I think you have a bit of distorted view on prostitution as it is. There are plenty of female students who act like prostitutes in their free time in order to finance either their studies or to be able to afford that big car they want. And face it, for a woman this is the easiest way of making money. Some do it because they simply like sex and make out of their hobby their work, so to say.
I have never met or heard of a prostitute who was totally clear and OK with her lifestyle. Drugs are involved most of the time.
In Amsterdam's Red Light District, which is about the biggest and most famous red light district in the world, prostitutes who use drugs are not even allowed. Drugs prostitution you find mostly in the darker sides of town. And all the prostitutes in the Red Light District pay taxes.
A more accurate portrayal is that their lifestyle is so bad already that prostitution can't possibly make it any worse.
No, that's your interpretation of it. Probably infused with religious moral ethics.
So selling marijuana is comparable to being paid to have someones dick jammed repeatedly in your vagina, mouth or anus, having them release semen inside your body at the risk of pregnancy and contracting diseases, and then using the money "earned" to buy cocaine and snort yourself into a coma? Yeah, I see the parallels.
You haven't understood what I was saying, so far is clear now. I will explain once again: I said services that cannot be bought in shops, offices or factories. Services or acts that normally cannot be bought at all. Selling maryjane already implies that it can be bought or sold quite normally. There is a big group of heroine-hookers as we call them, and those are what you're referring to, but the majority of the prostitutes are, at least in NL, otherwise normal girls who just want a bigger car, jewelry, finance their studies or simply like sex. I knw it's hard to comprehend, but it's the modern world.
That sounds more like escorts
Let's above all not forget that escort girls are also prostitutes.
Edit: oh and besides the heroin-hookers ALL prostitutes use condoms, the pill and are being checked by doctors bi-weekly in NL.
M-G (haec hactenus)