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Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry?

1 Nov 2015 /  #1
I am Polish and live in London. Due to the sex industry/cleaning industry (insert other bottom of the pyramid structure here) being full of Poles I find people tend to look down on us.

Can the elders perhaps have a word with the younger generations to try and stop this? As an older Polish gentleman, Polish women please stop joining the sex industry!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Nov 2015 /  #2
Racism/xenophobia in Western Europe is rather of economic nature as directed towards poor foreigners. Rich foreigners have a much easier time even when they are/look "different".

Most Poles in UK are poor and poorer than most Britons and take occupations Britons don't want....
jon357  72 | 23490  
1 Nov 2015 /  #3
Also there are plenty of Poles who have come other UK to work as doctors, dentists, bank managers etc. A poster here is an engineer working with electronic control systems for example.

And in most countries, including Poland, there are sad people who make judgements about other people based on their nationality or ethnicity.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Nov 2015 /  #4
@Jon: as we all know, MOST (= not ALL) Poles in UK (and elsewhere) are economic migrants and as a result face "racism"/xenophobia. Basically when coming from poor countries, foreigners are given a hard time and it is particularly so when they are themselves poor. Rich foreigners even when coming from poor countries have it easier.... I have lived altogether in 6 (foreign) countries (and have visited around 2 dozen countries (as a tourist) and I have NEVER been looked down on.

Racism now is more of economic nature.

As you know, Jon, racism/xenophobia/antisemitism/antimuslim/homophobia..., are the result of lack of education and poor living environment. For instance, the poor Briton (or German, French, Swiss, Turk, Swede...) feels threatened by incoming foreigners who can work for cheaper salaries. The fear obviously becomes hatred....
jon357  72 | 23490  
1 Nov 2015 /  #5
Absolutely, it's fear of that which is different and a tendency to judge.
1 Nov 2015 /  #6
Judging from the OP's other posts this morning, he sounds very much like a recently returned troll to me, so I very much doubt this is a genuine thread anyway.

In any country and in every walk of life you will always find sad people who look down on others, but from my own experience, I can't say that Poles are particularly looked down upon in the UK, no more than any other group of people anyway. If anything, Poles have a reputation for being hard working.

Most Poles in UK are poor and poorer than most Britons and take occupations Britons don't want....

Some are InPolska, but these tend to be the ones who came to the UK with little in the way of language skills, therefore they would have been limited as to what work they could do. Hence why some Poles will be employed in cleaning/factory based jobs until their language skills improve.

I have some friends who are doing this kind of work, but others who have started their own businesses, and some who came here well qualified and are working for the NHS.
1 Nov 2015 /  #7
Most Poles in UK are poor and poorer than most Britons and take occupations Britons don't want....

It only proves racist/xenophobic and discriminatory nature of Brits. Hopefully as the number of Poles in the UK grows and they get better organized they will push for some sort of affirmative action.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2015 /  #8
Hopefully as the number of Poles in the UK grows and they get better organized they will push for some sort of affirmative action.

Not sure why you're discussing American concepts in relation to a European country.
Billy9999  - | 33  
1 Nov 2015 /  #9
Round our way no-one looks down on Polish people. Fact, we are glad to have immigrants of similar culture and values to us.

Must admit I do have to laugh, there a local group of young Polish men and women often in the supermarket alway choosing their vodka for the evening... always makes me chortle.

Great people!
1 Nov 2015 /  #10
Not sure why you're discussing American concepts in relation to a European country.

Maybe because America is a shinning example of how things should be? I remember reading here about a Polish person trying to apply for an office job thru some work agency only to be given directions to their division dealing with menial jobs as soon as they learned he was Polish.If this is not discrimination that I don't know what is! This **** would not fly in America,lawsuit would be filled and money would be paid.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2015 /  #11
Maybe because America is a shinning example of how things should be?

Hahahaha. As if. Remind us how many CEO's of Fortune 500 are anything other than white men. :)

I remember reading here about a Polish person trying to apply for an office job thru some work agency only to be given directions to their division dealing with menial jobs as soon as they learned he was Polish.

And you believe the story?

More likely, his English wasn't good enough and he was offered the chance of getting a job in a more appropriate environment.
jon357  72 | 23490  
1 Nov 2015 /  #12
I remember reading here about a Polish person trying to apply for an office job thru some work agency only to be given directions to their division dealing with menial jobs as soon as they learned he was Polish.

