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What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people?

20 Sep 2015 /  #181
I'm from Wales think it's disgusting that people from Wales are awful to Poles, it's dreadful to think that people from my country, who have been said to be very kind, behave like idiots to people who have come to our country for a better life. As for the English, I think they are very nice people but can be rude sometimes, that being said the Welsh can be just as bad but that doesn't mean I hate them :)
Jardinero  1 | 383  
20 Sep 2015 /  #182
I think there is a strong historical analogy between Poles and the Welsh when you recognise the domination of the more powerful and dominant neighbours throughout history... But frankly, many Poles are quite ignorant about the history of British Isles and its people... you have to realise how many, even those living in England, struggle to differentiate between the national identities in the UK... to most, UK=England, and so the people are therefore"English".
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Sep 2015 /  #183
Have the Wale people ever been fighting against English ? Or have some own clothes ? Like the skirts of those other freaks.
Jardinero  1 | 383  
21 Sep 2015 /  #184
Have the Wale people ever been fighting against English

Why don't you spend 5min reading about the hisotry of Wales - even on wikipedia...
David555  1 | 19  
3 Feb 2018 /  #185
Welsh people and Wales was concerned by England. They spoke cymru there in the past but the English made them forget it, the English made them be ashamed to speak their own language. Wales today is just an English city or town and there are only a few genuine Welsh left. The same the English did with Scotland only ROI even suffered a lot it does still stay Catholic and has its only country and culture.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
3 Feb 2018 /  #186
They spoke cymru there in the past

they still speak Cymraeg. Cymru is the country.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
3 Feb 2018 /  #187
speak Cymraeg

There you go you see, you told him too.
David555  1 | 19  
3 Feb 2018 /  #188
Well on dwp website it says "would you like this website in English or Cymru?" anyways doest it really matter cymraeg or cymru? They speak English there where was Wales once in the past
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
3 Feb 2018 /  #189
Well on dwp website it says

Were you looking to make a dole claim?.
David555  1 | 19  
3 Feb 2018 /  #190
Yes for my ex Polish gf, she got pregnant with Nigerian man, I just tried to help her, but they said cuz of she's Polish she's not entitled to any dole. I was helping her for sometime until when she meet someone from Pakistan, she fell pregnant with him and then she moved back to Poland.
13 Feb 2018 /  #191
Actually it isn't its a country on its own it has nothing to do with England! That's like saying Scotland is apart of England because its near it.

Just because its near doesn't mean it is that country.

We do speak a lot of welsh here its just the English have made us feel ashamed of speaking our language like you said so most welsh people can speak fluent Welsh its just we don't talk or write in it because we feel embarrassed by it because if we are out in public and start speaking in it certainly when we go to other countries we get weird looks and comments.

I agree but people from all countries can be rude. But not all of us are like that.

@joo who
Ye Wrexham isn't the best place to live but in the South of wales it isn't as bad.

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