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23 Feb 2012 /  #1
We have seen it all before. 2 Poles living above you in the 1st week and by the end of the month there are 22 of them plus the dog. This is the way they can drive down the wages and work for £2.38 an hour depriving local people of the jobs. Exploited by cheap landlords and employers alike. Vote UKIP or BNP and lets get UK out of the EU
milky  13 | 1656  
23 Feb 2012 /  #2
This hatred for Poles could vanish if you were honest to yourself.
OP frikkiew  
23 Feb 2012 /  #3
No hatred. Just a deep desire to get UK back to an English speaking country and to live amongst people who do not act like refugees. As long as Poles and others come here and do all the work that locals won't do, UK proletariat will never dent the power of the elitists. This is why UK entered the EU of course. Cheap labour and Poland provides. Small businesses and landlords are happy but everyone else suffers.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Feb 2012 /  #4
I think you are targeting the wrong group. And you are right. Poles do the work that locals won't do. How do you change that? You can tell the locals to get off their arses so you target those that do the work? Man, that is ass backwards.
23 Feb 2012 /  #5
These Poles need to get out of the UK and go back to their god-fearing ultra-religious catholic country.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Feb 2012 /  #6
why do these threads never get deleted??
Laughpl  - | 1  
23 Feb 2012 /  #7
How can 1 poster represent his entire country? Do you think you can speak for ALL OF THE UK?
23 Feb 2012 /  #8
why do these threads never get deleted??

That would only reinforce the hatemongers feelings of persecution. These threads end up where they belong; drowned in the deluge of negativity from which they were created. People will cry foul, yell about trolls; and others will defend the OP, but eventually, and soon, this thread will be forgotten as the petulant hate-scribble that it is.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
23 Feb 2012 /  #9
What is it about the English that makes people think we want them? *amused* shitloads of ex-pats in Ireland and Spain etc where they helped drive house prices up for the locals.

As for taking all the jobs, as has been said, they largely took jobs the locals were too lazy to take when times were good. Somebody had to do them, so why not the Poles? Now that your economy has gone to he'll, suddenly this becomes a problem eh?

Thank god your average English person are as decent a people as you can find and despise the BNP. Otherwise I think we'd be happy to see England leave Europe too.....preferably for somewhere off the coast of the Antarctic?
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Feb 2012 /  #10
People will cry foul, yell about trolls; and others will defend the OP,

yes theyre known as opinions, individuals experience them, is that alright with you?

this thread will be forgotten as the petulant hate-scribble that it is.

spoken by a true tunnel vision, keyboard warrior that doenst have a clue about the real world. Ever heard of the immigration problem in the UK Jason? have any experience with being undercut my cheap immigrant labour do you?

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
23 Feb 2012 /  #11
Vote UKIP or BNP and lets get UK out of the EU

No thanks. The fact that they badly lost every seat they stood in at the last election shows that perhaps people prefer the Poles upstairs to numpty nazis.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
23 Feb 2012 /  #12
Tosser is hardly best of comebacks. Have said it elsewhere but am curious why Brits have such an aversion to traveling themselves to find work? That's not a slight in any way, am just curious.
modafinil  - | 416  
23 Feb 2012 /  #13
Most other countries are poorer and language barriers.
a couple of million are working abroad
Avalon  4 | 1063  
23 Feb 2012 /  #14
As long as Poles and others come here and do all the work that locals won't do, UK proletariat will never dent the power of the elitists.

And as long as the indiginous British "locals"can claim their benefits for doing sweet FA, who is going to do the essential, low paid jobs. The UK proletariat was stupid enough to

vote (multicultural) Labour into power for 13 years, now its time to pay. The sensible people left the UK prior to 2007. You can only dream and remember what England was like, it will never be the same again and the sad thing is, the people who are now complaining, let it happen.

You can forget about votes for UKIP and the BNP, most Labour voters do so because their grandfathers did. The Sun newspaper is more interesting to read than a political manifesto so as long as the Giro's keep coming evertything is ok, when the Tories, really start to cut housing allowance and benefits, the proletariat will vote Labour again because its easier than working hard.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
23 Feb 2012 /  #15
Language barriers exist elsewhere too however while poorer is perhaps not the right classification, rather standard of living. Is the standard of life better on dole in the UK than working abroad? Plus if millions of UK citizens are indeed working abroad what's the difference between that and others going to the UK?

