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Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry?

2 Nov 2015 /  #31
Sorry, but I have to disagree there Englishman.

A lot of English people resent Poles. I have heard plenty of people talking about Poles and it is talk like " i would love to knock one out " or " F"en Poles are like F"en rats, they're everywhere you go ".

I won't talk for the Welsh , Scot's or Irish just English because that is what I see and hear everyday.

The problem is Poles have taken the jobs done by the working class English and when they speak up about it they are just shot down with " rasict " or " xenophobe " jibes, which is strange when Britain has a Commonwealth and plenty of immigrants from there came to the UK over the last 60 yrs, but not so many so quickly as Poles, so the words are used as a weapon against the working class. So hate begins and they is plenty of it for Poles.

As for the middle class and upper class, well they look down on every one including the poor and Poles.

The Poles stood on the toe of the English working class and that's that.

I don't work with Poles or live near any, norr do I know anyone married to a Pole but I know plenty of English working class. As for having resentment towards " chavs " that again is something the middle and upper class do a lot.

Did Poles ever think before they left Poland for work in the UK that someone else might suffer because of them coming, probably not because they didn't think and didn't know.
2 Nov 2015 /  #32
Some "Westerners" look down on East Europeans, others do not.
What I find odd is that in the politically correct media the establishment clearly attacks Poles and Eastern Europeans more often than say Black people or Asians.

I guess since Poles are white too its more "okay" to target us and you wont be labeled "racist".
Billy9999  - | 33  
2 Nov 2015 /  #33
"the politically correct media the establishment clearly attacks Poles and Eastern Europeans more often than say Black people or Asians"

You have a point there... perhaps it is because black's and asians are far more sensitive to anything that could conceivably be interpreted as a racist slur and have a tendency to take to the streets en-mass and riot to gain concessions and privileges.
3 Nov 2015 /  #34
The only reason Brit don't like the Poles is the brutal fact they (Polish) are better educated and better skilled than the 'true Brits' and due to that have no problems with employment by 'true British' employers, are more successful in SMEs and have no problem with mortgages to buy own houses in UK.

In other words: they are TOO strong competition for the British.
Read this article from the Economist and learn at last:
Levi  11 | 433  
3 Nov 2015 /  #35
The only reason Brit don't like the Poles is the brutal fact they (Polish) are better educated and better skilled than the 'true Brits'

You also forgot another thing:

British people, in general, have an horrenduous appearance. Woman look like blobs while man are all feminized by political correctness.

There is even a joke in South America: "Any European men in Rio would make a huge success with Woman. Except if he is British, then he would take by girls as a competitor, not a target"

Since Polish woman are much more beautiful and polish man (and slavic in general) behave like Man, Alpha Male, the brits get resentful.
3 Nov 2015 /  #36
You boys don't realize how bad it is.

In Britain, the males are so effeminate and decrepid, the females actually PAY to have sex with foreign men.

They are considered by women to be horrible lovers: dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1216621/German-men-worlds-worst-lovers-lazy-English-come-second-battle-sheets.html

British women write things in their magazines like: "The average American appears to have developed muscle groups the average English man only learns about when he puts his back out."


This adds insult to injure in the sense that not only did America defeat Britain in several wars, but also their women find Americans to be more muscular and sexual.
OP StopTalkin  
3 Nov 2015 /  #37
Levi and Bigfoot clearly know the score.

Go into any coffe shop or restaurant in London (the middle England parts of it) and watch British men talk and behave like women. I still find it fascinating watching them lick a@se when they interact with women too. Mummy issues anyone?! lol

British man in the bedroom - "darling, is it ok if I enter you now?"

Reminder - the topic treats of Polish people in UK
3 Nov 2015 /  #38
Polish men are alpha male? haha. Just because they have no manners, swear alot, drink in parks etc does not make you alpha. It makes you a ****.

And crying and threatening to go on strike because the big bad British are not respecting you enough is about as beta as you can get. Whinging faggots more like.
3 Nov 2015 /  #39
Merged: Racisim and Polish eh hahaha

In UK Polish people are one of the lowest. They do dirty jobs with only their bodies and look what I found in this forum. They are doing racism. Revenge is not a cold plate for Polish. They are not the ones who underestimates you. Stop being rude. There is only one world and unfortunately we are all in it. Go along with human beings. Evoluate.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
3 Nov 2015 /  #40
In UK Polish people are one of the lowest

I'm Polish in the UK and I make more money than you ever will :-/
jon357  72 | 23668  
3 Nov 2015 /  #41
What's with all these trolling guest posters slagging off expat Poles, Brits, Muslims, whatever, anyway?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Nov 2015 /  #42
I was wondering the same. Some of it was Levi, but it looks like there's another character at it as well now.
3 Nov 2015 /  #43
"They do dirty jobs with only their bodies."

Somebody has to love these chunky English women. They are jewels in the rough, I tell you.

Polish guys only do it when they are drunk, though.
Crow  155 | 9722  
3 Nov 2015 /  #44
UK people look down on Poles because Poles resist to assimilate completely and that is expected from them. Plus, Poles are physically nice people and they have Poland, country that awaits them, country with much brighter future then that of UK. UK`s people sense that is UK today insignificant country, while Poland becoming more and more important. UK`s are jealous at Poles.
4 Nov 2015 /  #45
British women seem to travel alot for action.
Here is a British woman who went to US for some (bl)action: youtube.com/watch?v=Mc-4DddLrwI#t=798

I wonder when British women will start touring Poland for young male studs who can service them the way British men never could?
NODUFF  5 | 13  
4 Nov 2015 /  #46
b*llsh*t post - i've worked in vice for years, never met a Polish prostitute - I think the only person looking down on you is YOU!
7 Nov 2015 /  #47
U.K. People look down on everyone blood. You could kind of understand if they were strapping 6'4 Germans with bodies to make the Gods jealous but they are the opposite. Female & male Brits are ugly as **** and short.
David555  1 | 19  
3 Feb 2018 /  #48
Poland was destroyed so many times, then Russians dominated it then Poland was kind of free and Polish people came to more developed countries in search for work, countries they thought they're their allies. What Polish did for the English during the war was forgotten, French forgot that too, Polish people became modern slaves of Europe, Pakistanis Indians Nigerians living in England laugh at Polish seeing them as nobody. Polish children born in England are often snatched by an English SS and Polish parents never see them again.

Welcome to western democracy.
Enjoy your stay Poland
Ktos  15 | 432  
4 Feb 2018 /  #49

Yeah stop talkin and stop takin space here. What?!!! Sex and cleaning industry, that's why they look down on us?! Are you stupid? They do not give us other jobs!!!!!!!! That is western mentality, read my threads about Westerners, they think well of themselves, they don't see themselves in real light, they think they are superior and so they give us the lowest jobs, even though we Polish and other Eastern (or Central for some hurt about "East" terminology) Europeans are often more educated, smarter and more knowledgable about the given profession and the world in general than the local Western clowns who deprive us of the right job positions. They look down on us before we are even born.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
5 Feb 2018 /  #50
Polish children born in England are often snatched

Book a GP appointment. Maybe there is still a hope.
terri  1 | 1661  
5 Feb 2018 /  #51
Book a GP appointment....
Easy for you to say, have you tried booking an appointment recently, unless you are 5 minutes from death, your appointment will be in 14 days time (if you're lucky).

I believe that jealousy is prevalent among all nations. No nations is better or worse than any other - at the end, (if you believe in higher Being) we will all meet the same Maker and have to explain ourselves.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry?Archived