You must have noticed that criticising Poland is a game that only Poles can play! If any foreigner says anything which could in any way be interpreted as negative about Poland, it is the duty of all Poles to criticise that foreigner and to 'defend' Poland (even if they themselves have in the past made precisely the same observation about Poland as the foreigner made).
This is basic human psychology 101...
This is not really a "Polish" thing! I really think you would experience this in any other country in the world.
Just try walking into an pub in England and start complaining to people there about their food, their culture, their history. And then travel to Germany or Denmark and do the same thing. They would ask you pretty quickly to go to hell! They themselves can of course critizise themselves, their culture and their history, but you can't! Not like some of you do on this forum. This is basic social intelligence, and applies to all aspects of human life, wether it's work, family or your country. This also works even on the highest of levels. Just read international political news, and you will find dozens of articles about prime ministers and presidents of different countries arguing to clean up their own sh*t before they critizise others'. Sweden vs Denmark in the recent elections are fine examples of this.
If one thinks that critizing and pointing out other peoples' or countries' shortcomings is normal and should be accepted on any level, one would find oneself really alone, really fast. Or in worst case in the emergency room with a tooth or two in your hand. This is NOT exclusive for Europe, just try it Nigeria or Japan for that sake. I think you will find that all people's of the world don't like it when foreigners start complaining or pointing out their weaknesses to them. Especially IN their own country. These weaknesses might be true, they might be obvious, and most people are aware of them, but it's a difference of acknowledging them and being told about them in a rude/forward way from some stranger who visits/lives your country.
Do not mistake this for legitimate and contstructive critizism, which I have seen very little of on this forum. From what I've read here it's mostly unpolished, blunt and not really well thought through opinions. With a few honourable exceptions. (Seanus and BB for instance).
If a foreigner living in Australia went on to a "Australian forum" and started threads like "Are all Australians dirty?", or "Why do Australians drink so much?". And then keeps this up, day after day, week after week, month after month, just constantly slagging every aspect of Australian life, wether it's everyday things or the country's history....would you expect the Australians on that forum to go, "Yeah, it's true, we suck", or would you expect them to tell you to go f*ck yourself? Also try this on a personal level with your friends, and see how far that will get you. On the other hand, if there were some meat to this theory, some facts, some statistics, and then use this with a civilized tone and not a suggestive or derogatory tone, I would think the level of debate on this forum would be where it should be! (On these kind of topics).
If you used some of the threads here that have shown a poor choice of words and switched the words "Poland", "Polish" and "Poles", with let's say, "African", "Homosexual" or "physically challenged", people would call it for what it really is, bigoted and unfair. But since it's "Poland" we talk about, well then, the gloves are off.
EVERY country has something that is bad, either it's the red tape in government, bad roads, religious intolerance etc. Most people in here are not Polish by birth, and I would think if I asked them to point by point write down what they would like to improve in their birth-country, this list would be rather long, well into double digits. No?
I know some of the debates here have been about historical events, and both Polish, German, Ukrianian, Dutch, American, Serbian and even people with the possiblity to hold 7 different passports (Harry) have slugged it out. But to say that "all Poles" or "Poles" share the views of half a dozen of posters here on this forum is a bit disrespectful and untrue. Now, if a professor of history from a Polish university started to lie openly on this forum about an established fact, one could broaden the terminology a bit.
And Harry, you have the diplomatic skills of a 10 year old boy, maybe tone it down a bit when you critizise people? It's amazing how far one comes with a bit of humility and respect! (Two way street).