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Poland continues to milk Ireland dry.

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Aug 2009 /  #1
On reading that financial report released the other day on the grim uncertain economic picture I saw where the Irish government(Fianna Fail) had bought 3.5 million tons of carbon from. Now, it took searching elsewhere but I eventually learned that the cost of this cloud was fifteen million euro. They intend to buy about three times more for about fifty million euro.

There is a prize for whoever guesses who got paid the fifty large. OK the suspense is too much, it was of course, the Polish government. Forget the fact that as a coal burning nation they pollute way more than Ireland that makes no difference. Now, not content with Ireland supporting 50,000 of their citizens with social welfare(204 euro a week), supporting thousands of Polish children who never set foot in Ireland by means of child allowance, and by paying some 8,000 Polish families rent so they can reside in Ireland subsidised by the Irish taxpayer. Now they are siphoning off some 50 million euro more of the taxpayers hard earned cash.

Now, at the time of this generous payment, the government had another brainwave.

The planned national cervical cancer vaccination programme for around 75,000 young girls, due to start next year, has been scrapped by the Health Minister Mary Harney due to Budget cuts.

The vaccine was to be offered to all 12-year-old girls in primary schools from next September, at an estimated cost of under €10m.


Now, heres the bit that takes the biscuit, as some of you may know, Dell left Ireland and relocated to Poland. According to an iol report the Dell move out of Limerick to Lodz in Poland included our generous €50million, €52.7million aid package from the Polish Government. The European Commission will now decide whether that sweetner breaches EU state aid rules.

You couldnt make this shyte up, you really couldnt.

Edit: Heres the link thingy I would have been hounded for.

Put this in Ireland and the UK please mods.

Without doubt, [the summot] ended with our success,” said President Lech Kaczyński.

It most certainly did, Lech. It most certainly did. Anyone got the number for the rape crisis centre? The Irish nation has just been ass raped.
Paulie  1 | 43  
22 Aug 2009 /  #2
Dell left Ireland and relocated to Poland.

Don't worry they'll be off to the Ukraine when Polish wages start to become uncompetitive. This is simple economics.

The Irish nation has just been ass raped.

Not for the first time eh?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2009 /  #3
Don't worry they'll be off to the Ukraine when Polish wages start to become uncompetitive. This is simple economics.

I know that. They employed too many foreigners anyway, still a big loss to Limerick.

Not for the first time eh?

Probably not the last time either. The Poles in Poland are taking money from our exchequer, the Poles here are fleecing our social welfare and various other handouts. For christ sake they wanted Polish to be our third official language. What did Ireland do to deserve this plague?
Ajb  6 | 232  
22 Aug 2009 /  #4
Do you do much else than moan?

If you don't like Polish people then maybe this is not the best place to moan about it....

Your government allows it to happen... more fool them
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2009 /  #5

I dont "dislike" them you cretin. I dislike the fact that vast throngs of them settling in my country.
Ajb  6 | 232  
22 Aug 2009 /  #6
Well thats life is it not? it's not just Ireland.. i'm from England and the town i come from is now full of Polish/Asians at first i was annoyed and then i realized the government will let it happen, regardless to what i think it makes no difference so **** it why moan about it.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
22 Aug 2009 /  #7
government will let it happen, regardless to what i think it makes no difference

exactly. revokenice, you blaming people for trying to make a living for themselves? for trying to earn better money, even living on benefits? it's the system that is wrong, not the people, wherever they're from. they will keep coming untill someone up there does something about it, you can't and it is frustrating that people whose opinion should matter doesn't mean a thing to your government.
southern  73 | 7059  
22 Aug 2009 /  #8
The goverment is aware of how much money it can collect.Businessmen using cheap labor provide money and government does not give a sh1t about anything else.

But we will hang them.We will cut their ears and noses aka Pol Pot.They will be late to see their faces in the mirror.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2009 /  #9
revokenice, you blaming people for trying to make a living for themselves?

Read the opening post.

even living on benefits?

Most fooking definitely. Any able bodied person who lives on benefits is a parasite. To sponge off a foreign nation is the lowest of the low, it is beneath contempt. And over 50,000 Poles do so.

they will keep coming untill someone up there does something about it, you can't and it is frustrating that people whose opinion should matter doesn't mean a thing to your government.

Well if the government ignore the will of the people and continue to support mass immigration, which is to the detriment of the Irish working class, something has to give. Paddy's are not a docile race.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 Aug 2009 /  #10
it's the system that is wrong

Not really sweety, Ive never claimed even though the system is there...its 'people' that abuse it and thats the problem.

Paddy's are not a docile race.

To be sure to be sure ;0)
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2009 /  #11
Not really sweety, Ive never claimed even though the system is there...its 'people' that abuse it and thats the problem.

I left my last job and start a new one on September 1st. Technically I am unemployed, and could claim 204 euro for this week and the next. Fooking madness if you ask me.

Just out of interest, my polish chums, how long must a foreigner work in Poland before he is able to go on the leech(dole)?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
22 Aug 2009 /  #12
i'm from England and the town i come from is now full of Polish/Asians at first i was annoyed and then i realized the government will let it happen, regardless to what i think it makes no difference so **** it why moan about it.

i don't think there is a case for moaning as such, you can speak out though if you think the situation needs to be looked at, we have a poor immigration policy and i think you and i both know it :) It does need to be looked at and sorted out sooner rather than later.

you blaming people for trying to make a living for themselves?

I don't think anybody would do that, as far as i'm concerned the people who come here are not doing it to cause us (in my case, the British) a problem, they are just doing it to try and better their lives, for themselves and maybe those in their homeland too.

even living on benefits?

that is wrong, kick the bunch of spounges out!!!! I don't mind people coming here legally and wanting to EARN/make a better living for themselves, however just coming here to spounge of the state is wrong and should not be allowed. Do you think that is right??

it's the system that is wrong

agreed, so peope should be allowed to speak out against the poor immigration policy and the consiquences of it. That may include the mentioning of a few Poles, Pakistanis, West Indians etc etc but so what, people are just trying to make a point and justify it by using examples.

they will keep coming untill someone up there does something about it, you can't and it is frustrating that people whose opinion should matter doesn't mean a thing to your government.

That does not mean people cannot have their say though, if everybody stays quite, that plays straight into the hands of the government. They will say, nobody has made it an issue, so why should we give it time??

Not really sweety, Ive never claimed even though the system is there...its 'people' that abuse it and thats the problem

exactly, if your the type of person who wants to work hard to better themselves, you will not 'use' the system unless its your last resort. There are those however who choose the 'last resort' as a 'first resort' its wrong!!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 Aug 2009 /  #13
Just out of interest, my polish chums, how long must a foreigner work in Poland before he is able to go on the leech(dole)?

Its hardly worth filling out the paperwork for an Irish or British person, its works out at about £25 per week.

I left my last job and start a new one on September 1st. Technically I am unemployed, and could claim 204 euro for this week and the next. Fooking madness if you ask me.

Some of us have different attitudes, for me there is shamed attached to claiming benefits and would rather clean floors then do it.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
22 Aug 2009 /  #14
Its hardly worth filling out the paperwork for an Irish or British person, its works out at about £25 per week.

Probably not, I was just wondering how long a foreigner has to work there before he qualifies for welfare. They get 204 euro after two years here, or half of that for under 18 months. Madness!! Thats nearly the minimum wage in the UK.

Some of us have different attitudes, for me there is shamed attached to claiming benefits and would rather clean floors then do it.

And still, Paddy scratches his ginger mallet and wonders why hes broke!

Now, in saying that I have no problem with somebody who has bills to pay, mortgage repayments etc, claiming welfare. It is a safety net, but its is being used as a fishing net.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
23 Aug 2009 /  #15
well i do realise one has to be a total scumbag for coming to a foreign country just to sponge off the state BUT if it wasn't so goddamn easy to do in UK people wouldn't be doing it! try that in Poland, to be eligible for the unemployment benefits you gotta have a good few years of work experience behind you, and when you do get them, surviving on what they give you is virtually impossible. that is why some action should be taken to sort through the people who come here and monitor whether they get employed or not, anything to make sure the taxpayers are not supporting immigrants who never intended to take on a job. same with people who come here a few years before retiring, they work for a bit and get a pension and free bus pass, at least that's what i heard. the system is so very wrong, this should not be allowed. i lived and worked here for nearly 5 years and it p*sses me off that some illegal 'asylum seekers' or even my fellow Poles get money for doing nothing, and make everyone hate foreigners in the progress. that is why people like that should be swiftly removed, i'm happy for them to use my tax money to fly them back to wherever they came from, and feck their human rights! why is it that this government get softer on people who don't even belong here, and tougher on perfectly decent, employed citizens/residents? it absolutely beggars belief. can't do anything to the big guys at the top, so the immigrants will have to pay for that sooner or later, even if they're genuinely making a living and paying taxes. gonna have some sort of a civil war here if things don't change.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
23 Aug 2009 /  #16
well i do realise one has to be a total scumbag for coming to a foreign country just to sponge off the state BUT if it wasn't so goddamn easy to do in UK people wouldn't be doing it

I know where you are coming from, but does this give people the right to sponge? The sytem was set up to help the needy, if we make it difficult for people to claim, then those that need it may fall through the net.

lived and worked here for nearly 5 years and it p*sses me off that some illegal 'asylum seekers' or even my fellow Poles get money for doing nothing, and make everyone hate foreigners in the progress. that is why people like that should be swiftly removed, i'm happy for them to use my tax money to fly them back to wherever they came from, and feck their human rights!

Justysia for PM!
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
23 Aug 2009 /  #17
Justysia for PM!

aye!!! lol

I know where you are coming from, but does this give people the right to sponge?

no, but it gives them the opportunity. as we say in Poland, okazja czyni złodzieja (opportunity creates a thief)
McCoy  27 | 1268  
23 Aug 2009 /  #18
damn Irish. theres 80 million of them and only around 5 mil. in the country. they suck the world dry.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 Aug 2009 /  #19
We are taking over the world, using Irish bars as a front ;o
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Aug 2009 /  #20
damn Irish. theres 80 million of them and only around 5 mil. in the country. they suck the world dry.

Irish ancestry, they claim Irish ancestry you imbecile. There are only five million Irish CITIZENS breathing today. Not eighty million you donkey. You do know the difference, right?

Anyway, we should have used our diaspora for any of our labour hortages, not slavs and third worlders who care not a jot about the Irish nation and who view it as an ATM.

Enjoy the 50 million you raped from the Irish nation, Poland!

One good thing about this free movement of labour lark, is that the Irish nation is free of SeanBM. Hopefully forever. He is a disgrace to every Irish person who has ever lived and those yet to be born. I highly suspect he was forced to leave Ireland by his own community.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
23 Aug 2009 /  #21
Enjoy the 50 million you raped from the Irish nation, Poland!

im doing it right now with a beer my first world friend
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Aug 2009 /  #22
That works out as this, each and every Irish citizen giving away a tenner to Poland. When you take into account, the welfare benefits Poles get in Ireland etc etc it probably works out at 100 euro per Irish citizen, ranging from babies to pensioners to subsidise this plague. Foooking madness.

At least when the Brits where ass raping us they where honest about it.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 Aug 2009 /  #23
One good thing about this free movement of labour lark, is that the Irish nation is free of SeanBM. Hopefully forever. He is a disgrace to every Irish person who has ever lived and those yet to be born. I highly suspect he was forced to leave Ireland by his own community.

I didn't know you cared.

At least when the Brits where ass raping us they where honest about it.

How were you ass raped by a Brit? hahaha

the Irish government(Fianna Fail) had bought 3.5 million tons of carbon from.,,,bla bla Poland

So what.
You are such a baby.

McCoy  27 | 1268  
23 Aug 2009 /  #24
At least when the Brits where ass raping us they where honest about it.

are you encouraging me to honestly rape you in the ass? wheres your catholic irish morality?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
23 Aug 2009 /  #25
How were you ass raped by a Brit? hahaha

oh come on, we don't wanna hear about his sex life do we? DO WE??
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 Aug 2009 /  #26
It seems to be coming out whether we like it or not, or perhaps they are just his fantasies?.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Aug 2009 /  #27
the Irish government(Fianna Fail) had bought 3.5 million tons of carbon from.,,,bla bla Poland

So what.

Says it all. Says it all Seany boy. You are a traitor.
Mister H  11 | 761  
23 Aug 2009 /  #28

Can I just ask you what, if anything, you are actually doing to get your views known by someone that can actually instigate change ?

Posting on here will not get you far. Some will agree with you and some won't, but regardless of however many agree, nothing will change.

Have you ever written to any of your elected representatives ? ok, it probably won't make a lot of difference, but you should still make the effort.

I've read a fair few of your posts now and, for the most part, I agree with what you're saying and much of what you said could have been written by me about immigration into Britain.

The lack of a managed immigration policy (both EU and non-EU and I think that they should both be vastly improved and both have some very stringent rules) is taking the UK to the brink.

Immigration will be the elephant in the room at the next election.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Aug 2009 /  #29
Posting on here will not get you far. Some will agree with you and some won't, but regardless of however many agree, nothing will change.

I am here to get an opposing view. I could post on an Irish forum, but I would be preaching to the choir in the vatican!

Have you ever written to any of your elected representatives ? ok, it probably won't make a lot of difference, but you should still make the effort.

Yes, I have also had letters printed in the newspapers.

Immigration will be the elephant in the room at the next election.

Isnt it always, granted now more so than ever. Recessions and unemployment are like kryptonite to mass immigration.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Aug 2009 /  #30
I am here to get an opposing view. I could post on an Irish forum, but I would be preaching to the choir in the vatican!

Hmm. So you admit it.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry.Archived