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Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK?

nott  3 | 592  
30 Jun 2010 /  #151
I've just read the last page, and it seems you Brits do not need a new wave of racism :) Well done.

'Well done' was not a sarcasm. Good to hear some sane voices from a country where flying national flag needs a real special occasion, and has to be preceded by a nation-wide discussion about sensitivities of all non-locals.

As for the aid, not much to add. Same applies to Poland, let me be biased in my interests. Twenty years after the 'fall of communism' is enough to start walking on your own, and to stop moaning about the difficult past.

So, thanks for having me here, so to speak. And I'll keep my ancient racism to myself.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
1 Jul 2010 /  #152
Racism has been overhyped, overused and become the pink elephant in the room...and we know that pink elephants don't really exist. Maybe a long time ago, but in today's "progressive" societies of Europe, it's become outdated. It's time we moved on.

I fully agree. Although interracial rapes are in 99% committed by non-white males against white females, no one will ever accuse them of racism.

If a white man would rape a coloured woman, left-wing people would cry about racism on the rise and would demand tougher punishment and a ban on anti-immigration parties.

Sadly enough, multicultural fanboys don't care about having double standards. They stick to their unrealistic opinion that it's immigrants that need to be protected instead of native Europeans. I really don't get that. You maybe? ;)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Jul 2010 /  #153
See, racists don't like to be called racist as it's a bad thing, but this doesn't diminish the fact that they are racist, even if we were to call them nopwits or sth. Racists also always come with "facts" which very conveniently "proves" they are "correct". However, trouble with these "facts" is that it's usually only one opinion of one person. Racists are in general also always looking for confirmation. That it's "ok" to say the things they say.

Example, taken from the Dutch govt how a racist thinks he can "prove" his statements:

You're in a bus with 20 scientists. It's very foggy outside and you cannot see any further than 5 metres, yet you're driving very fast as it's a straight road. The scientists have all instruments with them and 19 of them tell you that their instruments indicate a sharp turn in the road and that it's better to slow down the speed if you don't want to crash. But one scientist says that according to his instrument there is no upcoming turn and it's ok to drive ahead full speed. What will you do?

Normal ppl will rely on the majority of scientists and slow down as it's safe to assume a turn in the road is coming. The racist will say "because this one scientist says there is no turn in the road upcoming, there is no turn upcoming, so I will drive full speed ahead.

I think this pretty much explains how racists think and how they think they can "prove" their claims.


M-G (haec hactenus)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
1 Jul 2010 /  #154
I think this pretty much explains how racists think and how they think they can "prove" their claims.

I would suggest you to read more about group-effect and comformity-theories. Just because most people are idealistic leftists, it doesn't mean they are right (no pun intended).

I think Jarnowa would also be against white criminal immigrants. So it's not about race.

You fail.
shush  1 | 209  
1 Jul 2010 /  #155
There is always the mistake people make - they get one thing and another and they think one is the reason of the other. Same as in the article about cows which give more milk when they are given name. The person who wrote article somehow didnt see that the cows who have own names are more cared for and thats the reason they give more milk and not just the name itself...
Matowy  - | 293  
1 Jul 2010 /  #156
I would suggest you to read more about group-effect and comformity-theories.

Except that, as you've hinted at yourself, racism is a natural impulse for humans due to our tribal history. It's much easier to be racist than it is to be non-racist, because the former is driven by primal impulses and the latter on logic. Manipulating large masses of people is easier with a motive like racism (I don't need examples here, it's too obvious). Why? Because racists rely on shock tactics, and shock tactics are effective on the weak-minded and emotionally-driven, which most are. Case in point, the rape stuff you're all bringing up now - blatant shock tactic. Racists can show you biased articles, inaccurate shock statistics, shock images and whatever else, but when it comes to actual real-world applications they fail to bring any evidence whatsoever.

I think Jarnowa would also be against white criminal immigrants. So it's not about race.

