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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Ironside  51 | 13113  
6 May 2018 /  #271
I'd criticise any violent moron regardless of their sex, race or religion.

Indeed there is no acceptance in the Polish culture for an aggression and a crime. You agree, fine.

f that was a teenage girl, I'd criticise her as well.

teen girls typically are trouble in a different way. So fail.

However in his case all that PC, no-Marxist culture could be faulted in producing a dude who doesn't care about xenophobic, racist and fascist ideologies because he doesn't believe those are real ideologies and not a made up stuff by the left to smear with on their political opponents. That is your lefties fault and you will rip what you sow.


Sure but regardless of all wasn't that great and after all it has been only 70/80 years. In the term of a cultural evulsion only a moment.

You seemingly skipped that lesson. lol!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
6 May 2018 /  #272
the idea that some people would be illegally carted across the sea from all corner of the world

How did you end up in Norway once again? LOL!
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 May 2018 /  #273
Sure but regardless of all wasn't that great and after all it has been only 70/80 years. In the term of a cultural evulsion only a moment.

More than you think and still a very effective 'moment'...
Ironside  51 | 13113  
6 May 2018 /  #274
That is a question of a personal opinion or rather a personal perspective..

How did you end up in Norway once again? LOL!@ TheOther

I met a charming (at the time) Norwegian gall. what about you? How did you end up in Guamanga?
Crow  155 | 9722  
6 May 2018 /  #275
Ugly News from ugly UK

Pole attacked in Britain
Radio Poland; 19.04.2018; 08:56

gang numbering 20 people ........ beat the 20-year-old Pole with a nail-studded wooden plank.......... "The group were standing on the street, and when they heard us speaking in Polish they began to shout at us and throw a few bottles,"

jon357  72 | 23668  
6 May 2018 /  #276
That is a question of a personal opinion or rather a personal perspective..

Not unusual on a discussion forum. I'm sure your posts are your personal opinion too; this is a normal thing.

The important thing is that neither country is in isolation, both are stronger when they look outward.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
6 May 2018 /  #277
Don't need the EU for that.

@jon357 and you can say the same about Bristol, Hull,
Can I? lol

ang numbering 20 people

Good timing Crow.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 May 2018 /  #278
Don't need the EU for that.

Who mentioned the EU? Good though it is for Poland.

Can I?

Yes, you can. Or could if you knew.
Crow  155 | 9722  
6 May 2018 /  #279
Good timing Crow.

No problem with good timing when plenty of ugly news from ugly UK. Almost every day happen sh** to a Pole in UK. Its just the matter of time when would Poles in masses abandon this hostile land of sin.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 May 2018 /  #280
Somehow I doubt this.
Crow  155 | 9722  
6 May 2018 /  #281
Don`t doubt.

Yes, in less then two decades Poland would become more desirable for living then UK. Many indicators to this.

If not for the Multi-Polar world, if not for the Muslim and colonial refugees and if not for Serbian resistance, western Europe would in next 40-50 years completely subdue Poland and Poland`s escape would be impossible. Now things changing. Changing fast.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 May 2018 /  #282
then UK.

Still very popular.

Have you actually spent much time in either country or are you just talking out of a very dark and unsavoury place?
Crow  155 | 9722  
6 May 2018 /  #283
I did visited Poland and UK. For how long is my private thing. But, what I state in this thread isn`t based on my personal experiences. I just see obvious.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
6 May 2018 /  #284
Again - focus more on the news in Poland. There have been several notorious cases of teenage girls beating others - so yes, girls may also be violent morons. However, I haven't heard of girls attacking foreigners (might have happened though). And coming back to the topic of violent morons attacking others for whatever reason: good clothes, being a foreigner etc.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 May 2018 /  #285
It has all to do with a common sense.

First off it common sense isn't even common in the first place and it is severely lacking in western Europe - especially when it comes to immigration policy. Thankfully, that's not the case in Poland. That's where cultural enrichment trucks drive on French, British, etc sidewalks and not Polish ones.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 May 2018 /  #286
girls may also be

It's always sad when these things happen; girl gangs are nothing new (did they start in America years ago?) however they seem to be getting more common in Europe. I've read about them in Britain, and friends who are Teachers in the Polish school system tell me it's on the increase in PL too. Kids are very good at copying new crazes.

And coming back to the topic of violent morons attacking others for whatever reason: good clothes, being a foreigner etc.

One of those things that should never happen, ever or anywhere. Sad when it happens to a Pole in the UK or a Brit in Poland. I've heard more from people about the latter, probably because I obviously know more foreigners in Poland (because I live there) than Poles in Britain (who mostly moved there after I left).

It probably happens more far more to often Poles in Britain for one very simple reason - numbers; there are far more of them (up to a million) than Brits in Poland (a few thousand).
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 May 2018 /  #287
There aren't really that many violent attacks against foreigners in Poland,

Yes, that's true, not least because there aren't that many potential victims and most foreigners in Poland are relatively affluent compared to the population as a whole, therefore are less likely to spend time around the type of lowlife likely to attack people because of who they are. Poles in Britain (by their sheer numbers and the circumstances under which they're there) are less likely to have that level of privilege. Nevertheless such incidents do happen, and fortunately the authorities in PL are slowly and surely getting better at recording them, just as the authorities in Britain take such things very seriously indeed.

In Poland generally foreigners just get stared at and at worst bothered by a drunk person

Very common indeed, however violence certainly occurs.

