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How much people in UK are manipulated by false anty- Polish propaganda

4 Jan 2013 /  #1
I know that some British may complain about too much Polish citizens settling in UK, but in reality you should be very content with this situation .

Even , the fact , that having Polish children in schols is an asset , you gain a lot in other spheres too.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2147976/Influx-Polish-children-schools-he lped-improve-British-pupils-grades.

You get newcomers with the highest IQ in Europe . According to a study which lasted 30 years conducted by professor Flynn Polish average IQ is 106 and we are just one point behind the Germans who are the first . Oh and I am aware of the fact that in the internet there are sites that provide IQ data where Poles are placed on 18- th place , but these sites are unreliable run just to take away your money and because Poles count their money they don`t participate in scam projects . Professor Flynn used in his research only results obtained by pupils and students gathered in the school thanks to the special tests based on mathematical skills not the common intelligence used in the internet sites . Only the mathematical skills can measure the real IQ of a person and be the real determinant of logical thinking leadnig to abstract thinking and bringing the progress of humanity . Common wisdom can`t be used to become a rocket scientist - haha ( just an example ). Also I am aware that there is Mensa organisation , but to me it is a joke , because they charge you a lot of money to get a test done as a payment for so called mental preparation for the test and they advertise themselves using names of so called cellebrities to attract newcomers . In Poland they use name of Doda . In my opinion a doubious case because she probably would fail any math test of Matura exam . I guess she didn`t pass math exam as it was not compulsory at the time she graduaded from high school .

So going back to the main subject , is not only a boost to your economy to have mostly well educated white people performing underrated jobs ( educated for free in Poland ) who instead of working to increase our GDP they do it for you . Just check how much does the education of one person cost in GB and then multiply it by 500 000 ( estimated number of Polish emmigrated after 2004 ) living in UK and then you will see the real gain . Poland loses not only adults but also children and while we suffer from birth rate decline it is very unfavourable trend for Poland . Don`t listen to some propagandists and think that Poland will never gain so much as years ago Portugal , Greece , Spain did by EU funds .We have natural resources , and heavy and light industry well developed not mentioning high internal cnsumption that prevents us from being poor in years ahead . ( just check what kind of branches are we are producers in . You will see we are almost in any branch of production . We are a major player not only in coal or copper production but we produce a lot of products you have no idea about but use it everyday. Because Poland was under the communist rule we didnt make world famous products and our production was mainly exported to former East Block countries we didnt develop our own world famous brands . It takes years to build them , as you know . But we sell under world`s famous brands and we do it in expansionist way . Just check our exports data and the countries where it is directed .


As you can see we don`t sell our products to developing nations .

Recently foreign minister of Netherlands has said to the media - " don`t bash Polish people because they are our major partner and there is a lot of Dutch companies in Poland and I hope Polish people will not use economical revenge against us "

In 2015 we will start using huge shale gas resources which will give us a real boost in our GDP and free our economy from Russian fuel dependence . In spite of their heavy lobbying against Polands new direction there are strong mainly US investors along with PGNiG who are determined in their plan to use this gas for building our economical independence from Russia . Now we pay for Russian gas 8 times more than GB for example . So how can a country develop when we have to use so much money just to survive 8 months of cold weather here. A major fraction of our revenue goes to Russia as a payment for oil and gas . Exploitation of our country, lasting many years , by Russia hasn`t finished yet , but it is coming to cease in big steps in few years to come .

So British media should think twice before they bash Polish as GB is also like Germany or Netherlands a key partner for Poland and has something to lose . But the positive fact is that the prevailing majority of Europeans are positively inclined to Poland just some wacko Jewish press is not . But who takes them seriously ?

It must be very busy where you live. All those people with the same ip address.

Really , my old nick is such , also I used Monia , but unfortunately I lost my data as my laptop ( hard disc ) was broken down and I couldn`t extract my old data and I didn`t have time to post on PF for maybe half a year . But I tried to logg under a new name ( it is impossible to do it under my old account ) . You have to do something with your software . I still have no access to my : "Monia" account and have to post as a guest - polgirl . Many times I tried to set my new account using my permanent IP address but your software does not allow me to do it , so don`t blame me for your mistakes in software , but let me have an access to my old account and I will be glad to post as a member with my old nick which is Monia . Thank you
Ironside  50 | 12928  
4 Jan 2013 /  #2
with my old nick which is Monia . Thank you

Your explanation do not make sense.
Anyway who cares about anti-Polish propaganda in the UK? Your OP is just a pathetic plea for acceptance. Get a GRIP!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jan 2013 /  #3
there are sites that provide IQ data where Poles are placed on 18- th place , but these sites are unreliable run just to take away your money

No other explanation possible, of course... :)
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Jan 2013 /  #4
Dont worry Monia its only Moderator Vincent and his IP obsession.

How much people in UK are manipulated by false anty- Polish propaganda

Its the tabloids you have to woory about, Daily Mail is the most notorious. Generally speaking the kind of people that read and are manipuilated by these types of publications, dont really have minds of their own.
4 Jan 2013 /  #5
According to a study which lasted 30 years conducted by professor Flynn Polish average IQ is 106 and we are just one point behind the Germans who are the first .

Obviously you don't have the newest data: Poland dropped down in the rank.

professor Flynn

Flynn or Lynn? If Flynn could you provide a source?
monia  3 | 212  
4 Jan 2013 /  #6
If Flynn could you provide a source?

It is prof. James R. Flynn , I think Poland`s position hasn`t changed because he hasn`t published new data since 2006 . As I`ve said earlier only reliable , scientific data are valid for me . He is a uni professor studying for years this subject of human IQ . His latest studies revealed that women`s IQ increased significantly , but this trend pertains only to the youngest generation of women who were given education in recent years .

Ant63  13 | 410  
4 Jan 2013 /  #7
Monia I would really like to see this false anti-Polish propoganda


Now I see in this list of news articles, 'balance'. Currently in the list there are one or two naughty people/murderers. Is reporting on the naughty ones anti-Polish propaganda? No it's news.

Even , the fact , that having Polish children in schols is an asset , you gain a lot in other spheres too.

I read that article when it was first presented. Now I have a little experience so can comment with some conviction. At my partners children's school, there is ONE Polish, young lady who has done exceedingly well. She is a special child and her parents are justifiably proud of her. She is a very pleasant, polite young lady. She was born here. The rest are either running mid class or struggling to come to terms with the language. A great deal of extra support is provided for the ESL children which of course is expensive and drains resources.

The Daily Mail article is misleading. I was surprised at its conclusion so I did a bit of research. The nearest school to us has a high percentage of ESL children. In one class of thirty there are 17 ESL children. This school is new and a very popular choice with Polish parents, but is the lowest achieving. The local Catholic school again has a higher level of ESL children. This has better results. The C of E School that my partners children attend is doing very well. This school has on average 3 ESL children per class. Admittedly this school is in an area that gets substantially more investment because it is in an extremely poor area of town. I think that overall it is more complicated than just how many ESL children there are in a class. It also depends very much on how much input parents give to a child's education also. It is notable that some some Polish families excel with the level of input. My conclusion is that if there are 2 or 3 ESL children in a class, then that should be considered a benefit to all the children in the class. It also helps prevent an us and them scenario. If there is a high percentage of ESL children in a class, then it will slow the children down overall.

You get newcomers with the highest IQ in Europe .

I think it would be reasonable to assume that if you had a high IQ then you would have had a reasonable job in Poland so why would you come to the UK. If you have transferable skills then fine, you can do it, but if you are a solicitor then you are hardly going to come here to pack fruit are you. Mostly Monia we got the lower end of the scale!

just some wacko Jewish press is not . But who takes them seriously ?

You obviously do or you would ignore it.
Archyski  - | 44  
4 Jan 2013 /  #8
Polgirl, why do you bother writing about this.

Resistance against newcomers is not a english-polish concept, everybody complains about too much immigration no mather what country you are in. The english startet complaining about the indians, muslims and now the polish. Who will be next newcomers ? :)
Ant63  13 | 410  
4 Jan 2013 /  #9
At a guess the Bulgarians and Romanians :)
monia  3 | 212  
4 Jan 2013 /  #10
Ant 63 - so do you claim that your own research is more valuable ? Oh , gosh you have some high ego about yourself . For the majority of reasonable people it is not . Daily Mail cited a study carried by some uni staff not by biased people . So having in mind that fact I would rather believe more Daily Mail on that than your opinion even if this newspaper is biased towards Poles . According to studies of prof Flynn , Poles scored in 1979 - 106 points in 1989 - just 92 points and in 2006 - again 106 points . So , I don`t claim that we possess the whole wisdom of the universe but don`t assume that Poles are inferior to you even if they live in a working family environment in UK . And as Poles we lost almost 20 years from 1980 till 2000 to rebuild our human resources through tough transformation period . Polish GDP decreased to the 1970 level so did our IQ to the level of 1940 . But this trend was stopped and a progress started , not only when Poland joined EU , few years earlier . But don`t forget about the forgotten but important fact that Poland was behind the iron curtain and we were isolated for many years with soviet installed government and their plundering economy where the soviets demanded an export of our goods to USSR in exchange rate where 1 $ was counted as 1 rubel . And Poland was banned from importing goods from EU countries with technology newer than 10 years old . Before you start bashing Poles and me read some facts about history and economy of Poland .

