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Are Polish people moving back home from the UK?

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
6 Nov 2007 /  #1
How many Polish are leaving the UK as of late? and why?

has poland improved somewhat with jobs enough to go back and support a family?

I looked for another thread with this topic and didn't find one so my apologies if this turns out to be a double thread..

ok on this post, I know alot of Polish stayed, but some have had to left, and went
home or maybe someone knew of friends who went home to stay and really miss them?
9 Nov 2007 /  #2
the more that go home the better it is for the british
lazybones  2 | 52  
9 Nov 2007 /  #3
But Britons asked me to work here.
osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Nov 2007 /  #4

Just face it - you don't really like anyone.
Polanglik  11 | 303  
10 Nov 2007 /  #5
the more that go home the better it is for the british

... and what about other immigrant groups ? .....Somalians etc...

The Poles are in general contributing to society by working and not freeloading on benefits like other groups that could be mentioned.

Overall I believe that Brits have nothing against Poles coming to work in this country, and Poles are viewed in a very positive manner.

In my view it's the Islamic fanatics who spew hatred against the country which is giving them so much who should leave this island !
OP Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
10 Nov 2007 /  #6
the more that go home the better it is for the british

explain yourself lenny..

and what about other immigrant groups ? .....Somalians etc...

yes, this is valid point.

Nigerian folks (nigerian scammers) not all, but they are doing some damage.

are making a bad name for the uk . And its all because of these
scams, most are based in the uk.. and some think the polish are hurting the economy..
Polanglik  11 | 303  
10 Nov 2007 /  #7
Britain seems to have an ‘open door’ policy on immigration;

I accept there is a burden on services such as NHS and Education due to the recent mass immigration, but one cannot blame one particular group like Polish immigrants. Just wait till the Romanians/Gypsies start coming over in number.

There has been a large Polish population in UK since after WWII, and it’s only natural that Poles will come over to UK to seek work where their salaries will be 4-5 times that what they could achieve in Poland. Living expenses in London and South-East are very high and the conditions in which the Poles live and work are not always ideal, but they make the best of the situation and are happy to make sacrifices in order to achieve their goals…. a better future for themselves and their family, either back in Poland or settling down and making UK their new home.

I believe some Poles will stay, but the majority will return to Poland within 5-10yrs.

I also believe there is a mass exodus of Brits from this island, mainly due to this country losing it’s own identity and becoming too multicultural. There is one thing accepting other countries traditions and beliefs, but not at the expense of one’s own !!

Lots of Brits have left these shores and formed their own ‘little Britain’ in Spain, France, US, etc where they are free to fly their own flag without being frowned upon !

We talk about Polish people being disillusioned with their country, but it’s not much different here in England ….. every year the figures are released on how many Brits have left for a better life overseas … and it’s on the increase !

I was born in UK, but have Polish parents who settled in England after WWII – they planned to return to Poland but circumstances meant it was safer to stay in England.

Many of my friends who have a similar background to myself(bilingual Polish/English) have decided to leave England and make a new life for their families in Poland – I know of 3 such families which are moving over to Poland for good next year …… and in 1-2 years I will do the same :o))
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Nov 2007 /  #8
I accept there is a burden on services such as NHS and Education due to the recent mass immigration

There are some immigrants who take more from these services than they put in by paying taxes.
But, with the UK's ageing population, there are many more whose taxes are helping to keep these services running.

exodus of Brits from this island, mainly due to this country losing it’s own identity and becoming too multicultural

Oh no! It's too multicultural for me! They come here and practice their own traditions.
I'm off to somewhere else so I can do precisely the same thing!
fused  - | 5  
16 Jun 2010 /  #9
Polish people take british kindness as weakness .. big mistake they think we don't see through them. Very selfish and self absorbed people on the whole they must go home it's safer for them. Things are starting to boil over.
plk123  8 | 4119  
16 Jun 2010 /  #10
Very selfish and self absorbed people

the english? that's how it seems to me... fused.. why are you here?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Jun 2010 /  #11
Things are starting to boil over.

Where? And dont blame the Poles, it was Blaire that opened the doors and recruitment agencies that went looking for cheap labour in Poland, we had as much right to impose sactions as the other countries but as usual "they got it wrong"

Whilst Im not a fan of mass immigration, at least Poles are paying tax and NI which is more than can be said for all the illegal immigrants who breed like rats and give nothing back..

Tell you what fused, given the choice who do you want here?

A) Extremists who call our soldiers murderers (these people have British passports and were born here) who will never integrate?


B) Europeans who have the right to work here legally and in general integrate?
DannyJ  - | 129  
16 Jun 2010 /  #12
Things are starting to boil over.

Where are these things starting to boil over then? In your little Warehouse maybe, or down your Gym?
fused  - | 5  
16 Jun 2010 /  #13
Ask any working man in the UK or indeed most victims of redundancy whether that be a bank worker or a man on the production line at a car plant. I'm all for people working in whatever country they wish but the sheer volume of immigrants coming to the UK is ridiculous.

