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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 Dec 2017 /  #1

The image says it all.

'No cars, no dogs, no Poles': Angler plans to sue Oxfordshire lake that put up sign banning 'Eastern Bloc' fishermen

Angler and Polish national Rado Papiewski, 35, from Doncaster, was alerted about the notice earlier this year and he has begun crowdfunding to launch a discrimination case, after the site a ignored letter from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

Mr Papiewski told The Guardian: 'When I first saw it I thought of my 10-year-old son who loves angling.

'How could I say to him you can't fish here because your dad was born in Poland?'


It's the 21st century and a Polish father is forced to have a difficult conversation with his son on what should have been an enjoyable father-son day of recreation.

When will this deplorable hatred by the British against Poles end?

It's terrible now but I truly fear for the lives of any Poles who remain in post-Brexit Blighty. They'll probably be hunted down in the streets with impunity.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Dec 2017 /  #2
Personally, I'd be having serious words with my child about his love of fishing. That's frankly not normal, and a sign that the father is failing in his duty of care towards the child.
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 Dec 2017 /  #3
I'm not surprised at all to see you make excuses and shift responsibility onto a child when faced with overt Polonophobia.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Dec 2017 /  #4
Frankly, I'm surprised you also aren't concerned about the child having such a mind numbing hobby that relies on the suffering of fish for entertainment.
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
20 Dec 2017 /  #5
As usual you have no argument.

Millions of children enjoy fishing. Fishing is a major component of the EU economy and the Polish export market in seafood products alone is valued in billions of euros.

So to bring you back from trying to drive this thread off-topic, the title regards yet another sad chapter of unjustified British bigotry against Poles and this time in the most appallingly shameless manner for all to see.

The recreational sport is legal. The discriminatory signage against Poles is illegal.

It's obvious and also expected which side you are on.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
20 Dec 2017 /  #6
The discriminatory signage against Poles is illegal.

Reminds me of the signs they use to have here in the United Stated back in the 60's that said, "No Colored's Allowed".

that relies on the suffering of fish

Fish are cold blooded delph, they have no feelings.
OP Bieganski  17 | 888  
20 Dec 2017 /  #7
Reminds me of the signs they use to have here in the United Stated back in the 60's that said, "No Colored's Allowed".

Bigotry against Poles in Britain has been known for a very long time. But to see it literally come to the surface with this casual, unapologetic and advertised act of Polonophobia is still shocking to see.
20 Dec 2017 /  #8
The funny thing no matter what Brits do Poles will always do whatever they can to satisfy them. It's like top/bottom relationship
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #9
Yet they plaster stuff about ramadumb all over london buses....

Yes brits have been against poles ever since hundreds of thousands flooded in after 2004. A significant chunk were of a lower socioeconomic class so they quickly took advantage of the generous benefits system. Add to that a lot of polish criminals who were on the run or applied their penchant for theft and fraud on top of all the polish blue collared people who would work for longer hours and less money than a brit, yeah i can see why they wouldnt like poles.

Honestly though its changed quite a bit in the past 2 3 4years. Brits still see poles as 2nd class laborers from eastern europe. The difference is now theyve come to accept them more as theyve experienced terrorism, rapes, grooming of children by pakistani men, etc. So now theyve shifted their attention as poles never beheaded british soldiers, never blew people up, never ran dozens of people over in a van, etc. Theyve come to accept poles and while they may be upset that poles filled so many blue collar jobs, they atleast appreciate that poles tend to assimilate and keep to themselves.

When i was in london about a year or so ago i didnt experience any sort of different treatment. My cousin who has travelled back and forth and is starting college soon hasnt either. But ya that sign is something else....

Wtf are you talking about fishing isnt normal? Fathers and sons have been fishing together since the dawn of time. That and hunting, fixing cars, and grilling meat are arguably the most father and son bonding type activities.
Joker  2 | 2458  
20 Dec 2017 /  #10
A sign like this would never be allowed in the USA it is extremely racist.

I'm not surprised at all to see you make excuses and shift responsibility onto a child when faced with overt Polonophobia.

He cant openly defend the sign so he blames the child.

fish for entertainment.

Some ppl actually fish to eat. It`s an really old concept far beyond your grasp.

Or are you just looking to start another argument, its what you thrive for.

I didn't know the British were still this racist. I guess old habits die hard!