Like all the articles I showed that didn't link immigration with crime whatsoever, and if anything only specified Eastern Europeans? For the record I place about 0.5% faith in online articles, but since everyone else here seems to think they're valid evidence, I have no qualms using them to point out the tirade of fallacies.

MareGaea, I think that analogy is OK, but far too complicated for these people to follow. I think the No True Scotsman fallacy (check wiki) has always been the most perfect description for racists. You see, people, you can take practically any conclusion, opinion, prejudice or perception and you can take it to such extremes that it becomes reality for you and others, even though those from the outside looking in only see broken logic and an even more broken mind. If you're trying to convince people that immigrants (ESPECIALLY the ones with dark skin, coincidentally) are all bad, that they are uncivilized, offer no economic value, cause violence and destruction, and that they'll some day impose their wicked ways upon the whole of Europe, then you should probably do so by pointing to real evidence of this, and not just the "evidence" that you purposefully seek out in your "No True Scotsman"-induced stupor.

Obama is a communist
Jews rule the world
Illuminati rule the world
The British royal family are shape-shifting alien reptiles
America "defends freedom" in every military action it takes
Global warming is a serious threat
The world will end in 2012
The Anti-Christ is among us
Barack Obama IS the anti-christ (I didn't even use his name)
Jews are inherently evil
Blacks inherently intellectually inferior (even I could disprove this in my sleep, conclusions such as these are made by people who have no understanding whatsoever of genetics, the human brain, or how humanity works)

Homosexuality is genetic
Homosexuality is evil
Homosexuality causes natural disruption
Fluoride... need I say more?

So there you go, irrefutable evidence that there are threats out there greater than the evil darkies. I suggest we increase awareness to fix these problems first, then we can get right around to your master plan of training football hooligans to save Europe.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
1 Jul 2010 /  #157
Racists can show you biased articles,

The same thing can be done by "non"-racists.

I suggest we increase awareness to fix these problems first,

Was that serious? You want to save the world from destruction? You want to stop Jews from being evil and greedy?
enkidu  6 | 611  
1 Jul 2010 /  #158
I got to know an older polish woman who married an asian man for money, her view were so discriminatory that i had to start avoiding her altogether!

Poles are racists - face it! Most of them believe that Polish tradition is the best in the world. That means that any other country and any other people are inferior to them.

Even more - most of them are proud of their so-called "tradition".

Here is the photo of the traditional Polish racists gathering. Please note the evil smile on their racists faces:

wigilia in poland
shush  1 | 209  
1 Jul 2010 /  #159

Perhaps u just gave her another confirmation of her opinions lol
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
16 Aug 2010 /  #160
The poles actually come TO WORK!The blacks and asians have not contributed half of what the poles have, even though they've been in your country for 10 times the amount of time.

What an arrogant and unsubstantiated statement. What exactly do Poles contribute to Britain again. I believe those Asian Billionaires paid more taxes to Britain than all the polish migrants in the UK combined. Britain was doing just fine before polish mass migration and it will be OK without you and your racist folks.
16 Aug 2010 /  #161
Aussie so you ARE a troll!!! Wow, I've really belived you that you are just an Australian girl who travelled Poland... such a dissapointment!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Aug 2010 /  #162
Most come to work but more and more chose to become squatters and that complicates the issue. They have to actively look for work under the current EU Directive but they aren't.

Well, under sth like affirmative action and equal opportunities, blacks can occupy prominent positions in the civil service and as doctors etc etc. They just needed a chance. As for Asians, quite a few are wealthy and you just need to look at their cars as evidence of that. Their businesses tend to flourish in the UK due to their 'pooling' resources and family approach to it. There is a steady demand for what they are selling.

However, many Poles have done a sterling job and it doesn't need to be Us Vs Them. What a primitive way of thinking. Let them do their job and you do yours.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
16 Aug 2010 /  #163
Well, under sth like affirmative action and equal opportunities, blacks can occupy prominent positions in the civil service and as doctors etc etc. They just needed a chance.

They had a chance in their own country.

They shouldn't even get equal chances.

First British employers should try to find a native Brit, if they can't find one, they should try another EU citizen. If they can't find one, then it's time to look for people from other European countries (Norway, Serbia, Russa, etc). Non-European immigrants only if all other options failed because this is Europe, not Africa or Asia. Europeans first!
Allison  4 | 117  
16 Aug 2010 /  #164
90% of Polish people I have chatted to have racist view towards Asian and black people in the UK, many of these poles exhibit views dating back to the 1950s, stuff that other western societies have since put behind them.

I think you sound like a racist yourself.
16 Aug 2010 /  #165
It was already proved in post #3 by me.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
16 Aug 2010 /  #166
I think you sound like a racist yourself.

You're absolutely right.

It's always a legitimate question to ask these people why they are in Europe, asking this doesn't make people racist.

Those who suggest that all Poles/whites who ask these questions are bad people are the real racists.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Aug 2010 /  #167
It's always a legitimate question to ask these people why they are in Europe, asking this doesn't make people racist.

that is a strange question to ask, since the answers are obvious.

If a white man would rape a coloured woman, left-wing people would cry about racism on the rise and would demand tougher punishment and a ban on anti-immigration parties.

that was happening for centuries during the colonization process. Had a different name at that time: beded.

So tell me. Why do men in general rape women?
Midas  1 | 571  
16 Aug 2010 /  #168
Thread starter has an agenda and is out to prove it.

Poles are no more racist than other Europeans.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Aug 2010 /  #169
they're defiantly more outward about it...
16 Aug 2010 /  #170
Poles are no more racist than other Europeans.

Quite the opposite. Which explains why a non-white person is more likely to be the victim of racist crime in Poland than in Germany, France, Austria or the UK.
andrei  - | 25  
16 Aug 2010 /  #171
Why so?
Any data?
16 Aug 2010 /  #172
Yes. The EU releases figures for the number of race related crimes in member states. Compare that data with the number of non-white people living in the state and you can see the chanced of a person being the victim of crime. I posted the statistics here but they seem to have disappeared.
16 Aug 2010 /  #173
And you Harry why do you hate Poles? (I heard that you hate Poles from other users)
16 Aug 2010 /  #174
And you Harry why do you hate Poles?

And out comes the usual bolllocks from Poles: tell an uncomfortable truth about Poles and it means that you must hate them. Not anything that they need to address or change, the fault is always with the person who points out the truth.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
16 Aug 2010 /  #175
that is a strange question to ask, since the answers are obvious.

In a way, yes. Their answers will probably exactly what they believe white people want to hear to accept them in their territory, including many lies.

Quite the opposite. Which explains why a non-white person is more likely to be the victim of racist crime in Poland than in Germany, France, Austria or the UK.

You have any reliable source for this, probably not.

But i'm glad to read that even you confirm that crime against non-whites is very low in Western Europe, as opposed to black/arab crime against white people.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Aug 2010 /  #176
I would like more British jobs for British workers simply because they are the natives there. However, some posters here are making the cardinal mistake that blacks are solely African and are well down on the pecking order. They ARE part of the national fabric of Britain and are thus very much in the mix. As such, they should get the nod ahead of other EU nationals according to the logic of some here. The best candidate for the job is an assessment for employers to make and not to be determined through solely racial criteria or other biases.

Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism? No idea, nobody I know has spoken about it in Scotland. Most seem happy with their contribution.
milky  13 | 1656  
16 Aug 2010 /  #177
I would like more British jobs for British workers simply because they are the natives there.

So its best that Britain left the EU.........
manchesterguy  - | 1  
16 Aug 2010 /  #178
who are these poles to say anything in UK, they are immigrants
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Aug 2010 /  #179
They pay taxes, man guy. As such, they are contributing to the state. Tell me this, what is a Brit? Define your typical Brit in several descriptive terms, please.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
17 Aug 2010 /  #180
Define your typical Brit in several descriptive terms, please.

In his opinion the typical Brit smells of curry.

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