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Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Jun 2010 /  #121
No, just the priests ;) ;)
26 Jun 2010 /  #122
Catholics??? Just the priests and its becouse of celibacy. Celibacy should be abolished!
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
26 Jun 2010 /  #123
Yawn, terrorism in London is quite common.

Well, from that rather insightful list I find out that the 7/7 bombers killed TWICE as many in ONE BOMB, than all the IRA bombs PUT TOGETHER, in the last 100 YEARS. I think that qualifies them to stand out a bit more. The IRA are now almost finished, but the muslims have just started....who do you prefer? And if you're arguing like that..then it's ok to import violent muslims to Europe, because we already have bombers and madmen here from before...this is a classic insane statement from the left side. What is your political viewpoint by the way? (Just to ask you, since it obviously irritated you that I took for granted that you lean to the left side based on your comments here in this thread).

I should have pointed out that I meant the "difference". I stayed in Durham, and it was a very nice place, just outside of Newcastle. I guess there aren't too many immigrants there? But when I went to Birmingham, I could barely see any ethnic british people. Liverpool was bad, the shops all closed up with those metal fences, and Manchester wasn't much better. You don't see that here in Norway, or in Poland. England has long built an underclass of whites and they are living in poverty in their own country, thanks to the millions of 3rd world immigrants who come in and receive every benefit under the sun, effectively taking jobs and chances away from the indigenous population. You might have noticed the "race-riots" going on in your country? In Oldham, Bradford, Birmingham and others? What about the EDL, the English Defence League who are stirring up the establishment with their demonstrations against muslim racism every week now? I've even seen non-muslim immigrants from Pakistan among them. Wow, things are progressing....how do you explain that?

They aren't deported because they have legal rights to be here, and have no more obligation to follow the law here than they did back home

Well, it may be alien to the poles in Britain, since they come from a homogenous country, where 96% of the people believe in the same faith. You call all football hooligans stupid, but I can't call all muslims terrorists? Why, I'm just using your argument technique, but as always, you want to control the words and who can say what and where. Typical LEFTIST of you, Matowy! When a big portion of the people act the same way, dress the same way, talk the same way and feel the same way, we're allowed to "profile" them. You do it in all aspects of life! Like "housewives", or "homosexuals", or "football hooligans". Based on their actions and history, you can expect and anticipate certain patterns of behaviours. It's done by marketing companies, the police and many other entities in our socities. Muslims stick out by being involved in things like; "Inter-marrying", "honour-killings", "wife-beatings", "acid-attacks", "welfare-fraud" and other nice things that enriches our european culture.

The Poles were an unnecessary addition to the UK, unlike in the 60's when we needed blacks and Asians to come and stimulate our workforce and economy. The Poles were unnecessary and unwanted, but were allowed in anyway out of sheer kindness. All other EU countries have placed limitations on Eastern European immigration.

Now turn this around and exchange "The Poles" with "The blacks" in the above statement...and post it somewhere public. (Wait for the police to come and arrest you).

This statement has to be the most idiotic statement of the year. Congratulations, Matowy! The poles actually come TO WORK! The blacks and asians have not contributed half of what the poles have, even though they've been in your country for 10 times the amount of time. Now why is that? I hear the same argument here in Norway, "Oh, they come to take the jobs we don't want to do!". Wait a minute, who drove taxi's, buses and trams, who washed our toilets and offices, who worked in our factories and in low-income jobs before they came? Oh, that's right. WE DID! But our treacherour governments simultaneously started importing millions of uneducated, unskilled, unintegrationable folks from half around the globe! Instead of looking eastwards, or even to other countries closer to ours...have you read the statement from the UK government where it's told that it was all a plan to make them stay in power?! It was a deliberate plan to import 3rd worlder, because they overwhelmingly vote centrist/left! Nobody want's to be a taxi driver, because you would be the only ethnic englishman there! The same goes for the other occupations! You want to work where you belong, where you have someone to talk to on your break! Not with 18 muslims, two sikhs, one chinese and you! Of course you're not gonna apply for a job there!

If they do all of that, then why do you label them as "Muslims" and not just as an immigrant group? It's strange to catagorize a criminal generation by a religion, that's like attributing racism of Poles to Catholicism.

