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Wroclaw Boy  
24 Feb 2012 /  #61
Wrong Wroclaw. It is my country just like Poland is yours.

1. i dont think so
2. i am English born, with 25% Irish in there somewhere

Now you are saying that the UK is YOUR country. Are you a traitor? Do you really hate your place of birth so much?

Bloody hell did i meniton that i was English, you really have you knickers in a twist over this one hey.

You are way over the top with the stereotypes.

Billions of people would love to live in europe. Billions. Let tham all in, eh?

Obviously the immigratoin needs to be controlled.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #62
Right 'arry. Here was I on a Polish web site arguing with a guy concerning nationalism who is advocating Eastern European residency thinking he was er....Polish. How absurd. I should have known all along he was British.??? Does he have Polish parents/grandparents perhaps? Is his surname Kapuchinlisky??

And here's the next literary masterpiece...How about getting a job'? Clearly you have no idea what mind numbing, soul destroying jobs there are out there where the onus is on that blinding science called 'customer service' . Sorry, I find it difficult to flash a grimaced smile at someone and shout HIYA from thirty yards looking like a demented clown. I am aware that people of all walks can do this but I can't.

Can you 'arry? Can you be a pawn?
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
24 Feb 2012 /  #63
I've done it. Didn't like it but when given choice between dole and living in other parents or listening to some fit shout abuse down the phone at me yet have my own place, only one choice really. Only stayed as long as had to but don't regret it. A job is a job, you don't have to love it
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Feb 2012 /  #64
I am aware that people of all walks can do this but I can't.

what kind of trade are you qualified in order to be effected by Poles? you sound educated enough.

Does he have Polish parents/grandparents perhaps? Is his surname Kapuchinlisky??


Can you 'arry? Can you be a pawn?

jumping in bed with the BNP isnt the answer
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #65
You're right BM...you don't have to love it but neither do you have to despise it so much that you know that if you quit there are a thousand Eastern Europeans ready to jump into your shoes and that there will be virtually nothing else for you to go to since all the manufacturing has ceased in the UK, all jobs of any substance exported to the Far East etc. Those same people who stripped you of meaningful employment also stripped you of your rights and your right to complain. Moan about it and you will be labelled a racist. Admittedly it's a great job done and it took me a while to see it.

British nationalism has to be restored WB. The British public have been softened up through rich junk food, media propaganda and cheap booze. Their minds are more concerned with Coronation st, Man United and celebrity gossip. (Keep the masses dumb and perhaps they won't notice).

I can't walk down the street in a BLACK t shirt carrying a POLE with flag which says PAKIstani. I would be locked up for extreme racism.

WB....when you have lived underneath a Polish family of 12 in a flat designed for 2, when you are confronted daily by Polish people in all sorts of jobs knowing that I and others could do that very same job, when you know that in actual fact you are not wanted by companies who have benefited for decades from the British establishment's education, welfare, health etc it kinda sticks in your throat.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
24 Feb 2012 /  #66
I am hungry now, really hungry

So you chose paying your internet bill over filling the fridge?
24 Feb 2012 /  #67
Clearly you have no idea what mind numbing, soul destroying jobs there are out there where the onus is on that blinding science called 'customer service' . Sorry, I find it difficult to flash a grimaced smile at someone and shout HIYA from thirty yards looking like a demented clown. I am aware that people of all walks can do this but I can't.

No, I'm well aware of those jobs: I had more than a few myself. However, I managed to make a better life for myself. I did that by not blaming anybody for things and working to put myself in a better position. Why don't you try it sometime.

So you chose paying your internet bill over filling the fridge?

You don't seriously think that he pays the internet bill or fills the fridge? Daddy does the first and mummy does the second.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #68
Now then 'arry, I don't know who you are where you're from or what you aspire to. You state that you cleared all the hurdles, destroyed all the barriers and scythed down all those who stood in your path in order that you could better yourself. You have arrived you say. Well , pardon me if I guffaw at your childish naivety and your lack of ambition. Exactly where are you in life now please?

You're condescending remark regarding lady kangaroo's comment was unnecessary. don't insult me or, or, or ........I will insult you back and you will cry.
24 Feb 2012 /  #69
You state that you cleared all the hurdles, destroyed all the barriers and scythed down all those who stood in your path in order that you could better yourself. You have arrived you say.

Do I? Perhaps you could quote from such posts?
modafinil  - | 416  
24 Feb 2012 /  #70
I can't walk down the street in a BLACK t shirt carrying a POLE with flag which says PAKIstani.

Well I don't have to ask what is it about you that makes me think this country doesn't need you.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #71
Au contraire modafinil. I actually believe that this country needs people to speak up now. This is actually my first forage into nationalism after my self imposed tour of London last week. The fact that I have tried to have my thoughts controlled for the past few years has galvanized me. The pictures I took were horrific. I have lived in Indonesia and Southern Africa at length and have travelled and stayed n most South East Asian countries and always I have respected their culture, religion, ethos etc. and that is how all respectable decent people should behave in another's country.

Now the realization has hit me hard that I am a MINORITY in my own country and I actually have to respect and bow down to other foreign cultures whilst some sneer at me knowing they can call the police on their mobiles ...the British police that is.

The pics of Asians and Blacks are hard hitting but what you don't see much of is the amount of Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, etc because they can blend in more easily. Mother and father pushing prams at 11:00am in the town centres says only one thing to me and it isn't that the father is on his days off or on shift work.
24 Feb 2012 /  #72
Mother and father pushing prams at 11:00am in the town centres says only one thing to me and it isn't that the father is on his days off or on shift work.

Yes, they would be British for sure.
modafinil  - | 416  
24 Feb 2012 /  #73
The pics of Asians and Blacks are hard hitting but what you don't see much of is the amount of Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, etc because they can blend in more easily. Mother and father pushing prams at 11:00am in the town centres says only one thing to me and it isn't that the father is on his days off or on shift work.

I'm not sure now if you are claiming they have taken your job or your bennies. I'd be interested in seeing your photos.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #74
And if they were British Harry? So what? It's their country and they can behave any which way they choose. What gives you the right to criticize British people if you are an immigrant? What gives you the God dam right?? Maybe you are British with some sort of mixed blood , i don't know but for now I will assume you are Polish.

The idea of taking pics came from the Polish guy who was living in Cardiff and took all the pics of the drunken people in the city centre. A real eyesore to be sure. I thought then I should turn the tables a bit. People coming over here, getting jobs they only dreamed about in Poland and living off welfare and then highlighting all the BAD points about the UK ain't on .

Yes would post the pics. Can I do it on this site? I'm new here.
24 Feb 2012 /  #75
And if they were British Harry? So what? It's their country and they can behave any which way they choose.

Exactly, they are perfectly free to sponge of the DHSS while at the same time whining about Poles who come to England and 'take their jobs'. Gives those of us who do work a good laugh every time.

What gives you the right to criticize British people if you are an immigrant? What gives you the God dam right?? Maybe you are British with some sort of mixed blood , i don't know but for now I will assume you are Polish.

Yes, a very common Polish is Harry.

People coming over here, getting jobs they only dreamed about in Poland and living off welfare

They get jobs they only dreamed of and still live off welfare? You haven't really thought that one through, have you son?

Yes would post the pics. Can I do it on this site? I'm new here.

Don't bother, they have already been discussed here at length.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
24 Feb 2012 /  #76
Can I do it on this site? I'm new here.

if it is legal, on topic, the correct file size... then yes you can.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #77
So you are English then 'arry. Then criticize all you want. It's your country/taxes/right etc. Just wonder why you comment on this site. Maybe you feel superior or something.

Point 2 ..People do work and others do live off welfare. People do work, lose their jobs and then live off welfare. Is it clear now?

Pics are on topic and maybe I will post tomorrow. I'll study this site a bit more then. thanks
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 Feb 2012 /  #78
Exactly, they are perfectly free to sponge of the DHSS while at the same time whining about Poles who come to England and 'take their jobs'. Gives those of us who do work a good laugh every time.

Cut welfare for long time claimants. Issue them with food and heating vouchers instead. Peoples snobby attitudes to McJobs will soon disappear.

It is social and economic lunacy for a state to subsidise the natives, allowing them to sit on their hoops while they are in receipt of lavish social welfare payments, at the same time as importing unskilled young adults for developing countries.

The word "entitlement" should also be eradicated from public discourse.
rychlik  41 | 372  
25 Feb 2012 /  #79
If it makes you feel better, I hate the limey, pale p r i cks.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 Feb 2012 /  #80
People do work, lose their jobs and then live off welfare. Is it clear now?

Actually, on a per capita basis, white britons are the least reliant on welfare compared to other ethnic groups in the UK.

I stumbled upon it when I was searching for searching for date regarding my country. I posted the breakdown somewhere on here.

So the myth of the "lazy natives" is just that, a myth.

I was chatting to an old buddy of mine on Facebook earlier. He is in Oz for a year. He says over there, the media refers to immigrants as "hard working", "highly educated" and all that jazz. But when he was at home in Dublin, the media were always telling him how foreigners were much better workers, better educated etc.etc.

Funny old world.

Maybe he sat a few degrees and built up a work ethic on the flight over.
modafinil  - | 416  
25 Feb 2012 /  #81
If it makes you feel better, I hate the limey, pale p r i cks.

Stop sucking them then! Or at least vary the flavour of the condoms...orange...cherry...even chocolate if you tire of citrus.

Actually, on a per capita basis, white britons are the least reliant on welfare compared to other ethnic groups in the UK

I thought you were on his side. You are making him appear to be an even bigger failure by telling him that.
Barney  17 | 1639  
25 Feb 2012 /  #82
I was chatting to an old buddy of mine on Facebook earlier. He is in Oz for a year. He says over there, the media refers to immigrants as "hard working", "highly educated" and all that jazz. But when he was at home in Dublin, the media were always telling him how foreigners were much better workers, better educated etc.etc.

Irish media agrees with Australian media hardly a hold the front page story.

PS any joy with the Ballyshannon thing.....did you get through?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
25 Feb 2012 /  #83

If you had a lovable personality like mine you would think so too.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 Feb 2012 /  #84
Irish media agrees with Australian media hardly a hold the front page story.

Its the same propaganda being spread worldwide. In America, where I have a green card. In Czech, where me mots from. In the Uk. In Ireland. In Oz.

It is lazy and dishonest and the myth is being peddled to help big businesses.

PS any joy with the Ballyshannon thing.....did you get through?

That I did, a chara. They cannot discuss cases pending with the public. Which is fair enough.

I asked was the particular garda working in the station named. They said he was. Now why would a garda comment on a bs story?
Meathead  5 | 467  
25 Feb 2012 /  #85
Poles in U.K. or Mexicans in U.S. or Algerians in France is not the problem.

True Marek, but on top of all this England has a crushing class system that sucks out all the vitality of the citizenry. It's no accident that 10% of the English population are expatriated in foreign countries.
oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #86
Getting people to ignore laws and taxes and soldiers to stop serving their countries in corporate business wars whilst everyone is dependent on this stuff called money to live is pretty much a fantasy. It won't happen in my life time that's for sure. The media, sport, reality TV, are pumped into our lives constantly to stop us from thing, a means to deflect the attention away from the politicians agendas.

This is pretty much well known. Not a lot is going to happen in the near future.
For now though, part of the problem would be to tighten up the borders that have been eradicated. This would mean deporting people not born here, foreign criminals and compulsory laws for British companies and those foreign companies based here to employ British people only.

Australia really shocked me with their tight immigration laws when i was there last month. Safe clean cities with everyone speaking the same language and the quality of life unsurpassed. I like living amongst my own people. It makes me feel better. I have nothing in common with Eastern Europeans. They know nothing about music, the arts or how rigid a class system this country has operated under over the last few hundred years.

They had their solidarity struggles which started in Gdansk. Go back now. This country has a reputation for tolerance but underneath their is a lot of resentment.
25 Feb 2012 /  #87
I like living amongst my own people. It makes me feel better. I have nothing in common with Eastern Europeans. They know nothing about music, the arts or how rigid a class system this country has operated under over the last few hundred years.

WAH! WAH! WAH! THERE'S PEOPLE IN MY COUNTRY THAT DON'T SPEAK MY LANGUAGE, OR EAT WHAT I EAT! WAH! WAH! WAH! Boo-frickin-hoo! Everybody wants to be the last person there, wherever THERE is, don't they? GET OVER IT.
oxon  4 | 164  
25 Feb 2012 /  #88
Jason..by getting over it , you mean just be apathetic and do nothing don't you. Do nothing about this city/country which has become a huge toilet for seemingly endless reprobates. I'll make a deal with you~~you go to the daughter of of the old couple who were battered to death recently....grandparents battered to death with a claw hammer and convince them of the advantages of immigration.

Ireneusz Bartnowski was sentenced a couple of weeks ago (at the British tax payers expense). See how kind we are . We even pay for your criminals welfare. Will you do that. WILL YOU???????
25 Feb 2012 /  #89
Hey, Genius. I'm not Polish. I'm not British. I just don't give a crap. Live your freakin life, and quit whining about "them damn foreigners" like a giant wet fart, okay? Nobody cares. There's still plenty of "your kind", I'm sure, in whatever super-awesome place you hail from. Play nice and learn to share, you big baby.
Wroclaw Boy  
25 Feb 2012 /  #90
If it makes you feel better, I hate the limey, pale p r i cks.

Polish? check
Immigrant in Canada? check
male? check
a bit dumb? check

Surprise, surprise, see what i mean about those Polish expats in Canada. Weird.

I just don't give a crap.

You would if you couldn't feed your family as a result of mass immigration. Especially seeing as you are Jewish. You keep signing the same tune but youre really not in a position to comment.