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Are you a Pole in the UK who has been exploited at work?

majoweczka  1 | -  
20 Feb 2011 /  #1
Dear Sir/Madam;

Im currently working on the "Forced Labour Research Project"(founded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and run by the researchers from Bristol University).

I am looking for a workers from Lincolsnhire area who had experienced the exploitation at work in terms of : threats or actual physical harm, restriction of movement and confinement to the workplace or to a limited area,debt bondage,provision of food and accommodation, withholding of wages or excessive wage reductions, retention of passports and identity documents, threat of denunciation to the authorities.

I would like to do a confidential interview in English or Polish with these people and use the information in order to observe the patterns of workers exploitation and and use the findings to influence the law.

I would highly appreciate if you get me in touch contact with Polish speaking individuals which experienced at least 2-3 from the above forms of exploitation

If someone is willing to share their story with me he will sight the consent form which states that info which is shared will be used in any way that reveals the identity, we will also pay for the time and travel: 35 pounds in total. Please feel free to share my email (lincs_maja@yahoo) and telephone number (07851715471) with the people who are interested in talking to me and do not hesitate to talk to me yourself if you would like more inforamtion.

Thank You very much and regards.

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
20 Feb 2011 /  #2
Here's £35 for moaning about an Ex employer,nice work if you can get it,but surely this monetry incentive acts as bias against impartial research,and doesnt sound very Quaker either ;)

To be very serious for a moment,are you only concerened about this exploitation now it involves Poles and other migrant labour,because,believe me,it has been going on in this area(2 miles from lincolnshire border) for decades before 04. What I mean is,will this be a positive effect for english labour rights in general or is this another example of rights being more important for "minorities" but the rest of us can just whistle?

Historicaly the Rowndtree foundation has done sterling work but of late it seems to have lost its way,to the point that the descendents of J Rowndtree's origional focal point,the confectionary workers of York ,are now unemployed because the factory moved to...........Poland....the foundation did what exactly for these workers?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Are you a Pole in the UK who has been exploited at work?Archived