Because being muslim is completely different from being Catholic! Islam controls every aspect of your life, from you get up, your 5 prayers a day, what you eat, what your wear, who you wed, where you worship, and WHEN you pray, eat, wed and worship! It is a political evil, disguised as religion. You might argue that for catholicism too, but it's no where NEAR islam. Not by a million years. In catholicism you don't have stoning, acid attacks, burkas, circumcition of young girls, arrainged marriages with underaged girls etc.

There's no evidence for that at all, unless you can find the passages in the Quran that definitely say "Thou shalt cause gang violence, thou shalt scam, though shalt rape, thou shalt do drugs and shoot people". I would try and find you statistics for "Muslim" crime in the UK, but I don't think anyone in my country is stupid enough to embark on such an irrelevant study.

Here's a couple of websites that show what the so called holy book tells your pets what to do;

Oh oh! Here are all your anwers Matowy. Someone ACTUALLY DID THE STUDY!! How stupid are they??!?!

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)

"And when the sacred months are passed, kill those who join other gods with God wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they shall convert, and observe prayer, and pay the obligatory alms, then let them go their way, for God is Gracious, Merciful." (Sura 9:5)

"Allah is not bound by any contract or treaty with non-Muslims, nor is His Apostle." (Sura 9:3:)

You obviously feel that the muslims are being "singled out", and for a good reason. They are the least integrated group of people on our continent. Their religion has made sure of that. Only when they rid themselves of it, like we did here with the christianity of the middle ages (where islam belongs), can we possibly see some improvement in their behaviour and contribution to our culture. Until then...they haven't really accomplished anything. The poles that went to the US helped build it to a superpower. Today, the 3rd world people are helping making the US a chinese outpost with no future. England are well on their way after them...as always.

Thanks for the links, they were informative! But if you look at them, 3rd worlders, even as "few" as they still are, are so overrepresented on all these statistics! You would maybe expect a few europeans on that list, considering the short distance and the EU.

I'll give you one last link; be sure to check out the videos a bit down on the site;



p.s. Do you know that playing chess is forbidden in islam? (Sahih Muslim - Book 028, Number 5612: Buraida reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: He who played chess is like one who dyed his hand with the flesh and blood of swine).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Jun 2010 /  #124
Matowy, I'd listen to what Dariusz is saying. A lot of Muslims do cause problems for various countries but I would issue a caveat. The Press is prone to stirring things up and they want to create enemies of Islam.

Most people just go by what they are fed and don't know the true picture. For the umpteenth time, I will quote Bob Dylan. Many Westerners should follow the logic, 'don't criticise what you can't understand'. One of the best quotes ever, IMHO.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
26 Jun 2010 /  #125
I dont understand the gravitation but I can criticise it. As it drags me down. You quote is a bull.
I do not have to read Quoran to know that Muslims are just bunch murderers and psychopaths. They need to be fought by any means necessery.
ender  5 | 394  
26 Jun 2010 /  #126
Polish and Indians are the 2 biggest destroyers ... I can't wait for these 2 groups to be removed from this country

BTW I think you are Schwartz. Jamaican I guess. You know I've checked HIV prevalence for Jamaica is 1.6% for Poland is 0.1% it's 16 times bigger. For country with population 2,800,000 7,600 woman (aged +15) and for country with population 38,100,000 5,500 woman is nothing.

UK:prevalence 0.2% 61,800,000 population and 22,000 woman(aged +15)
nice numbers don;t you think?
Matowy  - | 293  
26 Jun 2010 /  #127
Completely and utterly bored of discussing Islam, Muslims, whatever. I'm annoyed that I spend so much time discussing religion when I feel nothing but apathy for it. As far as I'm concerned, religion (all of it) is worthless and not worth my time. Not another second will I waste on it.

What is your political viewpoint by the way?

I do not have any. I try and stay away from politics because it is ridden with falsities, lies, inobjectivity, hidden agendas and corruption. I try and look at events happening today on how they will be viewed in the future, because in my experience people like to pretend that they are living in the time when it is ALL happening, that their time and their issues are the most important in history (most of this forum suffers from this syndrome). The lack of perspective involved is insane. Immigration is the ultimate classic, always at one time or another there's this great threat looming on the horizon. "The immigrants are coming here in great numbers, they erode our society from the inside out, they breed like vermin, they want to destroy our way of life, they want to take over our countries" - if only you realised just how much of a cliché this is, you wouldn't hold half of the views you hold now because it would be embarassing to be such a stereotype. A lot of these are usually used in reference to Jews, especially in the mid 20'th Century.