Honey ,of course , as an attorney I have better opportunities in Poland and I have no intentions to move to your country . But don`t assume that other professionals don`t settle in your country . This ternd will have a positive impact on Great Britain , beleve me, as many ages ago it did on Poland where settlers from your great country settled on Polish soil in thousands . Some data provide the number of 90 000 new settlers from GB mainly from Scotland .We Poles welcomed you and let you live as Poles with no restrictions because we are just like that - open hearted people . There are Polish dentists and doctors already in UK not only blue collar workers .Those people have an average IQ level of 117 or above according to Polish high average scores .

I have no intention to argue with you , just wanted to say something about the subject which touches constant underrating people from Poland . We are the same people and maybe we have something more to be proud of than you guys from UK . Just read Polish history and you will find out why we are still a nation and a very proud nation . If a person had a high IQ he/she would not be staring an argument using the same old mantra as you did . Blah , blah I made my own research , come on, give your newest data to some research institute they might pay you and such a low cost researching will make earn you a new job .
4 Jan 2013 /  #11
I think it would be reasonable to assume that if you had a high IQ then you would have had a reasonable job in Poland so why would you come to the UK.

A success doesn't rest on being intelligent. There is a lot more factors and intelligence is the least important one.
monia  3 | 212  
4 Jan 2013 /  #12
I would really like to see this false anti-Polish propoganda

If you had intentions in showing fair facts you would rather post this link :


where true situation is described , not a link about some Polish couple trafficking 4 other Polish . They probably wanted to become big time organised crime bosses in UK , but wanted to start with some low key operation for the beginning , but were so unlucky ....... Probably those with 70 something IQ.
Ant63  13 | 410  
5 Jan 2013 /  #13
Oh , gosh you have some high ego about yourself

It helps in life but it also helps if you can be magnanimous sometimes.

Its fairly simple to check facts in the UK as the schools publish league tables. The only difficult thing to check from your end is which ethnic groups attend which schools.

There are statistics and lies, Monia. Often we see lies in England in an attempt to quell bad feeling. Not that I see much bad feeling involving Poles anyway. It seems to be a fantasy story created in Poland.

Did I link to one article or hundreds? In fact I didn't even notice the first one was Poles doing over Poles as is often the case in the UK. I only read the title and assumed it was English people taking advantage.God help your customers Monia. Accuracy is important in your game.

Honey ,of course , as an attorney I have better opportunities in Poland

Did you notice the transferable skills? Yours are not transferable. A Dentists are. Surprisingly I'm here on the ground. I know what the score is in the UK. You obviously want to teach me to suck eggs though.

It's the first time I've been called Honey. Don't be so patronising. I'm ugly. Any expletive will do based around ugly. Honey no.

Please revisit the link I provided and look down the list. There are some good some bad. Its not propaganda, It's news.

A success doesn't rest on being intelligent. There is a lot more factors and intelligence is the least important one.

Depends on what your doing really or what you consider being a success. If success is just being happy, then intelligence isn't critical. A nuclear physicist might consider intelligence important.
5 Jan 2013 /  #14
Depends on what your doing really or what you consider being a success.

What I meant is that people with high IQs not always get by well in their lifes. More important thing is to have good social skills. What is an advantage of having a high IQ if someone fears of life, is indecisive, can't get on with a group of people? "Street smarts" (who not always have high IQs) can make it in their lifes, and what they have usually developed exceedingly is their social skills. How many times have you seen simpletons in positions? In Poland it's common.
ifor bach  11 | 152  
5 Jan 2013 /  #15
Anyway who cares about anti-Polish propaganda in the UK? Your OP is just a pathetic plea for acceptance. Get a GRIP!

Exactly. If Polish people are blessed with such massive IQ's, why are they so insecure? And why can't they make more of a success of Poland? Why would thousands of them flock to a country inhabited by people far stupider than themselves?