Same questions are being asked here in Ireland so it's a topical question
23 Feb 2012 /  #16
And as long as the indiginous British "locals"can claim their benefits for doing sweet FA, who is going to do the essential, low paid jobs.

Indeed. Plus there is a sizeable part of the generation currently going through the education system (and who left it within the last five to ten years) who lack the most very very basic skills which employers want (i.e. the ability turn up on time and the ability to listen to and carry out basic instructions) and are thus pretty much unemployable.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
23 Feb 2012 /  #17
why do these threads never get deleted??

why are guests allowed to start threads?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
23 Feb 2012 /  #18
why do these threads never get deleted??

why are guests allowed to start threads?

There's a strong case for allowing guest to start threads only in the dating and the genealogy sections. After all, registration takes 30 seconds only and most of the guest who start genuine, non-trolling, threads register soon enough anyway.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
23 Feb 2012 /  #19
That's right, and that's not all. Mods and admin have defended the staus quo by saying that some people are just popping in for specific information. So, let them spend a minute registering and then PF gets more members, admin gets more google ads, trolls can be quickly exterminated and everybody wins. Am I missing something?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
23 Feb 2012 /  #20
UK proletariat will never dent the power of the elitists. This is why UK entered the EU of course. Cheap labour and Poland provides.

Interesting choice of words there, if you really want to stick it to the man and “put a dent in the power” you have to put yourself in a better position than you are currently in. Sitting on a couch all day long and bi*ching how miserable your life is won’t do the trick; you’ll end up shooting yourself in a foot. Stupidity never seizes to amaze me, what you are forgetting is that so far this so called “cheap labor” provides for your existence, though a miserable one as the elitists of your country have long ago written off the segment of your society that you represent as none productive, keeping you on “the dole” for humanitarian reasons. Take away the segment of population that provides for your basic needs and your demise is all but guaranteed. Be honest with yourself, what’s the worst you can do? What's your idea of making “a dent”? Threaten them with a general strike if your benefits get cut off for the lack of funds? LOL
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
23 Feb 2012 /  #21
Cheap labour and Poland provides

You have been misinformed.
My labour isn't cheap by any means :D
oxon  4 | 164  
23 Feb 2012 /  #22
Lots of good points here and I agree with avalon. the english politicians have sold out the country and every degenerate fro Nigeria, Somalia, Lithunia, Latvia, Poland has arrived equipped with their handbook on 'How to claim benefits and rip off Britain'.

If British people are too lazy to work as some claim here then that is the God dam right of those people if they can get away with it. THEY ARE BRITISH and are not open to interogation for Poles, Latvians or any Eastern bloc country's citizens who were brought up in a grim, gray tower block.

It makes me wonder when peope who come here to clean bins and wash floors suddenly criticize those who have a right not to. It makes me cringe when I hear how Poles are supporting Britain's economy ? Guess what ....you have a choice , don't like then go home. Poles will never understand the class system here and how the elitists from the Queen down subjugate the masses. You all come with your Euro pop music playing, arriving at Victoria after a 24 hour bus journey ready to sleep in dustbins and lick pavements clean. Oh yes the elitists love you all. Meanwhile, the average working man brought up in an era of shipbuilding, steel making, textiles has no chance against those who prostitute themselves for a couple of pounds an hour.

we don't want your labour, we don't want your taxes. You make life DIFFICULT for those who are brave enough to take on the establishment. And also we dont need crack addicts who kill old people with hammers as one Polish guy did last week. We don't need Latvians who cut people up and carry them around in suitcases. We have our own idiots but the politicians, driven by big business will over see all this and carry on whilst they slither back to their mansions and leave the rest of us to contend with all the imported dross.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
23 Feb 2012 /  #23
we don't want your labour

Well, someone obviously wants. It's not like Polish people are employing themselves.
oxon  4 | 164  
23 Feb 2012 /  #24
Sure someone wants it L.K. Small businesses who like the one I know who employs 2 Eastern Europeans for £15 per six hour shift. Around £2.50 per hour. I have reported this pub and hopefully he will be prosecuted and the girls will be forced to leave. If they all left then the ones who would suffer would be landlords and small business owners. My ideal situation would be to get the UK out of Europe and adopt stringent immigration policies like Australia. High wages, little crime and everyone speaking the same language.

