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Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK?

Shadow K  - | 11  
13 Mar 2012 /  #301
allacces1: 90% of Polish people I have chatted to have racist view towards Asian and black people in the UK,

allacces1: Many poles I have encountered are less well-educated, and sometimes find it difficult to find jobs and were not accustomed to the multiracial nature of British society so they lash out like they should get special treatment for being white.

Not really. Racism and Nationalism are two distinctive matters. So, it's not racist to say, "go back to your country", in fact a british born Asian or Black person can tell that to Pols. But many don't know can't differentiate between racism and nationalism.

What I find odd is the new form of racism Poles have caused. UKIP have a following they would never have and even the BNP have said they want Poles gone as a vote gainer.

I understand that it's hard for some of you two grasps some concepts but UKIP is a protectionist/nationalist party and BNP a racist party. It's not the same thing. The UKIP is not a racist party.
modafinil  - | 416  
13 Mar 2012 /  #302
So you think that the Poles are a race? 'Cos I.m pretty sure the BNP want them out.

The UKIP is not a racist party.

See if you can understand any of these concepts and then get back to me.


Robert Kilroy-Silk (UKIP MEP since 2004) wrote in the Daily Express: "They
[Muslims] are backward and evil and if it is racist to say so... then racist I must be -
and happy and proud, to be so".
In December 2003, he discussed what he called "bleating blacks and Asians" in
Britain, asking "Why don't they stop whining and get a life?"

Dr Richard North (UKIP's former Research Director in the European Parliament,
Brussels from 1999-2003) described our Spanish neighbours as "rag-arsed dagos" in
a BBC TV documentary video, The Enemy Within , which UKIP has described as "a
perfect tool for converting the sceptical... and showing at branch meetings".

Peter Watson (Chairman, UKIP North Dorset branch) distributed anti-Semitic
messages via e-mail, including one remark that read "Jewish merchant bankers
[are] responsible for the ills of England".
Shadow K  - | 11  
13 Mar 2012 /  #303

So you think that the Poles are a race?

What make you think that this is maybe what I think ? don't extrapolate please.

See if you can understand any of these concepts and then get back to me. Peter Watson (Chairman, UKIP North Dorset branch) distributed anti-Semitic messages vblah blah blah ".

First of all, this pdf document is not from the UKIP so it is not a valid source that demonstrate that the UKIP has a RACIST program.

then, yes some members of this party have said racist stuff, and some are from the BNP. If you make the unbiased effort to make a search you fill discover that there are rascist in the Labour and Conservative party. That doesn't imply that their doctrine is racist.
modafinil  - | 416  
13 Mar 2012 /  #304
What make you think that this is maybe what I think ? don't extrapolate please.

It is cogent extrapolation given your flawed conceptual model.
Shadow K  - | 11  
13 Mar 2012 /  #305
where is the flaw ?
modafinil  - | 416  
13 Mar 2012 /  #306
Both are nationalist parties their differences are in extremity. The BNP claims not to be a racist party either.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Mar 2012 /  #307
But,whats wrong with a bit of nationalism, internationalism has plainly failed?
If you are British,want to be British or feel British you are British. Its pretty fluid and always has been. basically its been a history of mass squaters rights on these islands. The Scots are from Ireland,The Welsh are the ancient Britons the English are god only knows what ,have been since the days of Rome and Auxiliaries from Africa to Iran making their homes here on retirement.....
Shadow K  - | 11  
14 Mar 2012 /  #308
Both are nationalist parties their differences are in extremity. The BNP claims not to be a racist party either.

I don't know much about the BNP, to be honest but if there are not racist but only nationalist, then it's a rather good news isn't it ? anyway, it's getting late.

But,whats wrong with a bit of nationalism ?

who wrote that there is something wrong with a bit of nationalism ? :/
modafinil  - | 416  
14 Mar 2012 /  #309
But,whats wrong with a bit of nationalism, internationalism has plainly failed?

I don't know if you are being sarcastic or what? Without writing an essay, put simply (for once, you may be more sober than I) Kings aren't of one land anymore. The new Kings are corporate heads spanning the globe. The sun never sets on Microsoft, Apple, CocaCola...
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Mar 2012 /  #310
Kings aren't of one land anymore

You make my point, lets make a list of English born English Kings shall we?
Ok,no,but,erm, there were not that many of them in the grand scheme of things:)
Part sarcastic,part serious, nationalism does not have to involve hatred of others or exclusion of people based on spurious reasons.
The ANZACS were proud Aussies/Kiwis who fought for their country as much as for the motherland that most of them were either born in or who's parents were born in.

I know it gets tricky when one is making up a doctrine on the hoof,especially when I say lets have a bit of socialist nationalism............put better,lets look to this island and its inhabitants best interests (where ever they or their grandparents were born) for a while instead of this constant trying to sort every bugger elses problems out.

Why are we sending british people for trial in the USA on crimes that are not even crimes here or commited in the US?
Why are we still ploughing millions in aid into India?
the list goes on,and yes, some of them are the same issues that the fasch' cnuts bring up, but that does not mean every point they make is invalid.

The nazis rallied against unemployment in 30s germany, nazis are bad,but sorting out unemployment is good....
Barney  19 | 1724  
14 Mar 2012 /  #311
But,whats wrong with a bit of nationalism, internationalism has plainly failed?

