incentised mass immigration from Poland to the UK / Ireland gives the UK a stronger strategic food hold around Russia's borders
How does your theory benefit Ireland? Ireland's a neutral country and not part of the UK.
Eastern Europeans into the UK
When did Poland become an Eastern European country?
Poland's a Central European country last time I checked. LOL.
Regarding why Poles move to the British Isles and Ireland, my personal opinion is money and better social conditions.
Why work in a bank in Poland for longer hours for less money and less social benefits?
Go to Ireland/Britain and earn 4 or 5 times the money for the same job and have a work pension, health benefits.
I've known a good few Poles that have left since I moved here, the reason is always money. And before I left Dublin, I'd plenty of friends from Central and Eastern Europe, same thing, the reason to move there was the money and the openness of the people. I know a few gay Poles who felt terribly repressed living here.