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25 Feb 2012 /  #91
Especially seeing as you are Jewish.

I don't even know what that means, but it's probably more stupid than offensive, so I'm just gonna let it go.

You would if you couldn't feed your family as a result of mass immigration.

I'll let you know when that happens. Don't wait up.
Pushbike  2 | 58  
25 Feb 2012 /  #92
The initial comment about wanting the UK for English speakers is quite funny as most intermmediate Polish students have a better grasp of English grammar than half of the UK. On wanting the UK for British people if you go back far enough most of us are immigrants through association so it is a stupid arguement in my opinion. Yes there are people who work illegally in every country but people who spend their life on benefits are more of a problem. There is a national minimum wage which means if everything is legal they are obeying laws and contributing to the state. there is no law to prevent 5 people sharing a flat.
Wroclaw Boy  
25 Feb 2012 /  #93
I'll let you know when that happens.

No, just use your imagination numb nuts, in the UK immigrant labor frequently undercut tradesmen, its a reality for many here in the UK.

Now can you imagine that for a moment and envision why there is animosity?

I don't even know what that means, but it's probably more stupid than offensive, so I'm just gonna let it go.

Hit a Jew in the finance department and you will find out.
oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #94
'I don't even know what that means, but it's probably more stupid than offensive,'

That's the ticket jason. Did you look up your 'How to F*** Britain and Get Away With Murder By Using The Laws Against Her Own People' handbook to see if you have a case of racial discrimination?

You could have a case you know if you have been offended.
25 Feb 2012 /  #95
just use your imagination numb nuts

If I used my imagination, it would be to pretend you were a better person, and one who was capable of posting more original horescrap than:

Hit a Jew in the finance department and you will find out.

If there's too many people competing for the same business, than get a new business, or get better at the one you got. And how many of these threads revolve around the fiscal, and NOT the "whoa is me, there's a dangerous/dirty/scary/uncultured foreigner from ScaryLand living in the flat next door" type instead?
oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #96
Pushbike....This immigrants by association is pretty absurd is it not? What should Britain do? Open up the whole country to everyone from Africa under the premise that Africa was where man first evolved so therefore we are all brothers? What crap! And if some Poles have a better grasp of english than some locals...so what? Some French, Germans, Dutch also have a wider vocabulary than some locals but you don't see them arriving in busloads after 24 hour journeys looking like third world refugees. They have more dignity and decorum.

For your information, there is a law for over four people sharing a flat if it is rented out. It must fall under multiple occupation rules and be subject to strict rules and regulations regarding safety etc but this is my point. Being a foreigner here you don't know these things because you are here only because you want to make a bit of money for some bread utilise the services and sneer at us.

Also being a foreigner, there is no immediate crackdown on local welfare recipients because the army needs to recruit from somewhere and they would have a hard time recruiting if everyone were encouraged into further education and fulfilling work. Why don't you go and learn something about the country you are pillaging.
Wroclaw Boy  
25 Feb 2012 /  #97
If I used my imagination, it would be to pretend you were a better person,

you gonna answer the question or what?

when youre in the wrong you attack or babble, attack or babble or judge........ so preditctable.

If there's too many people competing for the same business, than get a new business, or get better at the one you got. And how many of these threads revolve around the fiscal, and NOT the "whoa is me, there's a dangerous/dirty/scary/uncultured foreigner from ScaryLand living in the flat next door" type instead?

babbling assumptions. Your assumptions could be at best mildly ammusing if you actually managed to get something right every once in a while. Your deductive powers suck mate.

but you don't see them arriving in busloads after 24 hour journeys looking like third world refugees.

Come on Oxon you would be over to Dubai in a flash if you landed a job for £200k a year. its all about the friggen money.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 Feb 2012 /  #98
WAH! WAH! WAH! THERE'S PEOPLE IN MY COUNTRY THAT DON'T SPEAK MY LANGUAGE, OR EAT WHAT I EAT! WAH! WAH! WAH! Boo-frickin-hoo! Everybody wants to be the last person there, wherever THERE is, don't they? GET OVER IT.

Are you a native Inuit or Indian?

Give them their land back

The UK is a country at war and at civil war.

This is a fact. Look at Bradford.

I find it amusing. How you bastards ever ran an ampiree, I will never know.

Import another million odd paks and somalians.

Maybe a few thousand more pikeys!!!!!!!!!!!
Pushbike  2 | 58  
25 Feb 2012 /  #99
OXON Actually I'm English
oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #100
This is the point revoke. There is a civil war afoot and it's highly political because everyone at the top are fighting with each other. The sub Marxists lobbyists bring in all the Somalians, Nigerians etc. We throw open our doors to the EU and allow the communists to join with the result that 2 million Poles, Latvians and god knows what else are sleeping in sheds and garages doing work for the elitists at £2 an hour which initially was a fortune to them.

England is a pretty grim place now but I can only guess at what a rat hole Warsaw must be for so many to come here. We are the toilet of the world admittedly and if it's any consolation to anyone, I'm staying for the fight to a)get us out of Europe and b) deport all those not born here. It wasnt always like this Revoke. Back n the 50's 60's and 70's people had pride, spirit and there was little crime. Our politicians have sold the country and you have reinforced that point.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Feb 2012 /  #101
There is a civil war afoot

No there isn't.

The sub Marxists lobbyists bring in all the Somalians, Nigerians etc

This doesn't really make any sense.

We throw open our doors to the EU

And the other EU member states threw their doors open to us. Do you know how many British people are living round Europe.

allow the communists to join

Communism ended in 1989 and even before that, 80-90% of Poles were decidedly not communists.

2 million Poles, Latvians and god knows what else are sleeping in sheds and garages

Interesting where you got that statistic from, about 2 million Poles, Latvians and 'god knows what else' being homeless.

England is a pretty grim place now

No it isn't!

I can only guess at what a rat hole Warsaw must be

A lovely place actually. You should come here.

We are the toilet of the world

You seem to have an unfailingly negative view. I gues things are not going well for you on a personal level.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Feb 2012 /  #102

Hmm let me think... "Other countries" making it legal for them to work there, even without any permission ? Employers and employment agencies from "other countries" searching for workers in Poland ?

I was so far left a couple of years ago badmonkey that I made K Marx look like a fascist. I hate what those bastard politicians have doen to this place. Two years ago I would have said the same thing regarding the BNP's policies. No more! Nationalism will restore some pride back in this country which you and your countrymen have kindly reminded me.

Commie turning a nazi then, nothing unusual really. Totalitarian thinking is what dysfunctional individuals like yourself are attracted to, details regarding one sick ideology or another are secondary issue.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Feb 2012 /  #103
deport all those not born here.

Only if we can deport all of you bastards south of the border, too.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Feb 2012 /  #104
Commie turning a nazi then, nothing unusual really. Totalitarian thinking is what dysfunctional individuals like yourself are attracted to, details regarding one sick ideology or another are secondary issue.

oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #105
You bet your life there is a political war here. We had Blair masquerading as a socialist siding with a neo con government in the US responsible for the deaths of a million Iraqi's. All for big business and Haliburton. The left in trying to smash the right bring in all the recipients of warfare in their countries and they just walk in. We could have exported the NHS and welfare but that would not have created the hundreds of thousands of jobs here for people to step into.

Yes, other EU countries threw their doors open but the likes of Germany and Austria put a cap on you lot because they knew you would flee your grey, depressing tower blocks the moment you were let loose. The cap lasted ten years and I think it was restricted to a few thousand only. Not dumb Britain though. Don't worry said the politicians they will come and all go back eventually. Negative! When they saw the NHS and welfare systems built up by thelikes of my parents and grandparents they thought they had arrived in paradise. And all those people willing to employ them as well for a massive £3 per hour...WOW.

There were 2 million Poles alone here at one stage. Believe me. The place was crawling with them around all the city centres walking around in their gangs. All my experiences with Eastern Europeans bar one have been negative. They don't think the same and they don't behave the same. All this freedom (if that's what you can call it now is too new to them).

I'll pass on visiting Poland /Warsaw. On a personal level, I've just been told of the 3 Poles working in admin for a company which specialises in 'getting people back to work' Can you believe this. And don't come here and speak to our local homeless people about Eastern Europeans. No beds for them at times. Guess why?

What the F *** has happened to this world?


Hmm let me think... "Other countries" making it legal for them to work there, even without any permission ? Employers and employment agencies from "other countries" searching for workers in Poland ?

That's right Grezzzgorzz.....Cheap labour, no complaints, utter subservience, spineless, able and willing to work 19 hours a day. An employers and big businesses dream but unfortunately this this works only for a few and for a short time only. It cannot be sustained. This was one reason the government cracked down on employers paying below the minimum wage eventually.

Why do you think Australia is such an attractive prospect for Britons? Why do you think they welcome British workers above other nations? Multiculturalism does not work and Oz and New Zealand have seen this. Britain has proved this. We have developed ghettoes in and around the suburbs of London where all you will see in Wembley for example are Somalians, Muslim extremists and Eastern Europeans.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
25 Feb 2012 /  #106
Why do you think Australia is such a paradise?

Becuse they have over 200,000 Polish people there :D
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Feb 2012 /  #107
Blair masquerading as a socialist

Actually it was Tony Blair who removed Clause Four from the party's constitution and didn't ever use the word 'socialist' abut himself while he was party leader. But don't let facts get in the way of your emotions.

There were 2 million Poles alone here at one stage. Believe me.

I don't. There were never 2 million Poles in the UK.

Becuse they have over 200,000 Polish people there :D

Great answer, but being a cultural melting pot with great weather, a high level of personal freedom, relatively high wages in relation to real estate prices has a lot to do with it. Nothing to do with 'oxon's premise that he is hinting at...
oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #108
LadyKangaroo....I don't know about your figures but you are probably talking about all those who have emigrated there over the last 60 years or so and whose name ends in 'ski. There will no doubt be a few 'ski's but they will have been there for a few generations and be citizens not knowing anything else and certainly won't be able to speak Polish. I saw one Pole in two months in western Australia and she was a bus driver with an attitude. Never seen a Pole with an attitude before.

Johnny ..you do talk some obscure bollox, don't you? What ever you say Blair removed, he was the leader of the socialist party born of the trade union movement after WW2. I will repeat that...he was the leader of the recognized socialist party of the UK and he poisoned the country. Your right though, he was never a socialist.

Australia's relatively high wages in relation to real estate prices is, I agree one of the most attractive traits about the place along with all the other things you mention. I met a lot of people out there and each time I reinforced what happened to the UK once the Poles were allowed in. Australia must never ever allow what happened to the UK to happen to them and I don't believe they will.

If it were allowed to happen, thousands of Eastern Europeans would arrive in cattle ships and manipulate the population with their smiles, good nature, willingness to work all hours for a pittance and behaving like slaves until there were enough of them to force change. I reinforced this time and again to all the people i met in bars and barbies. They are different to Brits and Aussies. You will get Poles with MBA's willing to lick their floors clean but they are only biding their time until their families arrive and they will turn suburbs into ghettoes.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Feb 2012 /  #109
What ever you say Blair removed, he was the leader of the socialist party born of the trade union movement after WW2. I will repeat that...he was the leader of the recognized socialist party of the UK and he poisoned the country. Your right though, he was never a socialist.

In his youth he was, however the party stopped describing themselves as socialist before he stood for election as prime-minister. If people wanted socialism they had ample chance during the previous 17 years to vote for Old Labour.

They are different to Brits and Aussies

Brits and Aussies are different too.

You will get Poles with MBA's willing to lick their floors clean but they are only biding their time until their families arrive and they will turn suburbs into ghettoes.

Somehow I doubt that.
Pushbike  2 | 58  
25 Feb 2012 /  #110
You will get Poles with MBA's willing to lick their floors clean but they are only biding their time until their families arrive and they will turn suburbs into ghettoes.

You are the reason incest is illegal
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
25 Feb 2012 /  #111
I don't know about your figures

I've had a chance to realise that you don't have a clue about figures (unless they fit your agenda) :)

As for your 2m Poles in the UK:


page 3 shows the total number of Polish people living in a given country at the end of each year 2004-2010. "Wielka Brytania" would be particularly interesting for you.

each time I reinforced what happened to the UK once the Poles were allowed in

You should have explained this better to them because last time I checked Australian agencies were recruiting hard at Polish universities. Where I was studying "open days" explaining how to study and work in Australia were organised at least twice a year :D
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Feb 2012 /  #112
They don't think the same

That's for sure.

I've just been told of the 3 Poles working in admin for a company which specialises in 'getting people back to work' Can you believe this.

Yes, I can.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
25 Feb 2012 /  #113
We have seen it all before. 2 Poles living above you in the 1st week and by the end of the month there are 22 of them plus the dog. This is the way they can drive down the wages and work for £2.38 an hour depriving local people of the jobs.

