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Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Aug 2010 /  #181
That describes a Pakistani or Indian but I'll let him answer.

What, freedom of speech is denied to Poles for some reason?
Allison  4 | 117  
17 Aug 2010 /  #182
they're defiantly more outward about it...

They are not any more racist than any other Europeans, possibly less. Most western Europeans are passive racists, Slavs don't really care if people think they're racist.
convex  20 | 3928  
17 Aug 2010 /  #183
They are way more outward about it. Just take a stroll with a black guy in Poland and do the same in Germany. The women don't seem to mind too much though.
Allison  4 | 117  
17 Aug 2010 /  #184
Thats what I'm saying but people like Brits are just as racist or more they just care enough to hide it.
convex  20 | 3928  
17 Aug 2010 /  #185
Again, not near as outward.
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Aug 2010 /  #186
but people like Brits are just as racist or more they just care enough to hide it.

You copy me?I have written that Germanics are quite racist but hide it.They hide it either for economic reasons(UK) or due to external pressure to conform(Germany).Germans can throw all Turks out in a blink if political balance of power changes.
Midas  1 | 571  
17 Aug 2010 /  #187
In the 1990's perhaps there was a case to be made about Poles being more racist than others. I'll be the first to admit I've seen my own share of jackbooted, bald thugs in Poland around that time.

But we're in 2010.

Poland has yet to go through something akin to, let's say, the Oldham race riots.
convex  20 | 3928  
17 Aug 2010 /  #188
Keep living in that fantasy world.

Considering the numbers of different races in the UK, I'd say they've got a fairly decent track record compared to the number of attacks on the handful of minorities here. You want to test this theory? Come to Wroclaw, we'll go walking around with a couple of white women and see how long it takes before someone tries to start a fight. Sorry, that's not just curiosity. Are African countries more racist, yes. Russia? Yup. Asian countries, of course. Nonetheless, there are plenty of mongoloid racists here to go around.

Thankfully, there are no riots...

jarnowa  4 | 499  
17 Aug 2010 /  #189
They are way more outward about it. Just take a stroll with a black guy in Poland and do the same in Germany.

Why do you think that all people that insult blacks in the streets or just don't look too happy in their direction are automatically racists?

It's quite likely that most of these white people have nothing against blacks who stay in their own country. So these white people, even when insulting random blacks in the street, are not racists, they just don't welcome blacks/arabs/chinese whatever in their territory for various reasons. Just as people have the right to tell them that they are welcome, others have the right to tell them to f#ck off.
vodkagoddess  - | 1  
22 Feb 2011 /  #190
It wasn't until 3 years after I met my Polish partner,that I realised he has a real problems with Jewish people,he seems to blame them for everything,because in Poland they were hiding them in their homes from the Nazi's in the 2nd world war,and also,he says that they are greedy when It comes to money.I don't understand any of this, as Surely if any one was to blame for all this it was in fact the Nazi's and not the Jews,and then why does he think the Jews are greedy when half the time they lived in very humble homes with little money.I'm finding his attitude very frightening and I want to break up,because I can't tolerate his ignorance.His mother is the same ,but she has a very negative attitude towards everything and everyone and not a nice word to say.

I am so sick of listening to them,please tell me that not all Polish people are like this!
Alot of my familys friends are Jewish and they are lovely people,I find Racism embarrassing.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
24 Feb 2011 /  #191
Dont ever dare say Black people are not British. They have fought and died for Britain as full free volunteers since the mid 1700s.


  • first Black proffesional footballer and Black officer to lead white troops in ww one.

  • There were 18 nationalities on board HMS Victory, including nine West Indians and one Afri

  • RAF Pilot Officer Vincent Bunting (left) of No 611 Squadron at Biggin Hill, 1943
Meowmeow  5 | 57  
18 May 2011 /  #192
Being british nearly all my friends hate polish people but won't say it to their faces. Something about polish polish stealing their jobs and abusing the benefit system.

I on the other hand love polish people. They so good at going down and making me happy + sex :)
enkidu  6 | 611  
18 May 2011 /  #193
No British guy would call himself "British". They are consider themselves as English, Scots etc. The only "British" people in the UK are pakis. Just a funny thought.
18 May 2011 /  #194
I am Polish and had lived in England from 1948 to1959, age 13-23. English people were prejudiced to all forigners.
My experiance is, they are snobs like all peoples that were imperialists. One should be mindfull of whoom are we comering to whoom when we speak of level of education. In any country there are all levels of siciety and they don't congregate togather.

For the past 52-years I live in USA and am a citizen for 47 years and still have to endure discrimination. This is human nature.
We will favour our own ancestral origines and cultural customs, there is no denying this fact. Ludwik Smigielski
Daisy  3 | 1211  
18 May 2011 /  #195
English people were prejudiced to all forigners.

then you say

We will favour our own ancestral origines and cultural customs, there is no denying this fact

Maybe they didn't like the culture you brought into their culture, being majority Catholic probably got you off onto a bad footing
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 May 2011 /  #196
It's really hard to gauge as many Poles may say sth amongst themselves but not out loud. There might be isolated cases but often through drunkenness.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
18 May 2011 /  #197
I am Polish and had lived in England from 1948 to1959, age 13-23. English people were prejudiced to all forigners.My experience is, they are snobs like all peoples that were imperialists.