In the UK there have been a few cases of 'Pole on Pole' violence (including a particularly nasty public incident in my home city), however this seems largely to be younger males who've been drinking.
7 May 2018 /  #288
if you think that anti-Polish sentiment in the UK has died out you are wrong

Gumishu, you've jumped into the discussion without reading my earlier posts. I am not saying that anti-Polish sentiment has died out, I am saying that the situation is not as bad as it was immediately post-Brexit vote when you couldn't turn on a TV or read a newspaper without hearing about an attack on either Poles or some other group of people. That was a particularly bad time and one that Dirk is focusing on. I was pointing out that the incidents he was linking to are not current.

Poland is a target of some progressives who take it personally that Poland is mainly a white people's country as if that was some aberration.

I'm not sure I would agree with that, I think some on here feel that Poland should take its quota of refugees as other countries have done, but I really don't want to go down this road. Dirk and others have bashed this to death on threads that have no relation to the problem, and the irony is that nothing has changed since 2015 when the Muslim threads started. The EU want Poland to take in refugees, Poland says no. If that situation changes fair enough, debate is called for but to bang on and on and on about it when Poland has not accepted any refugees bar some Christian Syrians in 2015, is ridiculous. The hatred in some of the posts on this forum beggars belief.

means Poland ruled by Poles in the interest of the Polish people. (nothing there about immigration policy)

OK, I can go with that, but are you sure that those far-right groups have this same context in mind? I'm not so sure and these groups are known particularly for their stance on immigration and they don't have a welcome with open arms policy in mind ;)
7 May 2018 /  #289
170 in this thread...

OK, that was 4 pages back before i started commenting in this thread so I didn't see it.

I count nationalists as dear friends and people who aren't scared to stand up for their country,

Fair enough but just so long as you realise that some British ' nationalists' are the type that are/have been attacking Poles in the UK, that is the only point I have been trying to get across to you. I'm sure they feel that they are trying to stand up for their country too, the Brits, after all, don't want to lose their homeland and identity either ;)

Most of Poles are lovely tolerant people

They are, as are people of most nationalities, unfortunately in every country there will always be a minority of idiots and sadly there are some people who will tar the rest with the same brush.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 May 2018 /  #290
No theyre not current but that doesnt mean we poles should forget how we were treated just 1 2 years ago. Neither is this the first or even second time this happened. And yes and I said I can understand why some brits do that. I wrote that if millions of people from all over came to my little island nation id be pissed too. Probably even more so since I've been in the construction business since a teen which poles are known to undercut and bid rig. Obviously as a Pole I do not wish for my motherland to be turned into a place like germany, France, etc hence my reluctance to welcome unvetted unskilled people known cause problems in other countries theyve settled in already. So yes while I can understand why ma.y brits have the same line of thought, naturally I will.support my fellow citizens over them.

Yes Poles are lovely and tolerant.... to a point and certainly not when their livelihood and safety are jeapordized
Ironside  51 | 13113  
7 May 2018 /  #291
I can go with that, but are you sure that those far-right groups have this same context in mind?

I don't know what you mean by the far-right groups. In the same way I have no clue why you think that in Britain is relevant if some thugs attacking foreigners supposedly have political views. Most likely they are generally too stupid to have any coherent political views, those are just angry, frustrated losers for the most part if not right way with anti-social criminal background.

they don't have a welcome with open arms policy in mind ;)

Well, their are focused on so called refugees, Muslim illegals forced on Poland by the EU. Small wonder, plus they want to gain publicity and more support to gain more voters. They're not exactly anti-immigration party. They have been in politics for years, on the margins but still.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
7 May 2018 /  #292
So.this "debate" is being ruled by posts from mainly North Americans who have no knowledge of Britain at all and rely on biased news sources to form their opinions without any personal experience of living in the country.

And then there is Crow......no,I wont even go there......
I am not going to waste my time debating this with you guys,because it won't be a debate.
You have already put the blinkers on and made up your minds.
So I will say this one last time.
Britain has much more to be concerned about than Poles.
There is as much anti Polish feeling in Britain as there is anti British feeling in Poland.
The numbers are just different.Đo the maths.....
To have Americans,who live in one of the most violent societies that we regard as civilized and the country that has suffered the worst terrorist attack ever seen anywhere in civilized society lecturing Europeans is frankly pathetic.

Whilst I do agree with many faults of Europe raised by North Americans,especially about The EU.
I think you are the last people to be lecturing us.
Sort yourselves out first.
Crow  155 | 9722  
7 May 2018 /  #293
And then there is Crow......no,I wont even go there......

but come. You are welcome. Learn about English heresy, treachery, evil, monstrosity, lunacy, manipulation, malformation and worse.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
7 May 2018 /  #294
There is as much anti Polish feeling in Britain as there is anti British feeling in Poland.

No bad feeling in either country , some random loonies did some bad things post brexit , but relations are fine I have family and property in both countries all is ok between poles and brits.
Crow  155 | 9722  
7 May 2018 /  #295
Well, truth is that nobody suggests eating of Poles.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
7 May 2018 /  #296

100% correct.
But there are North American,Russian and one Serb poster who would like us to believe otherwise.
But nobody believes their lies......
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
7 May 2018 /  #297
nobody suggests eating of Poles.

I should hope not we are as tough as old boots and full of nasty chemicals from burning coal and eating at Mc Donalds.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
7 May 2018 /  #298

You don't need to learn about it as you already know.
But just remember Serb genocide and murder of innocents.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
7 May 2018 /  #299
one Serb poster

Yeah but he is kind of "special" here , you will get my drift after a while, well after few years..
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
7 May 2018 /  #300
Thanks for the advice.
Others have said similar things to me.
But I don't see it yet,as you say,it may take time.
He just comes across as an idiot at the moment.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived