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Mixed feelings after moving from Poland to England

Lyzko  44 | 9730  
26 Nov 2018 /  #31
Polish too has all those half-sound "s"-consonants, as in "swiat", "sily" etc., plus nasals, non-existent in Russian, Bulgarian, Czech and probably any other Slavic tongue I can think of:-)
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
26 Nov 2018 /  #32
You can also add lot of "rz" and "szcz".
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
26 Nov 2018 /  #33
Yep, and then that (in-)famous "liquid-l" of Standard Polish, except, I've heard from Polish native speakers,
in the Zakopane region of Tatry, as well as older stage diction:-) This is quite distinct from the Russian "l-sound"
before the tricky soft sign.

Please back on topic everyone
OP grufferator  1 | 1  
28 Feb 2019 /  #34
So why are you writing English using American phraseology and spelling?

Because I learned English by watching american movies.

The post is written very fluently, like a moderately educated native-speaker.

Thanks. :)

I lived for about 6 months in shared flat in Salford. We moved to Sale this summer. Everything changed. Is anyone here from Sale?

My house which is a 2 bed terraced was £37,000.

Wow. Where is that? A 1 bedroom flat in my area is at least £140.000
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
28 Feb 2019 /  #35
Where is that?

The chap pointed that out - near Rochdale somewhere...great real ales at 2.09 in J.D Weatherspoon and some of the best fish and chip shops in the world. Cheaper and better than the Tri-city offerings.
3 Mar 2019 /  #36

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Mixed feelings after moving from Poland to EnglandArchived