I should have pointed out that I meant the "difference". I stayed in Durham

So you haven't BEEN to Newcastle?

and it was a very nice place, just outside of Newcastle.

I agree, I like Durham too.

I guess there aren't too many immigrants there?

There are tons of Poles there, one of my Polish friends lives in County Durham.

But when I went to Birmingham, I could barely see any ethnic british people.

Uh-oh, getting a bit off topic. I specifically asked about Newcastle (Durham is fine too), because I know these areas quite well. I don't care about Birmingham. I have also been there, and I did not like it, but I will say that the neighbourhoods are a lot cleaner and safer than here.

Liverpool was bad, the shops all closed up with those metal fences, and Manchester wasn't much better.


Population: Ranked 5th
Total: 458,000
Density: 3,951 / km²
Ethnicity: 94.3% White
1.1% S.Asian
1.2% Afro-Carib.
1.2% Chinese
I bet this is evidence that even 2.3% of your selected hated minorities are enough to completely destroy a city? Of course it is, because you employ perfectly the usage of the No True Scotsman fallacy.

You don't see that here in Norway, or in Poland. England has long built an underclass of whites and they are living in poverty in their own country, thanks to the millions of 3rd world immigrants who come in and receive every benefit under the sun, effectively taking jobs and chances away from the indigenous population.

You are such a stereotype, it's not even funny. You're like the grumpy old man who blames all the woes of the world on immigrants. Liverpool is a certified **** hole, and not because of immigration. My county is also a **** hole, along with Liverpool it has some of the largest statistics of crime, drugs, teenage pregnancy, alcoholism, lack of education, violence, unemployment, benefit-theft and robbery in the country. Like Liverpool, it is also 95% white or more. FYI, your last sentence perfectly sums up how a lot of people felt when the Poles started coming here. The "Comin' over 'ere, takin' our jobs!" speech is a classic, and it applies to every immigrant, not just the non-white ones like it would in your little fantasy world.

What you're displaying here is lack of knowledge about how the UK is structured, which is why I emphasize again that you have no place making judgements for the whole of Europe. If you had even the slightest bit of curiosity or objectivity, you'd know that working class towns like Liverpool and such have always been poverty hot-spots, and likely always will be. Living in one such place, I can say for certain that it's because the local population is lazy and unwilling to take responsibility for anything, largely because of how easy it is to claim benefits. Most towns in the north of England (and maybe Scotland?) are like this, and you're the first person I've ever heard of to blame it on the small % of immigrants. God help you if you ever go to Glasgow.

You're extremely sad, seeing things in only terms of black and white, often literally.

You might have noticed the "race-riots" going on in your country? In Oldham, Bradford, Birmingham and others? What about the EDL, the English Defence League who are stirring up the establishment with their demonstrations against muslim racism every week now? I've even seen non-muslim immigrants from Pakistan among them. Wow, things are progressing....how do you explain that?

I don't watch the news, I have heard of no "race riots".

Well, it may be alien to the poles in Britain, since they come from a homogenous country, where 96% of the people believe in the same faith. You call all football hooligans stupid, but I can't call all muslims terrorists?

Football hooligans are a group characterized and defined by their generation of violence, Muslims have "all" been terrorists for... what, about 5 years now? Whenever it was that 9/11 took place. That's why I won't take this stupidity seriously, because if every Muslim was a terrorist then there would have been signs pre-dating 9/11. It's purely because of the hype and media surrounding that event and the ones after which influenced the now common viewpoint. I bet if I asked you when you started holding these views, if you were honest you would reply that it was after 9/11 that you acquired them. I think you would just lie anyway, so I won't bother to ask. I don't intend on being some media drone like you, which is why I reject the most common views in favour of examination instead, and why I don't pay attention to TV, radio or internet news

Now turn this around and exchange "The Poles" with "The blacks" in the above statement...and post it somewhere public. (Wait for the police to come and arrest you).

False. It's recorded historically that Britain did, in fact, NEED immigration to stimulate the workforce and economy. This is a fact, one that you can't manipulate it to your liking. The Poles were most definitely an unnecessary addition to the workforce. You think 2+ million of them coming over is good? What about that "immigrants steal jobs from the local inhabitants" speech you just gave? Most definitely a lot of British people were unhappy with the Poles coming here in such numbers, and it shows, even on this forum.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
27 Jun 2010 /  #128
It's quite annoying to see Matowy denying that non-European immigration has caused big problems.

