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Ironside  50 | 12946  
26 Feb 2012 /  #121
.the higher up the hierarchy I climb,

you mean to say that you are senior prick ?
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #122

When one makes the move from “administrator” to the dizzy heights of “senior” administrator, it is more than the job title which changes. On documents and emails, and name badges and things like that, the promoted person can inform those interested that they push paper in a “senior” capacity, thereby giving other lowly “administrators” something to look at to distinguish one paper pusher from another. A visible difference is vital. Visible perks – from a change in job title to a huge corner office – are as important as the private financial perks which are offered in return for obedience. (They may be more important, actually, but are certainly no less so; either way, the basis of advancement is obedience.) :

“We have team spirit stamped upon our heads by managers whose noses are all the same shade of brown. And hardly do the managers work alone in their subjugation of the spirit, this assault on individuality; there are the managers’ obsequious lap-dogs – the senior administrators – with their slobbering mouths and hungry tongues. They whisper, gossip and report back, hoping to curry favour in return for a detestable brownie point, a faecal treat, peeled from the nose of their master and licked off the fingers with glee.”
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
26 Feb 2012 /  #123
This is part of corporate culture everywhere and has always been. You can't blame Polish people in the UK for that.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #124
Where the blame lies is with the politicians of this country who opened the floodgates and let people in who they knew would do their work for them. Britain was the only country not to put a cap on the amount of Poles coming here and it's obvious why. Unlike the other European countries, we have a rigid, established class system here and the working class were getting 'to big for their boots' so it made sense to bring in obedient puppy dogs who have no history of questioning their masters.

Game set and match.....except that people are starting to fight back slowly.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
26 Feb 2012 /  #125
Britain was the only country not to put a cap on the amount of Poles coming here and it's obvious why

Sweden and Ireland too.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #126
I didn't know that revoke.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Feb 2012 /  #127
I neither want promotion or a big salary

If you are struggeling to find a minimum wage job, that not a matter of wanting or not I'm affraid...
26 Feb 2012 /  #128
Game set and match.....except that people are starting to fight back slowly.

Slow people, indeed...
pawian  226 | 27475  
26 Feb 2012 /  #129
Not difficult you would think until I get asked for passport, council tax bills, N.I number, bank details, references, driving licence, proof of address, size of my dick etc etc

You remind me the hero of Trainspotting. :):):)

I think you both have similar problems. :):):):)

I hope you will also choose life, after all. To be just like us. :):):):) Until we die.


When I come here, I see foreigners acting so disrespectfully and sneering at the locals.

Excuse me, Sir, it wasn`t Poles who set fire to Britain last year.

Poland fire

All in all, you seem a damn loser to me. Mentally and socially. Why don`t you consult a consultant? :):):):)
Marek11111  9 | 807  
26 Feb 2012 /  #130
Because we Poles are the God gift to humanity and we are the best in everything.
pawian  226 | 27475  
26 Feb 2012 /  #131
You forgot to add :):):):):):) for the less bright forumers...... :):):):):):):)
TanyaCole  1 | 15  
27 Feb 2012 /  #132
We have seen it all before. 2 Poles living above you in the 1st week and by the end of the month there are 22 of them plus the dog. This is the way they can drive down the wages and work for £2.38 an hour depriving local people of the jobs. Exploited by cheap landlords and employers alike. Vote UKIP or BNP and lets get UK out of the EU

Statements like this make me ashamed to be English..
27 Feb 2012 /  #133
Don't sweat it. If I can forgive you Russell Brand and Liam Gallagher, I can forgive anything.
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Feb 2012 /  #134
Statements like this make me ashamed to be English..

try to think of yourself as a human being before the patriotic nonsense and you'll never have that problem again.
oxon  4 | 164  
27 Feb 2012 /  #135
Statements like this make me ashamed to be English..

Let me guess. You're a tree hugging, green wellington boot adorning, peace loving dude.

Let's see how you actually feel when you are out of work one day, you are needing a place to live and all around you are Poles, Latvians, Moldovians and whatever else living in the same block of flats as you 4 to a room., Let's see how you feel when the company under scrutiny presently who are responsible for getting British people back into work (A4e) have three Polish assistants greeting you at the door.