Polgirl, isn't all this a ludicrous example of 'saying' rther than 'showing'. Instead of boasting about how wonderful you are, and what high I.Q.'s you've all got, why not do something that demonstrates this to be the case?
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Jan 2013 /  #16
a boost to your economy to have mostly well educated white people

What trashy comment. Shows the rest of the post up as the nonsense that it is.

Exactly. If Polish people are blessed with such massive IQ's, why are they so insecure?

Spot on.
5 Jan 2013 /  #17
Exactly. If Polish people are blessed with such massive IQ's, why are they so insecure?

Not that I agree with monia, but may I reverse the question: does the fact that Poles are insecure and unsuccessful mean they have low IQs?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
5 Jan 2013 /  #18
does the fact that Poles are insecure and unsuccessful mean they have low IQs?

I don't think that it matters one way of the other whether or not Poles have low or high IQ's. That is just kids stuff.
5 Jan 2013 /  #19
So do I, but such logic, as presented in ifor's post, leads to conclusions of this kind.
ifor bach  11 | 152  
5 Jan 2013 /  #20
Not that I agree with monia, but may I reverse the question: does the fact that Poles are insecure and unsuccessful mean they have low IQs?

I doubt whether there is any significant difference in IQ between Poles and English people, (or whites and blacks).

The point I was making was against polgirl, and not Poles generally.

And that point is 'show' rather than 'say'.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Jan 2013 /  #21
So British media should think twice before they bash Polish

so have you a link please to these Pole bashing articles?
they would be very interesting reading.
enkidu  6 | 611  
6 Jan 2013 /  #22
Obviously you don't have the newest data: Poland dropped down in the rank.

That is easy to explain: I am in the UK now. So - no wonder that the Poland's average IQ dropped down drastically. :)
monia  3 | 212  
6 Jan 2013 /  #23
There are a lot of examples of Polish people excelling , just take a look at the scores in math or informatics international olympiads where Poles excell year after year .

But having high IQ does not guarantee that you will become a millionaire , as prof Flynn said in his book about human intelligence the Individual can use his or her high IQ if he/she lives in prosperous conditions . Otherwise the potentials are wasted . Poles even endowed with high IQ live in rather hostile conditions that our state provide us , such as : high unemployment rate , low wages , undeveloped infrastructure , wrongful takeovers of Polish enterprises ,so Polish people with high IQ so far struggle to survive rather than develop themselves also this high IQ levels are possessed by individuals born after 1990 . So these young individuals are too young to take advantage from given potentials. Those born in years between 1975 - 1989 possess IQ 92.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
6 Jan 2013 /  #24
the link please monia, to the 'Pole bashing' articles? we are waiting eagerly!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Jan 2013 /  #25
And why can't they make more of a success of Poland?

Are you making a lot of success in Poland ?
monia  3 | 212  
6 Jan 2013 /  #26
the link please monia, to the 'Pole bashing' articles? we are waiting eagerly!

Do the homework for yourself . Lots of examples to study in your media . The recent propaganda by BBC of pre Euro 2012 situation in Poland , wouldn`t be enough for you ?
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Jan 2013 /  #27
I doubt whether there is any significant difference in IQ between Poles and English people, (or whites and blacks).

Just saw that and tested myself, anybody else want a go?

ifor bach  11 | 152  
6 Jan 2013 /  #28
Poles even endowed with high IQ live in rather hostile conditions that our state provide us , such as : high unemployment rate , low wages , undeveloped infrastructure , wrongful takeovers of Polish enterprises ,so Polish people with high IQ so far struggle to survive rather than develop themselves

Why would a state with citizens of such superior intelligence create such conditions? Why didn't all these people with high I.Q's elect politicians blessed with a similarly high I.Q. as themselves? How have the supposedly inferior intelects of the United Kingdom created a state with comparatively lower unemployment, higher wages and a more developed infrastructure?

Might this be because they used whatever intelligence they possessed in a useful mannner, rather than merely bragging about how incredibly clever they are?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
6 Jan 2013 /  #29
Do the homework for yourself . Lots of examples to study in your media . The recent propaganda by BBC of pre Euro 2012 situation in Poland , wouldn`t be enough for you ?

quite honestly moania, why should I, it is you that is making sweeping generalisations not backed up by links or fact, not me.
besides if we are so intellectually inferior, as ifor bach said, how come so many want to come to our relatively successful country.....

No need for the name calling, play fair.
ifor bach  11 | 152  
6 Jan 2013 /  #30
Bragging about how intelligent you are just doesn't seem all that clever to me.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / How much people in UK are manipulated by false anty- Polish propagandaArchived