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Living in a Polish/Gypsy community in Poland. People don't like me there.

Charle  1 | -  
2 Dec 2013 /  #1
HI, im Gypsy/polish mom polish dad gypsy i live like in uk for long time like 15 years but i was born in Poland and 3 years later came to uk.. yet i don't fell good being half and half, i was in Poland once or twice and people say this is not my country ect and neither is uk, i don't have a dad and once i got nearly beat up by some skinhead.

my dad left me because im with a polish girl so why polish people ate soo hostile towards gypsy people saying this is not your country ect although i was born here ect, i have full education yet still i feel the racism in people, i don't like to go town as people look at me ect.

so why people don't like people like me?
even tough i live like polish does that doesn't change who i am?
if in the eyes of people my home is not UK/PL where is my home then?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
2 Dec 2013 /  #2
where is my home then?

I guess where the gipsies ethnically come from which is India
2 Dec 2013 /  #3
dad gypsy

Roma, Sinti, Romanichal, Kale?
Spirit  1 | 26  
25 Aug 2014 /  #4
Gypsies are citizens of the world. Roma are everywhere, and they belong everywhere. IMHO.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
25 Aug 2014 /  #5
Damn right, gypsies know no borders
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Aug 2014 /  #6
Go to LubliΕ„. It may inspire you.
26 Aug 2014 /  #7
as a gypsy you should settle nowhere you are from a nomadic race which requires regular travel so every other country has someone to hate
Bond 2018  
11 Feb 2018 /  #8
Hi yes i agree with you Charley1 in the 21 st century racism should not be tolerated and yet is is very widely spread like a disease in the United Kingdom , Poland, Russia, Germany and so on .... Gypsy's are so discriminated because they don't hove someone to speak & fight for there right on behalf of them because they not as highly educated to work in for example in Parliament like for example in USA most wealthy and important people are Jewish . When someone is discriminating someone from black skin tone , the hall world knows about it as social media why, again they have someone to speak on behalf of them , however just because you are gypsy it doesn't mean you are less human, evry one is different not everyone is perfect (only God ) is perfect don't let people look at you with no respect the Hall WORLD is for us humans to live in it remember you hove only one life so live your life freely and be happy 😁
kaprys  3 | 2076  
11 Feb 2018 /  #9
Oh, come on. Where I live there are mixed Polish-Gypsy couples and they seem well integrated. There's one couple I see quite often as they walk their daughter to school. Together. The woman wears normal clothes like jeans and the guy doesn't seem to be bothered to be seen hand in hand with his wife and child.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
11 Feb 2018 /  #10
so why people don't like people like me?

I don't think it's just 'people like you.' Many Polish people, particularly patriotic ones, don't trust gypsies, Arabs, Jews and other communities stereotypically known for sticking together, swindling others just so they can be better off and generally having little to no respect for those who aren't part of their community and culture.

Gypsies for instance are often considered a group who don't assimilate particularly well. They have also been known to steal. I think rather than disliking you, it's more a distrust.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Feb 2018 /  #11
Gypsies for instance are often considered a group who don't assimilate particularly well.

The problem lies on both sides - some in their community don't want to integrate, and others don't want them to integrate. There are some successful examples (for instance, I can point you to a great project in Usti nad Labem that really made a difference to the lives of young gypsies), and there are some unsuccessful examples (for instance, in Poland, treating them as retarded and putting them into special schools because they can't use Polish competently, while others are given extra support). There's no simple answer, though - Poland is no worse than other CEE countries.

Polish gypsies are pretty well integrated though, and many of them hate the Romanian Roma that caused so many problems in the 1990's and 2000's.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
11 Feb 2018 /  #12
I have never met a Polish Gypsy who can't speak Polish. Have you?
They speak their own language when they're around their own people but they speak Polish to Poles. They're bilingual.
And since there's obowiΔ…zek szkolny, there's no way their kids could avoid school so they attend Polish schools -regular state schools, not schools for kids with special needs. Even kids with minor disabilities attend regular schools so why would they put Gypsy kids in special schools unless that's necessary.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Feb 2018 /  #13
I have never met a Polish Gypsy who can't speak Polish. Have you?

Never, they're pretty much identical to other national minorities.