It's like that in every country, yes even in Poland.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 Feb 2012 /  #114
You should have explained this better to them because last time I checked Australian agencies were recruiting hard at Polish universities. Where I was studying "open days" explaining how to study and work in Australia were organised at least twice a year :D

Well foooking go so.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
25 Feb 2012 /  #115
Well, wouldn't you like that? :D

Dublin was actually supposed to be just a short stop on the way to New Zealand, one year max. Several years later I'm stll here. Intending to stay for a good while, even if only for the sake of annoying you :D
teflcat  5 | 1024  
25 Feb 2012 /  #116
Wedel. I thought cut and paste was verboten here. Please don't encourage trolls. oxon is just pissed off that his youthful dreams of a better world didn't come true. I was unemployed for two years after leaving uni and, like him, I snarled at every easy target and had dark thoughts about politicians before realising that I had to retrain, get off my self-pitying arse and do something. In my case it meant leaving Thatcher's Britain, which I loathed and continue to loathe.

oxon. I know how it is. I applied for 250 jobs in one year, and got one reply. I know that it's easy to get into a mindset which is comfortable, where Poles (or Asians, or Blacks or whatever) are responsible for your situation. It's a cliche, I know, but get a life. You obviously have intelligence and, no doubt, skills. Come on, man.
oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #117
Wedle~~~ maybe what Britain needs is more immigrants. Then there would be no doubt that I would be in the minority and i can use all the race laws to my advantage. Seriously though people, can you not see this from another perspective? There are far too many people here chasing far too few jobs. We don't need Eastern Europeans adding to the misery of the millions here. It's bad enough that London is a sewer for all the degenerates of African nations who have now made this their home.

In all honesty it pains me to see Caucasians behaving like Somalians roaming around the streets pushing their buggys with a pregnant woman at the helm. I've travelled all over London in the last week taking discreet pictures and it isn't pretty. We have to get out of the EU, close the door on immigration and put British people first. British jobs for British people ...remember Gordon Brown famously saying that?

I've been living in a bubble for years. I never realised how bad things had become here. Although i knew full well that a Latvian or Hungarian could racially abuse a Pole and no one would be so absurd as to do anything about it but as soon as I ask someone where they are from there is a hesitancy and the brain ticks over to try and decipher if I have been racially abusive. I am so sick of the whole thing. I'm a minority in my own country.

Hey Teflcat....I've lived about half my life here and half divided between Southern Africa and S.E. Asia If I had wanted to I could have stayed in Australia where i went for a holiday after finishing a contract in Indonesia. AI chose to return for a while because I wanted to actually do something about the state of this country. I will leave again in time but for now I want a small job paying £1,000 pm to pay my way. Not difficult you would think until I get asked for passport, council tax bills, N.I number, bank details, references, driving licence, proof of address, size of my dick etc etc. Why is this? Because there are so many dam immigrants that have been allowed in that the companies who are controlled by the insurance companies cant tell the difference between someone from Warrington and someone from Warsaw, Dorking or Delhi, Manchester or Mongolia.

They need ultimate proof of ID or the insurance giants wont pay up when some Lithuanian, plied with vodka takes the company van for a ride one night and smashes into a bunch of primary school kids.

When I'm in another country I respect all laws, customs, religion fervently because I am grateful to have a choice of working and living in another country. When I come here, I see foreigners acting so disrespectfully and sneering at the locals. Look at some of the derogatory the comments against Brits here for example? This is from people who are living and working here ...jobs given to them by British companies which has greatly enhanced their lives.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
25 Feb 2012 /  #118
Not difficult you would think until I get asked for passport, council tax bills, N.I number, bank details, references, driving licence, proof of address, size of my dick etc etc

Apart from the last bit, is there anywhere in the civilized world that doesn't ask for these things when you need to get established?

I wanted to actually do something about the state of this country

How in hell do you think you are going to do that? With a bomb? (Sorry 'bout that; the CIA might knock on the door now) The democratic way would be to start at Ward level and then try to get a nomination to a major political party. Then again, you could always, like me, get to understand that we as individuals are, essentially, fkced, and try to make the best of a bad world for ourselves, our families, and those in our communities we care about.

I have to hit the hay now as I start my journey to work at sparrowfart tomorrow. I'll be teaching extra-mural uni students. I could tell you how much I'll be paid but you probably wouldn't believe me. Good luck.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Feb 2012 /  #119
for now I want a small job paying £1,000 pm to pay my way.

I have a dream that one day I will get a minimum wage job. Don't you think that you should make your expectations more realistic ?
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #120
Not really Gregorz.....the higher up the hierarchy I climb, the more embedded I become in the grotesque system and I get more disillusioned with our species. I neither want promotion or a big salary when all I end up with is paying more taxes.

Aim higher??? Are you serious man? We spend all of health acquiring wealth and all of our wealth trying to regain our health.