Yes, that was my friend and I was in there with him. To be fair, his clothing and appearance suggested industrial and there were immediate jobs in that section but not in the other.
OP StopTalkin  
1 Nov 2015 /  #13
When I buy my business next month I will be recruiting Poles only.

Poles are better looking than Brits, healthier, nicer people, stronger (both physically and mentally) and their work ethic is off the charts.

Arrogance is ok if it can be backed up, I do find the British arrogant but with nothing to back their arrogance up! Skinny faced, weak looking (and acting) overly polite and effeminate...they also suck up to women massively.
Billy9999  - | 33  
1 Nov 2015 /  #14
Depends where in Britain you are. In London I'd agree with you but we're certainly not like that in the Northwest or in Wales
1 Nov 2015 /  #15
Yes, that was my friend and I was in there with him. To be fair, his clothing and appearance suggested industrial and there were immediate jobs in that section but not in the other.

If that was your friend why didn't you send him/her straight to any law office? Over here pretty good money would be paid to your friend due to obvious ethnic background discrimination.

More likely, his English wasn't good enough and he was offered the chance of getting a job in a more appropriate environment.

From what I remember that wasn't the case good sir.

To be fair, his clothing and appearance suggested industrial

My understanding is that he/she was there only to fill out application so no formal attire was needed and was dismissed right away due to his/her ethnic background.

Seems to me that you Brits could learn a thing or two regarding non discriminatory employment policies from your more civilized cousins from across the ocean. How come average Pole's net worth in America is higher than net worth of an average American but it's not the case in the UK

Most Poles in UK are poor and poorer than most Britons

?I will tell you why, exclusively due to the discriminatory/racist nature of Brits!
OP StopTalkin  
1 Nov 2015 /  #16
Yes Trucker, 'Racist Brits' indeed which is ironic considering they're mongrels (DNA wise)

British women undergoing fertility treatment even use sperm banks based in Denmark and Sweden and have it shipped in because they don't want weak, effeminate British DNA going into their offspring lol. You couldn't make it up!
2 Nov 2015 /  #17
The British are lazy.

They see people who work as inferior.

If you were a rich Russian or Arab investor they would bow low to you, but people who actually work - Germans, Poles, Americans, they think of as low trash.

British behavior is not respected outside of their island nation, but inside their bubble they are the center of the world
mafketis  38 | 11162  
2 Nov 2015 /  #18
They see people who work as inferior.

In any economy built on slavery (Rome, the Muslim world, the US South) or underclass servitude (Britain) the value of work will be degraded and people will not develop a work ethnic but a loafing ethic.

Northern European protestantism seems to be the main religion in Europe stressing the value of work.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
2 Nov 2015 /  #19
When I buy my business next month I will be recruiting Poles only.

Perhaps you could come to Poland and start your business here. That way you wouldn't have to suffer dealing with British sub-humans, and you'd be providing much needed jobs.
2 Nov 2015 /  #20
When I buy my business next month I will be recruiting Poles only.

Poles are better looking than Brits,

And would your business that probably exists only in your head, be connected to the sex industry? Massage, pole dancing, strip clubs?
If it isn't then i fail to see the relevance of your opinion that Poles are better looking than Brits. How does someone's appearance relate to how well they can do the job?
OP StopTalkin  
2 Nov 2015 /  #21
My business is nothing to do with the sex industry, sorry about this - seems you're looking for a job within it.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 Nov 2015 /  #22
Most Poles in UK are poor and poorer than most Britons and take occupations Britons don't want....

mmm bit of a sweeping statement inPolska, in re cent years I have met business owners, managers, bank clerks, electricians...
In my opinion OP is ignorant troll.

and as for
" I remember reading here about a Polish person trying to apply for an office job thru some work agency only to be given directions to their division dealing with menial jobs as soon as they learned he was Polish.If this is not discrimination that I don't know what is! "

yeh that is b.shyte, mate. There are work agencies here that only deal with Polish people fgs.