He hopes that we are so stupid to doubt this fact by pointing to a few troubled UK places in which non-Europeans aren't the cause. But the general picture is of course that cities with a high % of non-Europeans are more likely to have a high crime rate than similar cities that are not yet flooded by africans and asians.

I could point to the Belgian and Dutch situation again, but as you are probably not very familiar with those countries, have a look at Norway, Denmark and Sweden and see what happenend to the peaceful societies after they were so stupid to let in thousands of Africans and Middle Eastern "enrichers".
milky  13 | 1656  
27 Jun 2010 /  #129
I think there is a lot of hot air reactionary bullsh1t talked here..People move from country to country for external reasons outside their control.. The movement of people will always happen,has always happened so deal with it. Society needs proper government not just freemarket dogs who drag in foreigners like cattle to work for buttons. There are plenty of white individuals in every government who are racist to the bone and who would let half of Nigeria into England France etc etc if they were to personally profit from it.

The Brits had a high demand for unskilled labor in the 1950s and they cried out for immigrants..American cry out for Mexicans etc etc.. The Irish and EU were delighted to expand EU so to bring in cheap labor from the former Soviet states..The fear now is that The Poles abroad cannot return home because the wages at home are so sh1t that they can only maintain their super-inflated (Polish)mortgages and rare their children by remaining in the west. Then the low wage economy of Poland will be swamped by Belarusian and Ukrainians. The Poles will then be complaining big time,even grannies will be shaving of their hair to join the impulse, reactionary ,dog chasing tail skinheads.Something needs to be done that does not include the solutions of the nazi right and the colourless soft left.

The solution will most definatly not include mentally illiterate,scumbag,soccer thugs
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Jun 2010 /  #130
Completely and utterly bored of discussing Islam, Muslims, whatever. I'm annoyed that I spend so much time discussing religion when I feel nothing but apathy for it. As far as I'm concerned, religion (all of it) is worthless and not worth my time. Not another second will I waste on it.

I don't disagree with you on this one. Religion has been the foremost aggressor in our recorded history. And the way it enslaves people and keep them from "living in the now", is sad. The only reason I fight against islam is because it's not merely a relgion, but mostly a political force, disguised as religion. If the muslims just kept to themselves as other religions do, working hard, people, including me, wouldn't really care. But when they keep on pushing and pushing, people are gonna say, "Hey, that's enough!". Nobody cares about the Sihks or the buddhists or the hundreds of different branches of christianity...they are all there, but at the same time, they stay under the radar. Islam is like a earthquake that won't stop trembling.

A lot of these are usually used in reference to Jews, especially in the mid 20'th Century.

Previously immigration in big waves were of european descent, the first two-three generations might have had trouble, but after a while it all melted together. The 3rd worlders, specifically fronted by the muslims have been here for what now, 5-6-7 generations, and the divide is just getting bigger! They are not integrating more, but actually less! This will in the end up in civil war. The poles that move to England, will after 10-20 years assimilate, get english names and adopt their new countries culture. Maybe bring a couple of things with them, like food, or some traditions, but all in all....no change. They will be swallowed up by the indigenous population of brits, and live in harmony with them. Like what happened in the US, where folks from all countries of Europe came and built the greatest nation that ever was. Poles, english, irish, swedes, germans and what not. It was the quilt of many colours....of EUROPE. Today, the 3rd world quilt of many colours just don't work, as the fabric is too different. Islam vs christianity just can't co-exist.

FYI, your last sentence perfectly sums up how a lot of people felt when the Poles started coming here. The "Comin' over 'ere, takin' our jobs!"

That's why I mentioned that England has built a new type of white underclass. Did they have to import millions of non-christian, 3rd worlders ON TOP OF THAT? Where is the logic in that? Oh, I have a leak on my roof, let's flood the basement as well...England would have gotten out the "we need more labour" crisis just fine, without the short-term goal of importing millions of unskilled, non-christians to their country. And what has the long-term effect been? Just look at the crime-statistics, the immigration policies and the cost of it (Which Denmark actually did last year, and low-and-behold found out that is going in the negative). The poor white underclass that has now developed in Britain, need the government money, not the millions of 3rd worlders that are on welfare, and have NOT built up and deserved it, like the forefathers of the europeans. This is a tricky political question, but I say, europeans first. If we can't take care of our own, then we should not take care of others either! Back you go! (10 000 years of settlement gives us that right, versus 40 years of political treachery).

I don't watch the news, I have heard of no "race riots".

So that's why you seem so out of contact with what's happening in Europe? Race riots have also occured in Paris, Marseille, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Oslo...all over Europe! Matowy, you need to start watching the news, or at least go into some of these areas for yourself and see what is happening. Attacking poles for coming to your country is for you to do! Hey, maybe you're right, maybe they are taking your jobs and leeching of your welfare system, but they are not even close to what the muslims are doing. Not even by a billion lightyears.

Since you're not watching the news, I found some links for you, well spread around in Europe, so you don't think I'm just harping on about Norway, Poland and England. It's the same story all over the place;













I still am waiting for the "Polish race riots in England"...although they constitute for a large portion of the current immgration into your country...hmm...why is that? Is it because they actually adapt to your society? That they go to work everyday, that they don't gangrape your women and children, or that they don't shoot eachother on public streets, or demand catholic churces to be built everywhere? That they don't keep their women hidden behind burkas and keep them locked up 24/7 at home, even after tens of years of staying in that country? There is a big difference between european immigration and 3rd world/muslim immigration.

Muslim terrorists have been around for much longer that 9/11. More like the 6th century, when this aggressive evil, disguised as a religion started out. Read about the battle of Vienna, how they took Constantinople, and held Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece and Spain. How they kidnapped slaves from unprotected european settlements and abused them because they were not muslims, and therfore lawful to abuse. (read the Surah in the Quran in my previous post). How they treated non-muslims in their areas, making them pay special taxes just to live amongs them. The history is long and full of examples that I do not have to give you, if you just knew your history! And opened a newspaper once in a while. I've been fighting against this crazy immigration policy since the 80's, LONG before 9/11. I was hounded at school for being the only one against 3rd world immigration, when it was still "common knowledge" that immigration was "good" for our counties. We know different today.

Most definitely a lot of British people were unhappy with the Poles coming here in such numbers, and it shows, even on this forum.

Recorded by whom? The same establishment that are behind this mess? Of course they will write this. But the future history books will say it was a big mistake. After the civil war has ended, and we, the indiginous population of Europe, hopefully, have won. If the poles are so "unnecessary", then why are they all working there then? They would'nt have come if there were no jobs? Why are there hundreds of thousands of poles in Norway then? They are not sitting on the streets begging for money, like the gypsies do. Nor do they participate in great crime...hmm..what are they doing...oh yes, they are WORKING!! Paying taxes and helping your life improve, unlike your favourites, the muslims, who stick their asses up 5 times a day, and occupy all the doctor's offices and welfare lines. If you could just find me the unemployment statistics for poles vs muslims/3rd worlders. That would be an interesting read.

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
27 Jun 2010 /  #131

We Poles are not racist. Some people are ... some have doubts of the unknown ... some are nervous ... others are just too defensive.

We are slowly getting exposed to many cultures and many people from all over the world...

Its all a process.

I dont agree that we are "racist"
rebeccap  - | 3  
27 Jun 2010 /  #132
I got to know an older polish woman who married an asian man for money, her view were so discriminatory that i had to start avoiding her altogether! Not just racist but also very arrogant! One she said, "all these young English people are borne brain damaged because their parents drink too much alcohol!" she had such views about pretty much every race, so it seemed to polish people only they themselves are the great and good and worthy of being on this earth!! So far i haven't come across a single one that is intelligent, intellectual, decent or trust worthy...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Jun 2010 /  #133
Well, being Polish, you wouldn't, would you?

There are quite a lot of racists here and I've seen them.

a lot of evidence of Polish racism. Many no-hopers went across to the UK and, I surmise, many of them racists.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
27 Jun 2010 /  #134
All humans are racist to some extent. It's a part of our nature.
milky  13 | 1656  
28 Jun 2010 /  #135
your anal personality clearly reflects itself on your stubborness and pride;

I thought the i'm racist because we are all racist point of view is a prime example of the anal personality.. Think you mixed things up buddy..Tolerance is not anal ..
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
28 Jun 2010 /  #136
You failed to see the core of my post. *facepalm*
jarnowa  4 | 499  
28 Jun 2010 /  #137
beatroot.blogspot.com/2009/01/is-polands-racism-even-wors e-than -its.html, a lot of evidence of Polish racism. Many no-hopers went across to the UK and, I surmise, many of them racists.

