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Do people still get married for passports, visas etc to stay in the UK?

Mister H  11 | 761  
2 Nov 2019 /  #1
Assuming Brexit happens eventually, I was just wondering if people still got married to try and help ensure that they get to stay in the UK?

I would have thought that they were quite easy it see through for a start.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
2 Nov 2019 /  #2
Mr H where are you posting from? Spain, Israel , Australia? do you have an access to the internet? Do you know how to use it? Are you in your 70'?

Are you slow?
I mean you profile state your place of residence uk. Yet, you seems to be out of touch on an epic scale. Have you been frozen for 30 years?

I mean you would need to try really hard to not know anything about your own country.
I'm sorry, it is difficult for me to understand people like that.
If you really interested go to your gov official webpage and check up all relevant information. Takes about ten to 20 minutes of your time or as long as you need.
OP Mister H  11 | 761  
2 Nov 2019 /  #3
I was just asking for people's views that's all, no need to be aggressive :)
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
2 Nov 2019 /  #4
if people still got married to try and help ensure that they get to stay in the UK?

Yes, if people get married and one of them has a legitimate right to be in The UK, tbe partner will have no problem gaining the same rights.

The UK is not Nazi Germany, Russia or The USA.....
Yeah Iron, no need for that aggression.....
OP Mister H  11 | 761  
2 Nov 2019 /  #5

Yes, I get that people will get same rights etc, just wondered if it was still something that was seen as worth the hassle.

Surely the home office, after all these years, are wise to these things now
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
2 Nov 2019 /  #6
They are.
And many people are prosecuted for it.
But not for genuine marriages.
But if you are talking about fake marriages then I will be even more aggressive than Ironside.
You can f××k right off!
Lenka  5 | 3549  
3 Nov 2019 /  #7
Well, if a couple is commited etc they might consider speeding things up a bit or even going for the formalities at all (earlier it didn't make much difference). However from what I know it doesn't make much difference in the status. All those laws about how much one has to have in a bank to bring non EU spouse etc- if the same will apply to EU citozens than I don't think it will become a thing- easier to relay on the fact that one already has a life here, job, place in community etc.

Btw- are you talking about new arrivals or the people who are already here?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Do people still get married for passports, visas etc to stay in the UK?Archived