Depends where in Britain you are. In London I'd agree with you

have you actually ever been there Billy or do you just engage in stupid stereotypes?
Have you got any idea at all how small minded and tittle tattley Welsh and Northern communities are compared to London, where lets face it, hardly anyone gives a shyte about where you are from?
Billy9999  - | 33  
2 Nov 2015 /  #23
rozumiemnic.... each to their own eh?

Suffice to say, I'd rather live in a tent in a field than in most parts of London - and, yes I've been there plenty of times with work and leisure visits, each time progressively worse than the last.

"Small-minded and tittle-tattly" could mean community-spirited.. something you possibly know nothing about judging by your comment :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 Nov 2015 /  #24
yes billy each to their own.
OK so you have been to a couple of concerts at Wembley perhaps. Well done for finding your way. I dont think that gives you carte blanche to pass judgement on London does it?

I know about small minded and tittle tattly due to my experiences in Wales...:)
And as for Northerners, judgemental and small minded, much? as you have just demonstrated nicely. so thanks.
People like you see a thread like this, and instead of showing some much needed solidarity, take the opportunity to slag off vast swathes of the UK population, based on some snap judgement when you got lost on the tube once. Nice.

Let's back to Polish people

Let's back to Polish people

well actually it is a troll thread about UK people and their attitudes. And I think Billy's post is a nice demonstration of just how many people in the UK cannot even get on with people from other regions, making petty and sweeping comments to dismiss them all, yet are still deluding themselves about how wonderful and friendly they are to incomers..:) (unlike those nasty others).
Atch  22 | 4299  
2 Nov 2015 /  #25
Roz is right. The subject of the thread is British attitudes towards Poles. You can't discuss the subject without focusing on Brits. However Roz I wouldn't bother wasting any more of your time and intelligence on it. It's just more tedious rubbish.
Billy9999  - | 33  
2 Nov 2015 /  #26
I think a few have misunderstood my post. What I was attempting to illustrate is differing attitudes to Polish people depending upon UK area.

It is my observation that Polish people are very welcome generally in the Northwest, that includes Cumbria, Cheshire and North Wales. In fact, in the town of Flint just on the Welsh border has a thriving Polish community which is welcomed by the original inhabitants. Also, Polish are very welcome in places like Leek, Staffordshire as many places like these have a long history of welcoming in Polish from WW2.

Many Polish avoid inner city areas (including, obviously London) which often resemble the Punjab, preferring instead to settle in places that make them feel more at home. Plenty of evidence to support this on google and backed-up by Polish people I have met and chatted to.

Just my observations and I'm sure there will be people who disagree :)
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
2 Nov 2015 /  #27
he sounds very much like a recently returned troll to me

That was my first thought from his first post in this thread.
And I would extend that to him parroting with posting with two user names in this thread.
Good eye Chem, I will hand it to you.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
2 Nov 2015 /  #28
which often resemble the Punjab,

so you are a racist then , you admitted it..... edited
First of all you try and start on people from London, , then when you are pulled up on it, you backtrack wildly and say, actually it is Sikhs you dont like .

And then you are trying to persuade people that Wales is a lovely friendly place.
You couldnt make it up mate.
You seem a bit historically confused as well. why do you think the Polish war memorial is in London ?
Levi  11 | 433  
2 Nov 2015 /  #29
I have lived altogether in 6 (foreign) countries (and have visited around 2 dozen countries (as a tourist) and I have NEVER been looked down on.


I lived in 5 countries, passed around 25, and the only place where i could see some xenophobia was the North of MY OWN country.
Englishman  2 | 276  
2 Nov 2015 /  #30
I don't think the OP is right that most, or even many, Poles in Britain work in the sex industry or cleaning. However, as InPolska said, a high proportion (by no means all) do working-class jobs in the widest sense.

Does this mean British people look down on them? Yes... and no. Some working class British people resent competition from Polish people, and the fact that more supply of candidates for such roles drives down salaries. Most middle- and upper-income British people rather admire Poles for working hard and being generally polite, friendly and constructive citizens. We're more likely to resent British 'chavs' for living on benefits rather than working hard, like stereotypical Poles. Possibly we don't understand that some of our working-class countrypeople can't afford to take those low-income jobs because they have families or other commitments that some newer residents don't.

One solution to stereotyping is understanding; another is change and integration. As time progresses, more Polish people are moving into management and professional roles, which helps a lot, and through intermarriage etc are better known to us on a personal level.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry?Archived