Even kids with minor disabilities attend regular schools so why would they put Gypsy kids in special schools unless that's necessary.

It's quite commonly reported - it seems that they get sent to those schools either very quickly, or they get sent there for bad behaviour while comparable badly behaved Polish kids don't. But it's not an easy problem to fix - the Slovaks in particular told the EU that they had already tried all of their methods 50 years ago and to stop trying to push solutions that simply don't work with them.

It's an old article, but it's the best I could find in English for the benefit of everyone else: Artykul/57509,Polish-Roma-children-shunted-into-special-schools

The project that I was talking about in Usti nad Labem -
- we really need more of this sort of thing, but not only for Roma kids, but for all children in Poland. I was involved with one such project before, but it didn't succeed because we couldn't get the funding to keep it going.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
11 Feb 2018 /  #14
Actually I have heard of poradnia not sending kids with certain issues to szkoΕ‚a specjalna due to too high IQ so that kind of surprises me.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Feb 2018 /  #15
Don't even get me started on the poradnia (what would you call it in English, by the way? I have no idea...) and their...strange behaviour. I dealt with one kid who should have been kept down a year because he was barely scraping through - he was young enough (born in November) that it wouldn't have made a difference, but his parents were stubbornly refusing to cooperate. It was finally agreed with them that he would go there and that both sides would agree with the decision.

We get the report, and it essentially claimed that he had a very high IQ, blah blah blah. Not a single teacher had seen any evidence of it, nor had his parents provided any evidence whatsoever to suggest that he was intelligent. His language in Polish was easily 2 years behind his peers, and at least two teachers were openly giving him fraudulent 2's so that they didn't have to deal with the parents. It was clearly nonsense, but what else could be done?

My suspicion to this day is that they didn't want to give a bad opinion to a well-connected local family.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
11 Feb 2018 /  #16
so why people don't like people like me?

Well, I don't know. Why should they like you anyway? Is not given. Some people are just disliked anywhere they go - ask Delphi.

The problem lies on both sides

No it doesn't. Those who don't want to be integrated don't want to be assimilated.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
12 Feb 2018 /  #17
A linguistic aside. In Romany, the word for foreigner or non-Gypsy is "gajo". In Japanese, the word for foreigner apparently is nearly identical in pronunciation.
Gipsy πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ canada  
22 Apr 2018 /  #18
Yes the most racist people in the world are poland hi hitler poland the don't like nooo body? Except polish? The don't like gipsys? Jewish russian germans the don't like nooobady buttt the avery we're in the world if you don't like no bady stay in you're f....king couture polend

Don't worry Europe union will mix you up polish mother ****** like? Germany is or ready this is the plan of the Jewish god blesses
mafketis  38 | 11277  
22 Apr 2018 /  #19
The don't like gipsys?

Gypsies are among the most xenophobic people on the planet, other groups simply return the favor....
Gipsy πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ canada  
22 Apr 2018 /  #20
You're polish people the one who build concentrat lager in auschwitz birkenau noooooooo wonder you doooonnnntttttt like gipsys or Jews
mafketis  38 | 11277  
22 Apr 2018 /  #21
Germans knew at least Poles were competent, every try to get gypsies to build anything?
Gipsy πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ canada  
22 Apr 2018 /  #22
Bay bay in 10 our 15 years nooo more Poland πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± solidarnusz hahah mix up populations you will see ..mafketis..

Solidarnosz hahaha from union and USA for Poland yes torn around from behind ...wake up ? Poland nothing is free you tuke money from Europen unions to help immigrants from eastern countries and wars and now you refuse to will come theme in Poland πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±...and you cooling me xenophobic gipsy ? ...you the most xenophobic πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± polish mother f........
Alexbrz  3 | 78  
22 Apr 2018 /  #23
Thank you for showing why people in general dont like gypsys.

Its bad manners like yours that cause it. You can thank yourself.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
22 Apr 2018 /  #24
gypsies know no borders

Hmmm. Sounds Israeli.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Apr 2018 /  #25
you refuse to will come theme in Poland πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±...and you cooling me

Aren't people in Canada supposed to speak English?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Living in a Polish/Gypsy community in Poland. People don't like me there.Archived