Let's see how you feel when you know that the directors and management of those companies that employ Poles have taken advantage of all the education and health benefits Britain has provided over the decades to keep (some) people able and healthy to do their work for them turn their backs on British people to employ Eastern Europeans who prostitute themselves by undercutting the local workforce.
27 Feb 2012 /  #136
Let's see how you actually feel when you are out of work one day

Dude, I guarantee you, if you spent HALF as much time looking for a job as you do crying about it, you'd probably be CEO of something other than Sad Sack Inc.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
27 Feb 2012 /  #138
Let's see how you actually feel when you are out of work one day

join the army, and protect the old parasitee English empire.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
27 Feb 2012 /  #139
Dude, I guarantee you, if you spent HALF as much time looking for a job as you do crying about it, you'd probably be CEO of something other than Sad Sack Inc.


It's obviously easier for the guy to sit at home on the internet blaming the people who got the jobs instead of him than to go out and get work.
oxon  4 | 164  
27 Feb 2012 /  #140
Good comments all .....not. nothing constructive to say at all but then maybe you are all stupid and lack a vocabulary in which case you will all more than likely be employed as you pose absolutely no threat to your masters.

I'm waiting for some Polish people to agree with me that the UK must get out of Europe. Will I be waiting until I breathe no more?
27 Feb 2012 /  #141
you will all more than likely be employed as you pose absolutely no threat to your masters.

Or it could be that we are not utter tossers who think it is cool to whisper threats into the ears of women.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
27 Feb 2012 /  #142
Unusual argument. Stupid people lacking a vocabulary get jobs whereas intelligent ones I presume sit on their arse all day (in your case 'hungry' and wondering how to pay bills as I believe one of your previous monologues stated)

I'd love to see this viewpoint justified (in a way which makes sense)
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Feb 2012 /  #143
To be a slave or not to be a slave, hows that?
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
27 Feb 2012 /  #144
lacks a little substance tbf but not expecting alot more
oxon  4 | 164  
27 Feb 2012 /  #145
Or it could be that we are not utter tossers who think it is cool to whisper threats into the ears of women.

No threats 'arry as I stated previously. Just a ploy. Sometimes one has to take extreme measures when our own politicians have abused our trust and betrayed us.

Monkey Brains....stupid people are the conformists, the ones who lick the faecal deposits in return for detestable brownie points. They are the ones I have to contend with as I now intend staying in the UK for a limited period only. Instead of being in a bargaining position, I find myself in competition with people with round faces and ludicrously short haircuts who have an accent that is barely decipherable.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
27 Feb 2012 /  #146
maybe you are all stupid and lack a vocabulary in which case you will all more than likely be employed as you pose absolutely no threat to your masters.

Or maybe in fact some of us posting in this thread are highly intelligent and highly paid professional people with marketable skills or a business of their own. Or both...

I'm waiting for some Polish people to agree with me that the UK must get out of Europe. Will I be waiting until I breathe no more?

Possibly, though if you had a look at some of the other threads here you'd find there are quite disparate views on EU membership within Poland.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
27 Feb 2012 /  #147
You really will ay anything to justify your position won't you? Putting it in such quaint terms does not disguise the fact your argument is in facta teaming stinking pile of, as you put it, faecal deposits.
27 Feb 2012 /  #148
I now intend staying in the UK for a limited period only.

Always amusing to see somebody whining about immigrants while at the same time intending to be one.
oxon  4 | 164  
27 Feb 2012 /  #149
which is why you have no answer other than to criticise, Monkey Brains.

With one glaring difference 'arry. I am not going crawling and begging in another country for a job that will have an impact on a local person. i am not going anywhere where there are 2 million Brits all living in squalor and i most definitely not going to claim welfare in any country I choose to live in.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
27 Feb 2012 /  #150
I have given reasons across multiple threads. As indeed have numerous other people, exposing your arguments for the nonsense they are.

If you are indeed going to emigrate, and oh how we long for that day, may I politely propose the Antarctic? Or perhaps a remote uninhabited island with no internet connection? Think of it! You can start your own Utopia far from the sight of prying eyes or indeed any human contact whatsoever. That way, everyone wins.