How about if the Polish government started expelling all the British Expats, now theres an idea, send them back to Londonistan!!!!! LoL
Wulkan  - | 3136  
20 Dec 2017 /  #11
Personally, I'd be having serious words with my child about his love of fishing.

Surprisingly that's a good idea, making a little boy realize that he already has a deeper voice than an adult man would be priceless for his self-esteem in such an early age and beneficial for the future.

It's terrible now but I truly fear for the lives of any Poles who remain in post-Brexit Blighty. They'll probably be hunted down in the streets with impunity.

I hope this guy is just acting hysterical to get the better results out of the case, rather than really speaking his mind.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2017 /  #12
The Daily Fail driving wedges. Some local nutter who thinks he can act the little Queenie. The magistrates will disabuse him with a fine and a well deserved rap on the knuckles at some stage.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
20 Dec 2017 /  #13
I'd be having serious words with my child about his love of fishing

This is thin and unconvincing and an unsuccessful attempt to redirect the conversation. For shame!

That said, I seem to recall cases of "Eastern Europeans" overfishing at recreational locations (and or making and leaving large messes) and by "Eastern European" i mean Romany/Gyspsies. It seems that in the modern UK "Polish" is used as a cover term for anyone east of Germany and north of Greece.

I think the sign didn't come out of nowhere for no reason but it's terribly phrased.
20 Dec 2017 /  #14
I think the sign didn't come out of nowhere for no reason but it's terribly phrased.

I read from another source that the laws on fishing in the UK require that the catch be put back in the water so an not to deplete fish stocks. In other European countries anglers are allowed to keep their catch and take it home. I think this is a case of the owner seeing the taking home of fish as theft.

Terribly phrased is about the gist of it! It's definitely discriminatory, it should be removed, and it's very likely the owner will be facing court action over it. As he should do.

When will this deplorable hatred by the British against Poles end?

For God's sake give it a rest. There are bigots/racists/xenophobes in every country including yours.
Crow  155 | 9722  
20 Dec 2017 /  #15
They will give you only more humiliation, not less.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Dec 2017 /  #16
When will this deplorable hatred by the British against Poles end?

I don't think the British in general display hatred against Poles. Some of the Britas really do and the PF may simply have a disproportionate number of Brits who hate Poland, the taxpaying voter.

unapologetic and advertised act of Polonophobia

This isn't polonophobic at all. It mentions 'Eastern Block fishermen' along with 'Polish' ones. That means the chap may have had some bad experience with Eastern Block fishermen and most notably with some Polish ones. So the case is much more a culture thing than a racist thing. East European fishermen making and leaving large messes behind them - as Maf says - is the most possible cause for putting up this sign and I would do exactly the same if I were the owner of that land.

Fish are cold blooded delph, they have no feelings.

You are absolutely wrong here, Johnny. Fish as coldblooded as they may seem have feelings just as the rest of animals. Have you never come across the teachng of Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), the founder of the men's Order of Friars Minor, the women's Order of Saint Clare, the Third Order of Saint Francis and the Custody of the Holy Land? His love for animals makes him being regarded as the patron saint of animals today and he would have certainly disagreed with your opinion that fish have no feelings.
OwCr  3 | 15  
20 Dec 2017 /  #17
Bieganski - "Polonophobia"

Cultural Marxist much?

... and what make you all think that EVERY English people who voted Leave hates Polish people?

Anyway, happy Christmas and f**k Islam! xD
20 Dec 2017 /  #18
East European fishermen making and leaving large messes behind them

That may be part of it but from this source:-

" Mr Papiewski said he had spoken with the owner of the fishery who had refused to remove the sign and said he did not want migrants using the site because he believes they will steal from him."


And from here:-

" He helps educate immigrant anglers about the difference between the laws governing angling in mainland Europe and those in the UK, and tries to ensure they abide by British rules.

The aim of British laws requiring anglers to return fish to the waters they come from is to improve conservation and prevent the depletion of fish stocks.

Papiewski argues that the ban at Field Farm fisheries, is disproportionate and that only a small number of those prosecuted for breaking the angling rules are of eastern European origin."

kaprys  3 | 2076  
20 Dec 2017 /  #19
I read an article about it in the Guardian yesterday. The comment section was the most interesting, of course.
Most people basically ridiculed the sign as being offensive. Mind the 'Eastern bloc' part (!).
I had a good laugh reading some of the comments, too. Some claimed Poles must have fished for carp there - I must be strange as our family has carp just once a year and surprisingly enough we get it from shops ;)

Others pointed out Poles will take fish they have caught home and there was this guy from the Netherlands claiming Poles have caught all the fish from certain lakes in his country - lol!