I don't see the problem.

White soccerplayers get called 'son of a *****' for ages and nobody's crying about that, but when negroes get compared with monkeys then suddenly Poland has a problem???
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
28 Jun 2010 /  #138
Being racist to a black person is much worse than being racist to a white person! Didn't yo know that? Because the blacks are always "poor", "from a tough background", "oppressed", and the like. No white have ever been that! We all were born with a silver spoon up our behind and blessed with our skincolour! But I know from experience that the non-whites are ten times more racist that we could ever imagine. They don't really even sugarcoat anything when they start. I've heard somalis and vietnamese argue, and the pakistanis against the turks. The language was horrible. And just look at the caste-system among pakistanis and indians. Imagine if we still had that thing going on here in Europe? What caste would 3rd world immigrants be then? We "whites" get blasted for even looking at blacks funny, but a immigrant from Africa can scream insults and racial words at a white person and people just shrug their shoulders. Because we are so "priviledged", we should accept it. Besides, he/she was just frustrated because of all the racism he/she has to endour in our societies. But as the immigrantion population increases people have noticed this, and on several debate forums in Norway people have said, "hey, this is a two-way street!". Several norwegians have accused immigrants of racism against them, and that has made alot of PC liberal journalists scratch their heads, and the courtsystems struggeling for proper use of the hate-laws. The immigrants can't be racist against the whites...can they? Can we actually use the hate-laws AGAINST immigrants?

In the news it's always "Suspicion of racial hatred", or "Police will look into racial words used by immigrants against whites". Even though witnesses and victims clearly heard racist words being used against whites. But will the immigrants actually get sentenced for it? The future will tell...

Some people in here like to label me, and others, as racists and nazis, but I don't ever use derogatory words or actually say racist things. I have my opinion, and as long as I don't cross the line, I believe we should be able to discuss immigration, religion and other "hot" topics, without the "your're a racist" card that some here love to pull out of their sleeves. You know who you are.

When poles critizise immigrants in England, then why does it have to be racism? Why does skincolour always have to be only reason to critizise anyone, can't their actions alone be enough? That it happens that more than usual of the perpetrators of certain crimes have a different skin-colour than us or a different religion, may be conincidental, but the PC crowd immidiately only sees skincolour and shout "racist!". But I thought race didn't exist? So how can it be "racism"?

It's tiresome, because it gives the immigrants a "get out of jail card", that they use for all it's worth. "Someone cut infront of me in traffic, he has to be a racist!", "I didn't get the job I wanted, the company is racist!", "I couldn't get into the nightclub, they're racist!", "The girl didn't want to dance with me, she's a racist!", "I didn't get the grade I wanted by the teacher, he's a racist!". EVERYTHING that happens to their disfavour is somehow concealed, but racist, because it can't be that things didn't go their way for any other reason than their skin-colour or religion. I wonder what we "whiteys", have that even resembles that...nothing really. So if anybody cut's infront of us in traffic, or doesn't let us in into the nightclub or want to date us....we have to deal with it. And I think the immigrants should start doing that too. Racism has been overhyped, overused and become the pink elephant in the room...and we know that pink elephants don't really exist. Maybe a long time ago, but in today's "progressive" societies of Europe, it's become outdated. It's time we moved on.

In closing, the anti-racist center of Norway, lacking real racism to work on in Norway, just came out with a study to justify their existence, namley, and hold on to your hats...."That all norwegians are secretly racists!". We just don't know it, but deep down in every one of us, pinky white norwegians, there exists a racist. And we should all look into ourselves and accept it. Now, how can you argue with people who hold such views? It's impossible. By that standard, we are all potential serial-killers too and god knows what else we could be! What a scary thought! And after dozens of years of PC brain conditioning in movies, magazines, plays, schools and the press, norwegians actually think that this could be right...and then the professional anti-racists can sit back in their government subsidiced headquarters and smile, while they found a way to still exist.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Jun 2010 /  #139
Jarnowa, it's how brutally they pitch it. It's not nice and is needless, end of!
jarnowa  4 | 499  
29 Jun 2010 /  #140
You are right that it is not nice, but on the other side...a few soccerplayers being insulted sends a very powerful message to non-Europeans that Poland is not a welcoming place for them.