Generally speaking ... if the boot was on the other foot would you give an englishman a job if the work climate was better in Poland than the UK? I think not. The Uk is far too soft.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jun 2010 /  #14
Well, fused, blame GBC in Britain. Even the trade unions have turned full circle from the days of Scargill and are admitting scores of new immigrants in on the basis that they are Polish. The Poles are merely accepting the charity. Wouldn't you do the same?
Matowy  - | 293  
16 Jun 2010 /  #15
How many Polish are leaving the UK as of late? and why?

Considering that we never even knew how many were here in the first place, this question also does not have an answer.
DannyJ  - | 129  
16 Jun 2010 /  #16
I'm all for people working in whatever country they wish but the sheer volume of immigrants coming to the UK is ridiculous.

Go cry on nick griffin,s shoulder
allacces1  3 | 20  
16 Jun 2010 /  #17
If they are going home good for our jobs and the sanity of British people...
I hear they are collecting loans from several banks and using up credit cards before running away to build houses on family lands back home.

Some even collect social welfare for children and family members living in poland who have never set foot on UK soil. scumy parasites!
Matowy  - | 293  
16 Jun 2010 /  #18
Because Britain has never, ever benefited from the labour of a non-domestic people. This island was transformed into a super-rich and comfortable land all on the shoulders of the populace, and no one else.
BevK  11 | 248  
16 Jun 2010 /  #19
So it's right to judge an entire nation by the (alledged) misdeeds of some? By that light, all English should be locked up and not allowed anywhere near alcohol ever for their (well documented) behaviour in Kraków (as well as all over the rest of the world).

I came to Poland rather than sit on my backside claiming the dole I am more than entitled to in the country of my birth (that would be England, to an English mother and a Polish father who was with the 1st Polish Paras and had no CHANCE to go home). I am going back because there's someone (also English) who wants me there but there are some people who have told me that I "no longer deserve" to live in England cos I went to live abroad. Funny, this was someone who would rather sit on his backside claiming benefits than go look for work.

Note: it amuses me that there is an advertisement on here for skilled migrant workers to Australia... lol

@Matowy - really? you REALLY believe that? Go read some books. Unless you are being ironic, in which case I withdraw my comment to you!
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Jun 2010 /  #20
This island was transformed into a super-rich and comfortable land all on the shoulders of the populace, and no one else.

Well, that, and the shoulders of about a billion "brown" people...
Ironside  50 | 12333  
16 Jun 2010 /  #21
So it's

Are you going back?
Matowy  - | 293  
17 Jun 2010 /  #22
Yes I was being ironic.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jun 2010 /  #23
Oh wow, you really got me there.


M-G (and that, children, was sarcasm)
plk123  8 | 4119  
17 Jun 2010 /  #24
B) Europeans who have the right to work here legally and in general integrate?

or actually will most likely move back to where they came from..
BevK  11 | 248  
17 Jun 2010 /  #25
Are you going back?

Yes, cos I am following my heart :)
Ironside  50 | 12333  
17 Jun 2010 /  #26
Congratulations and good luck to you!
Bring your children to Poland for long enough to allow them to learn Polish :)
Mister H  11 | 761  
18 Jun 2010 /  #27
I hear they are collecting loans from several banks and using up credit cards before running away to build houses on family lands back home.

I work in debt recovery and have previously worked in credit card fraud and, unfortunately, the above is true.

UK banks should only lend money to people with British passports and not touch foreigners with a barge pole. The risk is too high.

Some even collect social welfare for children and family members living in poland who have never set foot on UK soil.

The system is so full of holes, it's barely fit for purpose.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #28
they must go home it's safer for them.

I dont doubt it,if people like you are allowed access to cooking equipment..

Things are starting to boil over.

better switch it off then boyo...

UK banks should only lend money to people with British passports and not touch foreigners with a barge pole. The risk is too high.

And so you'll also know that this includes every other accesion state, its not just a Polish thing
Crow  154 | 9260  
19 Jun 2010 /  #29
Are Polish people moving back home from the UK?

it would proved to be very wise
David_18  65 | 966  
19 Jun 2010 /  #30
I work in debt recovery and have previously worked in credit card fraud and, unfortunately, the above is true.

Ah yea right, maybe you worked at Mcdonalds.

Tell me how does a normal hard working polish guy run away from a bank system that cooperate inside europe?

The only ones who can't handle money here is the brits...

Public debt
England 68.50% of GDP
Poland 47.50% of GDP

United States
External debt US dollars-13,450,000,000,000
Per capita US dollars-43,758
% of GDP-94%
United Kingdom
External debt US dollars 9,088,000,000,000
Per capita US dollars-147,060
% of GDP 416%
External debt US dollars- 201,200,000,000
Per capita US dollars5,279
% of GDP 47%

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