This country is going to the dogs and i aim to start doing something about this dire situation.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
23 Feb 2012 /  #25
And what is said it you aim to do as matter of interest? Join the thugs in the BNP?
oxon  4 | 164  
23 Feb 2012 /  #26
I was so far left a couple of years ago badmonkey that I made K Marx look like a fascist. I hate what those bastard politicians have doen to this place. Two years ago I would have said the same thing regarding the BNP's policies. No more! Nationalism will restore some pride back in this country which you and your countrymen have kindly reminded me.

We will never get back to the days where we produced the worlds supergroups like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Clapton, The Who, Pink floyd etc. We will never again most likely walk down the road and listen to aussies, New Zealanders, South African accents in abundance behaving like human beings whilst having a great time.

They are nowhere to be seen like in the 80's and 90's. London at one time was a swinging city. Now it is just one gigantic toilet for all the dross. I don't hate people. I have travelled and stayed at length in many countries from Africa to Asia to Australia. My fight is with our bastard politicians. I don't want millions of strange languages around me in MY OWN country.

The British National Party are the only party along with the UKIP to understand this.

This is MY country and I will fight for it.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
23 Feb 2012 /  #27
I was so far left a couple of years ago badmonkey that I made K Marx look like a fascist. I hate what those bastard politicians have doen to this place. Two years ago I would have said the same thing regarding the BNP's policies. No more! Nationalism will restore some pride back in this country which you and your countrymen have kindly reminded me

So what you're saying is that you're an inconsistent extremist.

We will never get back to the days where we produced the worlds supergroups like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Clapton, The Who, Pink floyd etc.

I'm not sure how Polish people can affect that one way or the other.

We will never again most likely walk down the road and listen to aussies, New Zealanders, South African accents in abundance behaving like human beings whilst having a great time.

We never did. Young Aussies in particular had a shocking reputation for living 20 to a house, trashing things, wild parties etc.

I don't hate people.


London at one time was a swinging city. Now it is just one gigantic toilet for all the dross

It's one of the great cities of the world.

The British National Party are

Numpty nazis with more violent criminals and enduringly mentally ill people among their 'activists' than any other group. And were trounced in the last elections, losing badly in every seat they could scratch together the money to field 'candidate' in.

This is MY country and I will fight for it.

OUR country, and just how will you fight? Nail bombs?
23 Feb 2012 /  #28
same old, same old rubbish. simple fact is the doors are open.latwy.
oxon  4 | 164  
23 Feb 2012 /  #29
So what you're saying is that you're an inconsistent extremist.

When Britain carried out an illegal invasion against a sovereign state in 2003, I was right at the front of the march and podium listening to Galloway and Tony Benn vilifying the leaders of this nation for destroying all that it stood for (however menial) by siding with Bush, Rumsfeld, Pearle et al.

Britain shamed me as it shamed all decent men/women and politicians. Get it through your head Johnny that there is no left and right anymore. 90% of the front benchers in this coalition government are millionaires.

We have another fight on our hands now. Sub Marxist groups hi jacked UK and instead of exporting welfare, education, health to Africa and others we imported the victims of corporate business.This created bull*** jobs, charities and other means for tree huggers to survive in a capitalist system.

Aussies had a bad reputation for living 20 to a house?

Huge difference. First English was the 1st language, The culture was the same and they were mostly kids having a great time before they realised just how lucky they were that they had a ‘home ‘ to go back to. You won’t find many Aussies here claiming benefits when they have a much better place to return to unlike eastern Europeans.

Yes London is a great city and it’s great that people from all over the world come to visit and work. Whats not great is that when you walk into a job centre and ask staff how many foreigners are claiming benefits from Somalia, Nigeria, Poland, Latvia etc.

This is something Aussies never did. They were boisterous, drunk, obnoxious at times yes....but they were here to have a party. They would never come here now.

Nail Bombs? No. I aim to highlight the fact that I as a moderate left wing person of fair play have understood that the only way to retain the country that my father done hs national service for and my grand father did his WW2 army stint is to ‘spread the word’
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
23 Feb 2012 /  #30
as a moderate left wing person of fair play

Who is praising a neo-nazi organisation!!

‘spread the word’

The 'word' of what?

Get it through your head Johnny that there is no left and right anymore. 90% of the front benchers in this coalition government are millionaires.

There is still most definitely left and right, and Conservative (& historically Liberal) front benches tend not to be made up of middle-income people. Who would you rather have in government - someone successful and intelligent or Griffin and his goony band of thugs and losers?

Yes. An extremist and a hotheaded one.