13 Mar 2017 / #301
"nothanks - Poles might be the last chance England has to remaining White"
Funny you should mention Polish people being white. Why is it that I am able to distinguish a Polish person from a white Brit before they even open their mouths?
I'd also rather have one hundred Indian people (or other people from Commonwealth nations) with postgraduate degrees coming to the UK, then one hundred Polish people undercutting British workers, working for £3 an hour and living twenty to a house.
Funny you should mention Polish people being white. Why is it that I am able to distinguish a Polish person from a white Brit before they even open their mouths?
I'd also rather have one hundred Indian people (or other people from Commonwealth nations) with postgraduate degrees coming to the UK, then one hundred Polish people undercutting British workers, working for £3 an hour and living twenty to a house.