It’s easy relatively on the Islands.
The point a lot of Polish posters are trying to get across is that when the state doesnt match the nation or nationality, when you have minorities outside and inside you are into a numbers game with land the prize. We don’t have that on the islands the borders are very clear.
modafinil  - | 416  
14 Mar 2012 /  #312
You make my point, lets make a list of English born English Kings shall we?

That's why I read you. My knowledge is weak on that side I was pushed into Maths/Physics/Engineering in the days we had a proud engineering and manufacturing base.

Part sarcastic,part serious, nationalism does not have to involve hatred of others or exclusion of people based on spurious reasons.

It doesn't have to, but it keeps being hijacked to the extent I darn't boast and end up self-effacing our achievements to avoid being snotty. What if our politicions became the same when trying to bring jobs in and said " oh no no we are just the same as everyone else" or "Were too good to design your foreign trinket"

Can we have a nationalsm without regards to colour, where out grand-parents were born or religious choices? Where I saw nationalism as a manipulating force was with Bush when he waged war said, "If you are not with us you are against America" Pure facism. In sports I have to support England even if it is a team made up of individuals I despise in local games. That's as far as it goes.

Why are we still ploughing millions in aid into India?

They are the PC term for bribes now to buy our Warplanes. India give a lot more to Africa, to buy what I'm not sure, flip-flops or something.

It isn't just the goalposts that have moved it's a different game in a different ballpark.
ReservoirDog  - | 132  
14 Mar 2012 /  #313
90% of Polish people I have chatted to have racist view towards Asian and black people in the UK

Few years before Poland joined European Union I took a trip to London. On the first day in this beautiful city, on Oxford Street next to fountain, I asked one gentelman to take a photo. He did. Then he asked where am I from. I said: from Poland with big smile on my face. Then I heard : "you fooking polish, you fooking..." This was my first day in England.

If there is no racism against Poles, then what does it mean??

According to the United Nations Convention :

the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
14 Mar 2012 /  #314
Do you think black people born in Britain are British ?
ReservoirDog  - | 132  
14 Mar 2012 /  #316
Hmmm, intresting. I didn't notice it before but now i checked it again and in polish translation of "racial discrimination" shall mean=does mean :). In this term racial discrimination = ethnic discrimination. I knew I was describing xenophobia, but I don't know what to think about this term of "racial discrimination".
Ironside  50 | 12928  
14 Mar 2012 /  #317

What percentage of British people (white) agree with you ? approximately.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Mar 2012 /  #318
I honestly have no idea....do I look like a Gallup poll?
More than you would expect I think.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Mar 2012 /  #319
I think we should introduce ironside to Two Tone sometime :)
Youd be surprised ironside, even a lot of our rascists will give black brits a free pass......they are a lot more nuanced these days, Muslims and Chavs are the new " Black/irish/Dogs".
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
15 Mar 2012 /  #320
Racism and antisemitism are still quite significant in Poland.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Mar 2012 /  #321
LOL ! How can you know what is and what isn't significant in Poland ? You're just a clown without any clue about this country.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
15 Mar 2012 /  #322
I'm sure a Polish man or woman cannot be a fan of most things African based on more than some embedded "ism," maybe they just haven't liked what they've seen or experienced.

Why is it always white people's "fault" for any negative feelings they may have regarding the culture and values of a people who aren't white?

If a Chinese person doesn't like European culture, does that make him racist or normal?
jon357  72 | 23482  
15 Mar 2012 /  #323
Why is it always white people's "fault" for any negative feelings they may have regarding the culture and values of a people who aren't white?

Because of the damage that is all too often done.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
15 Mar 2012 /  #324
What are you talking about? What "damage?" Who is it done by? Who/what is damaged? How is it done?
jon357  72 | 23482  
15 Mar 2012 /  #325
Are you suggesting that slavery, apartheid, segregation, colour bars and racial attacks are all a bad dream?
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
15 Mar 2012 /  #326
LOL ! How can you know what is and what isn't significant in Poland ? You're just a clown without any clue about this country.

I lived in Poland for a significant amount of time. I even learned the language pretty well.

My friends and business partners who have been in Poland would also agree with me. Not to mention, surveys conducted by the Anti-Defamation League show that antisemitism is very significant in Poland.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
15 Mar 2012 /  #327
Are you suggesting that slavery, apartheid, segregation, colour bars and racial attacks are all a bad dream?

Are you suggesting that slavery is or has only been a race related issue- look up the etymology of the word.
Are you suggesting ALL white people bear the burden of guilt for apartheid and segregation? It seems you're the one who is guilty of racism here.

Poles, to the best of my knowledge, don't have a shared history of enslaving members of other races so why would you bring that up along with apartheid and segregation if a Pole should happen to dislike non-Caucasian people or culture?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Mar 2012 /  #328
Are you suggesting that slavery, apartheid, segregation, colour bars and racial attacks are all a bad dream?

Just as many Blacks and Black Empires have done just that.
Zulus invaded where they live now and slaughtered the lighter skinned Africans they found.
West African tribes enslaved other tribes and still do, white people dont buy the cast offs anymore though......
Wooly minded nonsense to think white people are the only rascists.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
15 Mar 2012 /  #329
More than you would expect I think

EM_Wave  9 | 310  
16 Mar 2012 /  #330
Wooly minded nonsense to think white people are the only rascists.

No race has oppressed other races like the white people have. That is a fact.

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