Some time ago I sent, I think, an interesting historical résumé of racism. Polish people should know where it originated, what were the consequences of it and, first of all, do not allow to be cast in the role of racists. There are other peoples more responsible for introducing and disseminating the ideology, which brought, especially to Poles of different origins, untold suffering.

The UK's 'special relationship' with the US.


'I'll tell you a story. Roosevelt was having lunch with Churchill. The Second World War was drawing to a close. They toasted the end of the war. Then Roosevelt gave Churchill a radiant smile, and said: 'You realize you're going to have to give up your precious India, don't you?' "Never!" And they had a quarrel over the lunch table. Many people who happened to be there spread it around. Roosevelt not only won the argument, it was force majeure. Roosevelt said, 'The days of Empire are over, and I trust you realize this."'

'Churchill said: "What do you want me to do? Get on my hind legs like your little dog Fala, and beg?" Roosevelt said simply: "Yes." Don't tempt an Emperor!'

It's a pity that Poles did not, do not and will never have such an Emperor.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 May 2011 /  #198
I am Polish and had lived in England from 1948 to1959,

So, a genuine expert on 21st century british life then. Pray,educate us further oh sage from the east....

My experiance is, they are snobs like all peoples that were imperialists

For sure,we all have solar topee's under our beds ready to kick start The Raj at a moments notice from Lizzie W'.
Any typo's in this are down to the fact that my Butler,my Gentlemans Gentleman is not used to such vulgar technology as a keyboard.

We will favour our own ancestral origines and cultural customs, there is no denying this fact. Ludwik Smigielski

If you truthfully believe this then maybe it is a case of you having reaped what you sowed.
Outside of london it is rare in Britain to find ethnic and racial ghettos or even areas,can you say the same for your beloved land of the free?

It's a pity that Poles did not, do not and will never have such an Emperor.

lols you muppet,you do realise it was Roosvelt who sold poland out to stalin dont you?
Wroclaw Boy  
19 May 2011 /  #199
I am Polish and had lived in England from 1948 to1959, age 13-23.

all part of evolution my man, thanks for sharing that.

We will only favour our own ancestral origins till it becomes unfashionable, just think if you were born into an Aztec tribe you could have quite easily had your head chopped off in a sacrificial ceremony only 800 years ago. I bet you'd trade that for a bit of hostility having lived in countries such as the UK & USA as apposed to Poland.

You have to take the positives out of any negative situation.
chichimera  1 | 185  
19 May 2011 /  #200
For sure,we all have solar topee's under our beds

I've been suspecting it for a long time! ;)

it was Roosvelt who sold poland out to stalin dont you?

But it was the Polish people who never agreed on that transaction. It's easy to be independent when you're a Goliath, it's heroic when you're a David
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 May 2011 /  #201
I've been suspecting it for a long time! ;)

But dont worry folks,we have no interest in the 13 colonies............
Meowmeow  5 | 57  
19 May 2011 /  #202
No British guy would call himself "british". They are consider themselves as English, Scots etc. The only "british" people in the UK are pakis. Just a funny thought.

Wow some nice racism going on here ^^^^^. Maybe you are too thick to figure out some britsh people have different parts of their family coming for different parts of scotland, england, wales e.t.c
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 May 2011 /  #203
Exactly, what she said :)
Got everything but Cornish and Manx in my background, I always tick the "British" box.
KateLouise  - | 50  
21 May 2011 /  #204
i see no point in racism in any form. We are all human at the end of the day. I have more non british friends than i do brits. mainly due to my job. i hate racism in any form, and the world would be much happier if racist fricks kept their mouths shut and leaned to live in peace.
Havok  10 | 902  
21 May 2011 /  #205
After many months of being pro-polish i would like to withdraw my application. I really think Polish people are bringing a new wave of ancient racism to the UK and much more bad stuff with them. Get ready Brits.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 May 2011 /  #206
I thought you were Polish yourself.
Havok  10 | 902  
21 May 2011 /  #207
Yes i am, but I'm not racist and backwards like the rest of them. I'm actually trying to explain some of that but they think I'm a traitor and a crazy person.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
21 May 2011 /  #208
Yes i am, but I'm not racist and backwards like the rest of them.

#Mohandas Gandhi

#Nelson Mandela

Belonged to a terrorist organisation and is believed to have sanctioned many terrorist plots against innocent Blacks and Whites in South Africa.

#Ernesto "Che" Guevara

"We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing." -Che Guevera

"Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians." - Che Guevara

"Given the prevailing lack of discipline, it would have been impossible to use Congolese machine-gunners to defend the base from air attack: they did not know how to handle their weapons and did not want to learn," - Che Guevara

Che Guevara also railed against "long hairs," "lazy youths," and homosexuals.

Read more: wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_is_a_famous_racist#ixzz1MxMB3LsN

I bet some of them you'd never consider racists or backwards if you didn't see this post.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
21 May 2011 /  #209
People seem to have racism on the brain, even when there isn't any. It's tiring.

I suppose one could easily claim that countries who colonized other countries can be considered 'racist'. How's Britain's record in that category?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 May 2011 /  #210
Heehee. Britain was terribly racist before any Poles got there. You only have to look at it's policies concerning it's colonies and the indigenous therein. Horribly, terribly racist!

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