You can ask the question: what is more important...protecting a handful of black soccerplayers against insults that might happen during matches, or protecting Polish people against the horrors of mass immigration from 3rd world?
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
29 Jun 2010 /  #141
Let Poles protect themselves. Remember the deeds of that King Jan or whatever his name was. Polish national pride is stronger than German or Dutch, so it would be hard for muslims to make Poland fall for islam.

What I do find distressing is, that Polish women fall easily for muslims and either they convert to the religion of peace, or become appeasers of the latter. Both are bad things. Even worse is when they have children with those men, for those children will automatically be and see themselves as muslims, nothing else.

Once again: you're Belgian or something like that. Protect YOUR country, not Poland. I used to think my pals and I could make more Germans understand the dangers muslim immigrants represent. I quitted once I realized that Germany's destiny belongs to Islam.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
29 Jun 2010 /  #142
Let Poles protect themselves. Remember the deeds of that King Jan or whatever his name was. Polish national pride is stronger than German or Dutch, so it would be hard for muslims to make Poland fall for islam.

I'm not worried about that, Polish people indeed have more pride. They will never take over. But their numbers definitely increase, ain't that bad enough?

What I do find distressing is, that Polish women fall easily for muslims and either they convert to the religion of peace, or become appeasers of the latter. Both are bad things. Even worse is when they have children with those men, for those children will automatically be and see themselves as muslims, nothing else.

To be honest, i don't see many Polish women with muslim men, they usually walk with their own women, as opposite to blacks.

Once again: you're Belgian or something like that. Protect YOUR country, not Poland. I used to think my pals and I could make more Germans understand the dangers muslim immigrants represent. I quitted once I realized that Germany's destiny belongs to Islam.

My country is already lost, so i feel like a refugee in Poland who can't return. ;)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
29 Jun 2010 /  #143
ain't that bad enough?


To be honest, i don't see many Polish women with muslim men,

You really need to visit Germany or England.

My country is already lost,

Oh yes, I have heard of Brussels' majority being purely non-European (as much of an oxymoron as it is). It's kind of sad; even worse is the fact that some of those traitors named politicians got attacked by a muslim gang early this year and lol, those were leftists. I am sure they won't change their views on mass-immigration.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Jun 2010 /  #144
Poland should not have to share its new-found wealth with 3rd worlders. Anyone who has studied the debt trap of African nations should know that Poland need not become embroiled in that.

Let Africans build on subsistence and primogeniture. Poland will only be accused of racism if it treated would-be immigrants here badly. The point is Poland doesn't have the resources to sustain them as well as its own people. Britain and France, in particular, were greedy when it came to Africa so let them pick up the tab now.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Jun 2010 /  #145
Britain and France, in particular, were greedy when it came to Africa so let them pick up the tab now.

That made me laugh, we've been picking up the tab for decades - how much a year do you think we send to these countries by way of aid? No? Well its £7.75 billion. Plus Seanus, its not my generations problem, Some upper class twits grand parents sins are not mine. These countries are still shyt holes even with this amount of money..Ever heard the saying - thowing good money after bad?

Polands best bet is to cap immigration before it even starts! Investment yes, hoards of none EU students from India and Africa - NO! They cant aford the studies and they have no intentions of going home after they finish if they can aford them! Offer nothing to them and they will stay away!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Jun 2010 /  #146
Britain and France created the debt trap whereby they put Africa in a position of permanent debt which they can't repay. It was known that they didn't know how to use the machinery but still we pumped in aid. That was a fatal mistake which we should pay for.

Exactly, offer no incentives and keep them at bay.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
29 Jun 2010 /  #147

Good post you. It's common sense not to give more money to these clowns. Same with Haiti. Fools calling me up asking me to give. I said what for? So about 15 people ministers can get new Bentleys? F.uck off.
fused  - | 5  
30 Jun 2010 /  #148
Us brits laugh at the Popes stupid hat and polishmens huge noses and the fact they have to come here to get toilet cleaning jobs. To quote Mick Jagger .. "jumping jack flash it's a GAS GAS GAS". Yes Adolf Hitler you were doing an amazing job why the **** did we stop you :)
Matowy  - | 293  
30 Jun 2010 /  #149
Very nice, we are all collectively offended and outraged at your comments. A deeply sincere strongly-worded post is soon to follow, stand by.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Jun 2010 /  #150
It appears to be, yes :)

I think this is a question for honest Poles in the UK and British members who might have heard it.

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