As for the sign, well if it applied to other people, ethnicities, religions and so on, people would have thought twice before putting it up. But obviously, it's just about Poles. As one user here keeps claiming, it's just 'criticism' obviously, and just because someone criticises certain people, it doesn't mean they don't like them ;)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Dec 2017 /  #20
But obviously, it's just about Poles.

That is actually an interesting point. What if the sign were like this: NO POLISH OR EASTERN EUROPEAN BLOCK OR MUSLIM COUNTRIES FISHERMEN ALLOWED? Would that make any difference?

And it is not 'just about Poles'. It is about 'Poles and Eastern block fishermen'. This makes a big difference. Imagine the sign: 'No Polish Fishermen Allowed'. Such one would have been much worse and truly racist.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Dec 2017 /  #21
if it's a private property they have a right to not allow Poles or any other people from entering in my opinion
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2017 /  #22
if it's a private property they have a right to not allow Poles or any other people from entering in my opinion

Not in Britain. We have anti-discrimination laws for that sort of nonsense. The Polish guy simply needs to make a formal complaint to Old Bill. Licensed premises - yes, they can serve who they want. Hotels, or fishing lakes in this case - no.

Discrimination. But if the article is in that scum Daily Mail then we don't know the full story.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
20 Dec 2017 /  #23
I think I have seen it in Guardian - don't know about Daily Mail
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2017 /  #24
Poles will take fish they have caught home

Yes - they think Perch is the Polis "sandacz" - same genus, different species. Uneatable muck.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
20 Dec 2017 /  #25
Fish as coldblooded as they may seem have feelings just as the rest of animals.

I guess you weren't to impressed with the picture that I sent you of the huge moose that I shot a couple of weeks ago and the 550 pounds of organic meat that I processed to enjoy.

In fact I am enjoying Moose steak, eggs and hash browns for breakfast as we speak. Yummy !

I would think that someone would sue the guy that put the sign up for a very large amount of money and win.
Private property or not.
Why not put up a sign that said, "Invited guests only allowed to fish here with barbless hooks so not to hurt the fish.
Talk to the fish nicely when you extract them from the water so as not to hurt their feelings."

20 Dec 2017 /  #26
If he gets locked up, he could go on hunger strike. Remember Robert Relf.
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #27
No Poles Allowed!

Unfortunately for Bieggers, that's not what the sign says. So yet again he's been caught telling flagrant whoppers in his racist campaign, how surprising.

Is the sign acceptable? Not at all.
Is it surprising? Not in the slightest. Firstly it's no surprise that some British people are racist morons, just as some of every nation will be racist morons. Secondly, it's not as if some Poles have been helping the image of their nation when it comes to fishing.

Millions of children enjoy fishing. Fishing is a major component of the EU economy

Millions of people enjoy sexually abusing children or fantasising about sexually abusing children, does that mean it is in any way whatsoever tolerable? I'd that it is most certainly not in any way acceptable or tolerable, the thoughts of other people may, sadly, differ.

And no, 'sport' fishing is not a major component of any EU economy.

The magistrates will disabuse him with a fine and a well deserved rap on the knuckles at some stage.

One would certainly hope so. Although sadly the British 'justice' system has been making an arse of itself all too often lately.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Dec 2017 /  #28
Is the sign acceptable? Not at all.

Calm down, calm down! The sign is perfectly acceptable as this is the property which has its proper owner and the owner is entited to name whomever he wants to be kept out of his garden.

The more worrying issue, however, is the overrepresentation of a certain class of members on this forum.

the PF may simply have a disproportionate number of Brits who hate Poland, in that number is Harry the Taxpaying Voter.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Dec 2017 /  #29
@johnny reb

Its the same bs in the us. A baker refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple bc of his religious beliefs. The snowflakes cried and tried to sue him, put him in jail, etc. This went all the way to the supreme court and for once common sense prevailed - a business owner can refuse to serve a customer for any reason.
Taxpaying voter  
20 Dec 2017 /  #30
a business owner can refuse to serve a customer for any reason.

I completely disagree with that stance. While we can talk about refusing to serve people due to what they choose to be (for example refusing to allow somebody into your daycare centre due to their convictions for grooming), refusing to serve people due to what they are is simply wrong.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived