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oxon  4 | 164  
23 Feb 2012 /  #31
Johnny, Nazism, the common short form name of National SOCIALISM (German: Nationalsozialismus) was the ideology and practice of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (otherwise known as the Nazi Party).

You will have to get reading to understand how the Socialist workers Party of Germany were labelled fascists because I'm not going to explain it to you.

'Spread the word' is an analogy for more direct action. I'm sick to death of this country's politicians and leaders milking the planet and imposing laws upon the rest of us so that we remain subservient. The police are nothing more than revenue collection agents paid to do a job where they don't have to think, merely to obey. We don't need more people on this small island raping us for the benefit of the few. I don't want other cultures around me sneering and laughing at me claiming benefits. Today at 4:15pm on the C2 bus to Highgate a Polish driver threw a young schoolgirl off the bus because she could not produce her Oyster card after 3 stops.

When I confronted the driver he pleaded 'Hey, I'm a good person but everything is recorded on camera and I will be sacked for allowing her to ride on the bus without a ticket'. I looked at hm with pity but realised that is where I am falling down. We must get rid of those foreign people who blindly serve their masters. they are no good for the future of the masses, only the few.

Who would you rather have in government - someone successful and intelligent or Griffin and his goony band of thugs and losers?

Successful and intelligent? What the F*** do you mean by this? someone who has a house in Esher, 2 cars in the driveway and a yacht in the South of France? Is ths what you mean by success. Someone with material possesions acquired by the means of his family?

Nick Griffin is of more genuine material and if you stopped reading mainstream media crap you could allow yourself to understand a bit more. At least you know where you stand with him.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
23 Feb 2012 /  #32
Socialist workers Party of Germany were labelled fascists

Because they were very much that.

Today at 4:15pm on the C2 bus to Highgate a Polish driver threw a young schoolgirl off the bus because she could not produce her Oyster card after 3 stops.

And here in Poland anyone, schoolgirl or not, would be taken off the bus and fined 120zl for not being able to produce the card. I wonder why you mention that the driver was Polish - would a driver of another nationality follow a different rulebook?

Nick Griffin is of more genuine material

No. He isn't. He is a raving nutter with a very nasty streak. He was when I first met him 20-odd years ago and in my (and the voters) opinion he is still a raving nutter with a very nasty streak.

if you stopped reading mainstream media crap

Well, interesting of you to make assumptions about my reading habits, but what sort of media would you prefer I read?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Feb 2012 /  #34
As long as Poles and others come here and do all the work that locals won't do, UK proletariat will never dent the power of the elitists.

Basically what you're saying is - ban all foreigners from working in the UK and not only will there be jobs aplenty but also wages will be higher.

No way Jose, without cooperation of said elitists you can achieve nothing, and they do not give a shyte about plebs be it foreign or local.

UK Proletariat had been sold and bought many times and nothing is gonna change that because everybody is looking after number one, meaning they are for sale.

The only dent you would experience would be a dent in your tin foil hat.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Feb 2012 /  #35
Poles are cheap labour droids and the enemy of the indigenous working class people.

If I walk in and see more Polish employees than my people in a business I walk out and make sure the owner knows why.

You will get my cash when you employ my people.

Ive set up a website where people can report eastern european job displacement so patriots can boycott these businesses.
oxon  4 | 164  
23 Feb 2012 /  #36
Very much what? A socialist party or a fascist party?

‘And here in Poland anyone, schoolgirl or not, would be taken off the bus and fined 120zl for not being able to produce the card. I wonder why you mention that the driver was Polish - would a driver of another nationality follow a different rulebook?’

And would the driver of a bus in Poland be anything other than Polish? What right has a Polish driver who has been here in this country for perhaps 1 month to throw an ENGLISH person of the bus in her own country?

This driver gets his authority from his bosses. The same bosses who don’t give a dam about this country and who rule drivers like the afore mentioned with an iron rod. this is what makes me angry. I did not argue with the driver . He was too stupid. He know's where his bread is buttered like all ~Poles who have listened to their grandparents struggles.

So you met Nick Griffen 20 years ago? No comment! You obviously decided he is a thug because you disagree with him.

Have you ever read Ryszard Kapuscinski ...Shadow of the Sun or John Lanchester....Whoops!
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
24 Feb 2012 /  #37
A socialist party or a fascist party?

Fascism has always been notoriously difficult to define however Theodore Adorno's definition is usually accepted as definitive The NDSAP fit that perfectly.

What right has a Polish driver who has been here in this country for perhaps 1 month to throw an ENGLISH person of the bus in her own country?

The basics of his job and the bye-laws regarding public transport in London. By the same logic a Pakistani shopworker, fresh from Karachi wouldn't have a right to stop an English girl from shoplifting...

So you met Nick Griffen 20 years ago? No comment! You obviously decided he is a thug because you disagree with him.

Dear me no! Plenty of people I happen to disagree with are perfect gentlemen. Griffin is not. He is a thug. And among the officials of his numpty nazi party there are dozens of people with long and unsavoury personal histories. There's even a thread about it on here if you care to use the search function.

Have you ever read Ryszard Kapuscinski ...Shadow of the Sun or John Lanchester....Whoops!

Yes. Do you like Lanchester's fiction?
Barney  17 | 1639  
24 Feb 2012 /  #38
Poles are cheap labour droids and the enemy of the indigenous working class people.

Ah man are you still missing the target?

If you are going to be a working class hero know who to target, its not foreign workers it’s the so called successful intelligent class. The same gombeen men who have been fleecing the people and country for decades, they have been selling the same old rope for years; success and intelligence. Success in this context means successful in business, intelligence means how to market snake oil. What the dot dot dot do business or marketing men know about running a country nothing.

Fascists like yer man above thrive because of a lack of ideas and a general fear or dislike for poor people, not poverty but poor people.

Slating people because they are rich is the politics of envy and envy is not a good founding for anything.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 Feb 2012 /  #39
Scab labour, cheap labour. Same result.

its not foreign workers

it is.
Barney  17 | 1639  
24 Feb 2012 /  #40
it is.

How did foreign workers cause the bubble or burst it?
Would foreign workers have arrived in Ireland without the bubble?

How many people migrated to Ireland before the bubble?
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Feb 2012 /  #41
what a horrible, inflammatory and infantile title to give to a thread. :/
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #42
It's so easy to pontificate, speculate and end up insulting each other on sites such as this. I believe in this country because it is MY country. I don't want to see hordes of people from the commie blocs come here undermining youngsters trying to get a foot in the door regarding employment. It's bad enough trying to instil a work culture with the generation of malcontent's that have been bred from bad political policies throughout the decades.

I won't acknowledge Polish people in hotels, restaurants, cafes etc. and I will quietly ask for an English/British person to serve me because that is the very least that I can do for my country..the country my forefathers fought to make this a better place for ME. They did not serve/fight for Poles/Latvians/Somalians ...they had my interests at heart.

I love other cultures and when I travel overseas I don't see thousands of different cultures in Tanzania, Vietnam, Japan etc. Yes I know about colonialism predominately by the British and French but I was not responsible. In those said countries, locals prevail. In Britain we are being swamped. I align myself with the BNP.
Barney  17 | 1639  
24 Feb 2012 /  #43
It's so easy to pontificate, speculate and end up insulting each other on sites such as this. I believe in this country because it is MY country.

It’s not your country, you don’t own any of it its the Queen of England’s country. Just thank her and remember to tug the forelock before going on your way.

It's bad enough trying to instil a work culture with the generation of malcontent's

What’s the problem you have with poor people?

the country my forefathers fought to make this a better place for ME

Bet they wouldn’t bother now.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
24 Feb 2012 /  #44
It's so easy to pontificate, speculate and end up insulting each other on sites such as this

Isn't that just what you're doing?

. I don't want to see hordes of people from the commie blocs come here undermining youngsters trying to get a foot in the door regarding employment.

You know, the folks who went from Poland to the UK got jobs that were on offer already, without takers. The reason so many employers breathed a collective sigh of relief when the Poles came wasn't because of the low wages (they were already low) it was because they could actually fill vacancies. I don't see many youngsters being 'undermined' because they can't get a job sorting strawberries or doing the night shift in the Tesco warehouse.

I won't acknowledge Polish people in hotels, restaurants, cafes etc. and I will quietly ask for an English/British person to serve me because that is the very least that I can do for my country

The least you can do for your country is not to be so darn silly.

They did not serve/fight for Poles


I align myself with the BNP.

Never a good idea to align yourself with right-wing extremists.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 Feb 2012 /  #45
.the country my forefathers fought to make this a better place for ME.

Nope they were brainwashed into giving their very lives if neccesary to sustain those at the top.

the very least that I can do for my country.

Its not YOUR country buddy, you were just lucky in the birth lottery, others are not so lucky and thats why they come here, to provide a better life for themselves and their families. Multi culturalism is a vital part of human evolution. Look 400 years into the future.....you still see countries being predominantly ethnic? come on dude get into the game here.

Patriotism is a myth installed by governmnets in order to profit, we are all equal and we need to develop as a planet if we are to succeed as a truly civalised race.
noreenb  7 | 548  
24 Feb 2012 /  #46
Say it isn't so guests.
You have a human right for it.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #47
Wroclaw Boy
Its not YOUR country buddy, you were just lucky in the birth lottery, others are not so lucky and thats why they come here, to provide a better life for themselves and their families'

Wrong Wroclaw. It is my country just like Poland is yours. I 'd love to meet you if millions of Africans were allowed to operate with impunity and sneered at you knowing that there was a barrage of laws imposed by your own people stating that you cannot say anything to the new arrivals ? Who's country is it then ? Maybe you think it's yours and if you do the problem we have here is more intense than even I believed.

Remember that the reason you are employed here by many companies is because coming from communist background you question nothing and obey everything. You are prepared to serve your masters by working 18 hours a day to make them richer. You have no dignity nor do you have the common sense to realise the ultimate damage you are causing society by increasing wider the gap between the rich and poor. Landlords and small businesses love you, yes but to the man in the street trying to make a decent life for himself you are a destructive.

Now you are saying that the UK is YOUR country. Are you a traitor? Do you really hate your place of birth so much?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 Feb 2012 /  #48
civalised race.

Literacy would help.

thats why they come here, to provide a better life for themselves and their families.

Billions of people would love to live in europe. Billions. Let tham all in, eh?

After all, itis supposedly

a vital part of human evolution

milky  13 | 1656  
24 Feb 2012 /  #49
So!! It's the fault of the labor party according to the moderate right wingers on here, and it's the fault of foreigners according to Nazi boy and Co.. Maybe you should join forces AGAIN.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
24 Feb 2012 /  #50
You both know that mass migration and immigration is a constant? Neolithic, Celt, Picts, Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Romans, Normans etc etc all arrived in your country at various times bringing their own culture, values, language and impacting the native economy in their own way. Nothing is static, everything is always in flux.

Of course you're paying for the sins of your fathers in a way, as the comedian Tommy Tiernan put it, its a bit rich for a nation to complain about immigration when by and large the immigrants have been coming from countries they invaded or exploited in the past. Karma is a *****..
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 Feb 2012 /  #51
Of course you're paying for the sins of your fathers in a way, as the comedian Tommy Tiernan put it, its a bit rich for a nation to complain about immigration when by and large the immigrants have been coming from countries they invaded or exploited in the past. Karma is a *****..

Using that logic, it is ok to take up arms against them, right?

Think for yourself, sunshine and stop repeating drivel you heard from that bog wog freak.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
24 Feb 2012 /  #52
Strange, for an English person your command of the language is worrying. I'm sure you're trying to make a point but as with most of your posts, haven't a clue what is. Apart from a generic rant of course.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #53
You're right there Bad Monkey I confess. We most certainly are paying the price for world domination, imperialism and colonialism . English being the international language has well and truly come back to bite us right on the ass.

How you can equate the Picts, Romans etc to modern day mass movement is ignorance beyond belief yet I understand your poor arguments and how you will cling on to just about any little thread that hangs in r front of you to justify your historically infantile argument. (Sorry to be insulting).

Here's a real belter for you. Why not call this number 0800 345666. They are a company called A4e who are currently splashed all over the papers (albeit, the heinous Daily Mail) for mass fraud whose mission is to get British people off the dole and back into employment.

I walked into their office in Holmes Road, Kentish Town to be greeted by not one, not two but three Eastern Europeans in an administrative role meeting and greeting the customers ? One was Polish but I can't confirm the others nationalities yet. All employed to help British people off the dole. Can you see the irony here?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
24 Feb 2012 /  #54
I align myself with the BNP

  • Nick Griffin BNP leader
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
24 Feb 2012 /  #55
The example you have given is hardly a job where they can hardly be exploited for two pounds an hour therefore there is a deeper reason ie unwilling to work for a certain rate of pay, didn't sell themselves well in the interview or frankly weren't as reliable.

