for undercutting wages, crime, etc. Same things white Brits blame white Poles for (and white Yanks blamed white Polaks for when your folks shipped over there).
16 Aug 2018 /  #387
Clearly the variable is from where migrants are from is what determines whether they're going to drive cars into crowds, groom and rape kids,

Easy to cherry pick, Dood:

What was the nationality/ethnicity of the driver of the vehicle attack in Charlottesville? bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44645984

Where did the groomers/rapers of the 1000 Pennsylvania childen come from? (and what religion?) 9news.com.au/2018/08/15/14/56/pennsylvania-us-roman-catholic-church-child-abuse-molestation-grand-jury-report

set up no go zones with sharia patrols and no whites after 8 pm signs

Doesn't exist. Prove it. I live there (unlike you, as an American), I've never seen or heard of it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #388
How the Hell would you know?

From a British source that I posted earlier today.... But go ahead make assumptions without checking the facts..


So yes instead of importing more third worlders, just make the ones already there work or leave instead of forcing British taxpayers to work for their benefits while they sit around all day smoking hookah and popping out kids. Go to east London on a week day ans stay from moening to afternoon and you'll see the same hordes loitering about all day with no job to go to, no worrying about paying rent, just hanging out and demanding that the British not only pay for them but then demand the people adopt to their culture. And its sad because the British habe been so brainwashed that they allowed sharia courts a literal parallel legal system based on 7th century islam... not to mention eben prince Charles donating millions to London's mega mosque whixh broadcasts prayers at the crack of dawn

Migration Watch used the official Labour Force Survey to examine the economic impact of migrants in the UK last year. It found that for people in their early 40s the proportion of migrants on housing benefit was just under 15 per cent - nearly twice the UK rate of 8 per cent. One in eight migrants received tax credits compared with one in 13 Britons. Nearly half of all Somalians claimed tax credits and housing benefit.

Not true though, is it? Poland has allowed immigration of North Koreans to work as slaves in tomato farms

So? They should've brought more. At least unlike half the Somalis in the uk, 100% of North Koreans are working and contributing instead of drawing benefits and causing problems.

But where does 'European' end for you? Russians and Albanians? You want Poland to allow immigration of Russians and Albanians?

Sure atleast the Russians including Chechens in Poland actually work, assimilate, pay taxes and don't cause problems, terror, rapes while drawing tons of benefits and demanding the country adopt to them
16 Aug 2018 /  #389
From a British source that I posted earlier today.

The Express is the most right-wing of the British tabloids, on a par with Fox and Breitbart. It's no longer recognised as reliable media by wiki, it's that extreme.

I live in UK, I see all the media and alerts, and the current facts are: not being treated as terror attack, no islamist links found.

Migration Watch

Again, a rabidly partisan right-wing-funded organisation. I'm just as anti-left wing, but Migration Watch have an agenda, like Breitbart. Not independent, not to be trusted.

I noted that your state are very narrowly defined to "people in their early 40s", which suggests they've sliced thae data until it matches their agenda. Don't you find it a bit odd that they focus on that narrow bracket? Most immigrants are under 40, after all.

So? They should've brought more.

So? So it shows that you say things without bothering to check the facts, and hope that nobody realises, because you're pushing an agenda of politics rather than an agenda of trust and facts. Just sayin'.

Sure atleast the Russians including Chechens in Poland actually work, assimilate

So you're very happy with Russian immigration into Poland then. And you're not worried at all by the political and societal consequences of that, such as infiltration, corrutption of the Polish politics or one day Putin saying that "hell, there are so many Russians in Rszeszow, we might as well move in the tanks and the shift the border!"

Have you no grasp of geopolitics and history? Or is this part of your job, and explain why you're online 24/7 pushing the right-wing pro-Russian agenda on almost every thread? Or are you just a saidst and want modern Poles to experience the Russian-induced harships of queuing for basic foodstuffs, the sort of thing that your parents fled from?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #390
The Express is the most right-wing of the British tabloids, on a par with Fox and Breitbart.

That doesn't mean that the stats they cite aren't true.

I'm just as anti-left wing, but Migration Watch have an agenda, like Breitbart. Not independent, not to be trusted

Doesn't matter how far left or right It is. Their data is pooled from an official source:

Migration Watch used the official Labour Force Survey to examine the economic impact of migrants in the UK last year. I

Don't you find it a bit odd that they focus on that narrow bracket?

That was just ONE of SEVERAL groups they examined. Wjen they wrote half of Somalis claim benefits they don't mean half of Somalis over 40 claim benefits

No matter whether you call a source far right or don't agree with it, it doesn't change the fact that migrants and foreigners claim benefits to a far greater extent than native brits.

And I've been to London before several times and saw the huge amount of migrants for myself especially in tower hamlets - almost all people from .iddle East and North Africa loitering about all day while the rest of British tax payers are at work. And its the same story in France, Germany, Belgium, etc. These people are economic migrants and come to leech off benefits as it's triple than what they'd make back home at an average job.

And here's several more sources regarding migrants and their leeching of benefits, just in UK but again same story all over western Europe....


Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived