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British person entitled to see a GP in Poland at no charge?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Jul 2012 /  #1
Just curious - is a Brit with a resident's permit entitled to a free consultation with a doctor in Poland, ie a GP? If the Brit has a problem that needs tests or X-rays, are they free? I think the answer is no free treatment unless it is an emergency and they produce the EU health card. But I could be wrong.

Can Poles living in the UK visit a GP etc totally free and get referred for tests and X-rays totally free of charge on the UK NHS?

PS Did the Polish doctors' strike go ahead today?
1 Jul 2012 /  #2
I think the answer is no free treatment unless it is an emergency and they produce the EU health card. But I could be wrong.

Even then, I know people who have been hit with bills or even told to pay in advance.

I know one British woman who, despite being married to a Pole (who pays his ZUS every month), was told flat out by her local maternity hospital that as a foreigner she would have to pay to give birth there.
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Jul 2012 /  #3
Speaking as a Brit, I have to say I find that very unreasonable of the Polish government or whoever made that the policy. Anyone in the UK will tell you that in England the NHS is very stretched at GPs' surgeries and free clinics due to EU citizens making use of the (free) treatment (and of course some from outside the EU are probably getting free healthcare too, somehow). Here in Poland, seems Britons don't get the same benefits reciprocated. I dare say if I went to the Polish DHSS they would tell me to sling my hook. But Polish people in the UK get a range of benefits there in the UK relatively easily. It is more than a bit annoying to discover this inequal treatment for a Brit here.
1 Jul 2012 /  #4
Can Poles living in the UK visit a GP etc totally free and get referred for tests and X-rays totally free of charge on the UK NHS?

As a Brit i thought you would know the answer to this.
Poles living in the uk are entitled to free treatment, tests, x-rays etc.First they should register with a GP, but even if they don't, they can still go to GP clinics at hospitals and receive free treatment/tests etc.This should be discouraged though as it costs the NHS far more to treat someone as a walk in patient. All you need to do to register is fill in a form, although you will need a NI number first. A copy of the NI card and European ID card is taken and thats it!

Certainly doesn't seem fair that the same treatment is not reciprocated though!
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
1 Jul 2012 /  #5
Here we go, another thread aimed at showing how good so many Polish people have it in Britain and how bad so many Brits have it in Poland. Seriously a country does not have to have the same laws as another country to make it fair for their people. I personally have thought for a long time that England is too lenient, tolerant and offers way too much. Only recently was it decided that to get citizenship you need to might have to actually know the language. Perhaps if England was stricter it would not have so many foreigners flooding in.
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Jul 2012 /  #6
Certainly doesn't seem fair that the same treatment is not reciprocated though!

Seems I have to take out medical insurance if I stay in Poland, not cheap, and they often like to say :"Oh, you had that or the signs of that condition before, you're not getting your claim met, so p*ss off."

Here we go, another thread aimed at showing how good so many Polish people have it in Britain and how bad so many Brits have it in Poland.

Well, they do have it pretty good in the UK regarding that and claiming benefits, WP, the truth is the truth, no offence intended.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
1 Jul 2012 /  #7
Yes but perhaps the truth is that England is too lenient, not Poland too strict.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
1 Jul 2012 /  #8
Seems I have to take out medical insurance if I stay in Poland, not cheap

You can always pay ZUS. A voluntary payment of around 320 złoty per month gives you the same cover as a Pole. You must be fairly up to date with your British NI contributions, otherwise there is a lump sum payment to join the scheme. You can pay by internet but when you see a doctor or go to hospital, you have to print out your (up to date) payment as proof and show them. You will also qualify for subsidised prescriptions.
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Jul 2012 /  #9
Can Poles living in the UK visit a GP etc totally free and get referred for tests and X-rays totally free of charge on the UK NHS?

Yeah,they can BUT:/news/uknews/immigration/9255044/Eastern -Europeans-fly-home-to-avoid-NHS-waiting-lists.html

Why don't you follow them and fly home to get treatment?

Just curious - is a Brit with a resident's permit entitled to a free consultation with a doctor in Poland, ie a GP?

I am sure you are entitled if you:a) pay ZUS b) register yourself as unemployed.Don't expect them just to treat you for free because even citizens of Poland are not entitled to free treatment if they are not covered under insurance scheme.
1 Jul 2012 /  #10
Sorry grubas, but the reality for those who do not post from basements in Canada is that Polish hospitals can and do demand that foreigners who have paid their ZUS also pay for treatment.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / British person entitled to see a GP in Poland at no charge?Archived