I work in large multinational company in Dublin. About one third of employees are foreign. Not because they are cheaper, but because they are better than the locals whlo applied and didn't a job. Where is the problem with that? Should a company employee staff of a lesser standard simply because they are local? What business would last long in that scenario?

Likewise what's stopping Brits get jobs ahead of foreigners? What's the exact reasons? They work for less? OK then why are wage expectations so high for locals? They have the same options as immigrants.

It's a sad fact that in the UK (as here) that immigrants did and do jobs the locals are too damn lazy to do. Unemployment is a problem in both places as are those parasites who live off Social Welfare by choice. The overwhelming majority of these are locals however. Personally would like to see major initiatives in this are ie back to work schemes or cutting those off who can't be arsed to look for a job (local and immigrant alike)
Marek11111  9 | 807  
24 Feb 2012 /  #56
Poles in U.K. or Mexicans in U.S. or Algerians in France is not the problem, what we have here is New World Gov. erasing borders, duties on imports and exports, deregulating banks and allowing them to still and demolish countries’ economies to create chaos with people lives and all we can do is blame each other and fight each other and they win, I guess their point is to keep us that way so they can stay in power. If we unite and ignore their laws and taxes just go on general strike around the world and all soldiers stop serving their corporate gov. their game will be over we will win.
oxon  4 | 164  
24 Feb 2012 /  #57
Are the foreigners in your office in Dublin German, French, Spanish, Italian, Australian bad monkey? And if you say yes I'll bet that it is one or two from each afore mentioned nation. And guess what badmonkey..I have no problem whatsoever with that. You can bang on all you want about lazy Brits not doing the work etc but I would take a job, any job, and I could if it were not for Eastern europeans who willingly prostitute themselves 'to better their lives'.

The Western Europeans behave with decorum and dignity returning eventually to their homeland after experiencing a different culture. Poles on the other hand behave alarmingly like undignified beggars willing to trade their services and labour for menial salaries. They congregate in gangs armed with their TV dishes ready to install in their flats and rooms to the detriment of their fellow tenants. I don't remember 2 million French or German people turning up on coaches at Victoria station.

As long as Poles think that they can milk us and take us all for suckers I will fight on to bring this injustice to note.

I considered my self a socialist Marek just like you at one time. I agree with a lot of what you say but guess what....I am hungry now, really hungry and I haven't worked for almost a year. Quite correct in stating that barriers and borders are broken and that the elitists are benefiting whilst the working classes are suffering. The laws in this country now are absurd and it was never like this. You may be of the same ilk as I but you must return to your own country and lead the fight from there for as long as I am unemployed and you are eating in the best cafes etc, I will resent you.

I will resent you because you can subjugate yourself while I resist and hold out. Soldiers will always be here because it's a job and the elitists keep it that way. I know the score and you will never ever get people to think like what you suggest. I realise this now. there is too much power in the ranks. The first thing to do to actually hurt them is to withdraw from the EU and ban all Eastern Europeans from the communist bloc from working here. This is attainable. Your method is not
24 Feb 2012 /  #58
Now you are saying that the UK is YOUR country. Are you a traitor? Do you really hate your place of birth so much?

Clearly you aren't intelligent enough to realise that WB is British. This may explain why you think Nick Griffin is such a nice man.

I am hungry now, really hungry and I haven't worked for almost a year.

Have you considered getting a job? I always find having a job helps with providing food.

Literacy would help.
Let tham all in, eh?

Karma strikes again!
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
24 Feb 2012 /  #59
Thank Christ most Brits I know are down to earth and more open minded. The thought of Nick Griffin in power is enough to make me feel distinctly unwell
Marek11111  9 | 807  
24 Feb 2012 /  #60
The first thing to do to actually hurt them is to withdraw from the EU and ban all Eastern Europeans from the communist bloc from working here. This is attainable. Your method is not

thinking like that is losing proposition as it divides people and builds resentments, if 10% of people stop paying taxes there is not enough prison space. The system is broken and that what we need to rebel against not people. The best quote I ever hear was “ war is over if you want it “ and you can apply to anything so do not blame Poles, Russians or Mexicans someone wants them there to take the jobs to keep us fighting.